Who are the Israelis?

Bassam Tawil: “Some Palestinian parents are proud to see their children carry out terrorist attacks or murder Jews. For these parents, it is more "honorable" if their son or daughter murders a Jew than becomes a doctor, lawyer or engineer.”

As with most sane, informed adults, I do not believe the fakestinians are even a unique or legitimate people, and should all be mass deported to Jordan, Syria and Egypt where 90% of them came from.

Their entire narrative is a gigantic fraud...



Netanyahu: Israel has lost a great spiritual leader,

I have lost a personal friend

Public figures from across the political spectrum are paying their respects to one of the greatest rabbis and scholars of our generation.



After 4 months: Pregnant woman shot in terror attack leaves hospital with baby

Liba Schreiber was nearly killed and nearly lost her child when a terrorist shot her in the stomach at a bus stop near King David's Tomb.

The pregnant Jewish woman from New York who was seriously wounded when she was shot in the stomach in a terrorist attack near King David's Tomb has been released from the hospital together with her baby, four months after the attack.

Liba Ahuva Schreiber, 37, was visiting Israel with her family when the terrorists opened fire on them and other civilians waiting at a bus stop in Jerusalem in August, and was one of eight people who were wounded in the attack. She was taken to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in serious condition with multi-systemic injuries. Schreiber, who was 26 weeks pregnant, was forced to give birth prematurely.

Hospital staff were ecstatic at the recovery of Schreiber and her baby and hung balloons and signs wishing the family well before they left the hospital.

Schreiber was able to hold her infant for the first time since his birth, after being unable to see him due to the complex and prolonged treatment both of them had required.
Her husband, Chaim Schreiber, said upon the release of his wife and newborn son from the hospital: "Blessed is He who performed a miracle for us in this place. We arrived here after Tisha B'Av and we are leaving on the eve of the Hanukkah holiday and are happy to celebrate Hanukkah at home with family. Our lives were in danger, and we thank the Creator of the World that we lived and survived and for His miracles and wonders. A special thanks to the dedicated medical, nursing and social staff members who treated and saved the lives of my wife and the baby."

"Thank you to the MDA team that saved her life and evacuated her quickly. Thank you to the trauma and intensive care team that saved her and brought her back from the brink of death to life and to the entire surgical department and all the other supporting departments and units that fought for her survival and rehabilitation. Thank you to the team who treated the premature baby for four months until he was able to go home with us, hale and healthy," the father said.


Liba Schreiber and her son still have a long road to full recovery and rehabilitation ahead of them. They will have to return to the hospital for further follow-up care and medical treatment, including additional surgeries.

The family has asked the public to continue to pray for the complete recovery
of Liba Ahuva Bat Rivka Breindel, and for her son, Dovid Ben Liba Ahuva.

The IDF recruitment among the Haredi is higher than ever and rises.
What will the new government do? | Netzah Yehudah

Temple Mount Updates - The Hanucah of the Prophets Haggai and Zcharyah

As every Rosh Hodesh, friends Mount Hebron ascended to the Temple Mount • In honor of Hanucah, both the children and other friends came • In a wonderful video Ezri Tobi manages to convey some of the joy from the courtyards of the House of God • We are all already waiting for the real joy, the joy of the building • Happy Hanucah!

The designated Minister of National Security MK Itamar Ben Gvir lighting Hanukkah candles at the Temple Mount Administration | Yair Cherki

The head of the Temple Mount administration, Rabbi Shimshon Elboim, praised the designated minister for his "perseverance and determination to promote the Temple Mount to its purpose without compromise." And blessed Ben Gvir "that he will have the privilege of advancing the people of Israel to the return of the Temple with many significant steps."

Rabbi Elboim also thanked "the policemen and commanders led by district commander Doron Turgeman who give their lives to allow the Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount calmly and safely, all year round and on Hanukkah days in particular."

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