Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It seems pretty clear why the Islamic terrorist franchises would be ramping up their attacks on Israelis. Their Shia Iranian backers are going to demand that in exchange for Mulla’bucks flowing to the Pally gee-had.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, two Gaza-based terror groups, closed an alliance at the beginning of last week to step up terror attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. The commanders of the Hamas and PIJ military branches met last Sunday to discuss intensifying cooperation between the two terrorist groups.
The really lurid conspiracy theories floated by the Pallys seem to be a product of fear and desperation.

All terrorists are “innocent civilians” and victims of an Israeli plot according to the PA​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 29, 2021
  • PA’s fake news present female stabber as innocent civilian “attacked by the occupation forces”

Earlier this month, a 65-year-old Palestinian woman named Sa’diyya Farajallah stabbed an Israeli civilian near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The 38-year-old Israeli man fought her in self-defense until she was arrested by Israeli police.

But in the PA’s fake news the story was different. According to official PA TV, Farajallah was “attacked,” “beaten,” and “wounded” for no reason by “the occupation forces.” PA TV never mentioned the fact that Farajallah had stabbed an Israeli man:
The Fatah Islamic terrorist franchise may have decided there weren’t enough of its teenagers sacrificed at the altar of gee-had.

The “Martyrs of al-Aqua” will address that.

What was the old Doritos commercial?

“We’ll make more”

The Pallys stole that slogan and apply it to their sacrificial children.


A Christmas message op-ed on Palestinian news site Amad by Dr. Mustafa Youssef Al-Ledawi proves, for the umpteenth time, that Palestinian anti-Zionism and antisemitism are the same thing.

Christians celebrate in the whole world, in these blessed days of every year, Christmas, and their eyes aspire to occupied Palestine, the blessed land where he was born and grew up where Jesus peace be upon him.

In these blessed days, Christians ask God in the highest, the joy among people, and they seek from Him peace on Earth peace, in an eternal and eternal message, that they are people of love and peace, and followers of a noble prophet who preceded our Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace by years, and preach him with knowledge and certainty, so congratulations to the Christians on the night of Christmas, full of goodness, abundant in giving, full of justice and peace.

But the land of Christ Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon them both, is a lawless, occupier, usurped by a rogue gang of old enemies of Christ, who envied and betrayed him, and conspired against him and wanted to kill him, and prepared for his crucifixion, had it not been for God Almighty’s care for him that saved him from their evils...

The land of Christ, peace be upon him, appeals to the world on Christmas Day from the oppression of the Jews and the oppression of the Children of Israel, who are corrupting the land, killing people, uprooting trees, destroying stones, plundering the land from its owners, and building settlements and colonies over it, until the cities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit almost Sahour is joined to the city of Jerusalem, due to the large number of settlement belts that surrounded it and attached it to what it called the Greater City of Jerusalem, which is the holy city that embraces the Church of the Holy Sepulcher... that the Jews have been desecrating and expelling the worshipers from, and today they are trying to distort it, strip it of its endowments, deprive it of its land, and restrict its followers.

Merry Christmas to all, except for the usurping, villainous, prophet-killing Jews!

( This child, and many like him/her, were born to continue the work of Al Husseini, who refused to accept Jews as human beings and their right to legally recreate their Jewish Nation on their historical Jewish homeland. The homeland the Al Husseini moved into around the 10th or 11th century CE.
Palestinian land. Sure !!!! )

The following video of some palestinian Arabs reacting to a house demolition in Hebron* has been disseminated by anti-Israel social media accounts.

The bulldozer is not the only thing chewing up scenery here. This seems to be textbook Pallywood.

Note the young woman near the beginning “crying” while hugging the boy. At around 9 seconds, she briefly looks to the side, in the direction of the camera, and continues her “crying.” We then see the crying boys and shrieking lady, all in front of the cameras. Then towards the end the same young woman from the beginning is being “consoled” by someone else, this time another woman. She is trading partners like at a dance club.

Another angle of that last scene makes the contrivance even clearer.

The young woman is facing another camera while the shrieking lady does her thing in front of a second camera. At around 10 seconds, crying lady and shrieking lady quickly stop doing their thing, looking to the right. Some have speculated they were told “cut”, but I am not sure. Still, it looks mighty suspicious that in a blink of an eye, they turn off the “emotion.”

What is clear is that these people are deliberately trying to tug at the heartstrings in front of multiple cameras. The sad thing is that this sort of thing works all too effectively.


While PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is busy meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz for “trust building,” his Fatah Movement is preparing for its 57th anniversary on Jan. 1st, which celebrates Fatah’s 57 years of terror on the date of its first terror attack against Israel in 1965, attempting to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier.

But while Abbas is telling Gantz words of trust, a look at what his Fatah is telling Palestinians about Fatah’s values pretty much tears that trust to pieces.

As Fatah’s anniversary approaches, Abbas’ movement is reminding Palestinians what it’s all about: Terror and death as Martyrs for “Palestine”!

Celebrating the upcoming anniversary of the Intilaqa – “the Launch” of Fatah, Fatah’s branch in Hebron posted the poster above of masked men in military uniform wearing yellow Fatah headbands and holding assault rifles. The posted text states that Fatah’s goal is “victory” and “liberation” of all imprisoned terrorists:

(full article online)

Show of hands, please. Who is surprised?

Perhaps Slow Joe should just give them more welfare money.

The Biden administration is ignoring a congressional mandate to impose sanctions on the Iranian-backed terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah for their use of human shields in combat, according to a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers.
To commemorate the 57th anniversary of Fatah's first terror attack, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Fatah held a military parade in the Burj Al-Barajneh camp in Beirut.

They marched with weapons including rifles, bazookas and machine guns.

The camp features a mural of Palestinian terrorist heroes of all factions - not just Fatah but Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

(full article online)

We can empathize with those people in Gaza who do not share Hamas’ goals, if not those who prioritize their well-being (and are willing for Hamas to endanger their children) over Israel’s destruction.

“I want work more than rockets,” Ali el-Jeredly told the Times. The 28-year-old Jeredly, who is unemployed, is waiting to apply for a permit to work in Israel.

The Times piece points out that unemployment in Gaza exceeds 40 percent and only10 percent have direct access to water, which is attributed to UNICEF. Gaza residents who need admittance to Israeli hospitals that perform complex medical procedures are subject to entry restrictions across the border.

The article adds that “Gazans also blame Hamas for exacerbating conditions through nepotism, corruption and incompetence, and for diverting too much money from social programs to military infrastructure.”

recall reading that during an Israeli bombing attack that Hamas urged Gaza residents to climb to the roof of a building so that their presence can either deter an attack or martyr themselves so the world can witness Israel’s murder of innocent civilians. Some Gazans balked at the idea.

Even if most Gazans blame Israel for the deaths of their neighbors, they do not sound like people whose top priority is fighting with Israel. They first want to live normal lives. If they still seek Israel’s destruction, it is probably because of Hamas’ propaganda. Obviously, the news they receive conveniently ignores important information that might lead the people of Gaza to a different conclusion as to who did what-when and, especially, who is really oppressing them.

With all that, Hamas can breathe easy if a senior Israeli Army official’s take is correct. “We don’t want to defeat Hamas,” he said as quoted anonymously in the Times, because its main adversary in Gaza “is not better than Hamas.” He spoke on the condition of anonymity in accordance with Israeli protocol.

(full article online )

How could a man with four kids and a pregnant wife possibly want to jeopardize that?

Perhaps because he wanted to be a hero:

The Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ) mourns its martyr hero Mujahid Amir Atef Rayan from Qarawat Bani Hassan, who rose to life after carrying out a heroic stabbing operation today, Friday, with an unplanned coming.

These operations are a natural response to the crimes of the enemy and its settlers.

A thousand greetings to the spirit of the heroic martyr and to all the heroes of the stabbing and ramming operations and the heroes of the resistance who clash every night with the enemy and its settlers, and we call upon the masses of our people to confront the occupation army and its herds of settlers.

The convoys of martyrs will remain a beacon that illuminates the path for our people towards freedom and independence, and the purification of our sanctuary, our sanctuaries, and our holy sites from the impurity of the occupation and its usurping settlers.

And no one in Palestinian media ever asks why people who attack Jews and get killed are considered heroes, encouraging more.

(full article online)


Hamas Military Drill in Gaza Simulates Kidnapping IDF Soldiers, Attacking Israeli Military Positions​

The Israeli response to an actual Islamic terrorist attack will be a thorough drubbing of the Islamic terrorists.
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