Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yes concentration camp.


Why do you bother?

Concentration camps don't look like that.

After they are bombed they do.

Do they look like this?


or like this?


or like this?


or like this?


This is what all borders look like when you are belligerent, and nice pictures of the Egyptian side of gaza by the way. Not one of those Palestinians looks hungry or oppressed, unlike the children awaiting their deaths in the millions.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?
Mindful, nice packages. Imagine how much more tourism and prosperity the region could enjoy with a true peace!

Could have become the Monte Carlo of the Middle East.
It could have if Israel did not lock the doors and throw away the key.

Only on one side, and that door could have been easily opened. Now the Palestinians have welded shut the doors and are waiting for the aid to pour in

What do those mean?

That the Palestinians have always been dependent on others to survive and Israel is independent of others and still survives.
Only after Israel stole, bombed, or bulldozed their stuff.
Why do you bother?

Concentration camps don't look like that.

After they are bombed they do.

Do they look like this?


or like this?


or like this?


or like this?


This is what all borders look like when you are belligerent, and nice pictures of the Egyptian side of gaza by the way. Not one of those Palestinians looks hungry or oppressed, unlike the children awaiting their deaths in the millions.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Could have become the Monte Carlo of the Middle East.
It could have if Israel did not lock the doors and throw away the key.

Only on one side, and that door could have been easily opened. Now the Palestinians have welded shut the doors and are waiting for the aid to pour in

What do those mean?

That the Palestinians have always been dependent on others to survive and Israel is independent of others and still survives.
Only after Israel stole, bombed, or bulldozed their stuff.

I must have been asleep as the Palestinians have been dependent on other since 1099, without someone else to help them they would have died out years ago.

But if you mean since 1923 then first it was the arab league, then in 1948 trans Jordan, then the UN from 1967 and the world after 1988. Guess what not a an Israeli in sight when all this was happening
After they are bombed they do.

Do they look like this?


or like this?


or like this?


or like this?


This is what all borders look like when you are belligerent, and nice pictures of the Egyptian side of gaza by the way. Not one of those Palestinians looks hungry or oppressed, unlike the children awaiting their deaths in the millions.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?
It would be a waste of time to negotiate at this point, don't you think?

(CNN)The prospect of a Palestinian state is nil so long as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stays in office, Netanyahu said in a Monday interview.

Asked by an interviewer with the Israeli news site, NRG, if it was true that a Palestinian nation would never be formed while he's prime minister, Netanyahu replied, "Indeed."

Netanyahu No Palestinian state on my watch - CNN.com
This is what all borders look like when you are belligerent, and nice pictures of the Egyptian side of gaza by the way. Not one of those Palestinians looks hungry or oppressed, unlike the children awaiting their deaths in the millions.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Two treaties that have stood the test of time with Jordan and Egypt. Now what have the Palestinians ever negotiated ?
It would be a waste of time to negotiate at this point, don't you think?

(CNN)The prospect of a Palestinian state is nil so long as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stays in office, Netanyahu said in a Monday interview.

Asked by an interviewer with the Israeli news site, NRG, if it was true that a Palestinian nation would never be formed while he's prime minister, Netanyahu replied, "Indeed."

Netanyahu No Palestinian state on my watch - CNN.com

Is that why a Palestinian state exists and is recognised by the UN and the world nations
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Two treaties that have stood the test of time with Jordan and Egypt. Now what have the Palestinians ever negotiated ?

not even a unity government
This is what all borders look like when you are belligerent, and nice pictures of the Egyptian side of gaza by the way. Not one of those Palestinians looks hungry or oppressed, unlike the children awaiting their deaths in the millions.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Well, to be honest, I don't believe that Netanyahu negotiated in good faith in 2014...but Olmert, Barak, Peres and Rabin surely did. Their generous offers were cast aside.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Well, to be honest, I don't believe that Netanyahu negotiated in good faith in 2014...but Olmert, Barak, Peres and Rabin surely did. Their generous offers were cast aside.

There was nothing generous about the earlier "offers". In each of the offers it would have created a Bantusan with the IDF permanently based in the Palestinian territory, a swiss cheese pattern of Israeli armed settlements throughout the territory under Israeli sovereignty, Israeli control of land borders, territorial sea and air space. In practice, accepting would have just taken Israel off the hook, but would have still been occupying Palestine.
montelatici, et al,

Or --- there is another way to view this.

This is what happens when you attack a stronger nation, you get your butt kicked. As for the concentration camps they are Palestinian created, not Isreali.

I think it's sick and disrespectful of our resident morons to post pictures of Auschwitz and the like. Which were death camps, not concentration camps.

It merely goes to show where their preoccupations and fantasies really lie:

Holocaust porn.

In a matter of a couple of weeks about 500 children were killed by the Israelis in Gaza, is not that a death camp?

In a matter of a few weeks, the Islamic Resistance Movement sacrifice 500 children by using them as human shields (Rule #97) with the intention of maintaining that regime; and in an attempt to render certain launch pads and hostile operating areas immune from Israeli military interdiction operations.

There is no form of government more cowardly than the government that fails to take every reasonable measure to protect its own. The Israelis took more safety precautions to protect Gaza civilians than did their own government. It is the duty of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives (Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I).

  • Article 58 [ Link ] -- Precautions against the effects of attacks

    The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:

    (a) without prejudice to Article 49 [ Link ] of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives;

    (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;

    (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations
In deliberately using populate areas to launch attacks from, or to hide C3I (Command, Control, Communications and intelligence) activities from attack legitimate engagement by the Israelis, is a war crime.

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

Or --- there is another way to view this.

This is what happens when you attack a stronger nation, you get your butt kicked. As for the concentration camps they are Palestinian created, not Isreali.

I think it's sick and disrespectful of our resident morons to post pictures of Auschwitz and the like. Which were death camps, not concentration camps.

It merely goes to show where their preoccupations and fantasies really lie:

Holocaust porn.

In a matter of a couple of weeks about 500 children were killed by the Israelis in Gaza, is not that a death camp?

In a matter of a few weeks, the Islamic Resistance Movement sacrifice 500 children by using them as human shields (Rule #97) with the intention of maintaining that regime; and in an attempt to render certain launch pads and hostile operating areas immune from Israeli military interdiction operations.

There is no form of government more cowardly than the government that fails to take every reasonable measure to protect its own. The Israelis took more safety precautions to protect Gaza civilians than did their own government. It is the duty of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives (Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I).

  • Article 58 [ Link ] -- Precautions against the effects of attacks

    The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:

    (a) without prejudice to Article 49 [ Link ] of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives;

    (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;

    (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations
In deliberately using populate areas to launch attacks from, or to hide C3I (Command, Control, Communications and intelligence) activities from attack legitimate engagement by the Israelis, is a war crime.

Most Respectfully,

Why no UN resolutions and sanctions against them or try them for war crimes. Why is Israel always singled out when everyone else is a thousand times worse? Obviously a soft war is just another form of stale mate. The point to win a war is not be equal, but to be smarter or stronger and eliminate the wrong actions, teaching and thinking of the other side. War is not a friendly game of ping pong where everyone shakes hands and has a beer afterwards.

How do you fight a 'fair' war without immense collateral damage or destruction. It is not paintball. We don't just take a shower and call it a day.

Either we want a quick decisive war with minimal of casualties or a prolonged unending war when the killings never stop, nor does the hate that fuels it.
montelatici, et al,

Or --- there is another way to view this.

This is what happens when you attack a stronger nation, you get your butt kicked. As for the concentration camps they are Palestinian created, not Isreali.

I think it's sick and disrespectful of our resident morons to post pictures of Auschwitz and the like. Which were death camps, not concentration camps.

It merely goes to show where their preoccupations and fantasies really lie:

Holocaust porn.

In a matter of a couple of weeks about 500 children were killed by the Israelis in Gaza, is not that a death camp?

In a matter of a few weeks, the Islamic Resistance Movement sacrifice 500 children by using them as human shields (Rule #97) with the intention of maintaining that regime; and in an attempt to render certain launch pads and hostile operating areas immune from Israeli military interdiction operations.

There is no form of government more cowardly than the government that fails to take every reasonable measure to protect its own. The Israelis took more safety precautions to protect Gaza civilians than did their own government. It is the duty of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives (Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I).

  • Article 58 [ Link ] -- Precautions against the effects of attacks

    The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:

    (a) without prejudice to Article 49 [ Link ] of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives;

    (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;

    (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations
In deliberately using populate areas to launch attacks from, or to hide C3I (Command, Control, Communications and intelligence) activities from attack legitimate engagement by the Israelis, is a war crime.

Most Respectfully,

No Rocco, it was the hostile Israelis that killed 500 Palestinian children in matter of a couple of weeks. Using UN provided coordinates to bomb UN shelters full of women and children is not protecting the children.

The UN report prepared by the team led by retired New York Supreme Court judge Mary McGowan Davis concluded that Israel committed war crimes in the killing of the children, and she and her team knows little more about international law than you do. ICC will indict and pursue the war criminals on both sides.

UN Live United Nations Web TV - ID commission of inquiry on Gaza - 33rd Meeting 29th Regular Session of Human Rights Council
And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Well, to be honest, I don't believe that Netanyahu negotiated in good faith in 2014...but Olmert, Barak, Peres and Rabin surely did. Their generous offers were cast aside.

There was nothing generous about the earlier "offers". In each of the offers it would have created a Bantusan with the IDF permanently based in the Palestinian territory, a swiss cheese pattern of Israeli armed settlements throughout the territory under Israeli sovereignty, Israeli control of land borders, territorial sea and air space. In practice, accepting would have just taken Israel off the hook, but would have still been occupying Palestine.

Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

And can soon be sorted by imposing martial law and having a shoot to kill policy when anyone breaks the rules
Why do Israel supporters favor death and destruction? How can anyone make peace with animals like that?

It is the Palestinians that favour death and destruction and it shows when they refuse point blank to negotiate a settlement. Care to show where in the Israeli constitution/charter it states the destruction of Palestine and the death of all Palestinians. Like it does in the many Palestinian charters.................
Negotiate what? Israel never negotiated in good faith.

Why waste the time?

Two treaties that have stood the test of time with Jordan and Egypt. Now what have the Palestinians ever negotiated ?
Negotiate peace with whom? They are not at war with any of their neighbors.
montelatici, et al,

Or --- there is another way to view this.

This is what happens when you attack a stronger nation, you get your butt kicked. As for the concentration camps they are Palestinian created, not Isreali.

I think it's sick and disrespectful of our resident morons to post pictures of Auschwitz and the like. Which were death camps, not concentration camps.

It merely goes to show where their preoccupations and fantasies really lie:

Holocaust porn.

In a matter of a couple of weeks about 500 children were killed by the Israelis in Gaza, is not that a death camp?

In a matter of a few weeks, the Islamic Resistance Movement sacrifice 500 children by using them as human shields (Rule #97) with the intention of maintaining that regime; and in an attempt to render certain launch pads and hostile operating areas immune from Israeli military interdiction operations.

There is no form of government more cowardly than the government that fails to take every reasonable measure to protect its own. The Israelis took more safety precautions to protect Gaza civilians than did their own government. It is the duty of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives (Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I).

  • Article 58 [ Link ] -- Precautions against the effects of attacks

    The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:

    (a) without prejudice to Article 49 [ Link ] of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives;

    (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;

    (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations
In deliberately using populate areas to launch attacks from, or to hide C3I (Command, Control, Communications and intelligence) activities from attack legitimate engagement by the Israelis, is a war crime.

Most Respectfully,
It was Israel's war zones and Palestinian neighborhoods. Should the Palestinians move their neighborhoods out of Israel's war zones?
P F Tinmore, montelatici, et al,

Wrong question.

montelatici, et al,

Or --- there is another way to view this.

This is what happens when you attack a stronger nation, you get your butt kicked. As for the concentration camps they are Palestinian created, not Isreali.

I think it's sick and disrespectful of our resident morons to post pictures of Auschwitz and the like. Which were death camps, not concentration camps.

It merely goes to show where their preoccupations and fantasies really lie:

Holocaust porn.

In a matter of a couple of weeks about 500 children were killed by the Israelis in Gaza, is not that a death camp?

In a matter of a few weeks, the Islamic Resistance Movement sacrifice 500 children by using them as human shields (Rule #97) with the intention of maintaining that regime; and in an attempt to render certain launch pads and hostile operating areas immune from Israeli military interdiction operations.

There is no form of government more cowardly than the government that fails to take every reasonable measure to protect its own. The Israelis took more safety precautions to protect Gaza civilians than did their own government. It is the duty of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives (Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I).

  • Article 58 [ Link ] -- Precautions against the effects of attacks

    The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:

    (a) without prejudice to Article 49 [ Link ] of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives;

    (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;

    (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations
In deliberately using populate areas to launch attacks from, or to hide C3I (Command, Control, Communications and intelligence) activities from attack legitimate engagement by the Israelis, is a war crime.

Most Respectfully,
It was Israel's war zones and Palestinian neighborhoods. Should the Palestinians move their neighborhoods out of Israel's war zones?

The Summer 2014 Conflict started as a result of acts of war initiated by the Palestinians. This is consistent with their covenant, charter, pledge and policy statements dating from February '48 to the present. The Palestinians are the aggressors.

If the Palestinian Government (eg the Islamic Resistance Movement)(AKA HAMAS) bases it strategy on setting up launch points from within built-up areas to make them immune from counter-battery fire, to defeat the Palestinian indirect fire from Rocket launchers and Mortars, including their target acquisition, command and control components; THEN, they are in violation of (Rule 23 and Rule 24) and (Article 58 of Additional Protocol I). There is no question of that; I don't care what Judge McGowen Davis says.

Rule 23. HAMAS, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.

Rule 24. HAMAS, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.​

The problem here is that the UN Activities (Shelters) were purposely placed in the vicinity of military objectives; and used --- with the UNRWA's knowledge that the Palestinians were using them to shield launch sites operating in close proximity.

John Ging the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations confirmed on Radio-Canada July 30, 2014 that "Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza firing their rockets from the vicinity of UN shelters and residential areas." "Absolutely!" Yet the Commission failed to address this at all.

The UN does not want to raise the political complications in addressing the UN putting civilians into harms way. It makes them culpable as well. The UN COMMISSION OF INQUIRY RELATED TO MILITARY OPERATIONS IN THE GAZA STRIP was side-stepping the issue. Further, the question of UNRWA workers providing material support to the Islamic Resistance Movement is unanswered.

But for the actions of HAMAS using the firing positions inside residential areas, the death and injury of so many civilians would not have happened.

But for HAMAS using residential lodgings to house HAMAS personnel, so family deaths and injuries would not have happened.
HAMAS deliberately using civilians to shield their military launch facilities is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives. HAMAS and Palestinians involved lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous operations outside the immediate vicinity of civilian residences and shelters.

Most Respectfully,
You are a liar Rocco. And a propagandist. Watch "1913 Seeds of Conflict" aired for the first time last night on PBS. You will see why everything I have been writing is absolute fact.
montelatici, et al,

Well, I would say that I'm not so concerned about events of a century (100 years+) ago. We are not dealing with the events of a century ago.

You are a liar Rocco. And a propagandist. Watch "1913 Seeds of Conflict" aired for the first time last night on PBS. You will see why everything I have been writing is absolute fact.

We are dealing with today. No cause a 100 years old is justification for what HAMAS does today. You cannot use Human Shields today in support of a 100 year old complaint.

A century ago, the world and its leadership worked differently then today.

I do not react to unsubstantiated responds to my opinions that attack my personal character. I never intended to be misleading, inaccurate, or communicate a false idea.

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