Who Are The Palestinains?


Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters
That's like mourning the death of Nazis killed during the invasion of Poland.

For that we must look to those whose philosophical roots and militaristic mannerisms ape those of the Nazis...






Yes, the muslim dogs will even sacrifice their women and children for a POLITICAL POINT that can be expanded across to the enablers friends.... But YOU knew this, and try to make it look like the muslim attack on Jews is anything but.... Once a dog.....
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?
It's the unfortunate consequence of your beloved Hamas terrorists embedding their rocket launchers and headquarters and militia units and leadership and war-assets within heavily populated civilian residential areas - shooting from within those civilian population areas and stupidly expecting not to receive return-fire because of their shielding - hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are...
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Give it a rest. We have heard the same song before from posters just like you. We see what is happening in the world even though you refuse to see it. There should be religious tolereance for all people in this world, but your fellow Muslims don't seem to believe in this tolerance. If they believed that people have the right to their religious beliefs, they wouldn't be killing these people. Don't you even cringe when you hear of a car or suicide bombing committed by one sect of Muslims where dozens of innocent people of the other sect are killed?
There wouldn't be suicide bombers if you stopped treating them like they're sub-human.
He was talking about suicide bombings as a tactic between different sects of Muslims, as an indication of their suicidal nature, apart from the Muslim-Jewish conflict, in order to illustrate their intolerant and savage mindset, which can be turned against other Muslims, Jews, Christians, whatever. Try to keep up.
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Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters

After they had killed many Palestinian women and children, of course.

Actually under INTERNATIONAL LAW it was hamas that killed those women and children. Try reading the Geneva Conventions which contain all the details
Actually, the cartoonist is a Brazilian.

And we know that there are anti-Semites all over the world, and there are those anti-Semites who also happen to be cartoonists.

No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.


If the world is against Zionism ( the belief that the Jews have the right to a homeland in the M.E and the right to defend that homeland ) then they are against the human rights of every Jew making them ANTI SEMITIC .
No, most of the world is against Zionism not against Jews.

You really are a laugh a minute, Haniya. You must think people don't know what is going on. Meanwhile, don't you think the world should be against the Muslims? After all, if they read the newspapers or watch the news on T.V., they become aware of Muslims murdering Christians, Budfdhists, Hindus and even Muslims of different sects?

Why should the world be against Muslims, or Christians or Jews or Hindus or people of any religion? I think you haven't a clue what is going on. You just hate Muslims and it clouds your logic. You are basically a racist.

Once again you use ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA by claiming a person is racist towards a religion. Try reading what defines racism and it is not speaking the truth about how vile, evil and violent muslims are. But it is when you LIE about Zionism, Israel and the Jews
You don't have to be any of that to oppose the criminal class.

But you are! :eusa_boohoo:

Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

The group robbing the US people are the muslims who receive over $10 billion a year in aid. Not loans that have to be paid back like Israel's $2.5 billion of loans in the $3 billion it gets from the USA.

The muslims are robbing me of my taxes, my health care, my housing, my jobs and my freedom. The Jews are doing nothing to steal from me
Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!

There has been no investigation into who perpetrated 911.

Bin Laden was never officially fingered for the Job.

But muslims were, just as they were fingered for the London transport bombings and the Glasgow airport bombing. Not a Jew in sight either
Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!
FBI credit card records show that the 19 hijackers partied almost every night in strip clubs and spent a lot of money on hookers and alcohol.

Does that sound like a muslim to you?

Yes it does, and I know quite a few who do the same. How many do you know ?
But you are! :eusa_boohoo:

Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

The group robbing the US people are the muslims who receive over $10 billion a year in aid. Not loans that have to be paid back like Israel's $2.5 billion of loans in the $3 billion it gets from the USA.

The muslims are robbing me of my taxes, my health care, my housing, my jobs and my freedom. The Jews are doing nothing to steal from me

We give aid to the Muslim criminal class also.

Was that your point?
Bringing up Muslim atrocities isn't racist.
But trashing them 24/7, is.

But Muslims are trying to shut the world up it by calling anyone who criticizes them 'Islamophobes'.
And calling anyone who criticizes Israel anti-Semitic, is not?

If the reports trash muslims 24/7 then how is it racist, it shows that there is a big problem

Using evocative language and making false claims is not critisism

Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters
That's like mourning the death of Nazis killed during the invasion of Poland.

And that is a typical ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST reply.

It is more like mourning the deaths the American G.I's storming Midway
Yes, the muslim dogs will even sacrifice their women and children for a POLITICAL POINT that can be expanded across to the enablers friends.... But YOU knew this, and try to make it look like the muslim attack on Jews is anything but.... Once a dog.....
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?

Hey if the cowards did not use schools and parks to fire their rockets from the children would not be killed. Over 50% of gaza is unpopulated so why do the cowards hide behind civilians ?
Give it a rest. We have heard the same song before from posters just like you. We see what is happening in the world even though you refuse to see it. There should be religious tolereance for all people in this world, but your fellow Muslims don't seem to believe in this tolerance. If they believed that people have the right to their religious beliefs, they wouldn't be killing these people. Don't you even cringe when you hear of a car or suicide bombing committed by one sect of Muslims where dozens of innocent people of the other sect are killed?
There wouldn't be suicide bombers if you stopped treating them like they're sub-human.

How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.
Give it a rest. We have heard the same song before from posters just like you. We see what is happening in the world even though you refuse to see it. There should be religious tolereance for all people in this world, but your fellow Muslims don't seem to believe in this tolerance. If they believed that people have the right to their religious beliefs, they wouldn't be killing these people. Don't you even cringe when you hear of a car or suicide bombing committed by one sect of Muslims where dozens of innocent people of the other sect are killed?
There wouldn't be suicide bombers if you stopped treating them like they're sub-human.

How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.

There haven't been suicide bombers for years.

You need to update your propaganda.
There wouldn't be suicide bombers if you stopped treating them like they're sub-human.

How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.

There haven't been suicide bombers for years.

You need to update your propaganda.
That there were suicide bombers at all is revealing enough.

Not to mention hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like they do.
How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.

There haven't been suicide bombers for years.

You need to update your propaganda.
That there were suicide bombers at all is revealing enough.

Not to mention hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like they do.

you know those are selling points for tinny and his jew-hating friends, right?

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