Who are behind Putin, Zelensky and Biden?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Criminals like Putin, Zelensky, Biden and other will never stop then brother war in Ukraine until the last Russian/Ukrainian dies.
Never heard about the Project Khazaria 2.0?
Just google.
Until stupid peoples of the world understand they are fooled again butchering in Ukraine will continue.

Elimination of the goyim is the main reason for the creation of the Kiev Khazaria.
The creation of a Russophobic state on the border with Russia was one of the tasks of the global Kagal, which they accomplished by seizing power in Kiev during the anti-constitutional coup in 2014, sponsored by the West (primarily the U.S.).
And what immediately struck the eye was the fact that as a result of this coup, the Zionist clans came to power in Ukraine, who, with the money of their Western masters, launched a false campaign of pathological Russophobia and the imposition of neo-Nazi ideology on the Goyim population, who began to be prepared as brainless "cannon fodder" for disposal. All in accordance with the main principle of Zionism: "divide, conquer and rule!
That is why the goyim in Ukraine invented their own history, in which the lying Zionist-Khazar chatterboxes blamed all the troubles on the Russian people and Russia, and the sponsors from the American Khazaria (43% of the Jews live in the United States and this despite having their own national state, which is largely supported by American taxpayers) - their benefactors, and planted their slave piety and ass-kissing on them.
And it was not for nothing that on the very Maidan, with Valtsman's money and the direct participation of the war criminal Saakashvili, the Bandera's scoundrel Parubiy organized the murder of Ukrainian security forces and peaceful protesters with hired killers who acted as "unknown snipers". And despite the killing of several hundred Ukrainian citizens, most of the Ukrainian security forces swore allegiance to the Zion-Khazar clans that had seized power, and the mindless Maidaun goyim rejoiced, blindly believing in the "carrot for donkeys" that the Talmudists used as a promise of Ukraine's entry into the EU.
In reality, however, the Western masters needed the Ukrainian goyim only as slaves and "cannon fodder" to die willingly for the next enrichment in the wars of the Zion-Khazar banking clans of the City of London and Wall Street. That is why, first Valtsman-Poroshenko (who sold 2 cars of weapons to the DNR) ignited the war in Donbass, and then this war was continued, despite pre-election lies about stopping it, by another Ziono-Fascist man of Kolomoisky - Zelensky. But it is not for nothing that even the leader of the Right Sector, Yarosh, is also directly connected to Talmudic Zionism, and the fighting core of the Right Sector is made up of former members of the Tsakhal, who were the most active force in the armed coup of 2014.

Therefore, it is not even surprising that on the second day after the coup, the Ukrainian media, taken over by the Zionist-fascist and neo-Nazi junta, started screaming about "Russian aggression," sending the Ukrainian armed forces to the southeast "to look for the invading aggressors. Then there was the burning of pro-Russian citizens in Trade Union House in Odessa, provoked by the firing of neo-Nazi fanatics by very strange people wearing masks and bandannas with Uzi assault rifles. But even here, the mindless goyim did not realize that they were being thoroughly pitted against their "God-given masters.
By the way, the bloodshed in Donbass was also provoked by them. When civilians in Oleksandrivka, a suburb of Sloviansk, blocked the road of an AFU military column, the two Right Sector "commissars" escorting the column opened fire on them with automatic weapons, killing and wounding several dozen civilians. For the Zionists, the Goyim have always been valued no higher than domestic animals and even wild beasts.
And it was after this war crime that another Zionist, Girkin, announced that he would now kill Ukrainian soldiers (goyim). But even after that the goyim were in no hurry to dispose of each other. And the locals went to join the ranks of Girkin's mercenaries only after the AFU began to hit the peaceful objects of Slavyansk from Mount Karachun and not at all the roadblocks with militants, destroying civilians. Guess who gave such coordinates to the MLRS and heavy artillery? Is it any wonder that on both sides of the conflict there suddenly appeared groups of volunteer snipers from Israel, who were destroying not each other, but the goy-headed "herd" in order to drive them even further apart.
Then someone gave the command to the AFU to let Girkin out of Slavyansk and he got out safely, because the Zionists do not kill "their own". All the more, Girkin had to play his role in leaking information about DNR units to the Kiev Zionist-fascist junta, and to take part in the planned provocation with Malaysian "Boeing". By the way, for the sake of the latter, for two weeks the Zionists of Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk have been daily exposing the stupid Goy "cannon fodder" with AFU servicemen in military transport and reconnaissance planes "for slaughter" under the fire of DNR SAMs. For it was the same route that Kolomoysky's Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers had to take the Malaysian Boeing.

But not only the SBU, but also their Zionist masters from the CIA, Mossad and MI6, did not calculate the actions of the Boeing pilots, who found that the Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers were leading them much lower and to the south of the safe corridor, announced that they were taking a safe route and began to gain altitude. And then, someone's nerves failed and they had to strike at the Boeing from the Buks deployed the day before "in the ATO zone" and shown on Ukrainian TV by the AFU, and to finish it off with combat drones. And at that time only two countries, the United States and Israel, had the latter. Of course, all the goyim who were involved in this operation of the special services of the Ziono-Anglo-Saxon empire, represented by the Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners and Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers were quickly "cleared off", so as not to say too much.
But all the same, the most large-scale murder of the goy population began under Zelensky, who decided to fight Russia for 66 billion dollars, paid for this purpose by the Zionist government of the US, "to the last Ukrainian". Is it any wonder that all over the country they are now catching Goyim for disposal and throwing them into the bloody meat grinder without any preparation. For example, one of such captured residents of Ukraine was killed 4 days later near Artemivsk. It is clear that the Zionist Kiev authorities do not value the lives of the goyim. Especially since their British and American masters are paying for their "recycling", while many of the Zionist elite themselves (such as Valtsman and others) are enjoying life in a safe place with their sons and their stolen money.
And Zelensky himself, responsible for the disposal of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian goyim, is a typical example of how wars are always provoked by Zionists for the mass disposal of "goyim". After all, Zelensky himself is a thrice-dodger and is not going to take up an assault rifle as "cannon fodder". Neither are the other "God-elected" masters of the Ukrainian goyim-slaves going to do so. And that is why they don't even get picked up for subpoenas and "recycling", unlike the goyim themselves. And who knows how long they will recycle the brainless Maidauns before they realize what is really going on and how their local Zionist masters are getting rich off their deaths, sawing off "aid" from the ruling Zionist elite of the US and the rest of the West. In fact, this is such an unspoken "bonus" for "recycling" the Goyim, especially since it is paid for out of their pockets by other Goyim - the taxpayers of the United States and other Western countries.

But the question is, what other benefits do the Zionists of the West get from the disposal of the Ukrainian goyim, besides the opportunity to "divide" billions of dollars among themselves? After all, the American Zionist Hillary Clinton said it a long time ago, that in case of problems with Yellowstone all the "god-elected" elite of the United States, along with the servants, will be evacuated to Ukraine, Romania, the Baltics and Poland, where the United States of Europe will be created. And so, in order not to arrange a forced eviction of local natives from the best housing and not to produce an army of poor and homeless goyim, it was decided to eliminate the goyim population of all these countries by provoking a war with Russia.
By the way, how many people know that while still in the Obama administration the current US president, Joe Biden, openly declared himself a "Zionist"? So it comes as no surprise that Biden's Zionist government is sponsoring the "utilization" of the goyim in Ukraine. After all, the West gives just enough weapons to keep the bloodshed going too quickly. On the other hand, despite all their statements, they don't need a Ukrainian victory either. They need the conflict to continue as long as possible for the reasons mentioned above.
On the other hand, it was to unleash this war in the future that the Trotskyist-Zionist "sixes" of the Rothschilds and other Zion-Khazar clans gave away Russian land when they created the Ukrainian and other Soviet republics, and then also illegally transferred the Russian Crimea into its composition. Once again, the dumb-headed Maidan goy "herd" has failed to comprehend that by forcing it to give up its "Soviet heritage," its Zionist masters have legitimized the return of these illegally seized territories to Russia.
And while the Sitho-Khazar clans continue to get rich from the wars, the number of goy graves in local cemeteries across Ukraine is increasing at an accelerated rate. The same goy cemeteries have begun to grow in Poland, the Baltics, Romania, and even in the United States and Britain and other leading Western countries. How many of these graves do you think have the characteristic names of the Zionist masters of this stupid goyim "cannon fodder", who themselves go to be "disposed of" instead of turning their attention to the real source of all their troubles? And how long will it take for the Zionists to steal from the pockets of the Western taxpayer and drive them into poverty before the Goyim there realize what is really going on?

Translation from:




Criminals like Putin, Zelensky, Biden and other will never stop then brother war in Ukraine until the last Russian/Ukrainian dies.
Never heard about the Project Khazaria 2.0?
Just google.
Until stupid peoples of the world understand they are fooled again butchering in Ukraine will continue.

Elimination of the goyim is the main reason for the creation of the Kiev Khazaria.
The creation of a Russophobic state on the border with Russia was one of the tasks of the global Kagal, which they accomplished by seizing power in Kiev during the anti-constitutional coup in 2014, sponsored by the West (primarily the U.S.).
And what immediately struck the eye was the fact that as a result of this coup, the Zionist clans came to power in Ukraine, who, with the money of their Western masters, launched a false campaign of pathological Russophobia and the imposition of neo-Nazi ideology on the Goyim population, who began to be prepared as brainless "cannon fodder" for disposal. All in accordance with the main principle of Zionism: "divide, conquer and rule!
That is why the goyim in Ukraine invented their own history, in which the lying Zionist-Khazar chatterboxes blamed all the troubles on the Russian people and Russia, and the sponsors from the American Khazaria (43% of the Jews live in the United States and this despite having their own national state, which is largely supported by American taxpayers) - their benefactors, and planted their slave piety and ass-kissing on them.
And it was not for nothing that on the very Maidan, with Valtsman's money and the direct participation of the war criminal Saakashvili, the Bandera's scoundrel Parubiy organized the murder of Ukrainian security forces and peaceful protesters with hired killers who acted as "unknown snipers". And despite the killing of several hundred Ukrainian citizens, most of the Ukrainian security forces swore allegiance to the Zion-Khazar clans that had seized power, and the mindless Maidaun goyim rejoiced, blindly believing in the "carrot for donkeys" that the Talmudists used as a promise of Ukraine's entry into the EU.
In reality, however, the Western masters needed the Ukrainian goyim only as slaves and "cannon fodder" to die willingly for the next enrichment in the wars of the Zion-Khazar banking clans of the City of London and Wall Street. That is why, first Valtsman-Poroshenko (who sold 2 cars of weapons to the DNR) ignited the war in Donbass, and then this war was continued, despite pre-election lies about stopping it, by another Ziono-Fascist man of Kolomoisky - Zelensky. But it is not for nothing that even the leader of the Right Sector, Yarosh, is also directly connected to Talmudic Zionism, and the fighting core of the Right Sector is made up of former members of the Tsakhal, who were the most active force in the armed coup of 2014.

Therefore, it is not even surprising that on the second day after the coup, the Ukrainian media, taken over by the Zionist-fascist and neo-Nazi junta, started screaming about "Russian aggression," sending the Ukrainian armed forces to the southeast "to look for the invading aggressors. Then there was the burning of pro-Russian citizens in Trade Union House in Odessa, provoked by the firing of neo-Nazi fanatics by very strange people wearing masks and bandannas with Uzi assault rifles. But even here, the mindless goyim did not realize that they were being thoroughly pitted against their "God-given masters.
By the way, the bloodshed in Donbass was also provoked by them. When civilians in Oleksandrivka, a suburb of Sloviansk, blocked the road of an AFU military column, the two Right Sector "commissars" escorting the column opened fire on them with automatic weapons, killing and wounding several dozen civilians. For the Zionists, the Goyim have always been valued no higher than domestic animals and even wild beasts.
And it was after this war crime that another Zionist, Girkin, announced that he would now kill Ukrainian soldiers (goyim). But even after that the goyim were in no hurry to dispose of each other. And the locals went to join the ranks of Girkin's mercenaries only after the AFU began to hit the peaceful objects of Slavyansk from Mount Karachun and not at all the roadblocks with militants, destroying civilians. Guess who gave such coordinates to the MLRS and heavy artillery? Is it any wonder that on both sides of the conflict there suddenly appeared groups of volunteer snipers from Israel, who were destroying not each other, but the goy-headed "herd" in order to drive them even further apart.
Then someone gave the command to the AFU to let Girkin out of Slavyansk and he got out safely, because the Zionists do not kill "their own". All the more, Girkin had to play his role in leaking information about DNR units to the Kiev Zionist-fascist junta, and to take part in the planned provocation with Malaysian "Boeing". By the way, for the sake of the latter, for two weeks the Zionists of Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk have been daily exposing the stupid Goy "cannon fodder" with AFU servicemen in military transport and reconnaissance planes "for slaughter" under the fire of DNR SAMs. For it was the same route that Kolomoysky's Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers had to take the Malaysian Boeing.

But not only the SBU, but also their Zionist masters from the CIA, Mossad and MI6, did not calculate the actions of the Boeing pilots, who found that the Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers were leading them much lower and to the south of the safe corridor, announced that they were taking a safe route and began to gain altitude. And then, someone's nerves failed and they had to strike at the Boeing from the Buks deployed the day before "in the ATO zone" and shown on Ukrainian TV by the AFU, and to finish it off with combat drones. And at that time only two countries, the United States and Israel, had the latter. Of course, all the goyim who were involved in this operation of the special services of the Ziono-Anglo-Saxon empire, represented by the Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners and Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers were quickly "cleared off", so as not to say too much.
But all the same, the most large-scale murder of the goy population began under Zelensky, who decided to fight Russia for 66 billion dollars, paid for this purpose by the Zionist government of the US, "to the last Ukrainian". Is it any wonder that all over the country they are now catching Goyim for disposal and throwing them into the bloody meat grinder without any preparation. For example, one of such captured residents of Ukraine was killed 4 days later near Artemivsk. It is clear that the Zionist Kiev authorities do not value the lives of the goyim. Especially since their British and American masters are paying for their "recycling", while many of the Zionist elite themselves (such as Valtsman and others) are enjoying life in a safe place with their sons and their stolen money.
And Zelensky himself, responsible for the disposal of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian goyim, is a typical example of how wars are always provoked by Zionists for the mass disposal of "goyim". After all, Zelensky himself is a thrice-dodger and is not going to take up an assault rifle as "cannon fodder". Neither are the other "God-elected" masters of the Ukrainian goyim-slaves going to do so. And that is why they don't even get picked up for subpoenas and "recycling", unlike the goyim themselves. And who knows how long they will recycle the brainless Maidauns before they realize what is really going on and how their local Zionist masters are getting rich off their deaths, sawing off "aid" from the ruling Zionist elite of the US and the rest of the West. In fact, this is such an unspoken "bonus" for "recycling" the Goyim, especially since it is paid for out of their pockets by other Goyim - the taxpayers of the United States and other Western countries.

But the question is, what other benefits do the Zionists of the West get from the disposal of the Ukrainian goyim, besides the opportunity to "divide" billions of dollars among themselves? After all, the American Zionist Hillary Clinton said it a long time ago, that in case of problems with Yellowstone all the "god-elected" elite of the United States, along with the servants, will be evacuated to Ukraine, Romania, the Baltics and Poland, where the United States of Europe will be created. And so, in order not to arrange a forced eviction of local natives from the best housing and not to produce an army of poor and homeless goyim, it was decided to eliminate the goyim population of all these countries by provoking a war with Russia.

By the way, how many people know that while still in the Obama administration the current US president, Joe Biden, openly declared himself a "Zionist"? So it comes as no surprise that Biden's Zionist government is sponsoring the "utilization" of the goyim in Ukraine. After all, the West gives just enough weapons to keep the bloodshed going too quickly. On the other hand, despite all their statements, they don't need a Ukrainian victory either. They need the conflict to continue as long as possible for the reasons mentioned above.
On the other hand, it was to unleash this war in the future that the Trotskyist-Zionist "sixes" of the Rothschilds and other Zion-Khazar clans gave away Russian land when they created the Ukrainian and other Soviet republics, and then also illegally transferred the Russian Crimea into its composition. Once again, the dumb-headed Maidan goy "herd" has failed to comprehend that by forcing it to give up its "Soviet heritage," its Zionist masters have legitimized the return of these illegally seized territories to Russia.

And while the Sitho-Khazar clans continue to get rich from the wars, the number of goy graves in local cemeteries across Ukraine is increasing at an accelerated rate. The same goy cemeteries have begun to grow in Poland, the Baltics, Romania, and even in the United States and Britain and other leading Western countries. How many of these graves do you think have the characteristic names of the Zionist masters of this stupid goyim "cannon fodder", who themselves go to be "disposed of" instead of turning their attention to the real source of all their troubles? And how long will it take for the Zionists to steal from the pockets of the Western taxpayer and drive them into poverty before the Goyim there realize what is really going on?

Translation from:




Kolomoisky aka 'Boatsman.' This would indeed go back to rowing traffic to and from Scandinavia. Though the origin of the swastika is at Mezin, Ukraine, which implicate Ice Age goyim.
Baron is the true ruler of the world, the puppet master behind the scenes.
:thankusmile: yeah Braon is dense falling for the CIA controlled media that Putin is Hitler,He is HALF right,that the elite are behind Biden and zelensky, the elite hate Putin because Russia is off the dollar,a fact he is dense on.
:thankusmile: yeah Braon is dense falling for the CIA controlled media that Putin is Hitler,He is HALF right,that the elite are behind Biden and zelensky, the elite hate Putin because Russia is off the dollar,a fact he is dense on.
Yeah, Russia is so off the dollar that 300 billion of dollars of the Russian state reserves have been frozen in the West. You fucking imbecile.
Anyone who can read the OP with a straight face is seriously mental deficient.

Belongs in the conspiracy forum.

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