Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.

Ok, then where the Jews aka Juden Cohen's and Levite's origonate from?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?

Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.
So... obviously you have never studied the history of the Pal'istanian territory. From one post to the next, you're befuddled about some Zionist Migration vs. a Zionist Invasion you have imagined. What is causing your befuddlement.
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.

Ok, then where the Jews aka Juden Cohen's and Levite's origonate from?

I have no idea. But, the Zionist Jews were from Europe, that's a simple fact.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.
So... obviously you have never studied the history of the Pal'istanian territory. From one post to the next, you're befuddled about some Zionist Migration vs. a Zionist Invasion you have imagined. What is causing your befuddlement.

Well, the Jews were Europeans that went to Palestine and dispossessed the people that were living there of their land. You can call it whatever you like.
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
So... there were no other religions or ethnicities within the Pal'istanian territories? Why would you exclude the Egyptians, Syrian and Lebanese invaders in your exclusive list? Be honest, you're just trolling Wikipedia for your history, right?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?

Yes, and what about their origins? Today a Palestinian is anyone who lives in Gaza or WB (Judea) for 2 years...

We know that Jews, Levite's and Cohen's originated from Judea and Levi tribes, also lived there throughout millenniums.

What tribes constitute the Palestinians who are not Jews?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
So... there were no other religions or ethnicities within the Pal'istanian territories? Why would you exclude the Egyptians, Syrian and Lebanese invaders in your exclusive list? Be honest, you're just trolling Wikipedia for your history, right?

Because there weren't any Egyptian, Syrian or Lebanese invaders that transferred populations to Palestine. No I never use Wiki as a source.
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.
So... obviously you have never studied the history of the Pal'istanian territory. From one post to the next, you're befuddled about some Zionist Migration vs. a Zionist Invasion you have imagined. What is causing your befuddlement.

Well, the Jews were Europeans that went to Palestine and dispossessed the people that were living there of their land. You can call it whatever you like.
That's remarkable. Are you claiming that the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese invaders were dispossessed of their land? Did this happen in the "country of Pal'istan"?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?

Yes, and what about their origins? Today a Palestinian is anyone who lives in Gaza or WB (Judea) for 2 years...

We know that Jews, Levite's and Cohen's originated from Judea and Levi tribes, also lived there throughout millenniums.

What tribes constitute the Palestinians who are not Jews?

No, the European Jews are not from Palestine. They are Europeans. You need to keep up. They were simply European invaders that dispossessed the native people of the area.

"The majority of Ashkenazi genetic heritage derives not from diasporic movement northward from the biblical homeland or from Near Eastern friends, but from within the indigenous peoples of Western and Central Europe.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers sequenced 74 mitochondrial genomes and analyzed more than 3,500 such genomes spanning Europe, the Caucasus, and the Near East, sweeping the entirety of Ashkenazi genealogical history. "

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Europe, Not Middle East
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
So... there were no other religions or ethnicities within the Pal'istanian territories? Why would you exclude the Egyptians, Syrian and Lebanese invaders in your exclusive list? Be honest, you're just trolling Wikipedia for your history, right?

Because there weren't any Egyptian, Syrian or Lebanese invaders that transferred populations to Palestine. No I never use Wiki as a source.
So. None of the people living in the "country of Pal'istan" you apparently believe existed came from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?

I'll require a wiki reference for that.
Does it matter that Palestinians speak Arabic as do many other people? Does the fact that America does not have a unique language make Americans less of a people?

When people from another continent go to a place on another continent to take land and dispossess the native people, it's an invasion.
So... obviously you have never studied the history of the Pal'istanian territory. From one post to the next, you're befuddled about some Zionist Migration vs. a Zionist Invasion you have imagined. What is causing your befuddlement.

Well, the Jews were Europeans that went to Palestine and dispossessed the people that were living there of their land. You can call it whatever you like.
That's remarkable. Are you claiming that the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese invaders were dispossessed of their land? Did this happen in the "country of Pal'istan"?

There were no Egyptian, Syrian or Lebanese invaders that transferred populations to Palestine. Just European Jew invaders.
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
So... there were no other religions or ethnicities within the Pal'istanian territories? Why would you exclude the Egyptians, Syrian and Lebanese invaders in your exclusive list? Be honest, you're just trolling Wikipedia for your history, right?

Because there weren't any Egyptian, Syrian or Lebanese invaders that transferred populations to Palestine. No I never use Wiki as a source.
So. None of the people living in the "country of Pal'istan" you apparently believe existed came from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?

I'll require a wiki reference for that.

There are many Palestinians in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon in refugee camps, if that is what you are getting at. But not the other way around.
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?

Yes, and what about their origins? Today a Palestinian is anyone who lives in Gaza or WB (Judea) for 2 years...

We know that Jews, Levite's and Cohen's originated from Judea and Levi tribes, also lived there throughout millenniums.

What tribes constitute the Palestinians who are not Jews?

No, the European Jews are not from Palestine. They are Europeans. You need to keep up. They were simply European invaders that dispossessed the native people of the area.

"The majority of Ashkenazi genetic heritage derives not from diasporic movement northward from the biblical homeland or from Near Eastern friends, but from within the indigenous peoples of Western and Central Europe.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers sequenced 74 mitochondrial genomes and analyzed more than 3,500 such genomes spanning Europe, the Caucasus, and the Near East, sweeping the entirety of Ashkenazi genealogical history. "

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Europe, Not Middle East
The Tribes went to the Diaspora, mainly Europe, with the hope of eventually returning. Eventually they returned to Israel and reclaimed a portion of the land. WTF is that so difficult to get into your gray matter?
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?
So... there were no other religions or ethnicities within the Pal'istanian territories? Why would you exclude the Egyptians, Syrian and Lebanese invaders in your exclusive list? Be honest, you're just trolling Wikipedia for your history, right?

Because there weren't any Egyptian, Syrian or Lebanese invaders that transferred populations to Palestine. No I never use Wiki as a source.
So. None of the people living in the "country of Pal'istan" you apparently believe existed came from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?

I'll require a wiki reference for that.

There are many Palestinians in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon in refugee camps, if that is what you are getting at. But not the other way around.
There were many Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese in this country of Pal'istan that you seem to believe existed. What a shame the host nations won't accept a right of return for their own.
The Palestinians, Muslim and Christians were the native people that the European Jews found living in Palestine. They, the Christians and Muslims, are the native people of Palestine. Or, do you think there were no people in Palestine before the European Jews invaded?

Yes, and what about their origins? Today a Palestinian is anyone who lives in Gaza or WB (Judea) for 2 years...

We know that Jews, Levite's and Cohen's originated from Judea and Levi tribes, also lived there throughout millenniums.

What tribes constitute the Palestinians who are not Jews?

No, the European Jews are not from Palestine. They are Europeans. You need to keep up. They were simply European invaders that dispossessed the native people of the area.

"The majority of Ashkenazi genetic heritage derives not from diasporic movement northward from the biblical homeland or from Near Eastern friends, but from within the indigenous peoples of Western and Central Europe.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers sequenced 74 mitochondrial genomes and analyzed more than 3,500 such genomes spanning Europe, the Caucasus, and the Near East, sweeping the entirety of Ashkenazi genealogical history. "

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Europe, Not Middle East

Yes, there're European genes mixed of course, but Levite's and Cohen's have their own special DNA marker.
When you read actual scientific studies, not posts for commercial blogs, you'll find that all Jews- Mizrahi, Sephardic and Askenazi have much more in common with themselves than with surrounding ethnicities, and the common thing is the ME and Mediterranean origins.

So what tribes are Palestinians comprised of ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I don't think I said that. And again you don't quite understand.

You keep confusing military control (occupation) with sovereignty. (Must be that old government service. You people think funny like that.)​

Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Look it up.

And I don't think you read the links.

Did you read? "terra nullius - territory that may be acquired by a state's occupation of it."

Or did you read? "In international law, a territory which has never been subject to the sovereignty of any state, or over which any prior sovereign has expressly or implicitly relinquished sovereignty is terra nullius. Sovereignty over territory which is terra nullius can be acquired through occupation."

Now, there are several other legal sources I could cite, and have cited in the past. But I'll just simplifiy this the best I can.

But what I can say is that these issues are not isolated concepts. There are relationships between them. You have this idea that only a single source or concept is relevant.

Sovereignty is an extension of authority. "But if sovereignty is a matter of authority, it is not a matter of mere authority, but of supreme authority."
Sovereignty is:

• the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies.

•In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. It is a basic principle underlying the dominant Westphalian model of state foundation.

You never answered the previous questions (Post #2988), so I assume you are not aware of the answers or do not understand how they relate. "Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order." In the case of the Arab Palestinians, they cannot really be considered sovereign it they cannot exercise power and authority. And with the Possible exception of Area "A" --- and --- in a very limited respect, the Gaza Strip, the Arab Palestinians can talk all they want about "rights;" but in fact if they don't have control or authority, they simply do not have Sovereignty.
What is Sovereignty.

The possession of sovereign power; supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and Its administration ; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation; also a political society, or state, which is sovereign and independent.

Law Dictionary: What is SOVEREIGNTY? definition of SOVEREIGNTY (Black's Law Dictionary)

In the case of the West Bank, the Sovereignty was handed over to the Israelis by default when the Jordanians severed all ties. It went terra nullius (Jordan abandon sovereignty).

Most Respectfully,
You are ignoring the different layers of sovereignty. The people are the sovereigns. Governments derive their legitimacy from the will of the people. The sovereignty of governments and states are the extension of the sovereignty of the people.

Whenever you see the standard rights to self determination, independence and sovereignty, they are always the rights of the people. States and governments are never mentioned.

From your link:

"The freedom of the nation has its correlate in the sovereignty of the nation. Political sovereignty is the assertion of the self-determinate will of the organic people, and in this there is the manifestation of its freedom.

Law Dictionary: What is SOVEREIGNTY? definition of SOVEREIGNTY (Black's Law Dictionary)

It is a false narrative when sovereignty is passed around from government to government like poker chips. The sovereignty in Palestine always remained in the hands of the Palestinians.
No, people from Morocco speak Arabic but they are not Arabians. You are confused.
now you want to talk about Morocco, I get it, you do not understand Palestine, you have been unable to address your previous posts, so now you hope to start and new argument. You really are a fool.

Your argument no longer has any relation to any point you failed to make that I called you on.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I don't think I said that. And again you don't quite understand.

You keep confusing military control (occupation) with sovereignty. (Must be that old government service. You people think funny like that.)​

Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Look it up.

And I don't think you read the links.

Did you read? "terra nullius - territory that may be acquired by a state's occupation of it."

Or did you read? "In international law, a territory which has never been subject to the sovereignty of any state, or over which any prior sovereign has expressly or implicitly relinquished sovereignty is terra nullius. Sovereignty over territory which is terra nullius can be acquired through occupation."

Now, there are several other legal sources I could cite, and have cited in the past. But I'll just simplifiy this the best I can.

But what I can say is that these issues are not isolated concepts. There are relationships between them. You have this idea that only a single source or concept is relevant.

Sovereignty is an extension of authority. "But if sovereignty is a matter of authority, it is not a matter of mere authority, but of supreme authority."
Sovereignty is:

• the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies.

•In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. It is a basic principle underlying the dominant Westphalian model of state foundation.

You never answered the previous questions (Post #2988), so I assume you are not aware of the answers or do not understand how they relate. "Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order." In the case of the Arab Palestinians, they cannot really be considered sovereign it they cannot exercise power and authority. And with the Possible exception of Area "A" --- and --- in a very limited respect, the Gaza Strip, the Arab Palestinians can talk all they want about "rights;" but in fact if they don't have control or authority, they simply do not have Sovereignty.
What is Sovereignty.

The possession of sovereign power; supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and Its administration ; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation; also a political society, or state, which is sovereign and independent.

Law Dictionary: What is SOVEREIGNTY? definition of SOVEREIGNTY (Black's Law Dictionary)

In the case of the West Bank, the Sovereignty was handed over to the Israelis by default when the Jordanians severed all ties. It went terra nullius (Jordan abandon sovereignty).

Most Respectfully,
You are ignoring the different layers of sovereignty. The people are the sovereigns. Governments derive their legitimacy from the will of the people. The sovereignty of governments and states are the extension of the sovereignty of the people.

Whenever you see the standard rights to self determination, independence and sovereignty, they are always the rights of the people. States and governments are never mentioned.

From your link:

"The freedom of the nation has its correlate in the sovereignty of the nation. Political sovereignty is the assertion of the self-determinate will of the organic people, and in this there is the manifestation of its freedom.

Law Dictionary: What is SOVEREIGNTY? definition of SOVEREIGNTY (Black's Law Dictionary)

It is a false narrative when sovereignty is passed around from government to government like poker chips. The sovereignty in Palestine always remained in the hands of the Palestinians.
Yet, there is not a Palestinian people, a term made up in the late 60's, yes?
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