Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
OK, but the violence needs to stop on both sides.
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.
OK, but the violence needs to stop on both sides.

Belligerence needs to stop by the Party doing the provoking. The other side will take care of itself when the first Party stops the belligerence.

In other words, sure, "both" sides need to stop attacking the other, but since really there is only one side which is attacking and the other defending, its only one side which needs to stop. The other can self-manage.
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

That article is from 2006. AFTER Israel UNOCCUPIED the part of Gaza where the Jews lived.

BEFORE the civil war between Hamas and Fatah.
BEFORE Abbas was made to run to Ramallah.

Now, do you know the meaning of the word Hudna?
Why was Hamas still using the word "occupation"?
Was it using it towards Gaza, still?

Or was it using towards the State of Israel, as in the State of Israel is occupying land which does not belong to her?

We Palestinians are prepared to enter into a hudna to bring about an immediate end to the occupation and to initiate a period of peaceful coexistence during which both sides would refrain from any form of military aggression or provocation.

Opinion | Pause for Peace
Tactical Hudna and Islamist Intolerance
Do you remember when Mohammad offered a hudna to the Jewish tribe of Medina?

What happened then?

That is exactly what the Muslims/Arabs are continuing to expect to happen with Israel in time.

Get your act together.

Where is the thinking of Hamas and the PA today?
What are they doing? What do they teach?
What are they preparing for?

Get a brain !!!!!!!
1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

Nice opinion piece.

It does not, in fact, fulfill the requirements I laid out in my post.

Also, Hamas has repeatedly stated that they have not and will not give up the goal of asserting Arab Muslim control over the entire territory. They have NEVER renounced that idea.
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

That article is from 2006. AFTER Israel UNOCCUPIED the part of Gaza where the Jews lived.

BEFORE the civil war between Hamas and Fatah.
BEFORE Abbas was made to run to Ramallah.

Now, do you know the meaning of the word Hudna?
Why was Hamas still using the word "occupation"?
Was it using it towards Gaza, still?

Or was it using towards the State of Israel, as in the State of Israel is occupying land which does not belong to her?

We Palestinians are prepared to enter into a hudna to bring about an immediate end to the occupation and to initiate a period of peaceful coexistence during which both sides would refrain from any form of military aggression or provocation.

Opinion | Pause for Peace
Tactical Hudna and Islamist Intolerance
Do you remember when Mohammad offered a hudna to the Jewish tribe of Medina?

What happened then?

That is exactly what the Muslims/Arabs are continuing to expect to happen with Israel in time.

Get your act together.

Where is the thinking of Hamas and the PA today?
What are they doing? What do they teach?
What are they preparing for?

Get a brain !!!!!!!
Already been offered by Hamas.

I agree. Both sides should disarm.

I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

Nice opinion piece.

It does not, in fact, fulfill the requirements I laid out in my post.

Also, Hamas has repeatedly stated that they have not and will not give up the goal of asserting Arab Muslim control over the entire territory. They have NEVER renounced that idea.
You claimed that Hamas never made that offer. That was not true. Now you are trying to blow it off.

You people are impossible. When proven wrong you continue to blabber on.
I said nothing about disarming.

And Hamas has most definitively NOT offered that nor achieved that.
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

Nice opinion piece.

It does not, in fact, fulfill the requirements I laid out in my post.

Also, Hamas has repeatedly stated that they have not and will not give up the goal of asserting Arab Muslim control over the entire territory. They have NEVER renounced that idea.
You claimed that Hamas never made that offer. That was not true. Now you are trying to blow it off.

You people are impossible. When proven wrong you continue to blabber on.

Hamas offered a Hudna and not what Shusha suggested.

"1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel."
"Already been offered by Hamas." you said.

You do not know or understand what a Hudna is, and do not seem to care what it is or what it means.

In other words, we have not been proven wrong by you.
You have not proven that Hamas offered the suggestions Susha was speaking of.
When a “Cease-Fire” is Not a Cease-Fire

From November 26, 2006, until May 15, 2007, a Hudna between Hamas and Israel went on for almost six months. One cannot ignore the statement made by Hamas five days before the hudna went into effect: "Hamas's military wing will stop the rocket fire when residents evacuate the city of Sderot." (from November 21, 2006)

During that hudna, Gazans launched 315 missiles targeted at Sderot and the western Negev, according to an IDF spokesman.
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Is the purpose of aid to help people become self-sufficient, or to ensure that they ossify and become more and more dependent?

The answer should be clear, but for UNRWA, it is the latter.

UNRWA's original intentions were noble - it was meant to be temporary until the Arabs displaced in 1948 could find homes and citizenship - but within only a few years it morphed into a welfare institution and no longer encouraged people to take responsibility for their lives.

The Arab recipients of UNRWA aid, for their part, thought of these extensive benefits - free medical services, free housing, free schooling that in many ways is better than that of surrounding Arab states - were their right. And over time, as UNRWA grew, they felt that employment was an additional right as well. Nearly all UNRWA employees are Palestinian Arab.

There was a protest in Gaza last week against UNRWA - because the fake refugees demand not that their own Hamas de facto government takes care of them, and not that the PA takes care of all their needs, but that the world should continue to bankroll everything they demand. For free.

Free electricity! A new demand for the world to pay for.

(full article online)

UNRWA gives out free education, housing, medical - but Palestinians want far more ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinian Arab terrorist enterprise occasionally drops its guard and allows some of its semi-concealed lethal malevolence to be exposed to the light of day.

Here's an extract from a media report of a heavily-promoted publicity release issued yesterday (Thursday) by several NGOs that agitate for the rights of Palestinian Arab prisoners:
(Wikipedia says Daily Sabah - the word means morning - is regarded as a propaganda outlet for Turkey's media-tough government and Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). In March 2017, after investigating complaints that the paper had an editorial agenda of "spreading hate", the president of the European Parliament banned its distribution there.)

Video grab from a Pal Arab source

The focus of the report and the message of its promoters in obviously concerned with arousing outrage at the notion that barbaric Israelis would consider imprisoning children, women and (gasp) members of parliament.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 15-Sep-17: Women, children, parliamentarians, editors and terror
Israel rejected the Hamas offer.

Hamas NEVER made such an offer. NEVER.
Opinion | Pause for Peace

Nice opinion piece.

It does not, in fact, fulfill the requirements I laid out in my post.

Also, Hamas has repeatedly stated that they have not and will not give up the goal of asserting Arab Muslim control over the entire territory. They have NEVER renounced that idea.
You claimed that Hamas never made that offer. That was not true. Now you are trying to blow it off.

You people are impossible. When proven wrong you continue to blabber on.

Hamas offered a Hudna and not what Shusha suggested.

"1. A renunciation of all hostilities toward Israel (preferrably in conjunction with a recognition of Israel as a Jewish State)
2. An actual cessation of all hostilities toward Israel."
"Already been offered by Hamas." you said.

You do not know or understand what a Hudna is, and do not seem to care what it is or what it means.

In other words, we have not been proven wrong by you.
You have not proven that Hamas offered the suggestions Shusha was speaking of.
When a “Cease-Fire” is Not a Cease-Fire

From November 26, 2006, until May 15, 2007, a Hudna between Hamas and Israel went on for almost six months. One cannot ignore the statement made by Hamas five days before the hudna went into effect: "Hamas's military wing will stop the rocket fire when residents evacuate the city of Sderot." (from November 21, 2006)

During that hudna, Gazans launched 315 missiles targeted at Sderot and the western Negev, according to an IDF spokesman.

Exactly. Hamas has also publicly confirmed just this year:

“The movement does not concede any part of occupied Palestine, and does not concede the right of return of Palestinian refugees. This cannot be changed by any authority — Palestinian or international,”

...asserts that resistance for the liberation of Palestine will remain “a legitimate right, a duty and an honour”,

...“armed resistance is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and rights of the Palesinian people”.
Consider: For almost two decades, Israelis have been told that Mahmoud Abbas was the most reasonable Palestinian leader they could hope for; that he was Israel’s best partner for peace; that he was the moderate with whom a grand compromise deal could be reached. Israelis wanted to believe this so very much.

But then came the Abbas who walked away from prime minister Ehud Olmert’s outrageously generous territorial offer in 2008; and the Abbas who refused peace talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even after Netanyahu froze settlement construction; and the Abbas who left US secretary of state John Kerry out in the cold in 2014.

Then there was the “PaliLeaks” opportunity to ready the Palestinian public for compromise with Israel. But Abbas ran away from that gateway, too, vigorously denying the hints of compromise with Israel (about refugees, Jerusalem, and borders) that were in the leaked documents.

Ever since then, Abbas has used every international forum to spew forth extremist vitriol against Israel and seek the criminalization of Israel. His record of speech-making at the UN General Assembly is particularly appalling.

(full article online)

Know comment: Abbas's appalling record
The Palestinian Arab terrorist enterprise occasionally drops its guard and allows some of its semi-concealed lethal malevolence to be exposed to the light of day.

Here's an extract from a media report of a heavily-promoted publicity release issued yesterday (Thursday) by several NGOs that agitate for the rights of Palestinian Arab prisoners:
(Wikipedia says Daily Sabah - the word means morning - is regarded as a propaganda outlet for Turkey's media-tough government and Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). In March 2017, after investigating complaints that the paper had an editorial agenda of "spreading hate", the president of the European Parliament banned its distribution there.)

Video grab from a Pal Arab source

The focus of the report and the message of its promoters in obviously concerned with arousing outrage at the notion that barbaric Israelis would consider imprisoning children, women and (gasp) members of parliament.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 15-Sep-17: Women, children, parliamentarians, editors and terror
The focus of the report and the message of its promoters in obviously concerned with arousing outrage at the notion that barbaric Israelis would consider imprisoning children, women and (gasp) members of parliament.
All true. What's the bitch?
The Palestinian Arab terrorist enterprise occasionally drops its guard and allows some of its semi-concealed lethal malevolence to be exposed to the light of day.

Here's an extract from a media report of a heavily-promoted publicity release issued yesterday (Thursday) by several NGOs that agitate for the rights of Palestinian Arab prisoners:
(Wikipedia says Daily Sabah - the word means morning - is regarded as a propaganda outlet for Turkey's media-tough government and Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). In March 2017, after investigating complaints that the paper had an editorial agenda of "spreading hate", the president of the European Parliament banned its distribution there.)

Video grab from a Pal Arab source

The focus of the report and the message of its promoters in obviously concerned with arousing outrage at the notion that barbaric Israelis would consider imprisoning children, women and (gasp) members of parliament.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 15-Sep-17: Women, children, parliamentarians, editors and terror
The focus of the report and the message of its promoters in obviously concerned with arousing outrage at the notion that barbaric Israelis would consider imprisoning children, women and (gasp) members of parliament.
All true. What's the bitch?

Nice duck.
Palestinian Women Rise Up In Silicon Wadi

East Jerusalem entrepreneur Abeer al-Natsheh, founder of My Pink Electronics, speaks with a quick smile and thick Arabic accent whether her words come out in English, Hebrew, or international high-tech jargon.


“I don’t want to be a foreigner in my own country,” al-Natsheh told International Business Times. “I felt like I was being pushed away from their [Israeli] industry.” High-tech and tech-savvy startups are now a key part of local job markets from Nazareth in the north to the Palestinian city of Ramallah. The region’s flourishing tech industry is often called “Silicon Wadi,” with the latter word meaning “valley” in Arabic. However, Arabic is otherwise noticeably absent from the industry’s ecosystem. Al-Natsheh is part of a new generation of Palestinian women rising up in the industry despite unique challenges.

Palestinian Women Rise Up In Silicon Wadi
JUNE 11, 2017

Abeer al-Natsheh, the founder and managing director of My Pink Electronics, said that she first found about OGS through the OneVoice Movement, a global initiative supporting Israeli and Palestinian grassroots activists, where she has been volunteering for the past decade.

For Natsheh, OGS offered an attractive “new idea of not only talking to your community, but talking to the Israeli community, too – knowing them on the basis of economics, doing projects with them.” Prior to participating in the program last summer, she said she knew very little about the Israeli community, despite living in such close proximity to Israelis in east Jerusalem.

“I was aiming to get to know people more than anything else, have a chance to live with a community,” she told the Post.

Her time at Brandeis helped open her eyes not only to the Israeli community, but also to the Palestinian community in Gaza and the obstacles the population there faces, Natsheh explained. As the program brings more and more people together each year, a growing team of OGS alumni can remain in touch with one and other and continue to speak freely, she added.

“It brings people together on a different level – an economic level,” Natsheh said. “We’ll have leaders with financial ability that can create a change.”

Israelis, Palestinians build start-ups together at Brandeis incubator

Jews and Arabs working together in Israel. That is the way of the future. For the same rights Israel gives to all living there, citizens or residents, who look to live in peace and build a better country.
Jews, Arabs, Druze, Beduins, Bahai, etc.

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