Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.
Isn't that interesting. The 'Pal'istanian' Islamic terrorist attacks at the Munich Olympics was "legal" in your mind?

Pal'istanians attacking Israeli citizens with knives is a legal act?

How courageous of you to flail your Pom Poms for such degenerate acts.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.
Isn't that interesting. The 'Pal'istanian' Islamic terrorist attacks at the Munich Olympics was "legal" in your mind?

Pal'istanians attacking Israeli citizens with knives is a legal act?

How courageous of you to flail your Pom Poms for such degenerate acts.
Why should they have to follow the law when Israel doesn't?

The solution is for the world to start enforcing the law. BDS is trying to kick that loose.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.
Isn't that interesting. The 'Pal'istanian' Islamic terrorist attacks at the Munich Olympics was "legal" in your mind?

Pal'istanians attacking Israeli citizens with knives is a legal act?

How courageous of you to flail your Pom Poms for such degenerate acts.
Why should they have to follow the law when Israel doesn't?

The solution is for the world to start enforcing the law. BDS is trying to kick that loose.
That's really quite interesting. You excuse criminal acts / acts of islamic terrorism for the fulfillment of the Hamas Charter.

Your comment in connection with "the world" enforcing the law is quite interesting. Should "the world" not enforce the law as it relates to acts of Pal'istanian Islamic terrorism?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, and you are, by trying to justify this, are inciting the continuation of violence. Normally we talk, using the mentally deranged and psychopathic Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) as an example. But I thought I would change-up here and use the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an example.


Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

For the moment, we will set aside Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power) and Rule #6 the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL)(Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities). We will just look at the Rome Statue (Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity) of the international Criminal Court .

Palestinian Authority Immediately Honors Terrorist Who Murdered 2, Wounded 6
Published Oct 9, 2016 By: Itamar Marcus/Palestinian Media Watch

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party rushed to declare the Palestinian terrorist who carried out a deadly attack on Sunday a martyr.

In two separate posts on its official Facebook page, Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement honored the terrorist murderer who went on a shooting spree in Jerusalem Sunday, targeting people who were waiting at train stations from his car. Terrorist Musbah Abu Sbeih murdered a 60-year-old woman and a policeman, and injured 6.

Fatah referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” an Islamic Martyr – someone who died for Allah – a status the Palestinian Authority presents as the highest achievement a Muslim can reach in life.
This is an example of the Palestinian People and their Government praising an act which in turn encourages more of the same; as opposed to UN Security Council Resolution S/RES/1624 (2005) (imperative to combat terrorism in all its forms and incitement to violence), Paragraphs 1-4; which we will also set aside. NO! We will just look at Article 7 (1) (a) Murder...


Since article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent with article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world.
Elements of the Office ICC MURDER.png
√ Element 1: Yes Murdered 2
√ Element 2: Yes: The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population since 1968, as part of the Armed Struggle in Article 9, Palestine National Charter. As praised by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip support the current spate of knife attacks against Israelis on the streets of Israel and the Palestinian territories—but almost three-quarters disapprove of young girls doing the stabbing, according to a new poll released on Tuesday.
√ Element 3: Yes, incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism emanating from PA and Fatah officials and institutions.

Fatah Militants Mull Resuming Terror Against Israel
The commanders of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, have been mulling the possibility of turning their guns against Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s “despots,” a top Brigade militant told Breitbart Jerusalem.​
The militant said that since the end of the second intifada, and the amnesty agreement that was reached with Israel shortly after Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, “the occupation only deepened, and corruption in the PA only widened. The people are desperate for a game change that would turn the tables and bring the Palestinian question back to the top of the agenda.”

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

Depends on your definition of resistance. Attacking civilians is not resistance, targetting children is not resistance, breaching international laws is not resistance, committing war crimes is not resistance. Firing illegal weapons across borders is not resistance, breaching the UN charter is not resistance and breaching UN resolutions is not resistance.

So how have they resisted the occupation that is not illegal or a breach of law
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.
Isn't that interesting. The 'Pal'istanian' Islamic terrorist attacks at the Munich Olympics was "legal" in your mind?

Pal'istanians attacking Israeli citizens with knives is a legal act?

How courageous of you to flail your Pom Poms for such degenerate acts.
Why should they have to follow the law when Israel doesn't?

The solution is for the world to start enforcing the law. BDS is trying to kick that loose.

And when has Israel not followed " the law" give instances of the acts and the resulting court cases ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come-on now ---- get real.

IF the Arab Palestinians are as good as they claim they are, then they should invest their funding and monetary streams into the resources they have and change the face of Arab Palestine, making it something that evry regional player envies --- rather than the parasite that is is.
You probably do not know that the West Bank is under siege as well as Gaza. It is just not as severe. Nobody can leave or enter the West Bank without Israeli approval including international academics who are barred from teaching in Palestinian universities. Nothing can be imported or exported without Israel approval. No aid or projects can enter Palestine without Israeli approval.

IOW, the Palestinian economy sucks because that is what Israel wants.

Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.

Most Respectfully,
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

Depends on your definition of resistance. Attacking civilians is not resistance, targetting children is not resistance, breaching international laws is not resistance, committing war crimes is not resistance. Firing illegal weapons across borders is not resistance, breaching the UN charter is not resistance and breaching UN resolutions is not resistance.

So how have they resisted the occupation that is not illegal or a breach of law
Look at the rules of occupation. Israel violates virtually all of them.

Settlers are a necessary and integral part of the occupation. Are they "innocent" civilians?
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

In point of fact the specific actions the Palestinians have taken are most certainly illegal.

The best way for the Palestinians to "resist the occupation" is not low-level terrorism and murder of innocents. That accomplishes nothing but entrenching the Palestinian mentality. If Palestine really wanted to "resist" the occupation they would properly elect a government, develop an economy and trade relations with their neighbors, funnel the humanitarian aide they receive into building world-class (or at least Arab-class) education facilities, hospitals, and infrastructure for the management of resources (especially water). That would sure show them evil Zionists, wouldn't it?
Settlers are a necessary and integral part of the occupation. Are they "innocent" civilians?

Oh come now. Are you REALLY asking this? In the context of international law? Let alone morality and basic human decency.
Some not innocent civilians:


It is perfectly acceptable to kill them, because they are not actually "innocents".

You, Tinman, are vile for even suggesting such a thing.
Settlers are a necessary and integral part of the occupation. Are they "innocent" civilians?

Oh come now. Are you REALLY asking this? In the context of international law?
The lad has an unhealthy fascination with inciting others to violence. I believe his world revolves around hoping for the next 'Pal'istanian' terror attack. Dead Pal'istanians, as the result of the inevitable IDF response, gives him justification for his hatreds.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, and you are, by trying to justify this, are inciting the continuation of violence. Normally we talk, using the mentally deranged and psychopathic Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) as an example. But I thought I would change-up here and use the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an example.


Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

For the moment, we will set aside Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power) and Rule #6 the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL)(Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities). We will just look at the Rome Statue (Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity) of the international Criminal Court .
Palestinian Authority Immediately Honors Terrorist Who Murdered 2, Wounded 6
Published Oct 9, 2016 By: Itamar Marcus/Palestinian Media Watch

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party rushed to declare the Palestinian terrorist who carried out a deadly attack on Sunday a martyr.

In two separate posts on its official Facebook page, Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement honored the terrorist murderer who went on a shooting spree in Jerusalem Sunday, targeting people who were waiting at train stations from his car. Terrorist Musbah Abu Sbeih murdered a 60-year-old woman and a policeman, and injured 6.

Fatah referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” an Islamic Martyr – someone who died for Allah – a status the Palestinian Authority presents as the highest achievement a Muslim can reach in life.
This is an example of the Palestinian People and their Government praising an act which in turn encourages more of the same; as opposed to UN Security Council Resolution S/RES/1624 (2005) (imperative to combat terrorism in all its forms and incitement to violence), Paragraphs 1-4; which we will also set aside. NO! We will just look at Article 7 (1) (a) Murder...
Since article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent with article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world.
√ Element 1: Yes Murdered 2
√ Element 2: Yes: The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population since 1968, as part of the Armed Struggle in Article 9, Palestine National Charter. As praised by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip support the current spate of knife attacks against Israelis on the streets of Israel and the Palestinian territories—but almost three-quarters disapprove of young girls doing the stabbing, according to a new poll released on Tuesday.
√ Element 3: Yes, incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism emanating from PA and Fatah officials and institutions.
Fatah Militants Mull Resuming Terror Against Israel
The commanders of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, have been mulling the possibility of turning their guns against Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s “despots,” a top Brigade militant told Breitbart Jerusalem.

The militant said that since the end of the second intifada, and the amnesty agreement that was reached with Israel shortly after Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, “the occupation only deepened, and corruption in the PA only widened. The people are desperate for a game change that would turn the tables and bring the Palestinian question back to the top of the agenda.”

Most Respectfully,
Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands and you post half a page about two Israelis.

Where was your post about the Palestinian deaths?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, and you are, by trying to justify this, are inciting the continuation of violence. Normally we talk, using the mentally deranged and psychopathic Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) as an example. But I thought I would change-up here and use the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an example.


Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

For the moment, we will set aside Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power) and Rule #6 the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL)(Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities). We will just look at the Rome Statue (Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity) of the international Criminal Court .
Palestinian Authority Immediately Honors Terrorist Who Murdered 2, Wounded 6
Published Oct 9, 2016 By: Itamar Marcus/Palestinian Media Watch

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party rushed to declare the Palestinian terrorist who carried out a deadly attack on Sunday a martyr.

In two separate posts on its official Facebook page, Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement honored the terrorist murderer who went on a shooting spree in Jerusalem Sunday, targeting people who were waiting at train stations from his car. Terrorist Musbah Abu Sbeih murdered a 60-year-old woman and a policeman, and injured 6.

Fatah referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” an Islamic Martyr – someone who died for Allah – a status the Palestinian Authority presents as the highest achievement a Muslim can reach in life.
This is an example of the Palestinian People and their Government praising an act which in turn encourages more of the same; as opposed to UN Security Council Resolution S/RES/1624 (2005) (imperative to combat terrorism in all its forms and incitement to violence), Paragraphs 1-4; which we will also set aside. NO! We will just look at Article 7 (1) (a) Murder...
Since article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent with article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world.
√ Element 1: Yes Murdered 2
√ Element 2: Yes: The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population since 1968, as part of the Armed Struggle in Article 9, Palestine National Charter. As praised by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip support the current spate of knife attacks against Israelis on the streets of Israel and the Palestinian territories—but almost three-quarters disapprove of young girls doing the stabbing, according to a new poll released on Tuesday.
√ Element 3: Yes, incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism emanating from PA and Fatah officials and institutions.
Fatah Militants Mull Resuming Terror Against Israel
The commanders of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, have been mulling the possibility of turning their guns against Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s “despots,” a top Brigade militant told Breitbart Jerusalem.

The militant said that since the end of the second intifada, and the amnesty agreement that was reached with Israel shortly after Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, “the occupation only deepened, and corruption in the PA only widened. The people are desperate for a game change that would turn the tables and bring the Palestinian question back to the top of the agenda.”

Most Respectfully,
Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands and you post half a page about two Israelis.

Where was your post about the Palestinian deaths?
The deaths of Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians are directly attributable to your heroes in one or more of the Islamic terrorist syndicates finding support and financing in Gaza and the West Bank. Your heroes, Islamic terrorist kingpins, have every reason to maintain the conflict as it keeps the UNRWA welfare spigot flowing. Dead Pal'istanians are a cost of doing business.

Islam means "submission", right?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, and you are, by trying to justify this, are inciting the continuation of violence. Normally we talk, using the mentally deranged and psychopathic Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) as an example. But I thought I would change-up here and use the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an example.


Every restriction the Arab Palestinian faces today is a consequence of their past history of criminal behavior. The legacy is what it is.
Get serious. Everything the Palestinians have done is to resist the occupation.

That is not illegal.

For the moment, we will set aside Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power) and Rule #6 the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL)(Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities). We will just look at the Rome Statue (Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity) of the international Criminal Court .
Palestinian Authority Immediately Honors Terrorist Who Murdered 2, Wounded 6
Published Oct 9, 2016 By: Itamar Marcus/Palestinian Media Watch

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party rushed to declare the Palestinian terrorist who carried out a deadly attack on Sunday a martyr.

In two separate posts on its official Facebook page, Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement honored the terrorist murderer who went on a shooting spree in Jerusalem Sunday, targeting people who were waiting at train stations from his car. Terrorist Musbah Abu Sbeih murdered a 60-year-old woman and a policeman, and injured 6.

Fatah referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” an Islamic Martyr – someone who died for Allah – a status the Palestinian Authority presents as the highest achievement a Muslim can reach in life.
This is an example of the Palestinian People and their Government praising an act which in turn encourages more of the same; as opposed to UN Security Council Resolution S/RES/1624 (2005) (imperative to combat terrorism in all its forms and incitement to violence), Paragraphs 1-4; which we will also set aside. NO! We will just look at Article 7 (1) (a) Murder...
Since article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent with article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world.
√ Element 1: Yes Murdered 2
√ Element 2: Yes: The Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population since 1968, as part of the Armed Struggle in Article 9, Palestine National Charter. As praised by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip support the current spate of knife attacks against Israelis on the streets of Israel and the Palestinian territories—but almost three-quarters disapprove of young girls doing the stabbing, according to a new poll released on Tuesday.
√ Element 3: Yes, incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism emanating from PA and Fatah officials and institutions.
Fatah Militants Mull Resuming Terror Against Israel
The commanders of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, have been mulling the possibility of turning their guns against Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s “despots,” a top Brigade militant told Breitbart Jerusalem.

The militant said that since the end of the second intifada, and the amnesty agreement that was reached with Israel shortly after Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, “the occupation only deepened, and corruption in the PA only widened. The people are desperate for a game change that would turn the tables and bring the Palestinian question back to the top of the agenda.”

Most Respectfully,
Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands and you post half a page about two Israelis.

Where was your post about the Palestinian deaths?
The deaths of Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians are directly attributable to your heroes in one or more of the Islamic terrorist syndicates finding support and financing in Gaza and the West Bank. Your heroes, Islamic terrorist kingpins, have every reason to maintain the conflict as it keeps the UNRWA welfare spigot flowing. Dead Pal'istanians are a cost of doing business.

Islam means "submission", right?
What Israeli propaganda site did you get all that crap?

Hey, here's a fun test of your morality:

When is it permissible to target innocent people?

Whenever you can feign a moral high ground by claiming the ends justify the means.
Whenever its legal, as long as you get to define the laws.
Whenever it is not legal, as long as someone else is also breaking laws.
When they live on land that is "yours".
Whenever you feel like it, as long as you don't kill too many.
Whenever you want, if your society glorifies it.
When they belong to an ethnic group different from your own.
Whenever Allah tells you to.
When you can purchase heaven for yourself with the death of one.
Never. Ever.

Tinman has hit the first five in only the last few posts.
Speaking about morality and basic human decency.

You dodged my question. So what do you want me to say? Do you want me to AGREE with you that children aren't innocents? And are therefore legitimate targets for killing?

Nope. Won't do it. People who live in a place where you don't want them to live are innocents.
Speaking about morality and basic human decency.

You dodged my question. So what do you want me to say? Do you want me to AGREE with you that children aren't innocents? And are therefore legitimate targets for killing?

Nope. Won't do it. People who live in a place where you don't want them to live are innocents.
Where is your outrage about the Samouni family?
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