Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Golly. Those poor, oppressed Pally Islamic terrorists. They’re stirring up quite a kerfuffle about their “rights” to promote mass murder / suicide being violated by Facebook.

Oh, I don’t know. Allowing an Islamic terrorist syndicate to advertise their Cult degeneracy on a privately held forum is not necessarily a “right”… even for degenerates with a perceived entitlement.

Posted text: “Long live Fatah and long live the anniversary of the Intilaqa, until the victory and the liberation of our prisoners and of the destination of Muhammad’s Night Journey [Jerusalem]
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Hebron Branch, Dec. 21, 2021]
The Hebron branch also praised Fatah as “the ones who give birth to a Martyr every day”:

Posted text: “A morning of self-sacrifice, we are masters and not slaves, and we are the ones who give birth to a Martyr every day
Long live Fatah”
(Hysterical )

The Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group reportedly raised its level of alert on Saturday afternoon and evacuated bases in the Strip, anticipating a response from Israel after two rockets fired from Gaza landed off the coast of Tel Aviv earlier in the day.

The Beirut-based al-Mayadeen TV, citing unnamed sources, said the group’s armed wing, the al-Quds Brigades, evacuated all of its positions in Gaza and was preparing for the coming hours.

Palestinian media outlets — some affiliated with the Hamas terror group — also reported on Islamic Jihad raising its alert level.

(full article online)

Who are the Palestinians? Rashida Tlaib, Palestinian member of congress.

Rashida Tlaib Delivered Passionate Speeches, Sometimes Amidst Objections | 2021 Rewind​

  • Last year, Abbas paid the family of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered two Jews 30,000 Jordanian dinars ($42,000).
  • By rewarding the family of al-Halabi and other terrorists who carried out attacks or murdered Jews, Abbas is also stating that he, too, is proud of those who engage in terrorism.
  • Some Palestinian parents, however, are proud to see their children carry out terrorist attacks or murder Jews. For these parents, it is more "honorable" if their son or daughter murders a Jew than becomes a doctor, lawyer or engineer.
  • Abbas and his senior officials have repeatedly made it clear that they will continue to pay monthly stipends to families of Palestinian terrorists.
  • This is the same Abbas who recently has been telling the Biden administration that he wants to revive the stalled peace process with Israel.
  • This is also the same Abbas whose government continues to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to families of terrorists and the same Abbas whose media continues to glorify terrorists by describing them as "heroes" and "martyrs" of the Palestinians.
  • The next time a US official arrives in Ramallah to meet with Abbas or any of his senior aides, he or she should ask them about the wild incitement against Israel and Jews, especially in the Palestinian media. They need to ask the Palestinian leaders why the PA educates its youth to admire terrorist murderers and deny Jewish history. It does not matter what the Palestinian leaders say in response; they need to be told that the indoctrination and violence will not improve the living conditions or boost the economy of the Palestinians.

Mahmoud was on a roll. It was more of the loopy, over the rainbow, ain't comin' back tirades that define the Pally obsession with conspiracy theories and the constant lamenting of their failures.

Abbas and PA: “The colonialist world powers used the Jews” to create and “implement colonialist plots in the region”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 4, 2022

Mahmoud Abbas: “the colonialist world powers used the Jews in order to execute the great colonialist plan – dismantling the Ottoman Empire and afterwards dismantling the Arab nation”

Mahmoud Abbas: Israel’s creation was not “efforts of the Jews themselves, but rather colonialist-theological plans and visions”

PA TV: Jewish immigration to Palestine was “a colonialist Zionist plan” … [the Jews] will return to where they came from”

PA daily: The US and GB created “the Zionist organization in their laboratories” and established “an entity that they termed ‘Israel’”

PA: US and GB created Israel to “implement colonialist plots in the region”Fatah on its anniversary: “We were and still are the obstacle to completing the colonialist project of Palestine”

Fatah defines murder of Israelis: “A quality and unprecedented national struggle”
We’ve seen this for decades. “Peace Partners”, “Roadmaps to Nowhere” and concessions to Islamic terrorists who for decades have made the obvious point that they have no interest in peace.

They understand only an angry, retrograde, politico-religious ideology that is still fighting a war on humanity they started in the 7th century.

On October 9, 1982 – the end of Sukkot – a group of five Palestinian operatives attacked the Great Synagogue in central Rome with hand grenades and submachine guns, killing a two-year-old – Stefano Gaj Taché – and wounding 37 worshipers.

The attack was claimed to be a surprise to Italian authorities, though they had been warned of threats on Jewish targets in Italy, in particular, and in Europe in general following the June 1982 “Peace for Galilee” military operation, meant to break Palestinian terrorist networks in Southern Lebanon. A side effect of the operation was scores of European terrorists fleeing home from the PLO training camps... and, with them, a new wave of terrorism in France, Italy and Austria, among others.
Dr. Galit Shaul, head of the Emek Hefer Regional Council through which Nahal Alexander flows, told the Committee that “my residents are not the ones polluting Nahal Alexander, but rather raw sewage and treated wastewater coming from the Palestinian Authority. Despite prizes given in the past for cooperation by the PA with our Drainage Authority, and despite the fact that a wastewater treatment plant was built with international funding, we see animal carcasses, blood, and feathers flowing in Emek Hefer and reaching the sea.”

In 2003, Nahal Alexander was part of a cleanup project that won first prize in the Riverprize environmental rehabilitation competition in Australia after being one of the most polluted rivers in Israel.

“Beaches that have two million visitors every year are closed over and over. It’s a health risk to the residents, people visiting the stream and bathers,” she warned,

Shaul pointed out that “the issue is resolvable. In 2014 the council filed a petition to the High Court of Justice against the state, and withdrew it because the state made a promise. Now there’s a plan for a wastewater treatment plant, but there’s no budget. The Water Authority is advancing the plan, after a long period that we were working on a different plan, too expensive, that was supposed to cost NIS 400 million.”

(full article online)


“Hamas sees terrorism as the way to push Israel towards concessions - analysis”

Well, tell us something we don’t already know. Ultimately, the there is no concession to be made by the Israelis that the Islamic terrorist franchises will accept other than the Israelis abandoning their homeland.

That really suggests only one avenue available to the Israelis which is a concerted effort to unalterably bring a crushing response to attacks from the various Islamic terrorist franchises. Appeasement will not work.

 MEMBERS OF the Hamas Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades take part in a military event in Gaza City last week. (photo credit: ATIA MOHAMMED/FLASH90)

More than half a year since the last round of violent escalations between the two sides, Hamas understands that terror is the route it must take in order to push Israel to make concessions.
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