Who Are The Palestinains?

The Ottoman Empire was dissolved. All of the territories broken off were considered successor states.

The territories had to be broken up. That is what the mandate was for. Not to create mass state but to break it down to smaller states. Syria was broken into five pieces but four of the states are not provinces within syria as we knew it 3 yrs ago.

If Assad had been more easily pushed to step down the state would not have been divided in half into the ISIS and Shite syria. The Opposition did not have the tools in the beginning and are now too weak being crushed by both Assad and the ISIS.

Saudi needs to end the influence of wahabism, egypt is presently ending some of the infrequence of the muslim brotherhood. Getting iran involved will inflame the sects.

Moderates throughout the region need to suppress their fear and speak out against extremest on both sides. The sects need to change and come more together both each other and with the rest of the world, not keep trying to change the world to fit them.

The various groups need to consult and compromise, a principle that was part of Islam but have been largely lost
Yes indeed. As soon as Israel turned the wasteland into a thriving metropolis, here came the hoards of Palestinians to claim --- it's "their land." Heh Heh!

Did they normally reside in Palestine at the time it was detached from turkey?
Palestinian = Plishtim Verstehen Sie Nichts?

Tinman misses the fact that the arab population more than doubled in a short time due to arabs from around the region seeking jobs. They did not reside in the palestinian territory even if they did come from other areas that had been Ottoman.

All those people did not reside in palestine territory when it was detached from turkey.
Half the people stayed and did not flee when arabs told them to or when fighting started and they panicked, letting arab states to (conquer) occupy what could have been their state.

A larger number of jews that lived in the middle east were forced to leave with what they could carry. Most of them found refuge in Israel. Population trade.

I expect the jewish refugees lost more of monetary value than those palestinians that left Israel.
What is wrong with those Zionists? The Palestinians who themselves elected Hamas to carry out their wishes are a peace loving, life loving people as witnessed in the Hamas charter thanking the Zionists for allowing the Palestinians to remain & providing for them.

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas

Just cutious. While Israel has made peace with both Egypt & Jordan, who have the Palestinians ever made peace with?

The Palestinians aren't at war with anyone.
Tinmore, are you trying to be a comedian? Either that or you're fookin' crazy.

Hamas' charter, and the statements of their leaders are filled with declarations of war and desire to destroy Israel.
Roudy, come up with a real source for Hamaxs' Charter. I think the "Jerusalem Fund" is hardly to be trusted. let's find a Hamas source.
Roudy, come up with a real source for Hamaxs' Charter. I think the "Jerusalem Fund" is hardly to be trusted. let's find a Hamas source.

Indeed, the so called Hamas charter was written by one man and was not endorsed by any of the Hamas leadership.

They should change the name to the Israeli charter. They are the only ones who use it.
Aw bless you Tinmore for being fair & asking for what Hamas leaders themselves really have to say in their own words about peace with Israel. Enjoy!

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roudy, come up with a real source for Hamaxs' Charter. I think the "Jerusalem Fund" is hardly to be trusted. let's find a Hamas source.

Indeed, the so called Hamas charter was written by one man and was not endorsed by any of the Hamas leadership.

They should change the name to the Israeli charter. They are the only ones who use it.
Aw bless you Tinmore for being fair & asking for what Hamas leaders themselves really have to say in their own words about peace with Israel. Enjoy!

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roudy, come up with a real source for Hamaxs' Charter. I think the "Jerusalem Fund" is hardly to be trusted. let's find a Hamas source.

Indeed, the so called Hamas charter was written by one man and was not endorsed by any of the Hamas leadership.

They should change the name to the Israeli charter. They are the only ones who use it.

From your link:

British diplomat and former British ambassador to the United Nations Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006".[85]
As I said earlier, he, and his Muslim-Arab buddies, can (and will) refute it until the cows come home...

The difference being that they cannot EFFECTIVELY refute it, in any manner that is in-force and operative within the Real World that the rest of us inhabit...
WTF are you talking about? There isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you. My argument is the position of the free world.
Ok, so show me a map of Palestine..
No need to.

Palestine is the occupied territories.

That is Gaza, the West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

Golan Heights is Palestine??? :lol:

As for East Jerusalem, it's never going to be part of an independent Palestinian Country.
Even if the international community considers it 'occupied', Israel will NEVER give up sovereignty of it.

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?
Hmmm. Still no reply. How interesting. Gosh I wonder where all the Palestinian supporters have so suddenly disappeared to?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?
We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?
Who are the people who illegally migrated into an area and unilaterally declared themselves a nation when they were only 10% of the population?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?
Who are the people that stooped so low as to massacre and entire village at Deir Yassin?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?
Who killed Yitzhak Rabin?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?
Who attacked the Mavi Marmara and executed a 19 year old American passenger?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?
Who are the people that think it's okay to level entire neighborhoods and commit genocide on a population, because they are the "chosen" ones?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?
And who are the people who preach hatred of anyone that isn't a member of their tribe?
We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?
Who are the people who illegally migrated into an area and unilaterally declared themselves a nation when they were only 10% of the population?
Fun, ain't it? Too bad you didn't have the balls to stop them when they were only 10%. Too late now.

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?
Who are the people that stooped so low as to massacre and entire village at Deir Yassin?
Eighteen percent (107 of 600) of the population was killed in the fighting, not 100%.

Who killed Yitzhak Rabin?
A metaphorical opposite-twin of the people who killed Anwar Sadat, no doubt.

Who attacked the Mavi Marmara and executed a 19 year old American passenger?
Passenger my ass. Try to run a naval blockade, get caught and halted, then try to resist the boarding party, and you're gonna get your head handed to you. Dumbass activists. Nature de-selected them.

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?
Who are the people that think it's okay to level entire neighborhoods and commit genocide on a population, because they are the "chosen" ones?
Don't want civilian casualties?

Stop hiding behind the skirts of your women and children (placing your launchers, militia and leadership quarters, etc., within heavily populated civilian residential areas and schools and hospitals and mosques) like the pussies you are, and stop launching rockets from those areas, and civilian casualties will drop to damned-near non-existent. Your choice.

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?
And who are the people who preach hatred of anyone that isn't a member of their tribe?
Ummmmm... Muslims?
Surely the Palestinians aren't just a disgrace to all of civilized humanity. Let us consider all of the Palestinian contributions to mankind & civilization Vs. that of Israel. Fair enough?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?
Who are the people who illegally migrated into an area and unilaterally declared themselves a nation when they were only 10% of the population?
Fun, ain't it? Too bad you didn't have the balls to stop them when they were only 10%. Too late now.

Eighteen percent (107 of 600) of the population was killed in the fighting, not 100%.

A metaphorical opposite-twin of the people who killed Anwar Sadat, no doubt.

Passenger my ass. Try to run a naval blockade, get caught and halted, then try to resist the boarding party, and you're gonna get your head handed to you. Dumbass activists. Nature de-selected them.

Don't want civilian casualties?

Stop hiding behind the skirts of your women and children (placing your launchers, militia and leadership quarters, etc., within heavily populated civilian residential areas and schools and hospitals and mosques) like the pussies you are, and stop launching rockets from those areas, and civilian casualties will drop to damned-near non-existent. Your choice.

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?
And who are the people who preach hatred of anyone that isn't a member of their tribe?
Ummmmm... Muslims?
We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians?

International law agrees.

The treaty of Lausanna agrees.

The Palestine citizenship order agrees.

Israeli propagandists don't agree.
Perhaps you should educate those Zionists by enlightening them to the truth of all the Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization so they will learn --- Who Are The Palestinians?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians?

International law agrees.

The treaty of Lausanna agrees.

The Palestine citizenship order agrees.

Israeli propagandists don't agree.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Wooo, back-up a minute.

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians?

International law agrees.

The treaty of Lausanna agrees.

The Palestine citizenship order agrees.

Israeli propagandists don't agree.

  • International Law?
    • "Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967;" A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988
  • The Treaty of Lausanne?
    • Does not address Palestine at all. Palestine is included in Article 3, From the Mediterranean to the frontier of Persia, the frontier of Turkey --- pursuant to Article 8 of the Franco-Turkish Agreement of the 20th October, 1921, which refers you to the border with Turkey; again, not mentioning "Palestine" in any fashion. The Franco-Turkish Agreement, alters the boundary specified in the Paart III of the Treaty of Sevres which does mention "Palestine" in Section VII:
      • by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers.

  • In Article 21 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order of 24 July 1925; the Order read:
    • For the purpose of this Order: (1) The expression ‘Palestine’ includes the territories to which the mandate for Palestine applies, except such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the East of the Jordan and the Dead Sea as were defined by Order of the High Commissioner dated 1st September 1922.
    • Other than the potential that Arabs living in the portion of the former Mandate of Palestine that subsequently became Israel in May 1948, become de facto Israeli Citizens, I don't see the application. How are you applying the Order?

So, let's go back and make your point. What is the "bottom line" and how does it make a difference, give the current recognition of the State of Palestine (alla 1988)?

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Hmmm! No reply. Gosh I wonder why that is? Heh Heh!

P F Tinmore; et al,

Wooo, back-up a minute.

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians?

International law agrees.

The treaty of Lausanna agrees.

The Palestine citizenship order agrees.

Israeli propagandists don't agree.

  • International Law?
    • "Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967;" A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988
  • The Treaty of Lausanne?
    • Does not address Palestine at all. Palestine is included in Article 3, From the Mediterranean to the frontier of Persia, the frontier of Turkey --- pursuant to Article 8 of the Franco-Turkish Agreement of the 20th October, 1921, which refers you to the border with Turkey; again, not mentioning "Palestine" in any fashion. The Franco-Turkish Agreement, alters the boundary specified in the Paart III of the Treaty of Sevres which does mention "Palestine" in Section VII:
      • by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers.

  • In Article 21 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order of 24 July 1925; the Order read:
    • For the purpose of this Order: (1) The expression ‘Palestine’ includes the territories to which the mandate for Palestine applies, except such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the East of the Jordan and the Dead Sea as were defined by Order of the High Commissioner dated 1st September 1922.
    • Other than the potential that Arabs living in the portion of the former Mandate of Palestine that subsequently became Israel in May 1948, become de facto Israeli Citizens, I don't see the application. How are you applying the Order?

So, let's go back and make your point. What is the "bottom line" and how does it make a difference, give the current recognition of the State of Palestine (alla 1988)?

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

Wooo, back-up a minute.

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians? Perhaps a few other questions will help us all focus in on that one.

Who are the people who built the Al Asqa Mosque over the holy site of Solomon's Temple & then claim Israel is stealing "their land"?

Who are the people who stooped so low in all of world history as to massacre an entire World Olympics athlete team in Munich?

Who killed Bobby Kennedy?

Who hijacked the Aciille Lauro & murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair?

Who are the people who have a history of blowing themselves up along with their own children while killing others with them to honor God?

And who are the people who educate their own children with the likes of Farfour?

We still have no agreement as to defining Who Are The Palestinians?

International law agrees.

The treaty of Lausanna agrees.

The Palestine citizenship order agrees.

Israeli propagandists don't agree.

  • International Law?
    • "Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967;" A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988
What relevance does this have to who are the Palestinians? Why did you post this?

  • The Treaty of Lausanne?
    • Does not address Palestine at all. Palestine is included in Article 3, From the Mediterranean to the frontier of Persia, the frontier of Turkey --- pursuant to Article 8 of the Franco-Turkish Agreement of the 20th October, 1921, which refers you to the border with Turkey; again, not mentioning "Palestine" in any fashion. The Franco-Turkish Agreement, alters the boundary specified in the Paart III of the Treaty of Sevres which does mention "Palestine" in Section VII:
The Franco-Turkish Agreement dealt with the new borders of turkey. Palestine does not border with Turkey so it was not mentioned. Why did you post this?

The Treaty of Sevres was not ratified. Why did you post this?

  • by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers.
Palestine's final international border was defined with Transjordan in 1922. Why did you post this?

  • In Article 21 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order of 24 July 1925; the Order read:
    • For the purpose of this Order: (1) The expression ‘Palestine’ includes the territories to which the mandate for Palestine applies, except such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the East of the Jordan and the Dead Sea as were defined by Order of the High Commissioner dated 1st September 1922.
    • Other than the potential that Arabs living in the portion of the former Mandate of Palestine that subsequently became Israel in May 1948, become de facto Israeli Citizens, I don't see the application. How are you applying the Order?

So, let's go back and make your point. What is the "bottom line" and how does it make a difference, give the current recognition of the State of Palestine (alla 1988)?

Most Respectfully,
This last part can be confusing and can get overly complicated. Perhaps a new post or new thread.

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