Who are the Israelis?

Parshat 'Ki Tetze' - Weekly Torah Portion 'Ki Tetze'
5781 | When You Shall Go Out (To War)

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Current events, Rahel Shabi- "My children don't be afraid, all I've done, I've done but for You, the time of Your redemption has come!"

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"Rise, awake, for Your light has come....!"

Said before him : "The Creator of the world, in the rejoice of my heart and in the happiness of my heart I accept upon myself, for that no one of Yisrael will be lost.

Not only the living will be redeemed in my days, but those who are locked in the dust, but even those who died since the days of Adam till now, and not only them, but the unborn will be redeemed in my days. And not only the unborn but even those whom You've thought to create but weren't created, this I want, thus I accept....

Said before Him: "The Creator of the world, how much will be my strength, how much will be my spirit and how much will be my soul and how much will be my body, flesh and blood am I not? Regarding that hour David was crying, and said: dried and unheard my force."

That hour said to him the Holy Be Blessed: "Efraim, the anointed of my justice, You've already accepted upon Yourself from the days of Beresheet, now Your sorrow will be as My sorrow, that since the day that the wicked Nebuchadnezzar risen and destroyed My House and burned My Hall and I have dispersed my children withing the nations, Your life and (in) the life of Your head I haven't entered My throne, and if You do not believe, see the dew on My head, that it was said: "that My head got filled with dew" (Song of Songs).

That hour said before Him: "Creator of the world, now my thought has settled down on me, for it is enough for a servant to be as his Rabbi".

Rabbi Yitzhak said: the year that the anointed King is revealed, all kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other. The king of Persia provokes the king of Arabia and the Arabian king goes to Aram to get an advice from them and the king of Persia returns and destroys the entire world. And all the nations of the world are trembling and terrified and falling on their faces, held as by labor constructions, and Israel are becoming loud amid confusion saying: "Where are we coming from and going to???"

And G-d says to them, "My child, do not be afraid, everything I did was but for you, before whom are you afraid??? Behold! The time of your Redemption has arrived!

And not as first redemption the last redemption, for with the first redemption you had the sorrow of kingdoms over you after it, but the last redemption you have no sorrow of kingdoms coming after".

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Elhannan Kakoun -Yismach Mosheh


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Please tell us again why we should care?

In direct contravention of the 1949 armistice agreements, Jordan did not permit Jews access to their holy sites or to the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

What Tinmore does not have the ability to understand is that this will NEVER happen again
So a Palestinian shot a murderer.


Time for Israel to bomb the crap out of some civilians.
Never have you heard about Barel,
but if you think to justify the shooter while knowing of the consequence
shows any human regard on your behalf for either side in the conflict - think again.

And the fallacy of your judgement, is if there was such a response,
using your ill logic - all Gazans are liable.
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