Who Are The Palestinains?

If you say that it is none of their business...

And the Israelis say that it is...

One opinion or the other will manifest as dominant, in conditions extant in the Real World...

Any luck in positioning your opinion as the operative and dominant one?

Thought not.
Israel's nothing more than a schoolyard bully. And all bully's suffer the same fate on a long enough timeline. Sooner or later, they run into someone they can't bully and whined up getting their ass whipped.

That's what happened to Germany when they thought they could do anything they wanted and that's what will eventually happen to Israel.

You know, at one time, I used to think "might made right", but I was 15. If you think it's cool to walk around like your some big bad ass doing whatever you fucking please, then you need to grow up.

To reach gaza one must cross Cyprian and either Egyptian or Israeli waters. The took place within Israel's limits.


>>A blockade is a recognized legal construct, and must be formally declared, for a plausible reason, and be effectively enforced.<<
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Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters

After they had killed many Palestinian women and children, of course.

Now Haniya is going to show us a picture of Muslim soldiers, after they have killed innocent women and children, weeping over a dead comrade. There should be plenty of these pictures coming out in places such as Syria. Say, do you think that members of the Pakistani Army wept if one of their comrades was killed when they helped the previous King of Jordan kill thousands of Palestinians in that incident known as Black September?


Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters

After they had killed many Palestinian women and children, of course.

Yes, the muslim dogs will even sacrifice their women and children for a POLITICAL POINT that can be expanded across to the enablers friends.... But YOU knew this, and try to make it look like the muslim attack on Jews is anything but.... Once a dog.....
Actually, the cartoonist is a Brazilian.

And we know that there are anti-Semites all over the world, and there are those anti-Semites who also happen to be cartoonists.

No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.

You really are a laugh a minute, Haniya. You must think people don't know what is going on. Meanwhile, don't you think the world should be against the Muslims? After all, if they read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., they become aware of Muslims murdering Christians, Budfdhists, Hindus and even Muslims of different sects?
And we know that there are anti-Semites all over the world, and there are those anti-Semites who also happen to be cartoonists.

No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.

You really are a laugh a minute, Haniya. You must think people don't know what is going on. Meanwhile, don't you think the world should be against the Muslims? After all, if they read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., they become aware of Muslims murdering Christians, Budfdhists, Hindus and even Muslims of different sects?

Why should the world be against Muslims, or Christians or Jews or Hindus or people of any religion? I think you haven't a clue what is going on. You just hate Muslims and it clouds your logic. You are basically a racist.
No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.

You really are a laugh a minute, Haniya. You must think people don't know what is going on. Meanwhile, don't you think the world should be against the Muslims? After all, if they read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., they become aware of Muslims murdering Christians, Budfdhists, Hindus and even Muslims of different sects?

Why should the world be against Muslims, or Christians or Jews or Hindus or people of any religion? I think you haven't a clue what is going on. You just hate Muslims and it clouds your logic. You are basically a racist.

Muslims Destroyed Hindu Kali Temple
No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.

You really are a laugh a minute, Haniya. You must think people don't know what is going on. Meanwhile, don't you think the world should be against the Muslims? After all, if they read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., they become aware of Muslims murdering Christians, Budfdhists, Hindus and even Muslims of different sects?

Why should the world be against Muslims, or Christians or Jews or Hindus or people of any religion? I think you haven't a clue what is going on. You just hate Muslims and it clouds your logic. You are basically a racist.

Give it a rest. We have heard the same song before from posters just like you. We see what is happening in the world even though you refuse to see it. There should be religious tolereance for all people in this world, but your fellow Muslims don't seem to believe in this tolerance. If they believed that people have the right to their religious beliefs, they wouldn't be killing these people. Don't you even cringe when you hear of a car or suicide bombing committed by one sect of Muslims where dozens of innocent people of the other sect are killed?
montelatici, et al,

Yes, Carlos Latuff (born November 30, 1968) is a Brazilian freelance political cartoonist.[1] His works deal with an array of themes, including anti-Zionism, anti-globalization, anti-capitalism, and anti-U.S. military intervention. He is best known for his images depicting the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and, more recently, the Arab Spring events. Latuff himself has described his work as controversial. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Actually, the cartoonist is a Brazilian.

I first saw his work on the DeviantART Gallery page.

Most Respectfully,

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