Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.
That's curious about this mythical country of Pal'istan as it was not until the late 1960's that Yassir "I don't have aids" Arafat invented the 'Pal'istanian' people and assigned an invented national identity.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.
That's curious about this mythical country of Pal'istan as it was not until the late 1960's that Yassir "I don't have aids" Arafat invented the 'Pal'istanian' people and assigned an invented national identity.

Interesting that the Palestine Arab Delegation was in London in 1922 negotiating with the British for their independence. Seems that your Zionist propaganda is debunked again. Give it up, fool.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.
That's curious about this mythical country of Pal'istan as it was not until the late 1960's that Yassir "I don't have aids" Arafat invented the 'Pal'istanian' people and assigned an invented national identity.

Interesting that the Palestine Arab Delegation was in London in 1922 negotiating with the British for their independence. Seems that your Zionist propaganda is debunked again. Give it up, fool.

View attachment 96856

It seems you're a believer in whatever propaganda is slathered on you by the prayer leader at your madrassah.

You found a pamphlet with the label "Pal'istan". How silly.

Be sure to next cut and paste the "Pal'istanian" passport that is a staple of the more excitable cut and pasters. Unfortunately, it's a British passport.

Islamist propaganda debunked as usual.

What a hoot.
No, it is the cover page of the official report of the British Foreign office that compiled the correspondence between the British Foreign Office the Palestinian Delegation and the Zionist Organization.

You must enjoy looking the fool. Posting fantasy and nonsense propaganda when it so easily debunked through official, archived Government documents. What a hoot you are.

Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.
If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration.

To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, at the
following address:
Adastra House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh:
York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andre's Crescent, Cardiff;
15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller


I suppose we only have to grind through the first article of the fascist PLO charter to understand what islamo-fascism is all about.

The Avalon Project : The Palestinian National Charter

Text of the Charter:
Article 1:

Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.
No, the article states clearly that the lands were farmed by the native Palestinians. Try to keep up. While I am grateful that you post links that debunk your positions, it's not necessary.

"These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers...."

read more: Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Well actually, the desert lands didn't flourish until Israel brought modern farming techniques unknown to the arabs-moslems.

I'm actually grateful that you originally posted the link not knowing that the article thoroughly refuted your position.

Thanks for that.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority
No, the article states clearly that the lands were farmed by the native Palestinians. Try to keep up. While I am grateful that you post links that debunk your positions, it's not necessary.

"These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers...."

read more: Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Well actually, the desert lands didn't flourish until Israel brought modern farming techniques unknown to the arabs-moslems.

I'm actually grateful that you originally posted the link not knowing that the article thoroughly refuted your position.

Thanks for that.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority
One thing we do know, Hollie, is that it was the Jews who represented the Palestine region at the 1939 World's Fair.

Jewish Palestine Pavilion - Community Interests Zone
No, the article states clearly that the lands were farmed by the native Palestinians. Try to keep up. While I am grateful that you post links that debunk your positions, it's not necessary.

"These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers...."

read more: Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Well actually, the desert lands didn't flourish until Israel brought modern farming techniques unknown to the arabs-moslems.

I'm actually grateful that you originally posted the link not knowing that the article thoroughly refuted your position.

Thanks for that.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority
One thing we do know, Hollie, is that it was the Jews who represented the Palestine region at the 1939 World's Fair.

Jewish Palestine Pavilion - Community Interests Zone

Yep. And it was the Pal'istanians who later represented themselves at the 1972 Olympics.
No, the article states clearly that the lands were farmed by the native Palestinians. Try to keep up. While I am grateful that you post links that debunk your positions, it's not necessary.

"These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers...."

read more: Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Well actually, the desert lands didn't flourish until Israel brought modern farming techniques unknown to the arabs-moslems.

I'm actually grateful that you originally posted the link not knowing that the article thoroughly refuted your position.

Thanks for that.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

More Zionist propaganda. Here are the facts, on film you idiot.

Watch Full Episodes Online of 1913: Seeds of Conflict on PBS | A Zionist Slogan
No, the article states clearly that the lands were farmed by the native Palestinians. Try to keep up. While I am grateful that you post links that debunk your positions, it's not necessary.

"These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers...."

read more: Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Well actually, the desert lands didn't flourish until Israel brought modern farming techniques unknown to the arabs-moslems.

I'm actually grateful that you originally posted the link not knowing that the article thoroughly refuted your position.

Thanks for that.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

More Zionist propaganda. Here are the facts, on film you idiot.

Watch Full Episodes Online of 1913: Seeds of Conflict on PBS | A Zionist Slogan

Something for the angry monty.

Palestinian Terrorism | Jewish Virtual Library
Who are the Palestinians?

Vivien Sansour

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops

Vivien Sansour, the library founder said, “What’s more symbolic and yet literal than the seed itself?” Farmers who have been role models in terms of developing seeds and passing them down over generations, are now losing this identity. We, as Palestinians, are losing what makes us who we are, which is our seed.”

“We make it a point to highlight that this is not a seed bank but a library, because you plant a seed that’s borrowed with the hope that it will grow, and you return it so other generations can make use of it,” said Nader Wahbeh, director of the science education project at the Qattan Foundation.

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops (VIDEO)

Old technology as we have had these in the UK for over 100 years, the only stipulation is that you return a viable seed to the repository. This is why we have so many heritage crops available to the amateur gardener, purple carrots anyone ?
Indeed, people are doing that all over the world. Otherwise the world will have nothing but Monsanto Frankenfood.

So why try and claim that it is something really special when the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians steal it and use it as theirs ?
Should Palestinian children be taught to thank the Israeli Jews for invading Palestine, dispossessing them and expelling them and/or oppressing them? Just curious as to what you think Palestinian children should be taught vis-a-vis the Israeli Jews.

Polish children were certainly not taught to thank the Germans for invading Poland during occupation. Why do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine should think differently about the Israeli Jews?

They could start with the truth that you fail to hide even when you put posters on ignore. That islam was not invented until 627 C.E. and stole Jewish lands starting with Medina in 635 C.E. That according to their god palestine was the Jewish home and they should be allowed to live there in peace. That the arab muslims waging war on the Jews are breaching islamic holy laws and should face islamic justice.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

They should be thankfull they were treated as the arab muslims would have treated them, there would not be a filastin left alive today would there. They were late arrivals to the lands if you want to use your usual criteria making the Jews the rightful owners.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

And it was the arab muslims colonists thinking this way
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.

WRONG it was created by the Roman Empire back in 70 C.E. as an insult to the Jews and their nation. So the only thing you got right was it was before your time
You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.
That's curious about this mythical country of Pal'istan as it was not until the late 1960's that Yassir "I don't have aids" Arafat invented the 'Pal'istanian' people and assigned an invented national identity.

Interesting that the Palestine Arab Delegation was in London in 1922 negotiating with the British for their independence. Seems that your Zionist propaganda is debunked again. Give it up, fool.

View attachment 96856

The name given by the LoN and the British, not by the arab delegation
No, it is the cover page of the official report of the British Foreign office that compiled the correspondence between the British Foreign Office the Palestinian Delegation and the Zionist Organization.

You must enjoy looking the fool. Posting fantasy and nonsense propaganda when it so easily debunked through official, archived Government documents. What a hoot you are.



Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.
If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration.

To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, at the
following address:
Adastra House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh:
York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andre's Crescent, Cardiff;
15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller



The name given by the LoN and the British, not by the arab muslims. Read your own links and see what they say
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