Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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Oh, stop it, Lud. You are as whiny as Valerie or Hollie etc. for being told, "no, not just once more." I said you attacked me and the OP because you are an atheist. True that. You have not been courteous continuously to me. Anyone can read above.

I told you what I thought, and that that would be the end of our discussion. You have been hammering on me ever since. No, you don't get "just once more." No, I don't have to answer your questions about God, because your questions are irrelevant to me. When you keep it up, you are acting as unworthily as the Westboro Baptists.

So, no, you don't get "just once more," and I will keep correcting you when you bring up material I have told you that I won't discuss with you.
Cissy Houston says Bobbi Kristina still has irreversible brain damage - The Washington Post

If she did open her eyes I am sure she is like Terri Shivo was and you guys on the left cheered when her husband got the right to take her off the feeding tube.

I find that Shivo story to be very sad. Her parents were willing to care for her and they said that she knew who they were! I do not believe they will ever be able to prove otherwise. If a parent does not know their own child, what they are experiencing? Who else would? They were there with her constantly. Of course they knew!

Terri Schiavo's entire upper brain was gone. There was nothing there but liquid (according to the autopsy). Whatever movement there was happened because of some stimulation to the lower brain that caused the autonomic nervous system to twitch. The parents simply did not want to acknowledge that their daughter was gone. Her husband was following her wishes that she be allowed to die. But Terri Schiavo had no higher brain at all.

I have long thought that our ethics have not kept up with our technology. We have the ability to save lives that should not be saved. By saving the life of Schiavo, Whitney's daughter, we relegate them to years of being a vegetable. What could be more cruel than that?

If there is money, it can go on for a lifetime. I remember reading that Sonny von Bulow existed in that condition for more than 20 years.

Alive but not living.
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Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

Nobody believes you were ever catholic. your ignorance and hatred is too great to have ever been raised in the faith
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

Yes, that's the answer he needs to hear, how much you hate the Catholic Church. If you could only hear yourself. Even rational non-christians don't think that the Catholic Church is a "cult" and when you start going nutty, you lose them because they know you're off your meds. It's hard to draw people with the message of "become a Christian so you can be as nutty as me". Whatever your feelings are of the Catholic Church, if you don't learn to start showing restraint, your gospel message will always be muddied by your bitter agenda. Most Protestants share some degree of disagreement with Catholic doctrine, but they don't think it's a cult and in fact, unless pressed, they don't even bring it up in conversation. You could learn a thing or two from them because they are experiencing joy that you deprive yourself of.
Cissy Houston says Bobbi Kristina still has irreversible brain damage - The Washington Post

If she did open her eyes I am sure she is like Terri Shivo was and you guys on the left cheered when her husband got the right to take her off the feeding tube.

I find that Shivo story to be very sad. Her parents were willing to care for her and they said that she knew who they were! I do not believe they will ever be able to prove otherwise. If a parent does not know their own child, what they are experiencing? Who else would? They were there with her constantly. Of course they knew!

Terri Schiavo's entire upper brain was gone. There was nothing there but liquid (according to the autopsy). Whatever movement there was happened because of some stimulation to the lower brain that caused the autonomic nervous system to twitch. The parents simply did not want to acknowledge that their daughter was gone. Her husband was following her wishes that she be allowed to die. But Terri Schiavo had no higher brain at all.
^ that Jeremiah

What kind of sky pixie would condone keeping alive someone who only has a brain stem (simple autonomous capabilities) and nothing else.? YOUR sky pixie?
Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.
You're wrong. When you approach the precipice of death and look over and see the yawning void of darkness into which you will forever exist, you will know true dread.

True but there is more than eternal darkness awaiting the lost. There are some excellent testimonials / works that have been done which recount the final words of atheists on their death beds and the sheer terror they were in just before their deaths. Some even feeling the flames and the torment of the demons waiting to drag them to hell. It would be wisdom for people on this board to carefully study such works and consider that it is far more important to prepare one's self for eternity than to be concerned for the temporal things of this world. In the scope of eternity we should be asking ourselves how much will these things matter in eternity? If it matters? Carry on! If it does not matter? Do not waste your time! We must redeem the time because it is running out faster than we can know.

One testimony which just came to me - the death of Anton Lavey - founder of the Church of Satan. He died in a Catholic hospital and he was reportedly penniless at his death. The story was told that his close friend, a fellow satanist was at his bedside as he was dying. He began to scream in terror - something is wrong! Something is wrong! The demons were already turning on him and putting him in sheer terror - whereas he thought he would be in control of those demons as he was on earth - through his satanic rituals - he suddenly realized this would not be the case in hell - it was as if he were already there - his words and state of agony - so impressed his friend who was at his bedside that it is reported the person left Satanism and became a born again Christian. Anton Lavey's own son also became a born again Christian and had to flee for his life as he was hunted by the Satanists for converting to Christ. To this day they deny this young man fled his father's coven but I've heard his testimony on audio interview and have no doubt he was at one time Lavey's son. He is today a son of God however and that is proof that God's arm is not too short to save any individual no matter how deeply their entrenchment in the vileness of sin and darkness.

On this we have some degree of agreement. I've seen plenty of evidence that as people approach death, they are allowed to peer into what awaits them. This certainly was true in the Biblical account of the martyrdom of St. Stephen who saw into heaven just before he was stoned to death. I've heard hospice nurses give testimony of people who died as Christians being peaceful to the end, while those dying apart from Christ experiencing misery and restlessness. I think of it as everyone walking in a fog our whole lives but toward the end, when we reach our destination, it becomes clear, just like any object in the fog becomes more visible the closer you get to it. I myself have at times felt fear for my life only to be enveloped in this tremendous sense of peace. I know without any doubt that the Lord will be there on my dying day.

The video I chose is so telling and, I think, part of the brilliance of the director Clint Eastwood who himself is struggling with spiritual issues at the twilight on his life. He got it just right. A man who kidnapped and murdered several boys all around the Los Angeles area was set to be executed. He's afraid of hell and so he went through all the steps the minister told him to, but he never really repented, and in fact couldn't because he pushed himself beyond the mercy of God. As I've said repeatedly, God is not a slot machine to dispense forgiveness and eternal life to everyone who manipulates the lever. As he's pushed up the steps to the platform he's overtaken by a sense of dread for what surely awaited him. The damned all experience the separation from God that is so sad it's like sucking the breath out of them, but murderers have something much more dreadful waiting for them. Jesus spoke of unholy maggots, the worm that never dies, and I believe that he was talking about the fate of murderers, each victim represented by a torturous fiend that bores through the flesh for eternity. This movie was spot on and is a credit to Clint Eastwood's brilliant insights into the afterlife.
All religions incorporate or have characteristics of cults. They're all selling the same product - an invisible, all knowing, all powerful creature who doesn't actually DO anything except threaten to torture you for all eternity. Each religion has to come up with a gimmick to make you believe that, out of all the gods, all the religions, their god, their version of the myth is the one you should choose.

Biggest difference between established religions and new cults is how long they've been in existence.
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

Nobody believes you were ever catholic. your ignorance and hatred is too great to have ever been raised in the faith

Whether she was or wasn't, she certainly has a hatred for the Catholic Church that has nothing to do with God, for God is not inspiring such bigotry against his own church. One of the biggest lies that raised-catholics tell is that they had to leave the Catholic Church to find Jesus, which is absolute nonsense. In fact, it confounds true piety for them to not admit that they were rejecting God in the Catholic Church and eventually left because nobody can long be Catholic who has not experienced true conversion of the heart. They then, by the grace of God, find Jesus in another denomination but then contemptuously blame the Catholic Church for keeping them from Jesus all those years. They don't take an ounce of responsibility for their own recalcitrance.

Jeremiah is probably one of those who made fun of the nuns and priests administering and teaching in school. She slept through class, doodled, got together with her friends and ridiculed the subject material, or otherwise spent her time NOT absorbing what she was being taught. The Catholic Church teaches kids about Jesus, but you know the old saying that you can bring a horse to water.... Until she accepts full responsibility for her own rejection of the love of God in Christ Jesus all those years, she'll always have a scapegoat. It's a mark of spiritual immaturity and I don't know if she'll ever grow out of it.
This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
A can opener will not work if someone does not operate it, PMH. It wasn't created to operate on its own any more than you were!

Note* I thank Jesus for everything! Including my can opener!
Then you're a fucking moron...
Says the Westboro Atheist.

And you wish her dead as you do all humans.

Jake, Are you having a bad day, or something? Chill out....
That was aimed at PMF. Paint My Face as repeatedly stated he wants humanity wiped from the face of the world.
This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
She was only on life support because she was in a medically induced coma. The coma was supposed to give her brain a chance to rest. Sadly drugs had destroyed her brain beyond capacity.
This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
She was only on life support because she was in a medically induced coma. The coma was supposed to give her brain a chance to rest. Sadly drugs had destroyed her brain beyond capacity.
I thought they said that they expect a full recovery?
All religions incorporate or have characteristics of cults. They're all selling the same product - an invisible, all knowing, all powerful creature who doesn't actually DO anything except threaten to torture you for all eternity. Each religion has to come up with a gimmick to make you believe that, out of all the gods, all the religions, their god, their version of the myth is the one you should choose.

Biggest difference between established religions and new cults is how long they've been in existence.
^ that Jeremiah

This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
She was only on life support because she was in a medically induced coma. The coma was supposed to give her brain a chance to rest. Sadly drugs had destroyed her brain beyond capacity.
link? :eusa_eh:

and "destroyed beyond capacity"? What does that even mean crazy rw cat lady?
This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
She was only on life support because she was in a medically induced coma. The coma was supposed to give her brain a chance to rest. Sadly drugs had destroyed her brain beyond capacity.
link? :eusa_eh:

and "destroyed beyond capacity"? What does that even mean crazy rw cat lady?
There is no medical or scientific link to support Tipsy's silly ass claim.
This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.
She was only on life support because she was in a medically induced coma. The coma was supposed to give her brain a chance to rest. Sadly drugs had destroyed her brain beyond capacity.
link? :eusa_eh:

and "destroyed beyond capacity"? What does that even mean crazy rw cat lady?

Are they talking about Schiavo or Houston's daughter?

Did anyone ever say that about either one?

Tipsy said she was there when Whitney died so maybe she's saying she has inside information about her daughter's case as well. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
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This is so humorous because I imagine there are people on this site who would have clamored to take her off life support within days of the event.


You have such a warped and vile sense of what it funny. There is NOTHING humorous about this tragedy. NOTHING.

Personally, I would not want to be brain dead and on life support for any period of time. That is my right. It is also the right of my family to follow my wishes.

Sadly, both family and hospital staff can and do go against the wishes of the patient and family. If we have learned anything from these horrible, catastrophic injuries, it is that we should all have a living will, a final directive, in writing.

Even that is no guarantee your wishes will be followed.
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