Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Pfffft. chickenfeed.

Mona Samouni

Where should the islamo-rocks fly?

The Palestinians fighting foreign troops. Cool. They have the right to do that.

Fail your Pom Poms as Arab-Moslem terrorists die. They have a right to die. Waging war against a sovereign state gives them that right.

Don't break a nail waging your gee-had from behind a keyboard... you delicate flower.
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Pfffft. chickenfeed.

Mona Samouni

Where should the islamo-rocks fly?

The Palestinians fighting foreign troops. Cool. They have the right to do that.

Fail your Pom Poms as Arab-Moslem terrorists die. They have a right to die. Waging war against a sovereign state gives them that right.

Don't break a nail waging your gee-had from behind a keyboard... you delicate flower.

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit?
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Pfffft. chickenfeed.

Mona Samouni

Where should the islamo-rocks fly?

The Palestinians fighting foreign troops. Cool. They have the right to do that.

Fail your Pom Poms as Arab-Moslem terrorists die. They have a right to die. Waging war against a sovereign state gives them that right.

Don't break a nail waging your gee-had from behind a keyboard... you delicate flower.

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit?

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit? ™
P F Tinmore, et al,

Actually, I read Al-Shabaka (AKA: The Network) occasionally (The Palestinian Policy Network). But I don't think that they are a real Think Tank. They are registered in California in 2009 as Middle East Policy Network doing business as Al-Shabaka. (Credit where Credit is due: Al-Shabaka ranks 33 of 80 Best Think Tank Network, as rated by the 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, The Lauder Institute ---The University of Pennsylvania. (Just for Comparison the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (United States) ranks 27th)

Think tanks are public-policy research analysis and engagement organizations that generate policy-oriented research, analysis, and advice on domestic and international issues, thereby enabling policymakers and the public to make informed decisions about public policy.

Al-Shabaka produces some interesting perspectives, but as far as being an independent investigatory arm, they are biased. They appear to often have preconceived --- for which they then dig-out material to support their position and conclusion. It does educate and foster public debate in the directions in their agenda; which is not all that dissimilar to University of Bath --- Institute for Policy Research (IPR).

Who are the Palestinians?
Nadia Hijab

Q: Who are the Palestinians?
  • A: People who want to make you believe that they are Aspiring Muslims trying to be honest to himself and to others... staying truthful in all matters and under all conditions.
Most Respectfully,
Al-Shabaka produces some interesting perspectives, but as far as being an independent investigatory arm, they are biased.
All think tanks shovel shit. That is their reason for being although I have not seen anything outrageous out of Al-Shabaka.
They appear to often have preconceived --- for which they then dig-out material to support their position and conclusion.

An independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self determination within the framework of international law.

Home - Al-Shabaka

An independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self determination within the framework of international law.

Home - Al-Shabaka

"foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self determination within the framework of international law."

Well, isn't that interesting? Those attributes above being pursued by various, designated Islamic terrorist franchises. Wow. The things you learn at islamic terrorist propaganda networks.
Where does she say anything about hating Jews? She specifically calls for the equality of everyone including the Jews.

No, she doesn't. She calls for the dismantlement of all "Zionist" structures, all "Zionist" laws, all "Zionist" institutions. She calls for the return of "Palestine" to the Arab world. She is not calling for Jewish equality, she is calling for Arab supremacy.
Samah Sabawi:
‘Our people will not be silenced nor will we normalise oppression’


Nakba is not an isolated incident in history. Not a single memory that stands distant and frozen on the pages of time. Its commemoration is a reminder of the beginning of an ongoing crime. It forces us to reflect on a relentless inescapable reality. We carry it in our collective conscience, a precious pain that cannot be extracted from our identity. We are Palestinians and we cannot forget what has not yet ceased to be.

We cannot forget the 1948 massacre of Deir Yassin, nor wash away from our eyes the images of scattered children limbs in Gaza in 2014. Same crimes, same excuses and same ideology. Same criminals, same rhetoric and same international complicity. But we know that no perfect crime can stand the scrutiny of time. So we carry our Palestine in our hearts and in our living memory.

Sixty-eight years ago Palestine was erased from the map, but no map is set in stone. Maps have no heart and soul. Maps don’t reflect the sanctity and beauty of life. So let them keep their map, and let us look erasure in the eye. We tell our occupiers that we are here and it is here that we will stay. Demolish our homes, steal our land, detain our children…oh … but if only they can leave our children alone. Here, in the native place of our existence, on the soil of our ancestors, we will survive and we will transcend their brutality with infinite persistence. With beauty and resistance. So let them keep their map and draw the lines as they please. In the end, lines on pages do not determine our people’s destiny.

‘We’re Still Here’: What Nakba Day Means In Australia - New Matilda
‘Our people will not be silenced nor will we normalise oppression’

Nakba is not an isolated incident in history. Not a single memory that stands distant and frozen on the pages of time. Its commemoration is a reminder of the beginning of an ongoing crime. It forces us to reflect on a relentless inescapable reality. We carry it in our collective conscience, a precious pain that cannot be extracted from our identity. We are Palestinians and we cannot forget what has not yet ceased to be.

We cannot forget the 1948 massacre of Deir Yassin, nor wash away from our eyes the images of scattered children limbs in Gaza in 2014. Same crimes, same excuses and same ideology. Same criminals, same rhetoric and same international complicity. But we know that no perfect crime can stand the scrutiny of time. So we carry our Palestine in our hearts and in our living memory.

Sixty-eight years ago Palestine was erased from the map, but no map is set in stone. Maps have no heart and soul. Maps don’t reflect the sanctity and beauty of life. So let them keep their map, and let us look erasure in the eye. We tell our occupiers that we are here and it is here that we will stay. Demolish our homes, steal our land, detain our children…oh … but if only they can leave our children alone. Here, in the native place of our existence, on the soil of our ancestors, we will survive and we will transcend their brutality with infinite persistence. With beauty and resistance. So let them keep their map and draw the lines as they please. In the end, lines on pages do not determine our people’s destiny.

Oh, the irony.
Our people will not be silenced nor will we normalize oppression.

"... except by the Islamic terrorists we idolize. Then it's alright".

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