Who All Believes We Near the End of All Things?

Do youu think the world is close to the End?

  • No, its all nonsense.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Yes, the Bible is clear that we are seeing the signs indicating the End Times are here.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Yes, the way mankind is poluting the Earth, it is near the End Times for Mankind.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Yes, the End Times are near for Other Reasons; (please explain)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I dont know, but it sounds like a coming buyers market to me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What is frightening is that 3 people voted
the Bible is clear that we are seeing the signs indicating the End Times are here.

No wonder why America is going backward in critical thinking and logic

How do you know that the conclusions that they drew were not based on Critical Thinking? I have known a wide variety of Premillenialists and they have some intricate reasons for believing what they do.

Just because you don't agree with it does not mean that they are being irrational. It only means that they are working with a different set of axioms, dude.
I don't, but I am curious as to how different people think on this topic. Since I am high as a cat on pain killers tonight, this is my only post. Please forgive any misspellings or grammar mistakes.

Doomsday coming? End of the world is imminent, say Christian believers
"The founder of the fellowship has been delivering his Doomsday warnings in his five-part podcast series, Why October 7, 2015, is the likely end of the world.

“According to what the Bible is presenting, it does appear that October 7 will be the day that God has spoken of,” he explains.

"He says it will be the day Earth “passes away”, adding: “It’ll be gone forever. Annihilated.”

"He continues: “God destroyed the first Earth with water, by a flood, in the days of Noah. And he says he’ll not do that again, not by water. But he does say in 2nd Peter 3 that he’ll destroy it by fire.”

I don't believe that stuff. If God decides to destroy the world no one will have clues dropped to them ahead of time. He will come like a thief in the night.
Unless we destroy the ozone or get hit by a meteor or nuke ourselves or get an incurable disease we have maybe 1 million years left on earth. The universe has 10 billion years left. We should get off this little rock.
What is frightening is that 3 people voted
the Bible is clear that we are seeing the signs indicating the End Times are here.

No wonder why America is going backward in critical thinking and logic

How do you know that the conclusions that they drew were not based on Critical Thinking? I have known a wide variety of Premillenialists and they have some intricate reasons for believing what they do.

Just because you don't agree with it does not mean that they are being irrational. It only means that they are working with a different set of axioms, dude.
Every generation since man has predicted the end days were apon them. Eventually someone will be right.

Every human has an end day. Who cares if everyone goes with you.
I can't imagine living worried that soon I was going to die or the world was going to end. Must suck to be religious.
Who knows? God, if real, can be a reaaal fucker sometimes according to the Bible. Maybe he'll wake up one morning and decide, "meh, fuck humans. Let's have another go with the dinosaurs." And then push us aside like he did the angels.

Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being? Let alone be with him for eternity, sounds terrible to me. He commits genocide randomly, kills the young in Egypt, even though he said he turned the Pharos heart against Moses, lol. Well anyway it is a good thing Moses never existed because that right there was messed up. The bible is full of inconsistencies and all the passages were written terribly. Yet people were conditioned to believe this terrible book by parents, to fit into a social network and tradition. They actually let their kids read this twisted book and wonder why the world is messed up and blame everybody except that terrible book they force on young minds.
I don't, but I am curious as to how different people think on this topic. Since I am high as a cat on pain killers tonight, this is my only post. Please forgive any misspellings or grammar mistakes.

Doomsday coming? End of the world is imminent, say Christian believers
"The founder of the fellowship has been delivering his Doomsday warnings in his five-part podcast series, Why October 7, 2015, is the likely end of the world.

“According to what the Bible is presenting, it does appear that October 7 will be the day that God has spoken of,” he explains.

"He says it will be the day Earth “passes away”, adding: “It’ll be gone forever. Annihilated.”

"He continues: “God destroyed the first Earth with water, by a flood, in the days of Noah. And he says he’ll not do that again, not by water. But he does say in 2nd Peter 3 that he’ll destroy it by fire.”

I don't believe that stuff. If God decides to destroy the world no one will have clues dropped to them ahead of time. He will come like a thief in the night.

Jaaaaa, Heute geht die Welt zugrunde. Mann soll Heute so viel wie möglich ficken und saufen!!

the earth will end, life as we know it will eventually suck balls.

The moon is moving away from us at a small, but steady clip and will eventually break away.

There will be no more tides and we may stop rotating and begin to spin in an unpredictable fashion.

or the sun will blow up.

but humans will probably be extinct by then, so Im thinking it's all good.
the earth will end, life as we know it will eventually suck balls.

The moon is moving away from us at a small, but steady clip and will eventually break away.

There will be no more tides and we may stop rotating and begin to spin in an unpredictable fashion.

or the sun will blow up.

but humans will probably be extinct by then, so Im thinking it's all good.


Positives Denken, positives Denken, sage ich immer!!!!!!!


A German Public Service Announcement | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
hmmm Isn't the moon going to spiral out of orbit and spin off into space in 2 million years wrecking havoc on our little blue planet's ability to support life? And isn't the sun going expand in its death throes and melt the planet in 2 billion or so? Earth's demise is indeed imminent.

As for the human race... only our laziness and/or greed can prevent our ultimate survival.
I don't think we'll ever find out till it really happen. Asteroids maybe but our technology has getting better and better. Just imagine what we can do 50 years or so from now. Maybe nuclear war, moon moving away from earth, worldwide drought, earth stop rotating, sun died tomorrow.
Life is short, enjoy what is left, make the best out of it and have a good life. Peace on earth.
I don't think we'll ever find out till it really happen. Asteroids maybe but our technology has getting better and better. Just imagine what we can do 50 years or so from now. Maybe nuclear war, moon moving away from earth, worldwide drought, earth stop rotating, sun died tomorrow.
Life is short, enjoy what is left, make the best out of it and have a good life. Peace on earth.

heh none of that will happen without our knowing it is coming well in advance. Save perhaps a mega EMP which may only give us hours to lock down our grid and avoid a complete collapse of our electrical network; though even should that happen, civilization as we know it would very likely collapse. The human race though would endure. I find it a bit ironic that the most powerful and civilized humans would perish, while the "third world" would likely survive.
Only God knows and people bothering worrying about it or trying to figure it out are wasting their time...
Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being?

Because He is the Creator and whether he fits into your New Age judgement criteria well or not, He deserves to be worshipped.

You don't get to pick what you want God to be like, dude. He is what He is.
Jaaaaa, Heute geht die Welt zugrunde. Mann soll Heute so viel wie möglich ficken und saufen!!


Well using a language other than English wont get you a rebuttal, but then again you aren't exactly very persuasive either.
Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being?

Because He is the Creator and whether he fits into your New Age judgement criteria well or not, He deserves to be worshipped.

You don't get to pick what you want God to be like, dude. He is what He is.
Or no God exists.
Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being?

Because He is the Creator and whether he fits into your New Age judgement criteria well or not, He deserves to be worshipped.

You don't get to pick what you want God to be like, dude. He is what He is.
Or no God exists.

That's great it starts with an earthquake
Birds and snakes and aeroplanes
And Lenny Bruce is not afraid

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
World serves it's own needs, dummy serve your own needs
Feed it off an aux speak grunt no
Ladder with a clatter fight, fear flight down height
Wire in a fire representing seven games and a government for hire in a combat site
Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck

Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered, cropped
Look at that low playing, fine, then
Uh-oh overflow, population common food, but it'll do
Save yourself, serve yourself, world serves it's own needs
Listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right, right
Vitreolic, patriotic stand, fight, bright, light
Feeling pretty psyched

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

Six o'clock TV hour, don't get caught in foreign towers
Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn
Locking in, uniforming, book-burning, blood-letting
Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate
Light a candle, light a votive, step down step down
Watch your heel, crush, crushed uh-oh this means
No fear cavalier, renegade, steer clear
A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
And I decline

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

I feel fine

The other night I dreamt of knives, continental drift divide
Mountains sit in a line, Leonard Bernstein
Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs
Birthday party, cheescake, jellybean, boom you
Symbiotic patriotic slam book neck
Right? Right!

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

I feel fine
Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being?

Because He is the Creator and whether he fits into your New Age judgement criteria well or not, He deserves to be worshipped.

You don't get to pick what you want God to be like, dude. He is what He is.
Or no God exists.

Or you don't.
Every generation they say that crap! According to the bible, God is very human like, angry, jealous, and requires you to fear him. How could anybody worship such a being?

Because He is the Creator and whether he fits into your New Age judgement criteria well or not, He deserves to be worshipped.

You don't get to pick what you want God to be like, dude. He is what He is.
Or no God exists.

Or you don't.
Is anyone ever talking to you yamagukey?

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