Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Those poor Pallys. It’s just one disaster after another.

While they slobber over 3 people carrying homemade “boycott Israel” cardboard signs, the Pallys are ramping up trade with “the Zionist Entity”.

The phony, screeching “boycott” nonsense goes flying out the window when there’s money to be made.

PA hypocrisy: PA increases trade with Israel, yet calls on others to boycott​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 23, 2021
The Palestinian Authority is a strong supporter and proponent of the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel. As such, when Ben and Jerry’s decided to adopt the BDS platform and halt ice cream sales in Judea and Samaria, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh was quick to praise the “moral values” of the company.

While the PA and its leadership wholeheartedly support the BDS movement, a recent report published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) shows that trade between Israel and the Palestinians in constantly increasing.

Referring to October 2021, the PCBS reported:
“Exports to Israel increased in October, 2021 by 10% compared to September, 2021 and it represented 85% of total exports in October, 2021… Imports from Israel increased by 10% in October, 2021 compared to September, 2021 and it represented 54% of total imports in October, 2021.”
learn to pay attention. From the article:

“The troops had entered the outskirts of the town, which is located just northeast of Ramallah, after suspicious individuals were identified approaching the adjacent town of Psagot”
( Indoctrinated for terror or tired of terror and wanting out of it. Children, victims of Islamic abuse from birth to achieve the impossible )

An attempted terror attack by a 14-year-old Palestinian teen was thwarted by security guards at the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station on Thursday morning, N12 reported.

A man reported the Palestinian teen to security guards at the station after he acted in a suspicious manner.

Security guards who arrived at the scene detained the boy after detecting a kitchen knife under his jacket.

(full article online)

"Hamas does not just see itself as a guest in Lebanon," said Beeri, who served for 20 years in the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate.

"It is a serious challenge for Hezbollah on Lebanon, because of its independent activities and force build-up, and it is also in a state of significant tension with Fatah, the central Palestinian movement in Lebanon," he stated.

All of this serves Iran well, giving the Islamic republic multiple proxies and allies that it can encourage to act against Israel from Lebanon, and giving it options when Hezbollah wishes to focus on domestic Lebanese crises and to dial down tensions with Israel.

"According to the documents we have, Hamas aspires to create precise rockets, guided by GPS, with a range of 20 kilometers at the first stage," said Beeri. "This is a secret project."

In 2018, Hamas came up with a working plan for Lebanon, sketching out the building of battalions with hundreds of members, and creating an elite attack force that is a mirror image of the elite Nahbe strike force in Gaza, based on 130 terror operatives.

"Their goal is to be able to fire 200 rockets at Israel from Lebanon in two rounds of fighting, or 100 rockets per round," said Beeri. "Until now, only Hezbollah had such capabilities. It is unheard of for another organization in Lebanon to deploy such firepower."

Other plans include setting up 122-millimeter mortar shells that are launched automatically by a timer, meaning that even when Israel locates the source of fire, it won't have a target left to hit after the mortar is launched.

Fatah, which is the dominant movement at the Burj Al-Shimali refugee camp, is certainly unhappy to see Hamas building weapons "under its nose," Beeri assessed. "This is the basis for the funeral gunfight, which was likely the result of an organized decision rather than a local initiative," he added. "Fatah suddenly sees a weapons storehouse explode, causing damage. This could be motivation for it to settle accounts with Hamas."

In Lebanon, Hamas sees a new front that it can activate against Israel in addition to the Gaza Strip, giving it operational flexibility.

(full article online)


Hamas Official Ahmad Kulab: It Is Forbidden For Muslims To Congratulate Christians On Christmas; Santa Claus Has Invaded Muslim Countries​

Kuffar Santa is leading the invasion of Moslem’dom.
Pallys. The things you actually hear about.

Israeli strikes in May killed at least 130 civilians and up to 100 militants, and destroyed or damaged more than 1,000 homes, shops and offices in Gaza.

Amid the usual Islamic terrorist bluster about “the end of the Zionist Entity”, the competing Islamic terrorist franchises which occupy Gaza and the West Bank continue on as little more than welfare dependent enclaves.
The other Shia Iranian financed Islamic terrorist franchise in Lebanon wound up in a bit of a kerfuffle with the Sunni Arab financed Islamic terrorist franchise in the West Bank.

(December 22, 2021 / JNS) The deadly explosion that tore through a Hamas arms depot on December 10 in a mosque in the Burj Al Shimali refugee camp, in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre, is a vivid reminder of Hamas’s growing organized armed presence on Lebanese territory – and Iran’s role in helping it grow.

Nothing like a funeral to bring out weapons, ammo and gun battles for competing Islamic terrorist franchises.

The blast killed a Hamas engineer named Hamza Ibrahim Shahine, whose funeral turned into a gun battle between gunmen from Fatah and Hamas, leaving three people reportedly dead.

It’s gratifying when these fine folks can work out their differences like the rational, mature adults they are.
Lovely, lovely people.

The international community bears a great deal of shared responsibility for the schools that churn out these Islamic sociopaths.

Collectively, it is the international community that showers money on these Islamic terrorist enclaves while demanding very little accountability for how the money is spent.

A Palestinian teacher and three school children were directly involved in the recent spate of terror attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank. This came as little surprise to those familiar with the ongoing hate and incitement against Israel in Palestinian schools and textbooks, as well as in the media, mosques and university campuses.

On November 21, Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, a 42-year-old high school teacher from Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem, shot and killed Eli Kay, a 26-year-old immigrant from South Africa. The shooting attack took place in the Old City of Jerusalem. Four other people were injured before the terrorist was shot dead by police.

Abu Shkhaydam was an Islamic studies teacher at Al-Rashidiyeh Boys’ School in east Jerusalem. That the school is run by (Israel’s) Municipality of Jerusalem did not bother the terrorist, who was later described as a member of Hamas.
Oh, dear.

Those Poor, oppressed Pal’istanians™.

If only we gave them more welfare money.

It’s remarkable to read of the fortunes amassed by the Pally welfare kings.

Poor Mahmoud. He’s a relative beggar compared to his contemporaries.

I suspect legitimacy envy is the real lacking that eats away at the competing Islamic terrorist enclaves.

The Palestinian Authority has Jesus envy: PMW in Jer. Post​

Itamar Marcus | Dec 26, 2021

Palestinian Jesus ideology contradicts Christianity,
is insulting to believing Christians,
and is part of a larger more dangerous message.​


The Palestinian Authority has Jesus envy

This rewriting of history is so important to the PA that it repeats these fictions every year, especially around Christmas time.​

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