Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Look into the gaping maw of the disease called Islamism.

Do you want to continue this silliness which confirms that the Jews are just as disgusting as the Muslims? As a Christian I am willing to continue, no skin off my b__lls.
Hollie, et al,

That is a good question when discussing vantage points of an:

• International Nature
• European Nature
• Specific to a particular country and their strategic interests

Security Council resolution 1269 (1999) on the responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security
Condemning all acts of terrorism, irrespective of motive, wherever and by whomever committed,

UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/60 (1994) Measures to eliminate international terrorism
Acts, methods and practices of terrorism constitute a grave violation of the purposes and principles of the United Nations, which may pose a threat to international peace and security, jeopardize friendly relations among States, hinder international cooperation and aim at the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic bases of society;

Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or anyother nature that may be invoked to justify them;

Who were the Pal'istanian terrorists?
Not Including:

Historicals Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Armed Wings Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
Lebanon-based Asbat al-Ansar Sunni extremist group composed primarily of Palestinians

It depends on the time period.

Most Respectfully,
It depends on the time period.

Quite right. Those organisations you cite are national liberation or resistance movements, considered as "terrorist" organisations. In another time these national liberation and resistance movements were also known as "terrorist" organisations:
Belgian Resistance
Armée secrète (AS)
Front de l'Indépendance (FI)
Mouvement National Belge (MNB)
Groupe G
Organisation Militaire Belge de Résistance (OMBR)
Partisans Armés (PA)
Witte Brigade
Mouvement National Royaliste (MNR-NKB)
Légion Belge
Armée Belge Reconstituée (ABR)
Comité de Défense des Juifs (CDJ)
Milices Patriotiques (MP-PM)
Service D
Les Affranchis
Kempische Legioen (KL)
Czech resistance movement
Danish resistance movement
Dutch resistance movement
Valkenburg resistance
French resistance movement
Francs-tireurs et Partisans (FTP)
French Forces of the Interior (FFI)
Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR)
Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action (BCRA)
Free French Forces (FFL)
The Stijkel Group, a Dutch resistance movement, which mainly operated around the S-Gravenhage area.
Greek Resistance
List of Greek Resistance organizations
Cretan resistance
National Liberation Front (EAM) and the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS), EAM's guerrilla forces
National Republican Greek League (EDES)
National and Social Liberation (EKKA)
Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (ZOB, the Jewish Fighting Organisation, in Poland)
Zydowski Zwiazek Walki (ZZW, the Jewish Fighting Union, in Poland)
Luxembourgish resistance during World War II
Norwegian resistance movement
Norwegian Independent Company 1 (Kompani Linge)
Osvald Group
Armia Krajowa (the Home Army—mainstream: Authoritarian/Western Democracy)
Cursed soldiers (anti-communist)
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (National Armed Forces - Anti-Nazi, Anti-Communist)
Bataliony Chłopskie (Farmers' Battalions—mainstream, apolitical, stress on private property)
Armia Ludowa (the Peoples' Army—Soviet Proxies)
Gwardia Ludowa (the Peoples' Guard—Soviet Proxies)
Gwardia Ludowa WRN (The Peoples' Guard Freedom Equailty Independence—mainstream; Polish Socialist Party's underground; progressive, anti—nazi and anti—Soviet; believed firmly in private property; believed in Marx's critique of the capitalist system, but rejected his solution)
Leśni (Forest People—various)
Polish Secret State
Slovak resistance movement
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)
Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)

It is in fact a matter of time period and who is doing the labelling and why.
Hollie, et al,

That is a good question when discussing vantage points of an:

• International Nature
• European Nature
• Specific to a particular country and their strategic interests

Security Council resolution 1269 (1999) on the responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security
Condemning all acts of terrorism, irrespective of motive, wherever and by whomever committed,

UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/60 (1994) Measures to eliminate international terrorism
Acts, methods and practices of terrorism constitute a grave violation of the purposes and principles of the United Nations, which may pose a threat to international peace and security, jeopardize friendly relations among States, hinder international cooperation and aim at the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic bases of society;

Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or anyother nature that may be invoked to justify them;

Who were the Pal'istanian terrorists?
Not Including:

Historicals Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Armed Wings Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
Lebanon-based Asbat al-Ansar Sunni extremist group composed primarily of Palestinians

It depends on the time period.

Most Respectfully,
UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/60​
(1994) Measures to eliminate international terrorism​

Hamas does not operate outside its own borders. How is that international?

Hamas only attacks the occupation to liberate Palestine. They have the right to do that. How is that terrorism?
Last edited:
It depends on the time period.

Quite right. Those organisations you cite are national liberation or resistance movements, considered as "terrorist" organisations. In another time these national liberation and resistance movements were also known as "terrorist" organisations:
Belgian Resistance
Armée secrète (AS)
Front de l'Indépendance (FI)
Mouvement National Belge (MNB)
Groupe G
Organisation Militaire Belge de Résistance (OMBR)
Partisans Armés (PA)
Witte Brigade
Mouvement National Royaliste (MNR-NKB)
Légion Belge
Armée Belge Reconstituée (ABR)
Comité de Défense des Juifs (CDJ)
Milices Patriotiques (MP-PM)
Service D
Les Affranchis
Kempische Legioen (KL)
Czech resistance movement
Danish resistance movement
Dutch resistance movement
Valkenburg resistance
French resistance movement
Francs-tireurs et Partisans (FTP)
French Forces of the Interior (FFI)
Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR)
Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action (BCRA)
Free French Forces (FFL)
The Stijkel Group, a Dutch resistance movement, which mainly operated around the S-Gravenhage area.
Greek Resistance
List of Greek Resistance organizations
Cretan resistance
National Liberation Front (EAM) and the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS), EAM's guerrilla forces
National Republican Greek League (EDES)
National and Social Liberation (EKKA)
Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (ZOB, the Jewish Fighting Organisation, in Poland)
Zydowski Zwiazek Walki (ZZW, the Jewish Fighting Union, in Poland)
Luxembourgish resistance during World War II
Norwegian resistance movement
Norwegian Independent Company 1 (Kompani Linge)
Osvald Group
Armia Krajowa (the Home Army—mainstream: Authoritarian/Western Democracy)
Cursed soldiers (anti-communist)
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (National Armed Forces - Anti-Nazi, Anti-Communist)
Bataliony Chłopskie (Farmers' Battalions—mainstream, apolitical, stress on private property)
Armia Ludowa (the Peoples' Army—Soviet Proxies)
Gwardia Ludowa (the Peoples' Guard—Soviet Proxies)
Gwardia Ludowa WRN (The Peoples' Guard Freedom Equailty Independence—mainstream; Polish Socialist Party's underground; progressive, anti—nazi and anti—Soviet; believed firmly in private property; believed in Marx's critique of the capitalist system, but rejected his solution)
Leśni (Forest People—various)
Polish Secret State
Slovak resistance movement
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)
Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)

It is in fact a matter of time period and who is doing the labelling and why.
Indeed, Israel's (and its lackeys) third grade name calling is nothing new.
Israeli peace and love.

I wonder how long it took you and the rest of team Palestine to find this, and now you will ignore the fact that it shows a handful of extremists that don't speak for all of Israel spouting their POV.
Israeli peace and love.

I wonder how long it took you and the rest of team Palestine to find this, and now you will ignore the fact that it shows a handful of extremists that don't speak for all of Israel spouting their POV.

So, MEMRI and PMW both scrape the bottom of the barrel for whackadoodles to present as Representatives of Palestine.

Israeli peace and love.

I wonder how long it took you and the rest of team Palestine to find this, and now you will ignore the fact that it shows a handful of extremists that don't speak for all of Israel spouting their POV.

So, MEMRI and PMW both scrape the bottom of the barrel for whackadoodles to present as Representatives of Palestine.

Actually, it's the whackadoodles, Islamic terrorists and all around social misfits who are the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories.
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