Who Are The Palestinains?

How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.
Let me see, they started 37 years after you started treating them like shit, 1967 + 37 = 2004 and it's now 2014, so 2014 - 2004 = 10, so they've been bombing for the last 10 years.
Hey if the cowards did not use schools and parks to fire their rockets from the children would not be killed.
There were no rockets being fired during those incidents. Kids were walking to school and playing soccer when your piece of shit buddy's came flying in and took them out with a missile strike.

Over 50% of gaza is unpopulated so why do the cowards hide behind civilians ?
Dude, get back on your meds!

Gaza is one of the most densely populated urban area on the planet.
Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!

There has been no investigation into who perpetrated 911.

Bin Laden was never officially fingered for the Job.
Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Then why did the Palestinians and Muslim world celebrate?

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There wouldn't be suicide bombers if you stopped treating them like they're sub-human.

How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.

There haven't been suicide bombers for years.

You need to update your propaganda.

2008 was not that long ago when you consider you go back to 1917 to demonise the Jews
Eh, Tinmore, do you think maybe these damn low life Zionists did it?


Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!

There has been no investigation into who perpetrated 911.

Bin Laden was never officially fingered for the Job.
How long have the Palestinians been suicide bombers now, and the evidence shows that even when they are in control they still resort to suicide bombing.
Let me see, they started 37 years after you started treating them like shit, 1967 + 37 = 2004 and it's now 2014, so 2014 - 2004 = 10, so they've been bombing for the last 10 years.

Not according to reports which shows them doing it in 1980

Tel Aviv?Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which was Instrumental in the occupation and the fence around Israel. Did you know that the Palestinians are so arrogant that they complained to the UN that the security fence stopped them from suicide bombing.
Hey if the cowards did not use schools and parks to fire their rockets from the children would not be killed.
There were no rockets being fired during those incidents. Kids were walking to school and playing soccer when your piece of shit buddy's came flying in and took them out with a missile strike.

Over 50% of gaza is unpopulated so why do the cowards hide behind civilians ?
Dude, get back on your meds!

Gaza is one of the most densely populated urban area on the planet.

So you will have no problems in showing a link that proves your post

Take a look on google earth and see that 50% of gaza is not populated

And that is a typical ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST reply.

It is more like mourning the deaths the American G.I's storming Midway
No its not.

Armed aggression is not the same as defending yourself against someone who has already attacked you.

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.
Not really.

Why do you support the people who are robbing you?

That doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps because they don't kill me like muslims do! Do you not care about almost 3000 Americans killed by muslims?...Apparently not, that is why you are what you are!

There has been no investigation into who perpetrated 911.

Bin Laden was never officially fingered for the Job.

Do you believe in Allah?
If the reports trash muslims 24/7 then how is it racist, it shows that there is a big problem

Using evocative language and making false claims is not critisism
How does a "report", do anything 24/7?

Can you get any more stupid?

Can you when you make a claim and then go all stupid when it is shown to be nothing but RACIST JEW HATRED. The reports used to trash muslims are factual and are being reported 24/7. Start with the war in Syria, the war in Darfur, the war in Pakistan, the war in Somalia, the war in Kenya in fact the whole of the world see's some muslim atrocity every minute of every day.

What is it they say...."If the COMBAT BOOT FITS.....

Then it's okay to kill children with GI Joe dolls?

As log as they have a brick of C4 with the doll!:cuckoo:

Israeli soldiers mourn the death of fellow soldier Alex Mashavisky at his funeral in Beersheba on Wednesday, the day after Mr. Mashavisky was killed during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Reuters
That's like mourning the death of Nazis killed during the invasion of Poland.

Yes, a muslim Nazi would think that!
Just curious, who were those scum who stooped so low as to kill an entire world Olympics team in Munich?

And that is a typical ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST reply.

It is more like mourning the deaths the American G.I's storming Midway
No its not.

Armed aggression is not the same as defending yourself against someone who has already attacked you.

AND are you forgetting your history of 194r8 when the arab league attacked and invaded Israel. many Palestinians took part in those attacks. Just as many Palestinians still attack Israel today, targeting children for the maximum effect. That one fact alone should turn every civilised decent person against the Palestinian scum.
Yes, the muslim dogs will even sacrifice their women and children for a POLITICAL POINT that can be expanded across to the enablers friends.... But YOU knew this, and try to make it look like the muslim attack on Jews is anything but.... Once a dog.....
Does that include missile strikes on Palestinian children walking to school or playing soccer?

Of course, as long as 7000 PLO rockets are fired into Israel each year, the dumb Jews should just LEVEL all muslim areas attacking them, and be done with it! Rabid puppies grow to be rabid dogs.... Remarkable the restraint those people have, wonder what we'd do if ONE missile came into America from Cuba?

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