Who Are The Palestinains?

et al,

Again, you are mistaken.

montelatici, et al,

Wow! What in the world is the matter with you?


It is clearly a British Passport.

The citizenship is Palestinian - based on the "Palestinian Citizenship Order."

So, at one point, they were --- most probably --- Arabs, that were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and then, after the fall, the Republic of Turkey.

The Mandatory issues Passports for the citizens of the Mandate. This was authorized by the Palestine Order in Council. The "Palestinian" citizenship means that the person was a citizen of the Mandate of Palestine.

India, is a separate issue. India was a Commonwealth of the Crown, and formal part of the British Empire. You are mixing apples and oranges.

Most Respectfully,

Palestinian citizens were defined in two places.

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​
The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

To qualify for Palestinian nationality by virtue of this paragraph, the person had to be: (1) a Turkish subject, or citizen; and (2) habitually resident in Palestine. While Palestinian nationality in accordance with international law (the Treaty of Lausanne) was created, as shown above, on 6 August 1924, the same nationality was effectively created on 1 August 1925 based on domestic law (the Palestinian Citizenship Order)
Contrary to popular propaganda, the mandate was not Palestine. The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to hold Palestine in trust on the behalf of the Palestinians. Palestine and the Palestinians existed before and after the mandate.

Palestine was the short title for the Mandate of Palestine, an area to be determined solely by the Allied Powers.

The Treaty of Lausanne never mentions Palestine.

The people of that region were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and later the Republic of Turkey.

Citizenship and Nationality were determined by the Palestine Order in Council, and happens to use the same legal language as the Treaty simply because the very same Allied Powers wrote both documents.

The authorities that determined citizenship and nationalities were the same people that administered the various mandates. Nothing is in conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Maybe Palestinians should stop the charade and call themselves ex Turkish subjects?
et al,

Again, you are mistaken.

Palestinian citizens were defined in two places.

Contrary to popular propaganda, the mandate was not Palestine. The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to hold Palestine in trust on the behalf of the Palestinians. Palestine and the Palestinians existed before and after the mandate.

Palestine was the short title for the Mandate of Palestine, an area to be determined solely by the Allied Powers.

The Treaty of Lausanne never mentions Palestine.

The people of that region were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and later the Republic of Turkey.

Citizenship and Nationality were determined by the Palestine Order in Council, and happens to use the same legal language as the Treaty simply because the very same Allied Powers wrote both documents.

The authorities that determined citizenship and nationalities were the same people that administered the various mandates. Nothing is in conflict.

Most Respectfully,

The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.
Not really. The Turkish subjects became subjects of the British, in the British mandate of Palestine. Sometime thereafter, the invading Arabs hijacked the name for Jews of the region, "Palestinian".

Palestine = Arab hoax.
et al,

Again, you are mistaken.


Palestine was the short title for the Mandate of Palestine, an area to be determined solely by the Allied Powers.

The Treaty of Lausanne never mentions Palestine.

The people of that region were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and later the Republic of Turkey.

Citizenship and Nationality were determined by the Palestine Order in Council, and happens to use the same legal language as the Treaty simply because the very same Allied Powers wrote both documents.

The authorities that determined citizenship and nationalities were the same people that administered the various mandates. Nothing is in conflict.

Most Respectfully,

The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.
Not really. The Turkish subjects became subjects of the British, in the British mandate of Palestine. Sometime thereafter, the invading Arabs hijacked the name for Jews of the region, "Palestinian".

Palestine = Arab hoax.

Could you document that opinion?
The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.
Not really. The Turkish subjects became subjects of the British, in the British mandate of Palestine. Sometime thereafter, the invading Arabs hijacked the name for Jews of the region, "Palestinian".

Palestine = Arab hoax.

Could you document that opinion?
What is there to document? The region was Turkish Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after the collapse it fell under British control. The British and French under the UN / League of Nations mandate divided most of the Middle East into many Muslim states, and allocated the region known as Palestine for the Jews. Jordan was first included in this Jesish state, but after Arab objections they decided to create an "Arab Palestine" state east of the Jordan River which is now Jordan.

But apparently even that wasn't enough for the Arabs, they attacked the newly formed Jewish state and got their buts kicked. All the Arab aggressions against the state of Israel were never to create this mythical Palestine, but simply to destroy the Jewish state. Even Arabs laughed at the concept of an Arab Palestinian.

This is all factual undeniable history.
montelatici, et al,

Wow! What in the world is the matter with you?

I see, so Indian passports that also has British Passport on cover mean that Indians were not Indians when it said Indian on the citizenship page? Look closely again you ignoramus.


It is clearly a British Passport.

The citizenship is Palestinian - based on the "Palestinian Citizenship Order."

So, at one point, they were --- most probably --- Arabs, that were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and then, after the fall, the Republic of Turkey.

The Mandatory issues Passports for the citizens of the Mandate. This was authorized by the Palestine Order in Council. The "Palestinian" citizenship means that the person was a citizen of the Mandate of Palestine.

India, is a separate issue. India was a Commonwealth of the Crown, and formal part of the British Empire. You are mixing apples and oranges.

Most Respectfully,

Palestinian citizens were defined in two places.

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​
The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

To qualify for Palestinian nationality by virtue of this paragraph, the person had to be: (1) a Turkish subject, or citizen; and (2) habitually resident in Palestine. While Palestinian nationality in accordance with international law (the Treaty of Lausanne) was created, as shown above, on 6 August 1924, the same nationality was effectively created on 1 August 1925 based on domestic law (the Palestinian Citizenship Order)
Contrary to popular propaganda, the mandate was not Palestine. The mandate was temporarily assigned to Palestine to hold Palestine in trust on the behalf of the Palestinians. Palestine and the Palestinians existed before and after the mandate.

Wrong again Tinmore. The Mandate=Palestine and Palestine=Mandate.

Look at the birthplace of people who were born in the region prior to 1948. It says 'Mandatory Palestine' or 'British Mandate of Palestine'. It does not say Palestine , and if it does, it's a small mistake.

How can you call the documented truth 'propaganda'

You know Rocco is right Tinmore, but admitting so would severely damage your agenda, so I don't really blame you.
Not really. The Turkish subjects became subjects of the British, in the British mandate of Palestine. Sometime thereafter, the invading Arabs hijacked the name for Jews of the region, "Palestinian".

Palestine = Arab hoax.

Could you document that opinion?
What is there to document? The region was Turkish Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after the collapse it fell under British control. The British and French under the UN / League of Nations mandate divided most of the Middle East into many Muslim states, and allocated the region known as Palestine for the Jews. Jordan was first included in this Jesish state, but after Arab objections they decided to create an "Arab Palestine" state east of the Jordan River which is now Jordan.

But apparently even that wasn't enough for the Arabs, they attacked the newly formed Jewish state and got their buts kicked. All the Arab aggressions against the state of Israel were never to create this mythical Palestine, but simply to destroy the Jewish state. Even Arabs laughed at the concept of an Arab Palestinian.

This is all factual undeniable history.

You are confused. Britain occupied Ottoman territory in 1917. Palestine was created when the Ottoman empire ended ending the British occupation.

Britain was then temporarily assigned to Palestine as the Mandate. When the mandate left Palestine, Palestine was still there.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Read the Passport.

The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.

The applicable law is the Palestine Citizenship Law; AKA: Palestine Citizenship Order 1925. That law was written by the Allied Powers; the same as the Treaty was written by the Allied Powers. The language comes from the 1922 version of the POiC.

The Palestine Order in Council said:
NOW THEREFORE His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His Majesty vested, is pleased by and with the advice of his Privy Council to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:--

1. This Order may be cited as the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order, 1922.
2. In this Order, unless the contrary intention appears,
"Secretary of State" means one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.
"Register of voters" or "register" means the register prepared in accordance with this Order of the persons entitled to vote for the election of a member of the Legislative Council.
"Member" means a member of the Legislative Council.
"District" means one of the administrative divisions into which Palestine may be divided by the High Commissioner.
For the purposes of this Order and pending the introduction of an Order in Council regulating Palestinian citizenship, the following persons shall be deemed to be Palestinian citizens:--
(a)Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order.
(b)All persons of other than Turkish nationality habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the said date, who shall within two calendar months of the said date make application for Palestinian citizenship in such form and before such officer as may be prescribed by the High Commissioner.

The habitually resident of Mandate of Palestine were generally regarded internationally as both Palestinian citizens and British protected persons.

The regulations under the Immigration Ordinance, 1925, set up a statutory procedure for the introduction of Jewish immigrant labour into Palestine. The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, facilitates the acquisition of Palestinian nationality by persons settling in the country, including those who opted for Palestinian citizenship under the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.

The text of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council and of a Proclamation by the High Commissioner for Palestine amending Article 2. Article 5 of the Order facilitates the acquisition of citizenship by Jews who opted therefor under Article 2 of the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.


What is the point to which you are driving? What agenda are you attempting to substantiate using this Order in Council?

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

Read the Passport.

The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.

The applicable law is the Palestine Citizenship Law; AKA: Palestine Citizenship Order 1925. That law was written by the Allied Powers; the same as the Treaty was written by the Allied Powers. The language comes from the 1922 version of the POiC.

The Palestine Order in Council said:
NOW THEREFORE His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His Majesty vested, is pleased by and with the advice of his Privy Council to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:--

1. This Order may be cited as the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order, 1922.
2. In this Order, unless the contrary intention appears,
"Secretary of State" means one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.
"Register of voters" or "register" means the register prepared in accordance with this Order of the persons entitled to vote for the election of a member of the Legislative Council.
"Member" means a member of the Legislative Council.
"District" means one of the administrative divisions into which Palestine may be divided by the High Commissioner.
For the purposes of this Order and pending the introduction of an Order in Council regulating Palestinian citizenship, the following persons shall be deemed to be Palestinian citizens:--
(a)Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order.
(b)All persons of other than Turkish nationality habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the said date, who shall within two calendar months of the said date make application for Palestinian citizenship in such form and before such officer as may be prescribed by the High Commissioner.

The habitually resident of Mandate of Palestine were generally regarded internationally as both Palestinian citizens and British protected persons.

The regulations under the Immigration Ordinance, 1925, set up a statutory procedure for the introduction of Jewish immigrant labour into Palestine. The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, facilitates the acquisition of Palestinian nationality by persons settling in the country, including those who opted for Palestinian citizenship under the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.

The text of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council and of a Proclamation by the High Commissioner for Palestine amending Article 2. Article 5 of the Order facilitates the acquisition of citizenship by Jews who opted therefor under Article 2 of the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.


What is the point to which you are driving? What agenda are you attempting to substantiate using this Order in Council?

Most Respectfully,

How does this contradict my post?

With regard to nationality of the inhabitants of mandated territories, in general, the Council of the League of Nations adopted the following resolution on 23 April 1923:

“(1) The status of the native inhabitants of a Mandated territory is distinct from that of the nationals of the Mandatory Power....
(2) The native inhabitants of a Mandated territory are not invested with the nationality of the Mandatory Power by means of the protection extended to them…”92​

The mandate was never part of Britain.
P F Tinmore; et al,

I agree, the Mandate of Palestine is not a territory or colony of the UK.

P F Tinmore; et al,

Read the Passport.

The documents are quite clear. The Ottoman citizens of the defined area of Palestine became Palestinians and citizens of Palestine after 1924/1925 by treaty and law.

The applicable law is the Palestine Citizenship Law; AKA: Palestine Citizenship Order 1925. That law was written by the Allied Powers; the same as the Treaty was written by the Allied Powers. The language comes from the 1922 version of the POiC.

The habitually resident of Mandate of Palestine were generally regarded internationally as both Palestinian citizens and British protected persons.

The regulations under the Immigration Ordinance, 1925, set up a statutory procedure for the introduction of Jewish immigrant labour into Palestine. The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, facilitates the acquisition of Palestinian nationality by persons settling in the country, including those who opted for Palestinian citizenship under the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.

The text of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council and of a Proclamation by the High Commissioner for Palestine amending Article 2. Article 5 of the Order facilitates the acquisition of citizenship by Jews who opted therefor under Article 2 of the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.


What is the point to which you are driving? What agenda are you attempting to substantiate using this Order in Council?

Most Respectfully,

How does this contradict my post?

With regard to nationality of the inhabitants of mandated territories, in general, the Council of the League of Nations adopted the following resolution on 23 April 1923:

“(1) The status of the native inhabitants of a Mandated territory is distinct from that of the nationals of the Mandatory Power....
(2) The native inhabitants of a Mandated territory are not invested with the nationality of the Mandatory Power by means of the protection extended to them…”92​

The mandate was never part of Britain.

The Mandate was a trusteeship of the League of Nations.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore; et al,

I agree, the Mandate of Palestine is not a territory or colony of the UK.

P F Tinmore; et al,

Read the Passport.


The applicable law is the Palestine Citizenship Law; AKA: Palestine Citizenship Order 1925. That law was written by the Allied Powers; the same as the Treaty was written by the Allied Powers. The language comes from the 1922 version of the POiC.

The habitually resident of Mandate of Palestine were generally regarded internationally as both Palestinian citizens and British protected persons.

The regulations under the Immigration Ordinance, 1925, set up a statutory procedure for the introduction of Jewish immigrant labour into Palestine. The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, facilitates the acquisition of Palestinian nationality by persons settling in the country, including those who opted for Palestinian citizenship under the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.

The text of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council and of a Proclamation by the High Commissioner for Palestine amending Article 2. Article 5 of the Order facilitates the acquisition of citizenship by Jews who opted therefor under Article 2 of the Palestine Legislative Council Election Order in Council, 1922.


What is the point to which you are driving? What agenda are you attempting to substantiate using this Order in Council?

Most Respectfully,

How does this contradict my post?

With regard to nationality of the inhabitants of mandated territories, in general, the Council of the League of Nations adopted the following resolution on 23 April 1923:

“(1) The status of the native inhabitants of a Mandated territory is distinct from that of the nationals of the Mandatory Power....
(2) The native inhabitants of a Mandated territory are not invested with the nationality of the Mandatory Power by means of the protection extended to them…”92​

The mandate was never part of Britain.

The Mandate was a trusteeship of the League of Nations.

Most Respectfully,

Correct, Palestine was held in trust by the mandate. The mandate was not Palestine.
P F Tinmore; et al,

You just refuse to listen.

P F Tinmore; et al,

I agree, the Mandate of Palestine is not a territory or colony of the UK.


The Mandate was a trusteeship of the League of Nations.

Most Respectfully,

Correct, Palestine was held in trust by the mandate. The mandate was not Palestine.

Palestine the what?

When you use the word Palestine, you are saying -- in shortened form -- The Mandate of Palestine. It is both a document and a place.

The territories to which the Mandate for Palestine = Palestine​

The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

SOURCE: The Palestine Order in Council, 1922

When you say you are a Citizen of Palestine, prior to 15 May 1948, you were actually saying is that you are a Citizen of the Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies.

You are trying to make this harder than it is.

Remember, Palestine (Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was a "legal entity" but not a sovereign state. It would not become a sovereign state until November 1988; and even the Palestinian Authority questions that --- when it raises the issue of dismantlement.

And I ask again, what is the agenda you are trying to support in this line of discussion?

Most Respectfully,
Could you document that opinion?
What is there to document? The region was Turkish Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after the collapse it fell under British control. The British and French under the UN / League of Nations mandate divided most of the Middle East into many Muslim states, and allocated the region known as Palestine for the Jews. Jordan was first included in this Jesish state, but after Arab objections they decided to create an "Arab Palestine" state east of the Jordan River which is now Jordan.

But apparently even that wasn't enough for the Arabs, they attacked the newly formed Jewish state and got their buts kicked. All the Arab aggressions against the state of Israel were never to create this mythical Palestine, but simply to destroy the Jewish state. Even Arabs laughed at the concept of an Arab Palestinian.

This is all factual undeniable history.

You are confused. Britain occupied Ottoman territory in 1917. Palestine was created when the Ottoman empire ended ending the British occupation.

Britain was then temporarily assigned to Palestine as the Mandate. When the mandate left Palestine, Palestine was still there.
You are just repeating what I said but excluding the truth. The Ottoman Empire ended after the end of the first world war (since the Turks sided with the Germans and were defeated), and Britain and France as part of the victors, took over the middle east and divided it. There was never a country called Palestine or Palestinians during the 600 years of the Ottoman Empire. The British called the REGION Palestine, which was initially designated as the Jewish homeland, because, the entirety of the Middle East was given to the Muslim Arabs by the British and the French. The Arab invaders then hijacked the name "Palestinian" which applied only to the Jews, and made it their own in the 1960's.

True story. :cool:
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P F Tinmore; et al,

You just refuse to listen.

Correct, Palestine was held in trust by the mandate. The mandate was not Palestine.

Palestine the what?

When you use the word Palestine, you are saying -- in shortened form -- The Mandate of Palestine. It is both a document and a place.

The territories to which the Mandate for Palestine = Palestine​

The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

SOURCE: The Palestine Order in Council, 1922

When you say you are a Citizen of Palestine, prior to 15 May 1948, you were actually saying is that you are a Citizen of the Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies.

You are trying to make this harder than it is.

Remember, Palestine (Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was a "legal entity" but not a sovereign state. It would not become a sovereign state until November 1988; and even the Palestinian Authority questions that --- when it raises the issue of dismantlement.

And I ask again, what is the agenda you are trying to support in this line of discussion?

Most Respectfully,
The obvious agenda, he's a liar propagandist for Palestinians and spokesperson for Hamas.
P F Tinmore; et al,

You just refuse to listen.

Correct, Palestine was held in trust by the mandate. The mandate was not Palestine.

Palestine the what?

When you use the word Palestine, you are saying -- in shortened form -- The Mandate of Palestine. It is both a document and a place.

The territories to which the Mandate for Palestine = Palestine​

The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

SOURCE: The Palestine Order in Council, 1922

When you say you are a Citizen of Palestine, prior to 15 May 1948, you were actually saying is that you are a Citizen of the Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies.

You are trying to make this harder than it is.

Remember, Palestine (Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was a "legal entity" but not a sovereign state. It would not become a sovereign state until November 1988; and even the Palestinian Authority questions that --- when it raises the issue of dismantlement.

And I ask again, what is the agenda you are trying to support in this line of discussion?

Most Respectfully,

Why do you make this harder than it is. You are making things up. Per the Palestine Order in Council which established Palestinian citizenship for the former Ottoman Subjects of Palestine it is crystal clear:

10 August 1922

The Palestine Order in Council.

The 10th day of August, 1922.

"For the purposes of this Order and pending the introduction of an Order in Council regulating Palestinian citizenship, the following persons shall be deemed to be Palestinian citizens:--

(a)Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order.

(b)All persons of other than Turkish nationality habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the said date, who shall within two calendar months of the said date make application for Palestinian citizenship in such form and before such officer as may be prescribed by the High Commissioner". - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - The Palestine Order in LoN Council - Mandatory order (10 August 1922)
P F Tinmore; et al,

You just refuse to listen.

Palestine the what?

When you use the word Palestine, you are saying -- in shortened form -- The Mandate of Palestine. It is both a document and a place.

The territories to which the Mandate for Palestine = Palestine​

The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

SOURCE: The Palestine Order in Council, 1922

When you say you are a Citizen of Palestine, prior to 15 May 1948, you were actually saying is that you are a Citizen of the Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies.

You are trying to make this harder than it is.

Remember, Palestine (Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was a "legal entity" but not a sovereign state. It would not become a sovereign state until November 1988; and even the Palestinian Authority questions that --- when it raises the issue of dismantlement.

And I ask again, what is the agenda you are trying to support in this line of discussion?

Most Respectfully,

Why do you make this harder than it is. You are making things up. Per the Palestine Order in Council which established Palestinian citizenship for the former Ottoman Subjects of Palestine it is crystal clear:

10 August 1922

The Palestine Order in Council.

The 10th day of August, 1922.

"For the purposes of this Order and pending the introduction of an Order in Council regulating Palestinian citizenship, the following persons shall be deemed to be Palestinian citizens:--

(a)Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order.

(b)All persons of other than Turkish nationality habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the said date, who shall within two calendar months of the said date make application for Palestinian citizenship in such form and before such officer as may be prescribed by the High Commissioner". - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - The Palestine Order in LoN Council - Mandatory order (10 August 1922)
So since "Palestine" was never a country, then "Palestinian Citizenship" simply meant you became a British subject in the territory of Palestine.

Thanks for informing us that "Palestinian Citizenship" was a British invention in the early 1900's. :lmao:
P F Tinmore; et al,

You just refuse to listen.


When you use the word Palestine, you are saying -- in shortened form -- The Mandate of Palestine. It is both a document and a place.

The territories to which the Mandate for Palestine = Palestine​

When you say you are a Citizen of Palestine, prior to 15 May 1948, you were actually saying is that you are a Citizen of the Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies.

You are trying to make this harder than it is.

Remember, Palestine (Territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was a "legal entity" but not a sovereign state. It would not become a sovereign state until November 1988; and even the Palestinian Authority questions that --- when it raises the issue of dismantlement.

And I ask again, what is the agenda you are trying to support in this line of discussion?

Most Respectfully,

Why do you make this harder than it is. You are making things up. Per the Palestine Order in Council which established Palestinian citizenship for the former Ottoman Subjects of Palestine it is crystal clear:

10 August 1922

The Palestine Order in Council.

The 10th day of August, 1922.

"For the purposes of this Order and pending the introduction of an Order in Council regulating Palestinian citizenship, the following persons shall be deemed to be Palestinian citizens:--

(a)Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order.

(b)All persons of other than Turkish nationality habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the said date, who shall within two calendar months of the said date make application for Palestinian citizenship in such form and before such officer as may be prescribed by the High Commissioner". - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - The Palestine Order in LoN Council - Mandatory order (10 August 1922)
So since "Palestine" was never a country, then "Palestinian Citizenship" simply meant you became a British subject in the territory of Palestine.

Thanks for informing us that "Palestinian Citizenship" was a British invention in the early 1900's. :lmao:

Nowhere does it say anything about British Subject, it states Palestinian Citizen. Why do you make things up when your long held beliefs are proven false?
If you hold a British Passport that means you are a British subject. Do you even KNOW what a PASSPORT means? It is evidence of CITIZENSHIP, moron.

1. an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

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