Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

While that is the Wicca you know - that you were taught - the truth is - that may be your truth but not the truth of what is behind it. It is lies built upon lies because the powers you are working with are demons, Winterborn. There is no way around that.

What you are telling me is the same thing John Todd said he believed having been raised in Witchcraft all his life and his family being the second most powerful Witchcraft family in the USA - the Collins family. He was raised to believe that the Christians were the most evil people on all the earth. (because Satan didn't want him to know the truth which would eventually set him free) The Collins family changed their last name to Todd after having come into some sort of trouble he says - in his testimony. Now after he had killed a man in the military - he was given an honorable discharge after a Senator and another man came to pick him up and have him released from his imprisonment. His mother told him that the people who helped to be free and even given an honorable discharge belonged to them. She didn't mean that they were Witches but rather that they worked for them - were controlled by them (the Collins / Todd family).

Later he was sent to be instructed in "real Witchcraft" and it was Raymond Buckley who was appointed to train him. He attended high level meetings with these people and learned at that time of human sacrifice and how the people at the highest levels such as the Council of 13 ran America and her politicians - which seek after power,position, wealth and are selling their own souls for it. John Todd sat on the Council of 13 after his training and another member of the Council of 13 "suddenly died". Todd wondered if the person wasn't killed to make that opening for him possible. After all, his family lineage was that he was the only male heir to the Collins family (at that time). If you are interested in hearing his story it is available on You tube. I've listened to numerous testimonies by him on You tube videos and believe he was telling the truth. The Lord has used people such as John Todd many times to expose the work of the enemy and reveal that the spiritual warfare Christians are in is real.

Still - perhaps one of Satan's greatest successes is in deceiving people such as yourself that what you are into is harmless -that Satan doesn't exist and that what you are seeking has nothing to do with Satan - and for Christians - that what people like Todd come forth to tell - is not true but merely made up stories. In both cases, ignorance is not bliss but downright deadly, Winterborn. I am praying that God will impress that upon you and also that His desire in coming to earth to die on a cross for your sins was not to condemn you but rather to redeem you / to save you! That is what Christ came for. It was His love for us that compelled Him not His Wrath.

I have a little video lesson on the truth about Wicca. Hold on and I'll go get it.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

While that is the Wicca you know - that you were taught - the truth is - that may be your truth but not the truth of what is behind it. It is lies built upon lies because the powers you are working with are demons, Winterborn. There is no way around that.

What you are telling me is the same thing John Todd said he believed having been raised in Witchcraft all his life and his family being the second most powerful Witchcraft family in the USA - the Collins family. He was raised to believe that the Christians were the most evil people on all the earth. (because Satan didn't want him to know the truth which would eventually set him free) The Collins family changed their last name to Todd after having come into some sort of trouble he says - in his testimony. Now after he had killed a man in the military - he was given an honorable discharge after a Senator and another man came to pick him up and have him released from his imprisonment. His mother told him that the people who helped to be free and even given an honorable discharge belonged to them. She didn't mean that they were Witches but rather that they worked for them - were controlled by them (the Collins / Todd family).

Later he was sent to be instructed in "real Witchcraft" and it was Raymond Buckley who was appointed to train him. He attended high level meetings with these people and learned at that time of human sacrifice and how the people at the highest levels such as the Council of 13 ran America and her politicians - which seek after power,position, wealth and are selling their own souls for it. John Todd sat on the Council of 13 after his training and another member of the Council of 13 "suddenly died". Todd wondered if the person wasn't killed to make that opening for him possible. After all, his family lineage was that he was the only male heir to the Collins family (at that time). If you are interested in hearing his story it is available on You tube. I've listened to numerous testimonies by him on You tube videos and believe he was telling the truth. The Lord has used people such as John Todd many times to expose the work of the enemy and reveal that the spiritual warfare Christians are in is real.

Still - perhaps one of Satan's greatest successes is in deceiving people such as yourself that what you are into is harmless -that Satan doesn't exist and that what you are seeking has nothing to do with Satan - and for Christians - that what people like Todd come forth to tell - is not true but merely made up stories. In both cases, ignorance is not bliss but downright deadly, Winterborn. I am praying that God will impress that upon you and also that His desire in coming to earth to die on a cross for your sins was not to condemn you but rather to redeem you / to save you! That is what Christ came for. It was His love for us that compelled Him not His Wrath.

I have a little video lesson on the truth about Wicca. Hold on and I'll go get it.

Spare me the video. As I said, if they practiced human sacrifice they were NOT practicing Wicca. It is that simple. There is no human sacrifice in Wicca. As Luddley pointed out, the most basic creed in the faith is the Wiccan rede.

The longer version of what Luddley quoted is:

"Bide the Wiccan Rede ye must
in perfect love and perfect trust
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
"An ye harm none, do what ye will"

What ye send out comes back to thee
so ever mind the Rule of Three
Follow this with mind and heart
Merry ye meet and merry ye part"

Now is some evil being were wanting to harm people, a religion based on that would be a total failure.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.
Jeez, the "Council of Thirteen" is part of that cult of lunatics that believe "reptilians" are ruling our world. And your guy thinks THAT has anything to do with Wicca? Sorry, not even in the same ballpark.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
Who's we?
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

While that is the Wicca you know - that you were taught - the truth is - that may be your truth but not the truth of what is behind it. It is lies built upon lies because the powers you are working with are demons, Winterborn. There is no way around that.

What you are telling me is the same thing John Todd said he believed having been raised in Witchcraft all his life and his family being the second most powerful Witchcraft family in the USA - the Collins family. He was raised to believe that the Christians were the most evil people on all the earth. (because Satan didn't want him to know the truth which would eventually set him free) The Collins family changed their last name to Todd after having come into some sort of trouble he says - in his testimony. Now after he had killed a man in the military - he was given an honorable discharge after a Senator and another man came to pick him up and have him released from his imprisonment. His mother told him that the people who helped to be free and even given an honorable discharge belonged to them. She didn't mean that they were Witches but rather that they worked for them - were controlled by them (the Collins / Todd family).

Later he was sent to be instructed in "real Witchcraft" and it was Raymond Buckley who was appointed to train him. He attended high level meetings with these people and learned at that time of human sacrifice and how the people at the highest levels such as the Council of 13 ran America and her politicians - which seek after power,position, wealth and are selling their own souls for it. John Todd sat on the Council of 13 after his training and another member of the Council of 13 "suddenly died". Todd wondered if the person wasn't killed to make that opening for him possible. After all, his family lineage was that he was the only male heir to the Collins family (at that time). If you are interested in hearing his story it is available on You tube. I've listened to numerous testimonies by him on You tube videos and believe he was telling the truth. The Lord has used people such as John Todd many times to expose the work of the enemy and reveal that the spiritual warfare Christians are in is real.

Still - perhaps one of Satan's greatest successes is in deceiving people such as yourself that what you are into is harmless -that Satan doesn't exist and that what you are seeking has nothing to do with Satan - and for Christians - that what people like Todd come forth to tell - is not true but merely made up stories. In both cases, ignorance is not bliss but downright deadly, Winterborn. I am praying that God will impress that upon you and also that His desire in coming to earth to die on a cross for your sins was not to condemn you but rather to redeem you / to save you! That is what Christ came for. It was His love for us that compelled Him not His Wrath.

I have a little video lesson on the truth about Wicca. Hold on and I'll go get it.

Spare me the video. As I said, if they practiced human sacrifice they were NOT practicing Wicca. It is that simple. There is no human sacrifice in Wicca. As Luddley pointed out, the most basic creed in the faith is the Wiccan rede.

The longer version of what Luddley quoted is:

"Bide the Wiccan Rede ye must
in perfect love and perfect trust
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
"An ye harm none, do what ye will"

What ye send out comes back to thee
so ever mind the Rule of Three
Follow this with mind and heart
Merry ye meet and merry ye part"

Now is some evil being were wanting to harm people, a religion based on that would be a total failure.

On the contrary the occult is enjoying great growth. It could very well be that it is the fastest growing religion in the world right now, Winterborn. First I want you to examine this story called the Broken Cross which is based on a true story and the information given came partly from John Todd but there were also case history notes given to support his story as true. Here is the link and it is opened to page 1. Just read through it - it won't take up too much of your time and see for yourself what Wicca is about. Alright? Thank you.

Jack Chick Tracts - Read here Page 43 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I will get the video for you also because that will only take you a few moments to read and see the pictures in it. It should not take up much of your time at all and I believe it will be of great help to you in understand that although the girl in the story was a follower of Wicca - white witchcraft - she had no idea she was in over her head..... it is also based on a true story.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.

Many scholars participated in the examination of the bible and there were people invited who were not Christians, Winterborn. See the Book by Josh McDowell entitled, Evidence that demands a verdict.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

While that is the Wicca you know - that you were taught - the truth is - that may be your truth but not the truth of what is behind it. It is lies built upon lies because the powers you are working with are demons, Winterborn. There is no way around that.

What you are telling me is the same thing John Todd said he believed having been raised in Witchcraft all his life and his family being the second most powerful Witchcraft family in the USA - the Collins family. He was raised to believe that the Christians were the most evil people on all the earth. (because Satan didn't want him to know the truth which would eventually set him free) The Collins family changed their last name to Todd after having come into some sort of trouble he says - in his testimony. Now after he had killed a man in the military - he was given an honorable discharge after a Senator and another man came to pick him up and have him released from his imprisonment. His mother told him that the people who helped to be free and even given an honorable discharge belonged to them. She didn't mean that they were Witches but rather that they worked for them - were controlled by them (the Collins / Todd family).

Later he was sent to be instructed in "real Witchcraft" and it was Raymond Buckley who was appointed to train him. He attended high level meetings with these people and learned at that time of human sacrifice and how the people at the highest levels such as the Council of 13 ran America and her politicians - which seek after power,position, wealth and are selling their own souls for it. John Todd sat on the Council of 13 after his training and another member of the Council of 13 "suddenly died". Todd wondered if the person wasn't killed to make that opening for him possible. After all, his family lineage was that he was the only male heir to the Collins family (at that time). If you are interested in hearing his story it is available on You tube. I've listened to numerous testimonies by him on You tube videos and believe he was telling the truth. The Lord has used people such as John Todd many times to expose the work of the enemy and reveal that the spiritual warfare Christians are in is real.

Still - perhaps one of Satan's greatest successes is in deceiving people such as yourself that what you are into is harmless -that Satan doesn't exist and that what you are seeking has nothing to do with Satan - and for Christians - that what people like Todd come forth to tell - is not true but merely made up stories. In both cases, ignorance is not bliss but downright deadly, Winterborn. I am praying that God will impress that upon you and also that His desire in coming to earth to die on a cross for your sins was not to condemn you but rather to redeem you / to save you! That is what Christ came for. It was His love for us that compelled Him not His Wrath.

I have a little video lesson on the truth about Wicca. Hold on and I'll go get it.

Is everything you "know" based on eclectic sites with an agenda? As long as you keep confusing witchcraft and wicca, you will be written off as ignorant. No wonder you can't understand the Catholic Church, your xenophobia preventing you from understanding anything outside your extremely narrow set of beliefs.
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
Who's we?
Concerned individuals. People the world over that pray for an end of hate and for the unification of the church in god's love
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.

Right now, Winterborn is coming off as very sane by comparison to the nuttiness of Jeremiah.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.
Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.

Right now, Winterborn is coming off as very sane by comparison to the nuttiness of Jeremiah.

And when I am the sane one in a conversation, something is truly screwed up. :D
You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.

Right now, Winterborn is coming off as very sane by comparison to the nuttiness of Jeremiah.

And when I am the sane one in a conversation, something is truly screwed up. :D

You're not all that bad, just misunderstood.
Okay, this is the first video - it is called Satan's Master and exposes the truth about Wicca - it is based on a true story. I would advise turning off the volume and using the arrow to stop the video at each frame so that you can slowly read each set of pictures and pay close attention to what is said. The music playing in the background is a distraction and it is better for the viewer to read it slowly - I find the picture frames move a bit too fast.

No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

While that is the Wicca you know - that you were taught - the truth is - that may be your truth but not the truth of what is behind it. It is lies built upon lies because the powers you are working with are demons, Winterborn. There is no way around that.

What you are telling me is the same thing John Todd said he believed having been raised in Witchcraft all his life and his family being the second most powerful Witchcraft family in the USA - the Collins family. He was raised to believe that the Christians were the most evil people on all the earth. (because Satan didn't want him to know the truth which would eventually set him free) The Collins family changed their last name to Todd after having come into some sort of trouble he says - in his testimony. Now after he had killed a man in the military - he was given an honorable discharge after a Senator and another man came to pick him up and have him released from his imprisonment. His mother told him that the people who helped to be free and even given an honorable discharge belonged to them. She didn't mean that they were Witches but rather that they worked for them - were controlled by them (the Collins / Todd family).

Later he was sent to be instructed in "real Witchcraft" and it was Raymond Buckley who was appointed to train him. He attended high level meetings with these people and learned at that time of human sacrifice and how the people at the highest levels such as the Council of 13 ran America and her politicians - which seek after power,position, wealth and are selling their own souls for it. John Todd sat on the Council of 13 after his training and another member of the Council of 13 "suddenly died". Todd wondered if the person wasn't killed to make that opening for him possible. After all, his family lineage was that he was the only male heir to the Collins family (at that time). If you are interested in hearing his story it is available on You tube. I've listened to numerous testimonies by him on You tube videos and believe he was telling the truth. The Lord has used people such as John Todd many times to expose the work of the enemy and reveal that the spiritual warfare Christians are in is real.

Still - perhaps one of Satan's greatest successes is in deceiving people such as yourself that what you are into is harmless -that Satan doesn't exist and that what you are seeking has nothing to do with Satan - and for Christians - that what people like Todd come forth to tell - is not true but merely made up stories. In both cases, ignorance is not bliss but downright deadly, Winterborn. I am praying that God will impress that upon you and also that His desire in coming to earth to die on a cross for your sins was not to condemn you but rather to redeem you / to save you! That is what Christ came for. It was His love for us that compelled Him not His Wrath.

I have a little video lesson on the truth about Wicca. Hold on and I'll go get it.

Is everything you "know" based on eclectic sites with an agenda? As long as you keep confusing witchcraft and wicca, you will be written off as ignorant. No wonder you can't understand the Catholic Church, your xenophobia preventing you from understanding anything outside your extremely narrow set of beliefs.

Witchcraft and wicca are both equally retarded. Today's brands are movements that have sprung up recently, who bear no resemblance to past cults. It's just made up shit by grown up children who think it's cool to taunt God.
Last edited:
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.

Listen to me, Winterborn. The early Christians had the Scriptures. Long before 300 A.D. the Christians had these Scriptures with them and shared them in underground meetings as they were running for their lives. The persecution began shortly after the day of Pentecost in the upper room where 120 gathered. See Acts Chapter 1. Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion about 300 A.D. but was a Pagan sun god worshipper until his death. Catholicism was not based on the early church but on destroying the early church! The entire teaching - rituals were based on twisting what scriptures they could find on early Christians and use to create their own false religion - the truth is Catholicism is based on Semiramis & Tammuz her son - she was a Witch - a powerful Witch who was the first with her husband to do human sacrifice - eating human flesh and drinking blood - Nimrod's uncle was the son of Noah - Shem - he put Nimrod to death for this but Semiramis continued to carry her religion on - underground and called on the members to all make confession to her "Priests"......you see the entire thing was based on the occult - The bible of the Roman Catholics is not the King James Bible. Did you know that Augustine was given the assignment by the Vatican to find those Scriptures among the true Christians in order to seize them for the Vatican? Yes, he was. Still the Scriptures which would later become the King James Bible were preserved because it was the will of God!

The truth is the Scriptures in the King James Bible have been examined comparing manuscripts from before the time of Catholicism (although not in book form yet) and the scholars agree after examining the evidence and early writings - that the King James Version bible is the most authentic - intact - book of antiquity on earth today - the second is the Illiad. That is the facts and you have been the victim of the same old lie I've heard before.

Yeah, you keep going with that. King James was a noted misogynist. The translation reflects that.

And it is a FACT that there were (are?) over 8,000 contradictory manuscripts from which the King Jame bible was created.

And these scholars were who? I have not seen any secular scholars proclaim anything of the sort. Now the Old testament is a well preserved set of books. But the New Testament? Not so much.
Progressive dingbats assume that their bigotry and dishonesty is shared by every authority, and reflected in every writing, since the dawn of time.

Winterborn is a psycho, as I'm sure all his neighbors are aware. I can look at his picture and tell that he's a disgusting pervert as well. He's not worth the spit it would take to talk to him, and he's certainly not worth the effort it takes to write to him. Put his dumb ass on ignore, he doesn't warrant notice.

Awww, you say the sweetest things.

And you can tell I am a disgusting pervert by my picture? Really? I had no idea that a picture of a guy (from the shoulders up) smiling and smoking a cigar could say so much. lmao

My neighbors are certainly aware of me. I have been living here two years and made numerous friends. Apparently being a witty, handsome, generous, non-judgemental, dog loving, gardening, outdoorsy sort of a fellow is popular these days. Who knew?
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