Who Are The Palestinains?

That's like mourning the death of Nazis killed during the invasion of Poland.

Yes, a muslim Nazi would think that!

You mean Zionazis like you.

Ah.... you didn't know I'm an agnostic! But, it doesn't matter, when you run out of refutes, like all liberal scum, you simply yell RACIST, but in your case you simply changed it to Zionist! Pathetic, but understandable, when you run out of bullets, you throw pebbles!
Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!

There has been no investigation into who perpetrated 911.

Bin Laden was never officially fingered for the Job.

Do you believe in Allah?
Tinmore is on the Hamas payroll. He even mourned Bin Laden's death as did the Hamas leadership.
Just curious, who were those scum who stooped so low as to kill an entire world Olympics team in Munich?

No its not.

Armed aggression is not the same as defending yourself against someone who has already attacked you.

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.

I believe it was some people who Israel kicked out of their country.
Palestinians are Jordanians.

Yasser Arafat made them up for political purposes.
All the while Yasser was Egyptian.

Palestine was always a territory and territories are never a State.
States have governments.
Territories have no government and are subjects of other governments.
The PLO invented the State of Palestine in 1988 and the U.N. bought it hook line and sinker.
And that is a typical ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST reply.

It is more like mourning the deaths the American G.I's storming Midway
No its not.

Armed aggression is not the same as defending yourself against someone who has already attacked you.

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.

I have asked many times for proof that that happened and have yet to receive a response.
Yes, the muslim dogs will even sacrifice their women and children for a POLITICAL POINT that can be expanded across to the enablers friends.... But YOU knew this, and try to make it look like the muslim attack on Jews is anything but.... Once a dog.....
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?

Of course, as long as 7000 PLO rockets are fired into Israel each year, the dumb Jews should just LEVEL all muslim areas attacking them, and be done with it! Rabid puppies grow to be rabid dogs.... Remarkable the restraint those people have, wonder what we'd do if ONE missile came into America from Cuba?

7000??? :lol::lol::lol:

Just curious, who were those scum who stooped so low as to kill an entire world Olympics team in Munich?

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.

I believe it was some people who Israel kicked out of their country.
Palestine was never a country. You keep repeating it as though it's going to become true somehow. :cuckoo:
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?

Of course, as long as 7000 PLO rockets are fired into Israel each year, the dumb Jews should just LEVEL all muslim areas attacking them, and be done with it! Rabid puppies grow to be rabid dogs.... Remarkable the restraint those people have, wonder what we'd do if ONE missile came into America from Cuba?

7000??? :lol::lol::lol:


Your right, before it gets worse, KILL THEM ALL...also PROTECTS us from the muslim terrorists! Israel would do us a great favor!
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?

Of course, as long as 7000 PLO rockets are fired into Israel each year, the dumb Jews should just LEVEL all muslim areas attacking them, and be done with it! Rabid puppies grow to be rabid dogs.... Remarkable the restraint those people have, wonder what we'd do if ONE missile came into America from Cuba?

7000??? :lol::lol::lol:

7000 IDF artillery shells, raining down on Hamas positions?


7000 JDAM bombs, dropping down on Hamas positions?


7000 collateral casualties, as a result of those shells and bombs?


LOL... right, Tinny?

See how that works?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, don't ya think?

You sure you wanna go down that path, Tinny?
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No its not.

Armed aggression is not the same as defending yourself against someone who has already attacked you.

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.

I have asked many times for proof that that happened and have yet to receive a response.

It's History
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945?1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
Palestinians are Jordanians.

Yasser Arafat made them up for political purposes.
All the while Yasser was Egyptian.

Palestine was always a territory and territories are never a State.
States have governments.
Territories have no government and are subjects of other governments.
The PLO invented the State of Palestine in 1988 and the U.N. bought it hook line and sinker.

Orwell would be proud of you, you mimic the brainwashed citizen perfectly. They say that propaganda works best with dummies, you prove that point with flying colors!
Just curious, who were those scum who stooped so low as to kill an entire world Olympics team in Munich?

I believe it was some people who Israel kicked out of their country.
Palestine was never a country. You keep repeating it as though it's going to become true somehow. :cuckoo:

Palestine was a territory and was run by the British.
Had Palestine been a State the British could never have declared Israel as a State to the Jews.
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Palestinians are Jordanians.

Yasser Arafat made them up for political purposes.
All the while Yasser was Egyptian.

Palestine was always a territory and territories are never a State.
States have governments.
Territories have no government and are subjects of other governments.
The PLO invented the State of Palestine in 1988 and the U.N. bought it hook line and sinker.

Orwell would be proud of you, you mimic the brainwashed citizen perfectly. They say that propaganda works best with dummies, you prove that point with flying colors!

You're the one that's been brainwashed.
I believe it was some people who Israel kicked out of their country.
Palestine was never a country. You keep repeating it as though it's going to become true somehow. :cuckoo:

Palestine was a territory and was run by the British.
Had Palestine been a State the British could never have declared Israel as a State to the Jews.

"The Palestine Mandate

ART. 2.

The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion......"

Palestinians are Jordanians.

Yasser Arafat made them up for political purposes.
All the while Yasser was Egyptian.

Palestine was always a territory and territories are never a State.
States have governments.
Territories have no government and are subjects of other governments.
The PLO invented the State of Palestine in 1988 and the U.N. bought it hook line and sinker.

Orwell would be proud of you, you mimic the brainwashed citizen perfectly. They say that propaganda works best with dummies, you prove that point with flying colors!
The truth is not propaganda. Brainwashed? Isn't that what is called an enema in your circles?

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