Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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As confirmed by declassified British intelligence reports, the Arab armies were the only hope to prevent the illegal taking of land by force (from the native Christians and Muslims) on the part of the invading European Jews. That they did not succeed in preventing the crime perpetrated by the murderous aggressive, marauding Jews, MaMJs is a shame, but nevertheless the Arab states are to be commended in attempting to prevent a war crime.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...
The documents, which have a remarkable contemporary resonance, reveal how British officials looked on as Jewish settlers took over more and more Arab land....
"Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".....It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

Far from from the assertion of our resident clown, AKA Rocco, and as confirmed from source material consisting of declassified contemporaneous British intelligence reports, it was the invading Jews that were the hostile murderers and the Arabs that were trying to avoid conflict. The Christians and Muslims were, unfortunately, taken in by the British who had pledged to protect their rights. More violent opposition to the Jewish invasion early on in the 1920s would have saved the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.

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The Lad is on another cut and paste tirade.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that commending Arab-Islamist intransigence, ineptitude and incompetence is necessarily productive or helpful.
montelatici, et al,

We are a Century apart in our conversation.

Far from from the assertion of our resident clown, AKA Rocco, and as confirmed from source material consisting of declassified contemporaneous British intelligence reports, it was the invading Jews that were the hostile murderers and the Arabs that were trying to avoid conflict.

I'm in the 21st Century. I'm not assessing what happened over the first few decades of the 20th Century. The issues of today are about the safety and security of the region, Israel and the protection of the Jewish National Home.

Nothing that happened over a 100 years, sanctioned by the Allied Powers, and at the direction through a Mandate by the Council of the League of Nations is going to change the outcomes in place today.

You may call it an "invasion" if you want. I'll just read my - clown script - "putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty (having full title and rights to the territory), and adopted by the Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," - and the intent of His Britannic Majesty's Government to "facilitate Jewish immigration" --- as well as the intent --- to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home.

BTW: In my past life, I have had the opportunity to read many - many - Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs), Diplomatic Cables, Contact Reports (CRs) and Agent Reports (ARs). These things are written by the boat load. One report, without any significant collaboration means less than nothing. And having written many IIRs, CRs and ARs, I can tell you that they are not all as accurate as we would like them to be. In my entire career, I don't think ever saw a level anyone who had a complete picture of any situation or condition. And that alone makes a difference in the perception between someone at the grassroots level (like myself) and the pie in the sky White NSC that never worked a day in the field.

Most Respectfully,
As confirmed by declassified British intelligence reports, the Arab armies were the only hope to prevent the illegal taking of land by force (from the native Christians and Muslims) on the part of the invading European Jews. That they did not succeed in preventing the crime perpetrated by the murderous aggressive, marauding Jews, MaMJs is a shame, but nevertheless the Arab states are to be commended in attempting to prevent a war crime.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...
The documents, which have a remarkable contemporary resonance, reveal how British officials looked on as Jewish settlers took over more and more Arab land....
"Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".....It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

Far from from the assertion of our resident clown, AKA Rocco, and as confirmed from source material consisting of declassified contemporaneous British intelligence reports, it was the invading Jews that were the hostile murderers and the Arabs that were trying to avoid conflict. The Christians and Muslims were, unfortunately, taken in by the British who had pledged to protect their rights. More violent opposition to the Jewish invasion early on in the 1920s would have saved the Christians and Muslims of Palestine.

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Quote and link to the report so we can see if they used the term Palestinian. The report does not call Arabs, Palestinians. That is why I have challenged you to prove another of your assertions. Thus far you have now ignored 8 assertions you have made that I proved were lies.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a very naive and over simplified concept.

It is a false narrative when sovereignty is passed around from government to government like poker chips. The sovereignty in Palestine always remained in the hands of the Palestinians.

"False Narrative?" Authority IS NOT projected by a narrative. Nowhere in the world is a national sovereignty maintained by a narrative. Sovereignty is protected by a "force" --- the ability to physically answer a challenge to incursion on authority. Sovereignty is about the rest of the territory recognizing the authority and the international recognition to the boundary to which that sovereignty extends.

Israel's international boundaries is recognized because ALL the adjacent nations realize that at the perimeter of Israeli is a force that maintains that sovereignty. Every Palestinian, no matter what they might think of Israel, understands that beyond the threshold of the frontier – the interior remains under full Israeli control, not because of a narrative, but because it is enforced. And every nationality, no matter what they might think of Israel, clearly understands that the enter and exit sovereign Israeli territory under Israeli Law. This is not dissimilar to nearly every other sovereignty in the world.

In your interpretation of:

"The freedom of the nation has its correlate in the sovereignty of the nation. Political sovereignty is the assertion of the self-determinate will of the organic people, and in this there is the manifestation of its freedom."
You must first understand what "assertion" means:
The part we are most interested in, is: "or exercising authority confidently and forcefully"

In 1948, the newly declared Israel HAD TO "exercising authority confidently and forcefully" in the defense of the territory, its new constituent population, and its sovereignty --- against the coalition of Arab League Forces attempting to overthrow the self-determination of the people of the Jewish National Home.

DO NOT think for a moment, that merely putting pen-to-paper and saying you have a "right" to this that or the other thing, is sufficient to establish and maintain possession of sovereign territory. While that might be true in an "idealized world" of the Arab Palestinians, it certainly IS NOT a reality; just ask them what territory they have sovereign control over -- supreme political authority.

The Arab Palestinians only pretend to be a nation, as a pretext to bilk "donor nations" of their contributions.

Most Respectfully,
You did not address the most important part of my post.
Who are the Palestinians?

Vivien Sansour

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops

Vivien Sansour, the library founder said, “What’s more symbolic and yet literal than the seed itself?” Farmers who have been role models in terms of developing seeds and passing them down over generations, are now losing this identity. We, as Palestinians, are losing what makes us who we are, which is our seed.”

“We make it a point to highlight that this is not a seed bank but a library, because you plant a seed that’s borrowed with the hope that it will grow, and you return it so other generations can make use of it,” said Nader Wahbeh, director of the science education project at the Qattan Foundation.

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops (VIDEO)
Who are the Palestinians?

Vivien Sansour

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops

Vivien Sansour, the library founder said, “What’s more symbolic and yet literal than the seed itself?” Farmers who have been role models in terms of developing seeds and passing them down over generations, are now losing this identity. We, as Palestinians, are losing what makes us who we are, which is our seed.”

“We make it a point to highlight that this is not a seed bank but a library, because you plant a seed that’s borrowed with the hope that it will grow, and you return it so other generations can make use of it,” said Nader Wahbeh, director of the science education project at the Qattan Foundation.

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops (VIDEO)

Old technology as we have had these in the UK for over 100 years, the only stipulation is that you return a viable seed to the repository. This is why we have so many heritage crops available to the amateur gardener, purple carrots anyone ?
Who are the Palestinians?

Vivien Sansour

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops

Vivien Sansour, the library founder said, “What’s more symbolic and yet literal than the seed itself?” Farmers who have been role models in terms of developing seeds and passing them down over generations, are now losing this identity. We, as Palestinians, are losing what makes us who we are, which is our seed.”

“We make it a point to highlight that this is not a seed bank but a library, because you plant a seed that’s borrowed with the hope that it will grow, and you return it so other generations can make use of it,” said Nader Wahbeh, director of the science education project at the Qattan Foundation.

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops (VIDEO)

Old technology as we have had these in the UK for over 100 years, the only stipulation is that you return a viable seed to the repository. This is why we have so many heritage crops available to the amateur gardener, purple carrots anyone ?
Indeed, people are doing that all over the world. Otherwise the world will have nothing but Monsanto Frankenfood.
Who are the Palestinians?

Vivien Sansour

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops

Vivien Sansour, the library founder said, “What’s more symbolic and yet literal than the seed itself?” Farmers who have been role models in terms of developing seeds and passing them down over generations, are now losing this identity. We, as Palestinians, are losing what makes us who we are, which is our seed.”

“We make it a point to highlight that this is not a seed bank but a library, because you plant a seed that’s borrowed with the hope that it will grow, and you return it so other generations can make use of it,” said Nader Wahbeh, director of the science education project at the Qattan Foundation.

First Seed Library in Palestine to Preserve Ancient Seeds Crops (VIDEO)

Old technology as we have had these in the UK for over 100 years, the only stipulation is that you return a viable seed to the repository. This is why we have so many heritage crops available to the amateur gardener, purple carrots anyone ?
Indeed, people are doing that all over the world. Otherwise the world will have nothing but Monsanto Frankenfood.
Indeed. It's too bad that the Arab-Moslem Death Cult cares more for plant life than human life.
Old technology as we have had these in the UK for over 100 years, the only stipulation is that you return a viable seed to the repository...
Indeed, people are doing that all over the world. Otherwise the world will have nothing but Monsanto Frankenfood.
Indeed. It's too bad that the Arab-Moslem Death Cult cares more for plant life than human life.

According to the son of Hamas's co-founder that is true at least of Hamasniks and is actually taught to Arab kids starting at age 5. Teaching and preaching hate to 5 yr olds is child abuse ... these kids don't stand a chance of being productive adults:

“Hamas does not care about the lives of Palestinians, or the lives of Israelis, or Americans; they don’t care about their own lives,” Yousef told CNN in a recent interview. “They consider dying for their ideology a way of worship.”

“In the mosques, Hamas taught us that without shedding innocent blood for the sake of the ideology, we wouldn’t be able to build an Islamic state. They were preparing us from the age as young as 5 years old. This is the ideology that Hamas was feeding us. And honestly, it’s impossible almost for anybody to break through and see the truth and real face of Hamas and be able to leave at some point,” he said.

“As you see in my case, I had to lose everything just to say no to Hamas. And today when I look at the children of Gaza and I know what they’re fed, I know that they have no choice.”

Israel praised by Hamas co-founder’s son | New York Post
Should Palestinian children be taught to thank the Israeli Jews for invading Palestine, dispossessing them and expelling them and/or oppressing them? Just curious as to what you think Palestinian children should be taught vis-a-vis the Israeli Jews.

Polish children were certainly not taught to thank the Germans for invading Poland during occupation. Why do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine should think differently about the Israeli Jews?
Should Palestinian children be taught to thank the Israeli Jews for invading Palestine, dispossessing them and expelling them and/or oppressing them? Just curious as to what you think Palestinian children should be taught vis-a-vis the Israeli Jews.

Polish children were certainly not taught to thank the Germans for invading Poland during occupation. Why do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine should think differently about the Israeli Jews?
Well, actually, Arab-Moslem children are fed a lot of ideologically inspired hate not only directed at Jews but for all kuffar. The same polluted backwash that you learn at your madrassah and dump into these forums is the same polluted backwash that is hammered into the little hateful islamo-bots in the areas occupied by Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I think you are trying to propagate the Zionist fantasy that there was no one living in Palestine when the Zionist began their invasion. That is pure propaganda and fantasy. Everyone knows you are full of shit on that issue.

But, I ask again, should Christian and Muslim native Palestinians be taught to thank the Jews for dispossessing, evicting and now oppressing them? I think you people are loonies. It's like asking the Jews to thank the Nazis FFS.

You're still befuddled. The invasion of your invented "county of Pal'istan" (you don't yet understand that there never was a "country of Pal'istan"), was actually a function of foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon squatting the land.

You should thank the Jews for bringing an educated, modern society to the geographic area.
Typical colonialist thinking.

The islamist mindset is one that presumes an entitlement. As we know from the official Ottoman records, it was foreign islamist colonists / land grabbers who you nonsensically label as "Pal'istanians" who inhabited your farcical invention of a "country" you invented and which you call "Pal'istan".
Palestine was created by post WWI treaties. That was before my time.
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