Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Alan Hart

On that day in 1948, two months before Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in defiance of the will of the organized international community as it then was at the UN, Zionism’s in-Palestine political and military leaders met in Tel Aviv to formally adopt PLAN DALET, the blueprint with operational military orders for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They did not and never would refer to the crime they authorised as ethnic cleansing. Their euphemism for it was “transfer”.

As noted in an excellent anniversary briefing paper by IMEU (the American-founded Institute for Middle East Understanding), from the earliest days of modern political Zionism its advocates grappled with the problem of creating a Jewish majority state in a part of the world where Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population.

The earliest insider information we have on Zionism’s thinking is from the diary of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism’s colonial-like enterprise. He wrote:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Those words were committed to paper by Herzl in 1895 but they were not published (in other words they were suppressed) until 1962.

By August 1937 “transfer” was a discreet but hot topic for discussion at the 20th Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. All in attendance were aware that the process of dispossessing the Palestinian peasants (the fellahin) mainly by purchasing land from absentee owners had been underway for years. Referring to this David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, said:

“You are no doubt aware of the (Jewish National Fund’s) activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin…Jewish power (in Palestine), which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale.”

A year later Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency that he supported compulsory transfer. He added:

I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

The Jews were attacked from 1920 on, and that Plan Dalet idea was happening during the Arab aggression between 1936 and 1939.
The Arabs wanted to expel or kill all Jews.

What plan would YOU come up with to deal with the Arab plan to kill all the Jews?

Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
The United States has a plan in case someone threatens the US.
Several I would say.
One of them, for sure, is using Nuclear Power.

It never uses it.

In your mind, just because they ever came up with that plan to protect America and American lives, but have never used it, and possibly never will......is reason for you to believe that you need to bash that plan.

All countries have many plans to deal with what may come up against it or against their people.

According to you, only Jews must be vilified for having any plans to protect their country and ALL the people in it, Jews and non Jews, because you cannot help believing that Jews have no right to defend themselves ON their OWN land, their own homeland.

Lets count the way one can believe in anything you have read and have taken to heart:

1) The Earth is FLAT

2) Dinosaurs and Humans roamed the Earth at the same time

3) Zionists are not Jews, they are converted Jews from Khazar

Houston, we have a problem.

Once yet again you favor me with more of the same weak deceptive gibberish...I suspect that even in the event that you were correctly educated your pulp-laden, atrophied little Zio-brain would impulsively revert back to this swill...Simply posting these assertions must, in your simple mind, equate to an axiomatic truth...as previously explained an Israeli geneticist proved that over 90% of Israeli Jews are the direct descendants of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism...if you dispute or ignore this fact you are obligated to disprove it with evidence and not empty swagger...:asshole:
The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism.

Arabs in Yemen, Berbers in North Africa and other Semitic tribes converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages, that are known historical facts. BTW, most Mizrahi sef-identified as Arabs.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia
Berber Jews - Wikipedia

Speaking a language, the Arabic language, does not make one an Arab, any more than speaking English makes one an indigenous English person.

If a Jew self-identifies as an Arab, how can you deny him this right?

Jews identified as Arabs? Except for different languages, religions, heritages, histories, cultures and origins.

Wrong yet again dunce: the ancient Jews were 'Arabized' to the extent that they spoke Aramaic and were of Semitic origin---unlike the fake Eastern European Jews who populate Israel as we speak...
This is all true and important for everyone in these discussions to wrap their mind around.

Have you read Dr. Elhaik's paper? I took a look at it this afternoon.

View attachment 158098

The interpretation given above is not found in the actual paper, and the paper itself has problems -- not the least of which is trying to compare DNA of modern Ashkenazi Jews with modern Khazars (which do not exist).

Even if the above was true -- it is completely irrelevant to the conflict since the Jewish people are ONE people who have the same rights for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands as any other peoples do.

Wrong yet again Shusha: DNA evidence presented by Elhaik is conclusive and beyond debate...to state that it is irrelevant because it topples one of the central pillars of Zionist justifications is equally foolish...claiming that an eastern European Jewish minority had valid claims for "for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands " demands proof which you do not furnish...the inherent paradox is that these fictive assertions of 'self-determination and sovereignty " for a non-native minority usurp the valid property rights of a people who have resided on these lands in overwhelming majority for 13 successive centuries!!!
This is all true and important for everyone in these discussions to wrap their mind around.

Have you read Dr. Elhaik's paper? I took a look at it this afternoon.

View attachment 158098

The interpretation given above is not found in the actual paper, and the paper itself has problems -- not the least of which is trying to compare DNA of modern Ashkenazi Jews with modern Khazars (which do not exist).

Even if the above was true -- it is completely irrelevant to the conflict since the Jewish people are ONE people who have the same rights for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands as any other peoples do.

Wrong yet again Shusha: DNA evidence presented by Elhaik is conclusive and beyond debate...to state that it is irrelevant because it topples one of the central pillars of Zionist justifications is equally foolish...claiming that an eastern European Jewish minority had valid claims for "for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands " demands proof which you do not furnish...the inherent paradox is that these fictive assertions of 'self-determination and sovereignty " for a non-native minority usurp the valid property rights of a people who have resided on these lands in overwhelming majority for 13 successive centuries!!!

These are just more of your hysterical tirades. In terms of the various Arab-Moslem/ Christian/ Mongol invasions, it’s ludicrous to pose your silly “13 successive centuries” nonsense.

You might want to retreat to the similarly nonsense claim by Monty that Moslems have lived in “Pal’istan” for “thousands of years”. That’s curious as the politico-religious ideology of Islamism didn’t exist thousands of years ago.

You flamers/ screamers are a hoot.

The Jews were attacked from 1920 on, and that Plan Dalet idea was happening during the Arab aggression between 1936 and 1939.
The Arabs wanted to expel or kill all Jews.

What plan would YOU come up with to deal with the Arab plan to kill all the Jews?

Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
The United States has a plan in case someone threatens the US.
Several I would say.
One of them, for sure, is using Nuclear Power.

It never uses it.

In your mind, just because they ever came up with that plan to protect America and American lives, but have never used it, and possibly never will......is reason for you to believe that you need to bash that plan.

All countries have many plans to deal with what may come up against it or against their people.

According to you, only Jews must be vilified for having any plans to protect their country and ALL the people in it, Jews and non Jews, because you cannot help believing that Jews have no right to defend themselves ON their OWN land, their own homeland.

Lets count the way one can believe in anything you have read and have taken to heart:

1) The Earth is FLAT

2) Dinosaurs and Humans roamed the Earth at the same time

3) Zionists are not Jews, they are converted Jews from Khazar

Houston, we have a problem.

Once yet again you favor me with more of the same weak deceptive gibberish...I suspect that even in the event that you were correctly educated your pulp-laden, atrophied little Zio-brain would impulsively revert back to this swill...Simply posting these assertions must, in your simple mind, equate to an axiomatic truth...as previously explained an Israeli geneticist proved that over 90% of Israeli Jews are the direct descendants of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism...if you dispute or ignore this fact you are obligated to disprove it with evidence and not empty swagger...:asshole:
WOW.....Such Christian anger and hatred for Jews.

You are not saying anything new. Except that it is only 'new' since 1948. Muslims hate losing. Especially to Jews. :)

Who cares what some alleged "Israeli" geneticist has come up with.
Not the Jews.

The Jewish People have all the proof, the history, the archeology, etc.
that they are "90%" from the land of Israel, you like it or not.

So, yawn, and yawn, and yawn again.

You are one of the clearest proofs as to why many of the Jewish Nation needed to return to their ancient homeland to rebuild and be sovereign over their own ancient homeland.

And they are not ever giving it up again.

Not to Crazy Christians.

And not to Crazy Muslims.

Both bastard religions have murdered enough Jews as it is.
This time, there will be something called Justice to take care of the crimes perpetrated on the Jewish People.

Never Again !!!! (Do you know where that saying comes from? )

Go ahead, of master of knowledge about the Jewish people.
Keep up the Inquisition.
Keep it going.

Israel is going nowhere and the Jewish People are never going to allow pogroms and holocausts against them to happen ever again.

Let me say it again:

This is all true and important for everyone in these discussions to wrap their mind around.

Have you read Dr. Elhaik's paper? I took a look at it this afternoon.

View attachment 158098

The interpretation given above is not found in the actual paper, and the paper itself has problems -- not the least of which is trying to compare DNA of modern Ashkenazi Jews with modern Khazars (which do not exist).

Even if the above was true -- it is completely irrelevant to the conflict since the Jewish people are ONE people who have the same rights for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands as any other peoples do.

Wrong yet again Shusha: DNA evidence presented by Elhaik is conclusive and beyond debate...to state that it is irrelevant because it topples one of the central pillars of Zionist justifications is equally foolish...claiming that an eastern European Jewish minority had valid claims for "for self-determination and sovereignty on their ancestral and historical lands " demands proof which you do not furnish...the inherent paradox is that these fictive assertions of 'self-determination and sovereignty " for a non-native minority usurp the valid property rights of a people who have resided on these lands in overwhelming majority for 13 successive centuries!!!

These are just more of your hysterical tirades. In terms of the various Arab-Moslem/ Christian/ Mongol invasions, it’s ludicrous to pose your silly “13 successive centuries” nonsense.

You might want to retreat to the similarly nonsense claim by Monty that Moslems have lived in “Pal’istan” for “thousands of years”. That’s curious as the politico-religious ideology of Islamism didn’t exist thousands of years ago.

You flamers/ screamers are a hoot.

Gosh you neglected any proof or link...how unusual...please endeavor to locate someone a tad better educated to explain the 7th century Muslim conquests of Persia, and the subsequent Arab residencies which follow for centuries...Palestine became entirely Arabized from the late period of the 7th century until the criminal seizure of Historic Palestine by Eastern European Khazar-convert Jewish trash...it genuinely bewilders me why someone of your obvious intellectual limitations participates in this forum...the sum of your posts are awkwardly smug bromides and vapid sarcasm...
Despite this institutional backing, the theory is absolutely without evidence. As any historian will tell you, generations of Jews, like generations of any people, leave historical traces behind them. These traces come in multiple forms. For starters, people leave behind them historical documents and archaeological data. Predictably, archaeologic evidence about the widespread existence of Jews in Khazaria is almost nonexistent. While a series of independent sources does testify to the existence in the 10th century of Jews in the Kingdom of Khazaria, and while some of these sources also indicate that the ruling elite of Khazaria embraced Judaism, the Khazarian state was destroyed by Russians during the 960s. In other words, we can be confident that Judaism was not particularly widespread in that kingdom.

Read more: Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Khazars. Here’s The Proof.
Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
The United States has a plan in case someone threatens the US.
Several I would say.
One of them, for sure, is using Nuclear Power.

It never uses it.

In your mind, just because they ever came up with that plan to protect America and American lives, but have never used it, and possibly never will......is reason for you to believe that you need to bash that plan.

All countries have many plans to deal with what may come up against it or against their people.

According to you, only Jews must be vilified for having any plans to protect their country and ALL the people in it, Jews and non Jews, because you cannot help believing that Jews have no right to defend themselves ON their OWN land, their own homeland.

Lets count the way one can believe in anything you have read and have taken to heart:

1) The Earth is FLAT

2) Dinosaurs and Humans roamed the Earth at the same time

3) Zionists are not Jews, they are converted Jews from Khazar

Houston, we have a problem.

Once yet again you favor me with more of the same weak deceptive gibberish...I suspect that even in the event that you were correctly educated your pulp-laden, atrophied little Zio-brain would impulsively revert back to this swill...Simply posting these assertions must, in your simple mind, equate to an axiomatic truth...as previously explained an Israeli geneticist proved that over 90% of Israeli Jews are the direct descendants of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism...if you dispute or ignore this fact you are obligated to disprove it with evidence and not empty swagger...:asshole:
WOW.....Such Christian anger and hatred for Jews.

You are not saying anything new. Except that it is only 'new' since 1948. Muslims hate losing. Especially to Jews. :)

Who cares what some alleged "Israeli" geneticist has come up with.
Not the Jews.

The Jewish People have all the proof, the history, the archeology, etc.
that they are "90%" from the land of Israel, you like it or not.

So, yawn, and yawn, and yawn again.

You are one of the clearest proofs as to why many of the Jewish Nation needed to return to their ancient homeland to rebuild and be sovereign over their own ancient homeland.

And they are not ever giving it up again.

Not to Crazy Christians.

And not to Crazy Muslims.

Both bastard religions have murdered enough Jews as it is.
This time, there will be something called Justice to take care of the crimes perpetrated on the Jewish People.

Never Again !!!! (Do you know where that saying comes from? )

Go ahead, of master of knowledge about the Jewish people.
Keep up the Inquisition.
Keep it going.

Israel is going nowhere and the Jewish People are never going to allow pogroms and holocausts against them to happen ever again.

Let me say it again:


Not a Christian you mindless drone...typical to form you manage once again to post nothing of substance or proof of your febrile claims...its almost unfair to even argue with someone as dumb and void of general knowledge as you, but then I remind myself of the spineless, immoral nature of rank-n-file Zio-trash and I enjoy it:asshole:
Despite this institutional backing, the theory is absolutely without evidence. As any historian will tell you, generations of Jews, like generations of any people, leave historical traces behind them. These traces come in multiple forms. For starters, people leave behind them historical documents and archaeological data. Predictably, archaeologic evidence about the widespread existence of Jews in Khazaria is almost nonexistent. While a series of independent sources does testify to the existence in the 10th century of Jews in the Kingdom of Khazaria, and while some of these sources also indicate that the ruling elite of Khazaria embraced Judaism, the Khazarian state was destroyed by Russians during the 960s. In other words, we can be confident that Judaism was not particularly widespread in that kingdom.

Read more: Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Khazars. Here’s The Proof.

again for the benefit of determined ignorance: Elhaik's DNA proofs are conclusive...keep spinning
That’s because the proof is based primarily on the absence of evidence rather than its presence – like the fact that an event as unprecedented as an entire kingdom’s conversion to Judaism merited no mention in contemporaneous sources. “The silence of so many sources about the Khazars’ Judaism is very suspicious,” Stampfer said. “The Byzantines, the geonim [Jewish religious leaders of the sixth to eleventh centuries], the sages of Egypt – none of them have a word about the Jewish Khazars.”

The research ended up taking him four years. “I thought I’d finish in two months, but I discovered that there was a huge amount of work. I had to check sources that aren’t in my field, and I consulted and got help from many people.”

Stampfer said his research had no political motives, though he recognizes that the topic is politically fraught. “It’s a really interesting historical question, but it has political implications,” he said. “As a historian, I’m naturally worried by the misuse of history. I think history should be removed from political discussions, but anyone who nevertheless wants to use history must at least present the correct facts. In this case, the facts are that the Khazars didn’t convert, the Jews aren’t descendants of the Khazars and the contemporary political problems between Israelis and Palestinians must be dealt with on the basis of current reality, not on the basis of a fictitious past.”

Jews are not descended from Khazars, Hebrew University historian says
Despite this institutional backing, the theory is absolutely without evidence. As any historian will tell you, generations of Jews, like generations of any people, leave historical traces behind them. These traces come in multiple forms. For starters, people leave behind them historical documents and archaeological data. Predictably, archaeologic evidence about the widespread existence of Jews in Khazaria is almost nonexistent. While a series of independent sources does testify to the existence in the 10th century of Jews in the Kingdom of Khazaria, and while some of these sources also indicate that the ruling elite of Khazaria embraced Judaism, the Khazarian state was destroyed by Russians during the 960s. In other words, we can be confident that Judaism was not particularly widespread in that kingdom.

Read more: Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Khazars. Here’s The Proof.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The link you posted does not disprove Elhaik's DNA-evidence...Forward is a form of Zionist propaganda you twit...
That’s because the proof is based primarily on the absence of evidence rather than its presence – like the fact that an event as unprecedented as an entire kingdom’s conversion to Judaism merited no mention in contemporaneous sources. “The silence of so many sources about the Khazars’ Judaism is very suspicious,” Stampfer said. “The Byzantines, the geonim [Jewish religious leaders of the sixth to eleventh centuries], the sages of Egypt – none of them have a word about the Jewish Khazars.”

The research ended up taking him four years. “I thought I’d finish in two months, but I discovered that there was a huge amount of work. I had to check sources that aren’t in my field, and I consulted and got help from many people.”

Stampfer said his research had no political motives, though he recognizes that the topic is politically fraught. “It’s a really interesting historical question, but it has political implications,” he said. “As a historian, I’m naturally worried by the misuse of history. I think history should be removed from political discussions, but anyone who nevertheless wants to use history must at least present the correct facts. In this case, the facts are that the Khazars didn’t convert, the Jews aren’t descendants of the Khazars and the contemporary political problems between Israelis and Palestinians must be dealt with on the basis of current reality, not on the basis of a fictitious past.”

Jews are not descended from Khazars, Hebrew University historian says

Please find someone to explain the critical difference between DNA evidence and contrary ( OPINION )...

Attacking the 'Khazar ancestry' is entirely predictable given the propaganda requirements associated with the seizure of Palestine...a literal media-blitz has been mounted to convince millions that Jews are not direct descendants of Khazar-covnerts...Elhaik's DNA-evidence makes folly of these propaganda efforts...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
The United States has a plan in case someone threatens the US.
Several I would say.
One of them, for sure, is using Nuclear Power.

It never uses it.

In your mind, just because they ever came up with that plan to protect America and American lives, but have never used it, and possibly never will......is reason for you to believe that you need to bash that plan.

All countries have many plans to deal with what may come up against it or against their people.

According to you, only Jews must be vilified for having any plans to protect their country and ALL the people in it, Jews and non Jews, because you cannot help believing that Jews have no right to defend themselves ON their OWN land, their own homeland.

Lets count the way one can believe in anything you have read and have taken to heart:

1) The Earth is FLAT

2) Dinosaurs and Humans roamed the Earth at the same time

3) Zionists are not Jews, they are converted Jews from Khazar

Houston, we have a problem.

Once yet again you favor me with more of the same weak deceptive gibberish...I suspect that even in the event that you were correctly educated your pulp-laden, atrophied little Zio-brain would impulsively revert back to this swill...Simply posting these assertions must, in your simple mind, equate to an axiomatic truth...as previously explained an Israeli geneticist proved that over 90% of Israeli Jews are the direct descendants of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism...if you dispute or ignore this fact you are obligated to disprove it with evidence and not empty swagger...:asshole:
WOW.....Such Christian anger and hatred for Jews.

You are not saying anything new. Except that it is only 'new' since 1948. Muslims hate losing. Especially to Jews. :)

Who cares what some alleged "Israeli" geneticist has come up with.
Not the Jews.

The Jewish People have all the proof, the history, the archeology, etc.
that they are "90%" from the land of Israel, you like it or not.

So, yawn, and yawn, and yawn again.

You are one of the clearest proofs as to why many of the Jewish Nation needed to return to their ancient homeland to rebuild and be sovereign over their own ancient homeland.

And they are not ever giving it up again.

Not to Crazy Christians.

And not to Crazy Muslims.

Both bastard religions have murdered enough Jews as it is.
This time, there will be something called Justice to take care of the crimes perpetrated on the Jewish People.

Never Again !!!! (Do you know where that saying comes from? )

Go ahead, of master of knowledge about the Jewish people.
Keep up the Inquisition.
Keep it going.

Israel is going nowhere and the Jewish People are never going to allow pogroms and holocausts against them to happen ever again.

Let me say it again:


Not a Christian you mindless drone...typical to form you manage once again to post nothing of substance or proof of your febrile claims...its almost unfair to even argue with someone as dumb and void of general knowledge as you, but then I remind myself of the spineless, immoral nature of rank-n-file Zio-trash and I enjoy it:asshole:
It is of absolutely no interest if you are a Christian, Muslims, Atheist, Terrestrial, martian or anything else.

You have always been a loser about Jewish history and Jews and it really does not matter to them.

Pogroms since Christianity took over. The Inquisition which does not end. The Holocaust.

One lie after another of what Jews are "capable of doing" and it the Jew haters now think they can destroy the Jews with "You are not the Jews" poison.

Poison on, it does not change anything.

The Jewish Nation has regained sovereignty over less than 20% of their ancient homeland. And they are keeping every inch of it, and are done giving land for peace, a peace Jew haters like the Arab leaders have no intention of ever agreeing to.

I am a Zionist = the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.

And proud of it, and will continue to be one, amongst many, not only Jews but non Jews who do know the truth.

Conspiracy theories and myths against the Jews have existed for almost 2000 years.

We do not expect it to ever change against such brilliant minds like yours.

Hate on !!!
A year ago, scientifically illiterate media started reporting on a study by Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins University that claimed that it proved decisively that Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars, and not the Middle East.

I showed then not only that Elhaik's paper was sloppy and that the methodology was problematic, but also that Elhaik was clearly painting the bullseye after shooting the arrow - he intended from the beginning to prove the bizarre Khazar theory before gathering data, the exact opposite of how a scientist is supposed to act.

It turns out that the researchers who gathered the datasets that Elhaik cherry-picked to reach his foregone conclusions have demonstratively debunked Elhaik and his methods.

From their paper, named "No Evidence from Genome-Wide Data of a Khazar Origin for the Ashkenazi Jews":

Since this is a scientific paper, they can't say that Elhaik was a hack, but it is clear that his methods - using data from these very researchers - prove how low people will stoop to buttress their biases.

Of course, the media will never give this study (written last year) the same coverage that Elhaik's lies received.

(full article online)

"Khazar" study thoroughly debunked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is only slight embarrassment in the book about this incident.
As a result of this disturbance the Commander-in-Chief did not forward names of officers or men of Anzac Units which were camped at Surafend at the time and who had been recommended by the Divisional Commander for inclusion in the Peace Despatch; but subsequently he relented out of consideration for the good work of the Division and forwarded most of the names in a supplementary despatch.This is the sort of historical event that no one wants to remember. It shows that the Arabs were murderers and thieves, and that the New Zealand army took matters into their own hands to destroy the entire Arab community in retaliation.

The former wouldn't be reported today because it sounds like anti-Arab racism. The latter makes it sound like enlightened armies engaged in routine gross violations of human rights.

And who wants to talk about that unless the army is Jewish?

(full article online)

New Zealand army units vs. thieving Palestinian Arabs, November 1917 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Wrong yet again Shusha: DNA evidence presented by Elhaik is conclusive and beyond debate...
It doesn't say what you think it says.

But even if it did say what you think it says -- that some Jews are converts from hundreds of years ago -- it makes not one whit of difference in the rights of peoples.

The rights of peoples are NOT based on their DNA. DNA is not even a contributing factor to rights let alone the determining factor. You want to play that game? How about if we say that ANY Arab Palestinian without "enough" Canaanite blood has not rights to live in the territory in question? How about if we say that no American without First Nations blood has a right to be a US citizen and live in the US?

The very idea of it is ridiculous.
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