Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It is difficult to miss that one of the defining characteristics of Pally’dom is its alignment with the characteristics of brutality and violence that defines the pseudo-religion of islamism.

Images of bloody knives on the street, Israeli civilians being the objects of coordinated Islamic terrorist attacks is all just a part of happy-fun islamism.

Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser
December 19, 2021
Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas’ Interest to Increase Terror

Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas’ Interest to Increase Terror

The EU is certainly not alone in its failure to control the use of its welfare donations to the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank.

The European Union has not done enough to ensure that its funding to the Palestinian Authority does not support incitement to violence and human rights violations, a study published on Tuesday argued.

“Despite existing anti-terrorism regulations, the EU has not addressed funding by the Palestinian Authority to families of convicted terrorists as well as the persistent issue of incitement to hatred and widespread antisemitism in Palestinian textbooks,” wrote researchers Tommaso Virgili and Paul Stott, who previously authored a report on hidden Muslim Brotherhood networks in Europe.
The Arabs-Moslems parading around as “Pallys” seem to be really angry about something. It seems they have this impression that Ottoman Turk lands they occupied is somehow a forever Arab entitlement.

PA seeks to undo the result of Balfour Declaration and have Israel “disappear”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Dec 27, 2021

PA school kids taught that the Balfour Declaration is:

  • “The filthiest colonialist promise in human history”

  • “the ugliest historical injustice”

  • “Palestine is ours and will not be a homeland of the Jews”

  • “We will give our children’s blood” to undo Balfour Declaration, says Fatah official in Gaza

  • Girl from Fatah calls Balfour “a traitor of humanity,” vows to “fight… with the blood of Martyrs” to erase Israel

  • The Balfour Declaration was “a declaration of war against Palestine” – editorial in official PA daily

  • The Balfour Declaration helped Europeans realize two goals: “Get rid of the Jewish problem in Europe” and “ensure their colonialist interests in the Near East and Far East” – columnist in official PA daily

  • Fatah: “The Balfour Promise was and will remain the most shocking crime in modern human history” whose goal was “to empty the land of Palestine of its people” and “build a military apparatus” so that the Jews “would fulfill a role for the global colonialist system”

Question: What was “a crime against humanity,” “the filthiest colonialist promise in human history,” and “the ugliest historical injustice”?
Who needs potable water for indoor plumbing when ya’ have the gee-had?

Islam means submission no running water.

Naturally, Gaza's terror leaders responded by saying they prefer war to easing restrictions.

Informed sources stated that the resistance factions informed the concerned mediators, especially the Egyptian mediator, of their rejection of any Israeli solutions or proposals represented in a formal easing of the restrictions imposed on the Strip.

In turn, the spokesman for the Islamic Jihad Movement, Tariq Ezz El-Din, said: "The Israeli talk about alleged easing will not deceive the resistance factions, and it will not be a substitute for lifting the siege, nor will it succeed in absorbing the anger of the resistance."

Hamas issued a press release where they said that they prefer war to any other solution:
The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" affirmed that the choice of comprehensive resistance, primarily armed resistance, and igniting the intifada in the face of the occupation, is the way to extract our rights, liberate our land, and defend our people, our principles, our sanctities and our prisoners, and it is capable of deterring the occupier, curbing his aggression, and stopping his crimes.
Gazans know who wants peace and who wants them to be under constant war.
It is notable that Hamas' press release was for the 13th anniversary of the start of the 2008-2009 Gaza war, on December 27.

However, at the time, Hamas had declared that it started the war three days earlier, with a barrage of rockets they called Operation Oil Stain. Throughout the war Hamas maintained that they were the ones who started it. Now, they choose to say that Israel started it - by responding to their rockets.

(full article online)


Pally heroes are suicide bombers.​

Fatah Facebook page calls suicide terrorist “hero” on anniversary of her attack​

Official Fatah Facebook page | Mar 29, 2013

Page administrator:
"Today is the 11th anniversary of Ayyat Al-Akhras' Martyrdom death, resident of the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem, 17 year-old who blew herself up in a shopping center in Jerusalem. In her operation, Ayyat - who should have worn a wedding dress - put on the Palestinian keffiyeh and army uniform."

Caption on picture:
"The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades,
the military wing of the Fatah movement"
"Committed to the promise"
"Hero Martyrdom-Seeker, Ayyat Al-Akhras."
If the Shia Iranian backed Islamic terrorist franchises are prompted by the Mullocrats to step up attacks on Israel, UNRWA may want to preemptively step up another welfare begging campaign.


The Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist groups agreed on a plan to increase cooperation and ramp up terrorist attacks, particularly in Judea and Samaria, during “a lengthy leadership meeting” on Saturday,” according to the Palestine Information Center
Hurt Feelings Alert!

The Pally’s are having a real difficult time with the fact that their status as the pampered darlings of the Arab Middle East is fading. Their relevance to the surrounding Arab nations becomes less and less as social, political and economic ties with Israel and the West strengthen. As the benefits of those relations build, we see the Pallys becoming willing pawns of Shia Iran.

PLO condemns Morocco - UAE - Israel football matches​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 28, 2021
  • PLO: Friendly football matches between Arab states and Israel are “an insult” and “a serious and deep stab in the heart of every free Arab”

In an official statement, the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports has condemned football teams from Morocco and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for participating in friendly matches with Israeli teams in Israel.

The PLO council called the matches “an insult” to Palestinians and “a serious and deep stab in the heart of every free Arab.” It warned the Arab teams not to “fall into the trap of a Nazi occupation,” stating that it would shake their hands with hands “covered in the blood of Palestine’s children.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 14, 2021]

Similarly, a regular columnist for the official PA daily complained over the Palestinian media’s lack of focus on “the stench of normalization that wafted from” the match between the FIFA Arab Legends team and the FIFA World Legends team in Dubai on Dec. 17, 2021. The “stench” arose from the fact that an Israeli who the columnist coined “Zionist coach Avram Grant,” was coaching FIFA World Legends team:
“I [was] monitoring the normalization match between the former Arab stars and the former world stars, which took place two days before the [Arab Cup] final in the presence of Zionist coach Avram Grant… The media did not focus on Algerian stars Rabah Madjer, Rafik Saïfi, and Rafik Halliche’s withdrawal from the match in protest of the stench of normalization that wafted from it.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 21, 2021]
The Pally playbook being, Pally Islamic terrorists attack Israel, Israel responds with force to re-landscapes those areas used by Pally Islamic terrorists to wage war and when the Pally Islamic terrorists suffer a meaningful beat down, they call for a Hudna.

In an official statement, the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports has condemned football teams from Morocco and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for participating in friendly matches with Israeli teams in Israel.

The PLO council called the matches “an insult” to Palestinians and “a serious and deep stab in the heart of every free Arab.” It warned the Arab teams not to “fall into the trap of a Nazi occupation,” stating that it would shake their hands with hands “covered in the blood of Palestine’s children.” [Official PA dailyAl-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 14, 2021]

Similarly, a regular columnist for the official PA daily complained over the Palestinian media’s lack of focus on “the stench of normalization that wafted from” the match between the FIFA Arab Legends team and the FIFA World Legends team in Dubai on Dec. 17, 2021. The “stench” arose from the fact that an Israeli who the columnist coined “Zionist coach Avram Grant,” was coaching FIFA World Legends team:

(full article online)

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