Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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One has to be deemed mentally competent for a legal document to be valid. koshergrl fails that tes.
I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

NOt that I have any love for the Catholic Church, but did you ever think how fucked up this actually sounds.

So let me get htis straight. God comes down as Jesus and gets crucified because he's a big drama queen. and he does this to establish his church but his followers fuck it up and create the Catholic "Cult" as you say. and your perfect, omniscient, omnipotent God allows this, allows billions of otherwise well-meaning people to go to Hell to be tortured for all eternity because HE didn't make it clear what his church should be.

Then he waits 1500 years to maybe start the Protestant Reformation so that would eventually lead to whatever band of Chick Track reading mutants you belong to, but he still lets billions of Catholics and Orthodox and other Protestant sects like the ones that marry gay people all go to Hell, why again?
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.

I beg to differ. It does most definitely have relevance in the fact that what happened would not have happened had the mother reported the husband to the police and pressed charges. Her duty as a mother was to protect her daughter. God gave that responsibility to the parents. He said, You train them in the way that they should go...... You bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Parents, do not provoke your children to anger........ God didn't say I'll raise your kids for you. He said, You are the parent. You will be held accountable. Understand?

Stop blaming God for what Satan did, Winterborn. Take responsibility for the fact that you by your own admission have chosen the occult over God and therein have a relationship with the very enemy that caused your wife such unspeakable suffering and torment! Satan!

What you need to do is repent. Roger Ellsworth once said: True repentance always honours God, it acknowledges him to be God and acknowledges his rights as God. In other words, repentance is where one stops filling his mouth with arguments against God, and takes his place as the creature before the Creator. You will never know repentance and the peace and joy it brings as long as you are interested in defending yourself against God. "That is not fair! " I do not see how God can do that." These are the stock sentiments of the person who is a stranger to repentance. The one who uses them only reflects his ignorance of this statement:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways: and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9

Who are you to judge God? You need to recognize Who it is you are speaking about and realize it is the mercy and goodness of God that you're still on this earth, Winterborn. Hell is full of people who spoke the same sort of accusations against God as you have here today and yet had no grounds to justify themselves in doing so. It's too late for them but for you? There is still hope. Your problem is your heart. You have hardened your heart against God and without cause. You should seek Him and ask Him to work on your heart. That is where your trouble lies.
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

Nobody believes you were ever catholic. your ignorance and hatred is too great to have ever been raised in the faith

Whether she was or wasn't, she certainly has a hatred for the Catholic Church that has nothing to do with God, for God is not inspiring such bigotry against his own church. One of the biggest lies that raised-catholics tell is that they had to leave the Catholic Church to find Jesus, which is absolute nonsense. In fact, it confounds true piety for them to not admit that they were rejecting God in the Catholic Church and eventually left because nobody can long be Catholic who has not experienced true conversion of the heart. They then, by the grace of God, find Jesus in another denomination but then contemptuously blame the Catholic Church for keeping them from Jesus all those years. They don't take an ounce of responsibility for their own recalcitrance.

Jeremiah is probably one of those who made fun of the nuns and priests administering and teaching in school. She slept through class, doodled, got together with her friends and ridiculed the subject material, or otherwise spent her time NOT absorbing what she was being taught. The Catholic Church teaches kids about Jesus, but you know the old saying that you can bring a horse to water.... Until she accepts full responsibility for her own rejection of the love of God in Christ Jesus all those years, she'll always have a scapegoat. It's a mark of spiritual immaturity and I don't know if she'll ever grow out of it.

The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you. The bible never taught anyone to do pennance. The Bible tells us to repent. Not do pennance. To repent and confess our sins to who? A priest? No. To Jesus Christ. The RCC IS FULL of false teachings. I have never made fun of any nun, priest in the RCC -- that is a false accusation- I have only told the truth about their history and who they serve. (Satan) I'm not responsible for your decision to stay. Only to warn you that by doing so you are rejecting Jesus Christ. Born again Christians do not stay inside false churches. They leave them. Jesus said, Come out from among them and be ye separated! You need to decide whether or not you're going to let your pride and "400 years of family tradition" stand in the way of following Jesus Christ. You cannot have both. Following Christ will lead you to heaven and following Roman Catholicism will lead you to hell. Where would you prefer to spend eternity?
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Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.

I beg to differ. It does most definitely have relevance in the fact that what happened would not have happened had the mother reported the husband to the police and pressed charges. Her duty as a mother was to protect her daughter. God gave that responsibility to the parents. He said, You train them in the way that they should go...... You bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Parents, do not provoke your children to anger........ God didn't say I'll raise your kids for you. He said, You are the parent. You will be held accountable. Understand?

Stop blaming God for what Satan did, Winterborn. Take responsibility for the fact that you by your own admission have chosen the occult over God and therein have a relationship with the very enemy that caused your wife such unspeakable suffering and torment! Satan!

What you need to do is repent. Roger Ellsworth once said: True repentance always honours God, it acknowledges him to be God and acknowledges his rights as God. In other words, repentance is where one stops filling his mouth with arguments against God, and takes his place as the creature before the Creator. You will never know repentance and the peace and joy it brings as long as you are interested in defending yourself against God. "That is not fair! " I do not see how God can do that." These are the stock sentiments of the person who is a stranger to repentance. The one who uses them only reflects his ignorance of this statement:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways: and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9

Who are you to judge God? You need to recognize Who it is you are speaking about and realize it is the mercy and goodness of God that you're still on this earth, Winterborn. Hell is full of people who spoke the same sort of accusations against God as you have here today and yet had no grounds to justify themselves in doing so. It's too late for them but for you? There is still hope. Your problem is your heart. You have hardened your heart against God and without cause. You should seek Him and ask Him to work on your heart. That is where your trouble lies.

Typical holy roller. Preach on and on about how anything is possible with God and that he answers prayers and heals people. You even use an example of a kid who was reckless and did not take simple precautions like wearing a helmet. But a 5 year old who prays with all her heart continues to be horribly abused for 12 years and it is her mother's fault and even my fault because I was involved in Wicca years later.

Oh, and Wicca is not devil worship. There is no devil in the faith.
Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.

I beg to differ. It does most definitely have relevance in the fact that what happened would not have happened had the mother reported the husband to the police and pressed charges. Her duty as a mother was to protect her daughter. God gave that responsibility to the parents. He said, You train them in the way that they should go...... You bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Parents, do not provoke your children to anger........ God didn't say I'll raise your kids for you. He said, You are the parent. You will be held accountable. Understand?

Stop blaming God for what Satan did, Winterborn. Take responsibility for the fact that you by your own admission have chosen the occult over God and therein have a relationship with the very enemy that caused your wife such unspeakable suffering and torment! Satan!

What you need to do is repent. Roger Ellsworth once said: True repentance always honours God, it acknowledges him to be God and acknowledges his rights as God. In other words, repentance is where one stops filling his mouth with arguments against God, and takes his place as the creature before the Creator. You will never know repentance and the peace and joy it brings as long as you are interested in defending yourself against God. "That is not fair! " I do not see how God can do that." These are the stock sentiments of the person who is a stranger to repentance. The one who uses them only reflects his ignorance of this statement:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways: and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9

Who are you to judge God? You need to recognize Who it is you are speaking about and realize it is the mercy and goodness of God that you're still on this earth, Winterborn. Hell is full of people who spoke the same sort of accusations against God as you have here today and yet had no grounds to justify themselves in doing so. It's too late for them but for you? There is still hope. Your problem is your heart. You have hardened your heart against God and without cause. You should seek Him and ask Him to work on your heart. That is where your trouble lies.

Typical holy roller. Preach on and on about how anything is possible with God and that he answers prayers and heals people. You even use an example of a kid who was reckless and did not take simple precautions like wearing a helmet. But a 5 year old who prays with all her heart continues to be horribly abused for 12 years and it is her mother's fault and even my fault because I was involved in Wicca years later.

Oh, and Wicca is not devil worship. There is no devil in the faith.

Wicca is witchcraft and it is a sin that will take you straight to hell. You need to get out of it fast and you know it. Stop with the accusations against God. He had nothing to do with happened to your wife, Winterborn. God is not responsible. Do not blame Him.

God does answer prayer but if you are in a Catholic church for 17 years and think you are praying to God it does not change the fact that you are not praying to God but rather to a false deity that is presented as Jesus but is another Jesus - a false Jesus - based on false teachings which are rooted in the occult - Babylonian religion. See Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop for the history of the Roman Catholic religion and also I would tell your ex wife to look up Alberto Rivera testimony of an ex-Jesuit - the book is called - Alberto - read the story about his mother crying out to God on her death bed and he witnessed her death as she went to hell - without God - why? Because the God she was praying to was not God at all. It was a false deity lifted up as God in the Babylon religion she had been raised in and stayed in as an adult.
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
If I were not raised Roman Catholic I could not say so. I came from a very staunch Roman Catholic family. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic religion. NONE. This is the truth. Look up Alberto Rivera - ex-Jesuit testimony by Chick publications and learn the truth about Roman Catholicism. It will set you free if you are willing to read to the entire testimony. The problem with many Catholics is the same as those in Islam. They fear to think for themselves. They fear leaving, they fear ridicule or their families disowning them. It's a cult mentality.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
If I were not raised Roman Catholic I could not say so. I came from a very staunch Roman Catholic family. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic religion. NONE. This is the truth. Look up Alberto Rivera - ex-Jesuit testimony by Chick publications and learn the truth about Roman Catholicism. It will set you free if you are willing to read to the entire testimony. The problem with many Catholics is the same as those in Islam. They fear to think for themselves. They fear leaving, they fear ridicule or their families disowning them. It's a cult mentality.
Look, you have no understanding of the Catholic faith. You make claims about beliefs we don't have, beliefs any child brought up in the church would know better than to believe. What's more, someone like yourself that spends all their time attacking catholics would have mentionef this before.

You are a liar, but I'm sure you believe that your lie is in service of the greater good, just as you believe spreading jack chick's lies and evil are helping people.

Truly, examine your heart. Is your faith one of love or hatred? Here you only show hatred. Where then does your faith come from?
The Roman Catholic Institution is an enemy of Jesus Christ and as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to speak the truth and tell others that there is no salvation in the RCC. Mary cannot save you, the Pope you cannot save you.
that is all one has to read to know you were never raised catholic.

We'll keep praying for you to accept God and reject the evil that has its grip on your heart
^ that
Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.

I beg to differ. It does most definitely have relevance in the fact that what happened would not have happened had the mother reported the husband to the police and pressed charges. Her duty as a mother was to protect her daughter. God gave that responsibility to the parents. He said, You train them in the way that they should go...... You bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Parents, do not provoke your children to anger........ God didn't say I'll raise your kids for you. He said, You are the parent. You will be held accountable. Understand?

Stop blaming God for what Satan did, Winterborn. Take responsibility for the fact that you by your own admission have chosen the occult over God and therein have a relationship with the very enemy that caused your wife such unspeakable suffering and torment! Satan!

What you need to do is repent. Roger Ellsworth once said: True repentance always honours God, it acknowledges him to be God and acknowledges his rights as God. In other words, repentance is where one stops filling his mouth with arguments against God, and takes his place as the creature before the Creator. You will never know repentance and the peace and joy it brings as long as you are interested in defending yourself against God. "That is not fair! " I do not see how God can do that." These are the stock sentiments of the person who is a stranger to repentance. The one who uses them only reflects his ignorance of this statement:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways: and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9

Who are you to judge God? You need to recognize Who it is you are speaking about and realize it is the mercy and goodness of God that you're still on this earth, Winterborn. Hell is full of people who spoke the same sort of accusations against God as you have here today and yet had no grounds to justify themselves in doing so. It's too late for them but for you? There is still hope. Your problem is your heart. You have hardened your heart against God and without cause. You should seek Him and ask Him to work on your heart. That is where your trouble lies.

Typical holy roller. Preach on and on about how anything is possible with God and that he answers prayers and heals people. You even use an example of a kid who was reckless and did not take simple precautions like wearing a helmet. But a 5 year old who prays with all her heart continues to be horribly abused for 12 years and it is her mother's fault and even my fault because I was involved in Wicca years later.

Oh, and Wicca is not devil worship. There is no devil in the faith.

It's hard to take seriously anyone who thinks the devil is in anything they don't trust or are ignorant about. A nutcase that thinks the devil is in every religion she disagrees with, even other Christian denominations destroys her own credibility. You are right to dismiss her.

Instead of the snarky, "Who are you to judge God?", I would readily admit that there's no easy answer to the scandal of human suffering. God sometimes intervenes, but often does not and we know he has the power to stop all evil but we also know he does not. And in your case, this is very personal because your ex wife prayed fervently for deliverance and it never came. The answer to human suffering brings little comfort. Mankind was given free will and with free will comes consequences that don't always reciprocate upon the offender, but instead afflict the innocent, even children. And then there are the tragic vicissitudes of life that have nothing to do with what somebody chose to do, like cancer. A good friend of mine's daughter died a cruel death at the age of seven.

God's mercy is revealed in the long term, sometimes not even in our lifetime. Imagine a slave in this country in the 18th century who will live his whole life praying for freedom, but it never comes, not in his lifetime. What he doesn't know is God hears his prayers, and the prayers of many of his afflicted brethren and is working a greater miracle that would put a permanent end to the institution of slavery. He never sees his prayers answered, but has faith they are heard, and while he never sees freedom, his children and grandchildren do. That's just an example of how God works.

The great consolation for us is not salvation in this lifetime, but the hopeful expectation of the joys of heaven where all evil and suffering will forever be eradicated. For my friend with his daughter, he knows with all his heart she's in heaven and that someday he'll see her again. This is what the Bible refers to in announcing that death has been swallowed up in victory, that Jesus rose from the dead and by doing so showed that we too shall rise from the dead, immortal and forever at peace, all our troubles are no more.

God weeps with you and is not indifferent to your suffering. Trust in him and you'll see that in the long run, we win.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

The more you promote your lunatic Jack Chick cartoons, the less people take you seriously. People are trying to find God, but they're tripping over you.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

That you believe in satan doesn't make it real or true any more than replacing a child's tooth with a quarter under his pillow makes the Tooth Fairy real.

And your obsession with Jack Chick is just as weird as he is. He preaches hate for the catholic church and feeds your obsession with that.

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.

I beg to differ. It does most definitely have relevance in the fact that what happened would not have happened had the mother reported the husband to the police and pressed charges. Her duty as a mother was to protect her daughter. God gave that responsibility to the parents. He said, You train them in the way that they should go...... You bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Parents, do not provoke your children to anger........ God didn't say I'll raise your kids for you. He said, You are the parent. You will be held accountable. Understand?

Stop blaming God for what Satan did, Winterborn. Take responsibility for the fact that you by your own admission have chosen the occult over God and therein have a relationship with the very enemy that caused your wife such unspeakable suffering and torment! Satan!

What you need to do is repent. Roger Ellsworth once said: True repentance always honours God, it acknowledges him to be God and acknowledges his rights as God. In other words, repentance is where one stops filling his mouth with arguments against God, and takes his place as the creature before the Creator. You will never know repentance and the peace and joy it brings as long as you are interested in defending yourself against God. "That is not fair! " I do not see how God can do that." These are the stock sentiments of the person who is a stranger to repentance. The one who uses them only reflects his ignorance of this statement:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways: and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9

Who are you to judge God? You need to recognize Who it is you are speaking about and realize it is the mercy and goodness of God that you're still on this earth, Winterborn. Hell is full of people who spoke the same sort of accusations against God as you have here today and yet had no grounds to justify themselves in doing so. It's too late for them but for you? There is still hope. Your problem is your heart. You have hardened your heart against God and without cause. You should seek Him and ask Him to work on your heart. That is where your trouble lies.

Typical holy roller. Preach on and on about how anything is possible with God and that he answers prayers and heals people. You even use an example of a kid who was reckless and did not take simple precautions like wearing a helmet. But a 5 year old who prays with all her heart continues to be horribly abused for 12 years and it is her mother's fault and even my fault because I was involved in Wicca years later.

Oh, and Wicca is not devil worship. There is no devil in the faith.

Wicca is witchcraft and it is a sin that will take you straight to hell. You need to get out of it fast and you know it. Stop with the accusations against God. He had nothing to do with happened to your wife, Winterborn. God is not responsible. Do not blame Him.

God does answer prayer but if you are in a Catholic church for 17 years and think you are praying to God it does not change the fact that you are not praying to God but rather to a false deity that is presented as Jesus but is another Jesus - a false Jesus - based on false teachings which are rooted in the occult - Babylonian religion. See Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop for the history of the Roman Catholic religion and also I would tell your ex wife to look up Alberto Rivera testimony of an ex-Jesuit - the book is called - Alberto - read the story about his mother crying out to God on her death bed and he witnessed her death as she went to hell - without God - why? Because the God she was praying to was not God at all. It was a false deity lifted up as God in the Babylon religion she had been raised in and stayed in as an adult.

I am no longer involved in any sort of religion. I live my life according to my moral code and treat people well because that is the way I believe we should live. I do not live this way because I am threatened with Hell or fearful.

And no, Wicca has nothing to do with Satan. Of course, you are welcome to believe as you wish. But your own prejudices and ignorance does not change a thing.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

If someone was participating in human sacrifices he was NOT practicing Wicca. That you confuse them shows your ignorance on the topic. Wicca believes that what you send out comes back to you threefold. It does NOT involve harming anyone or in any human sacrifices. None.

Yes. And, the Wiccan Rede states 'if ye harm none, do as ye will'.

The very opposite of evil.
No, Wicca is not devil worship.

The craft does not worship what they don't believe even exists.

The devil is a christian construct.

Luddly, People in Wicca are serving Satan - whether you realize it or not - because witchcraft is part of Satan's kingdom - it's how he operates. While I am fully aware that witches do not believe in Satan - it makes no difference. You're serving Satan - whether you are aware of it or not - if you are involved in Wicca / witchcraft. See John Todd testimony on the Jack Chick thread - religion forum. He covers it and makes clear that as a witch he didn't believe in Satan - later he realized that was exactly who he was serving. Satan. Todd was a Druid high priest and was present during human sacrifice and makes clear that everything that has to do with the occult is part of Satan's kingdom - which is precisely what the Bible teaches. You should also read the true story I put up on Jack Chick thread called The Broken Cross. That also explains there is no difference between white witchcraft and black witchcraft - it's all of Satan.

You preach to live by what is in the Bible, as if it were the actual word of God, Jesus or the Apostles. Here is why you might want to rethink some of that.

The King James version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England and approved by King James.

There were no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after the last apostle died. And there are over 8,000 of those manuscripts.

But the King James translators used none of those 8,000 oldest manuscripts. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version of the Bible that their king and parliment would approve. (which is why it is so misogynistic)

So your "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

Faith? No, that is lunacy.
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