Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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Winterborn rocks.
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
Oh, you'll be fine as long as you're never called in for a line up.
Winterborn rocks.
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.

You are pretty amusing. Not much else.

And correct.

It's a great combination for me.
Winterborn rocks.
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.

You are pretty amusing. Not much else.

And correct.

It's a great combination for me.

With your hostility towards so many things, you will have to define what you call a "pervert" in order to show you are right. Is sex with the lights on a perversion?
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.

You are pretty amusing. Not much else.

And correct.

It's a great combination for me.

With your hostility towards so many things, you will have to define what you call a "pervert" in order to show you are right. Is sex with the lights on a perversion?

noun per·vert \ˈpər-ˌvərt\
: a person whose sexual behavior is considered not normal or acceptable"

There ya go, skippy. You'll have to use your imagination for the rest.

Pervert Definition of pervert by Merriam-Webster
So tell me, exactly what makes me a pervert in your eyes?

That I don't hate homosexuals?
That I enjoy sex?

Come on, you are the one who kept insisting I am a pervert. Lets hear what you think.
Winterborn rocks.
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.
Ya know..I always knew you were a strong woman with an attitude to match and that sometimes you go off the wall about certain things (which is no biggie)...but I gotta admit....this time, you are just flat out acting cray cray. The thing to ponder or muse on is....are you saying cray cray things just to :poke: (which you tend to do and do very well sometimes) or are you seriously judging someone by a pic???? That, friends and neighbors, is the question.
At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.

You are pretty amusing. Not much else.

And correct.

It's a great combination for me.

With your hostility towards so many things, you will have to define what you call a "pervert" in order to show you are right. Is sex with the lights on a perversion?

"... having or showing sexual desires that are considered not normal or acceptable
: not considered normal or acceptable"

There ya go, skippy. You'll have to use your imagination for the rest.

Perverted Definition of perverted by Merriam-Webster

Great! You can copy & paste the definition.

Now, what have I said (or what do you read from my pic) about my sexual desires that are not considered normal or acceptable??
Winterborn rocks.
Yeah, well you're a notoriously bad judge of character.

At least she judges by what I say instead of by a small pic. :D
It's a combination!

But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right.

I'm pretty much always right. It wasn't a surprise.
Ya know..I always knew you were a strong woman with an attitude to match and that sometimes you go off the wall about certain things (which is no biggie)...but I gotta admit....this time, you are just flat out acting cray cray. The thing to ponder or muse on is....are you saying cray cray things just to :poke: (which you tend to do and do very well sometimes) or are you seriously judging someone by a pic???? That, friends and neighbors, is the question.

I can pic pervs out of a lineup, it's true.

And like I said..anybody who has worked with them will tell you the same.

Another weird quirk they have...they all have gut issues. When they're in segregation in prison, or juvey, or when they're in group homes..it's always the pervs who have special doc orders for weird stomach things because they OBSESS over their own shit. True story.

But they definitely run to type.
You know, I can't recall posting anything about the specifics of my sexual desires. I have defended homosexuals, but I am straight. I have argued in favor of marital fidelity, and never cheated on either of my wives.

You have posted a nice vague answer, but so far it has no substance.

And as for "gut issues", I have none. So I am sure I haven't posted about that.

So you still can't say why you claim you are correct in calling me a pervert?
You know, I can't recall posting anything about the specifics of my sexual desires. I have defended homosexuals, but I am straight. I have argued in favor of marital fidelity, and never cheated on either of my wives.

You have posted a nice vague answer, but so far it has no substance.

And as for "gut issues", I have none. So I am sure I haven't posted about that.

So you still can't say why you claim you are correct in calling me a pervert?
I never said I judged you based on knowing particulars about your creepy sex life. So relax. You didn't accidentally let anything slip. You should probably just drop it now.
I gotta be a perv then. I obsess over whether I am going to shit myself every day when I stray too far from home. LOL. I know I know, you mean poop as a fetish.
I've never seen anyone talk about such things except ...well...I won't name names but Winterborn is not one of them.

Well Poop. I guess I better get to digging in the drape pile. Gonna have a yard sale and I just finished my room. 3 more to go..plus the shed.

Carry on.
You know, I can't recall posting anything about the specifics of my sexual desires. I have defended homosexuals, but I am straight. I have argued in favor of marital fidelity, and never cheated on either of my wives.

You have posted a nice vague answer, but so far it has no substance.

And as for "gut issues", I have none. So I am sure I haven't posted about that.

So you still can't say why you claim you are correct in calling me a pervert?
I never said I judged you based on knowing particulars about your creepy sex life. So relax. You didn't accidentally let anything slip. You should probably just drop it now.

Oh, so NOW you want it to be dropped. You made a claim based on my pic. When that got laughed at, you said "But I judged you first by your picture. And then your posts proved me right". And now you say I didn't say anything that would have me labeled a pervert.

No wonder you want it dropped. You made a fool of yourself.
Calling someone a pervert because of their picture definitely qualifies as batshit crazy. A refusal to define just what kind of pervert this guy is supposed to be is cowardice. I love ya Koshergrl, but you're off your rocker on this one.
Telling that someone is a pervert by vibes and facial expressions? Ok, we've clearly departed the land of logic, evidence, and rational discourse long ago. Not to mention we're sailing the shoals of a USMB rules violation. Put a stop to this nonsense.

Kiss my ass. Now!
Nice. Two peas in a pod. It pains me that Christians can learn to be so hateful. It's like they're reading a different gospel than I am.

They are.
These are the scriptures in the Bible that warn against Witchcraft, Sorcery, Divinations,, the occult:

When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Deuteronomy 18: 9-14

Regard them not that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 19:31

And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
Leviticus 20:6

A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has a familiar spirit shall surely be put to death.
Leviticus 20:27

It is quite clear that God took the matter of witchcraft very seriously and we find this repeatedly throughout the Old Testament. God warned his people to have no part of it. Is it real or make believe? It is real because God said it is real. Let the Word of God be true and every man (who denies it) be found a liar. It is written.
Let us look at the New Testament now.......

It is written: But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Revelation 21:8

But without are dogs and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whoseoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelation 21:15

and again it is written:

But Elymas the sorcerer (for so was his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called Paul) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes upon him, And said, Oh full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
Acts 13: 8,910

Now if you will read Exodus 8: 18,19 and see that Pharoahs magicians and sorcerers tried to do the same signs and plagues God worked through Moses and Aaron but they failed and admitted that Moses had the Power of God. Again in Daniel 1:20 the king found that Daniel and his friends had ten times better understanding than his own magicians and astrologers. Why? I'll tell you why. God's power is superior to occult power in every way. Furthermore the anointing is far more powerful than anything Satan gives his servants. There is nothing greater than the Power of God. Your serving a defeated foe, Winterborn. Wake up and stop listening to these demons which you refer to as "spirit guides" and believing their lies. Believe the Word of God that has the power to set you free! This is your opportunity - your moment to seek the LORD and ask Him to reveal himself to you. Ask him to break up the hardness of your own heart that you might receive His Word and be saved. If any man wills to do the will of God he shall know it, Winterborn. Jesus tells us that God will answer such a person. See John 7:17 and I will continue to keep you and your ex-wife in my prayers as the LORD leads me.

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