Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I like this: "Jewish narrative is a gargantuan LIE." You need to listen to a better talk radio host.
Are you joking? Almost everything you "know" about Israel is a lie.

Starting with a land without people for a people without a land.

We could have a whole thread about Israel's lies.

Interesting that when it comes to Jews, some non Jews will give the darnedest interpretation as to what may or may not have been said by any Jew.

Needless to say, the Zionists knew that the land was inhabited.
They knew that there were Jews and non Jews inhabiting the land.

So, how did that "saying" get so lost in translation?

On the Origin, Meaning, Use and Abuse of a Phrase on JSTOR
Needless to say, the Zionists knew that the land was inhabited.
They knew that there were Jews and non Jews inhabiting the land.
Indeed, but the plan was to shove those people aside and pig the place for themselves. It was no secret. That was their stated goal and the root of the problem that we still have today.

Joseph Farah: Invention of the palestinians http://www.wnd.com/2002/07/14501/
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

I have to admit, you are the greatest at distortion.

Israel did not yet exist when the fraudulent claim of 'Five Arab armies attacking' went into circulation...

At midnight, 14/15 May, the British completed their withdrawal from the territory formerly under the Mandate; and the Jewish Agency announced the formation of the Provisional Government and the Independence of Israel.

History - Question of Palestine said:
∆ The first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-1949 ∆
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the
State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day,
regular troops of the neighbouring Arab States entered the territory to assist the Palestinian Arab​
EXCERPTS Representative to the United Nations of the Arab Higher Committee said:
The Arab Higher Committee solicited assistance of the following Arab countries: Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Trans-Jordan, in order to reinstate peace and order in Palestine. Their purpose and task is one of pacification and not of invasion. It has been made clear that once peace and order are restored, the people of Palestine of all creeds will exercise freely their right of self-determination in a general plebiscite.
When the regular Arab armies entered Palestine, the responsibility for the control of public security, and other kindred governmental responsibilities on the different areas they occupy have been placed in their hands. In the execution of these duties, both the Arab Higher Committee and the National Committees place their assistance and cooperation at the disposal of the military authorities.
SOURCE: S/775 24 May 1948

EXCERPTS Representative - On behalf of the Arab States said:
The Arab armies themselves are not convinced that the Jewish forces will not at any sudden moment break without provocation a truce and attack them. What guarantee is there? For it must be forgotten that the Arab forces are not fighting a regular army but terrorist gangs trained in certain parts of Europe and other regions under the expert hands of forces which for a long time had visited on the world the worst evils. It is surprising that the regular Arab armies are being treated on an equal footing with terrorist bands of a minority intending to impose their will by force on the majority.
SOURCE: S/792 26 May 1948

EXCERPTS Continuation of the consideration of the consolidated tabulation prepared by the working group said:
When Jerusalem was surrounded on three sides by Arab armies and was still in a state of war, how could the Jewish military authorities be expected to allow any Arab to enter freely and remain in Jerusalem?
SOURCE: Continued Discussion 1 December 1948

I'm not exactly sure of the intent of your insinuation about the relative term "armies" in regards to it application to the Arab Intervention in 1948. It's effect though, is to derail any meaningful discussion of the progress towards "peace." I am suspicious.

Once the Arab States along with India voted down the farcical text of Resolution #181 the Zionists launched a well-planned ethnic-cleansing offensive to steal what they could not acquire through political channels, nearly all of the Arab towns and villages earmarked for the Palestinians in #181 were occupied by Zionist militias within the first day of the terror-offensive...

Again, I am very suspicious of the path and derailment purpose --- maybe with the intent to inflame emotions.

History - Question of Palestine said:
End of the British Mandate

The adoption of resolution 181 (II) was followed by outbreaks of violence in Palestine. As the situation deteriorated, the Security Council called for a special
session of the General Assembly, which then met from 16 April to 14 May 1948.​

Syrian and Egyptian troops didn't enter the fray until days after the Zionist offensive began...so much for the lie of an Attack on a fictive Israel...

This is ambiguous. It looks like it says something, but does not. Clearly this cannot be relative to the 1948 War of Independence for Israel...

What Zionist offensive?


I don't recall, from any of my previous studies, when Civil Wars --- wherein factions of the same region of some common political subdivision were locked in conflict, did not turn ugly. In this case, each side has claimed to hold the moral high ground. And - in this case, no measure of combat outcome ends the conflict or results in peace.

In this case, the Arab Palestinian wants to play the part of the victim; where they fictitiously feign oppression, disenfranchisement, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves from the donor nations of the world. The Arab Palestinian has become a very adept at the victim role ("poor me") by portraying themselves as victims of someone else's behavior (in this case Israel and any ally) in order to gain pity and sympathy or to invoke hostile emotions and thereby rally political support ⇒ and direct anger towards Israel.

This, however, has not proven a very effective strategy in the past. While the Arab Palestinian is very good at making lists of international laws that have been broken by Israel; many of the claims and counterclaims are contradictory.

•• Example: The Arab Palestinians claim that all the territory formerly under Mandate is Arab Palestinian. But if that is true, then how can Israel (which would then be a political constituency with Palestine) be accused of being an invader; or transferring its own population, or illegal annexation etc etc etc...​

Many allies of the Israelis tend to begin to ignore the ranting and ravings of the Arab Palestinians as so much childishness and tantrum noise. In the end, the world stage will begin to see just each Arab Palestinian tantrum as just that --- an additional piece to the never ending story; and then it will filter-out the noise --- with nothing of interest left.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Someone who has written dozens of articles for +972 and other sites, who literally hates Zionism, is upset at the "moralizing" of teaching children that some behaviors are good and some are bad???

One of the blurb-writers for Mya's anti-Israel book, Neve Gordon, refers to the Israeli government as representing "the intricate webs of evil." Mya doesn't object to that kind of moralizing. Only the kind that tells children that listening to parents is good and hurting others is bad.

What a thoroughly messed-up person. She wants to teach her daughter that there is no such thing as good and bad - except if course for the twin evils of Israel and the Jewish religion.

How terrible that she cannot find a community of like-minded people that trash their religion and their nationality while listening to Hebrew popular music.

We already knew that Guarnieri Jaradat was a hypocrite. But this is such self-absorbed crap - trying to damn the American Jewish community but unwittingly telling the world what a twisted and sick person she is.

No wonder that Haaretz considers it worthy of publication.

(full article online)

The world's smallest violin for Mya Guarnieri Jaradat ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Al Batsh also spoke at the funerals of some of the terrorists who died after entering the tunnel following its explosion.

“Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) member Khaled al-Batsh alluded that the terrorist tunnel the IDF detonated on Monday on the Gaza border was intended for kidnapping Israeli civilians, who would then be exchanged for imprisoned PIJ terrorists.

“The freedom tunnel that was attacked yesterday by the enemy was meant for the release of our prisoners,” al-Batsh disclosed, adding that the PIJ are undeterred, and will have “another tunnel for the release of the prisoners” in the future. […]

“We will continue our battle out of determination,” he said. “We have the right—blood for blood; we will not give up our right to resist.” […]

“Our weapons will remain in our hands; we will not allow anyone to demilitarize us,” he concluded.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Islamic Jihad clarifies what the BBC did not
Two women from the radical leftist group Machsom Watch, which regularly badgers IDF soldiers serving at checkpoints, were in for an unpleasant surprise, after they were nearly lynched by Arabs in a Samarian village.

0404 reported that the incident unfolded when the two arrived at the Samarian village of Azzun to show their support for local Arabs. As one of the women extended her hand to give an item to some of the Arabs, another Arab at the scene snatched a bracelet from her wrist and started to run.

(full article online)

Radical leftists nearly lynched by Arab mob
Hamas has been holding the bodies of two IDF soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, hostage for years, as well as other live Israeli civilians. Before that, Hamas held Gilad Shalit captive for years. Hamas has never allowed the Red Cross to visit their Israeli hostages even once, nor supplied the Red Cross with information about them.

Arab sources say the Gazans may turn to the UN next, in their attempts to cross the border to retrieve the dead terrorist bodies.

It apparently hasn’t occurred to them to first return the bodies of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

You are what you are.

Once yet again please endeavor to familiarize yourself with Plan-Dalet, and the writings of pre-state Zionists...the Zionist ethnic-cleansing of Palestine had no legal or moral precedent...it was a criminal action which trampled the dictates of both the British Mandate and 181...

In February 1948 the Arab Higher Committee Delegation dispatched a letter to the UN that stress the following:

  • (a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

    (b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

    (c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

    (d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

    (e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

    (f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

    (g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.
The "PLAN DALET" (now a more than a Half Century Old) was one of four suggestions presented in March 1948 in the shadow of the Arab Threat.

BTW: Was there any real evidence that the Plan was actually acted upon? And, was what the Arab Higher Committee Threatened any different from what you interpret the Israeli Plan to mean?

How do you know that "Zionist" wrote the Plan?

Finally, who trampled on what when?

Press Release PAL/169 17 MAY 1948
During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,

Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Alan Hart

On that day in 1948, two months before Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in defiance of the will of the organized international community as it then was at the UN, Zionism’s in-Palestine political and military leaders met in Tel Aviv to formally adopt PLAN DALET, the blueprint with operational military orders for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They did not and never would refer to the crime they authorised as ethnic cleansing. Their euphemism for it was “transfer”.

As noted in an excellent anniversary briefing paper by IMEU (the American-founded Institute for Middle East Understanding), from the earliest days of modern political Zionism its advocates grappled with the problem of creating a Jewish majority state in a part of the world where Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population.

The earliest insider information we have on Zionism’s thinking is from the diary of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism’s colonial-like enterprise. He wrote:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Those words were committed to paper by Herzl in 1895 but they were not published (in other words they were suppressed) until 1962.

By August 1937 “transfer” was a discreet but hot topic for discussion at the 20th Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. All in attendance were aware that the process of dispossessing the Palestinian peasants (the fellahin) mainly by purchasing land from absentee owners had been underway for years. Referring to this David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, said:

“You are no doubt aware of the (Jewish National Fund’s) activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin…Jewish power (in Palestine), which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale.”

A year later Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency that he supported compulsory transfer. He added:

I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

The Jews were attacked from 1920 on, and that Plan Dalet idea was happening during the Arab aggression between 1936 and 1939.
The Arabs wanted to expel or kill all Jews.

What plan would YOU come up with to deal with the Arab plan to kill all the Jews?

Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

I have to admit, you are the greatest at distortion.

Israel did not yet exist when the fraudulent claim of 'Five Arab armies attacking' went into circulation...

At midnight, 14/15 May, the British completed their withdrawal from the territory formerly under the Mandate; and the Jewish Agency announced the formation of the Provisional Government and the Independence of Israel.

History - Question of Palestine said:
∆ The first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-1949 ∆
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the
State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day,
regular troops of the neighbouring Arab States entered the territory to assist the Palestinian Arab​
EXCERPTS Representative to the United Nations of the Arab Higher Committee said:
The Arab Higher Committee solicited assistance of the following Arab countries: Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Trans-Jordan, in order to reinstate peace and order in Palestine. Their purpose and task is one of pacification and not of invasion. It has been made clear that once peace and order are restored, the people of Palestine of all creeds will exercise freely their right of self-determination in a general plebiscite.
When the regular Arab armies entered Palestine, the responsibility for the control of public security, and other kindred governmental responsibilities on the different areas they occupy have been placed in their hands. In the execution of these duties, both the Arab Higher Committee and the National Committees place their assistance and cooperation at the disposal of the military authorities.
SOURCE: S/775 24 May 1948

EXCERPTS Representative - On behalf of the Arab States said:
The Arab armies themselves are not convinced that the Jewish forces will not at any sudden moment break without provocation a truce and attack them. What guarantee is there? For it must be forgotten that the Arab forces are not fighting a regular army but terrorist gangs trained in certain parts of Europe and other regions under the expert hands of forces which for a long time had visited on the world the worst evils. It is surprising that the regular Arab armies are being treated on an equal footing with terrorist bands of a minority intending to impose their will by force on the majority.
SOURCE: S/792 26 May 1948

EXCERPTS Continuation of the consideration of the consolidated tabulation prepared by the working group said:
When Jerusalem was surrounded on three sides by Arab armies and was still in a state of war, how could the Jewish military authorities be expected to allow any Arab to enter freely and remain in Jerusalem?
SOURCE: Continued Discussion 1 December 1948

I'm not exactly sure of the intent of your insinuation about the relative term "armies" in regards to it application to the Arab Intervention in 1948. It's effect though, is to derail any meaningful discussion of the progress towards "peace." I am suspicious.

Once the Arab States along with India voted down the farcical text of Resolution #181 the Zionists launched a well-planned ethnic-cleansing offensive to steal what they could not acquire through political channels, nearly all of the Arab towns and villages earmarked for the Palestinians in #181 were occupied by Zionist militias within the first day of the terror-offensive...

Again, I am very suspicious of the path and derailment purpose --- maybe with the intent to inflame emotions.

History - Question of Palestine said:
End of the British Mandate

The adoption of resolution 181 (II) was followed by outbreaks of violence in Palestine. As the situation deteriorated, the Security Council called for a special
session of the General Assembly, which then met from 16 April to 14 May 1948.​

Syrian and Egyptian troops didn't enter the fray until days after the Zionist offensive began...so much for the lie of an Attack on a fictive Israel...

This is ambiguous. It looks like it says something, but does not. Clearly this cannot be relative to the 1948 War of Independence for Israel...

What Zionist offensive?


I don't recall, from any of my previous studies, when Civil Wars --- wherein factions of the same region of some common political subdivision were locked in conflict, did not turn ugly. In this case, each side has claimed to hold the moral high ground. And - in this case, no measure of combat outcome ends the conflict or results in peace.

In this case, the Arab Palestinian wants to play the part of the victim; where they fictitiously feign oppression, disenfranchisement, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves from the donor nations of the world. The Arab Palestinian has become a very adept at the victim role ("poor me") by portraying themselves as victims of someone else's behavior (in this case Israel and any ally) in order to gain pity and sympathy or to invoke hostile emotions and thereby rally political support ⇒ and direct anger towards Israel.

This, however, has not proven a very effective strategy in the past. While the Arab Palestinian is very good at making lists of international laws that have been broken by Israel; many of the claims and counterclaims are contradictory.

•• Example: The Arab Palestinians claim that all the territory formerly under Mandate is Arab Palestinian. But if that is true, then how can Israel (which would then be a political constituency with Palestine) be accused of being an invader; or transferring its own population, or illegal annexation etc etc etc...​

Many allies of the Israelis tend to begin to ignore the ranting and ravings of the Arab Palestinians as so much childishness and tantrum noise. In the end, the world stage will begin to see just each Arab Palestinian tantrum as just that --- an additional piece to the never ending story; and then it will filter-out the noise --- with nothing of interest left.

Most Respectfully,

"This is ambiguous. It looks like it says something, but does not. Clearly this cannot be relative to the 1948 War of Independence for Israel...

What Zionist offensive?"

HERE IS AN IDEAL EXAMPLE OF JEWISH OBSCURANTISM AND BLIND DENIAL...Congrats Rocco, you just fell flat on your face!!!! The only 'ambiguity' is your own amigo...to state that the actual intervention by Syrian and Egyptian troops is not 'relative' to an event upon which Israel's putative statehood was premised is essentially a fool's perspective....there was no 'War of Independence' because no 'dependent' Israel existed...the 'Zionist offensive' is ridiculously well-documented, mostly by the statements of the Zionist leaders involved....you didn't refute the information I posted, you merely exposed your profound ignorance!!! LOL
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

You are what you are.


In February 1948 the Arab Higher Committee Delegation dispatched a letter to the UN that stress the following:

  • (a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

    (b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

    (c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

    (d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

    (e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

    (f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

    (g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.
The "PLAN DALET" (now a more than a Half Century Old) was one of four suggestions presented in March 1948 in the shadow of the Arab Threat.

BTW: Was there any real evidence that the Plan was actually acted upon? And, was what the Arab Higher Committee Threatened any different from what you interpret the Israeli Plan to mean?

How do you know that "Zionist" wrote the Plan?

Finally, who trampled on what when?

Press Release PAL/169 17 MAY 1948
During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,

Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Alan Hart

On that day in 1948, two months before Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in defiance of the will of the organized international community as it then was at the UN, Zionism’s in-Palestine political and military leaders met in Tel Aviv to formally adopt PLAN DALET, the blueprint with operational military orders for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They did not and never would refer to the crime they authorised as ethnic cleansing. Their euphemism for it was “transfer”.

As noted in an excellent anniversary briefing paper by IMEU (the American-founded Institute for Middle East Understanding), from the earliest days of modern political Zionism its advocates grappled with the problem of creating a Jewish majority state in a part of the world where Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population.

The earliest insider information we have on Zionism’s thinking is from the diary of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism’s colonial-like enterprise. He wrote:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Those words were committed to paper by Herzl in 1895 but they were not published (in other words they were suppressed) until 1962.

By August 1937 “transfer” was a discreet but hot topic for discussion at the 20th Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. All in attendance were aware that the process of dispossessing the Palestinian peasants (the fellahin) mainly by purchasing land from absentee owners had been underway for years. Referring to this David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, said:

“You are no doubt aware of the (Jewish National Fund’s) activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin…Jewish power (in Palestine), which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale.”

A year later Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency that he supported compulsory transfer. He added:

I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

The Jews were attacked from 1920 on, and that Plan Dalet idea was happening during the Arab aggression between 1936 and 1939.
The Arabs wanted to expel or kill all Jews.

What plan would YOU come up with to deal with the Arab plan to kill all the Jews?

Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:

Well, lets be honest here, Louie. When your cutting and pasting amounts to entire paragraphs you plagiarize from Flat Earth Society loons, the validity of your plagiarized comments is called into question.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

You are what you are.


In February 1948 the Arab Higher Committee Delegation dispatched a letter to the UN that stress the following:

  • (a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

    (b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

    (c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

    (d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

    (e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

    (f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

    (g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.
The "PLAN DALET" (now a more than a Half Century Old) was one of four suggestions presented in March 1948 in the shadow of the Arab Threat.

BTW: Was there any real evidence that the Plan was actually acted upon? And, was what the Arab Higher Committee Threatened any different from what you interpret the Israeli Plan to mean?

How do you know that "Zionist" wrote the Plan?

Finally, who trampled on what when?

Press Release PAL/169 17 MAY 1948
During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,

Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
by Alan Hart

On that day in 1948, two months before Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in defiance of the will of the organized international community as it then was at the UN, Zionism’s in-Palestine political and military leaders met in Tel Aviv to formally adopt PLAN DALET, the blueprint with operational military orders for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They did not and never would refer to the crime they authorised as ethnic cleansing. Their euphemism for it was “transfer”.

As noted in an excellent anniversary briefing paper by IMEU (the American-founded Institute for Middle East Understanding), from the earliest days of modern political Zionism its advocates grappled with the problem of creating a Jewish majority state in a part of the world where Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population.

The earliest insider information we have on Zionism’s thinking is from the diary of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism’s colonial-like enterprise. He wrote:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Those words were committed to paper by Herzl in 1895 but they were not published (in other words they were suppressed) until 1962.

By August 1937 “transfer” was a discreet but hot topic for discussion at the 20th Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. All in attendance were aware that the process of dispossessing the Palestinian peasants (the fellahin) mainly by purchasing land from absentee owners had been underway for years. Referring to this David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, said:

“You are no doubt aware of the (Jewish National Fund’s) activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin…Jewish power (in Palestine), which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale.”

A year later Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency that he supported compulsory transfer. He added:

I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

The Jews were attacked from 1920 on, and that Plan Dalet idea was happening during the Arab aggression between 1936 and 1939.
The Arabs wanted to expel or kill all Jews.

What plan would YOU come up with to deal with the Arab plan to kill all the Jews?

Nonsense...the Arab aggression against the waves of Zionist immigration was based upon a genuine fear of their political and military intent...a fear that was later entirely justified...
I am still laughing. STOP.

You are becoming funnier than any Jewish comedian.


Another tepid pose...note how the fool cannot answer or refute the validity of my comments, thus posting a meaningless puerile jab...I suspect awkward laughter is all you have at your limited disposal...:asshole::asshole:
The United States has a plan in case someone threatens the US.
Several I would say.
One of them, for sure, is using Nuclear Power.

It never uses it.

In your mind, just because they ever came up with that plan to protect America and American lives, but have never used it, and possibly never will......is reason for you to believe that you need to bash that plan.

All countries have many plans to deal with what may come up against it or against their people.

According to you, only Jews must be vilified for having any plans to protect their country and ALL the people in it, Jews and non Jews, because you cannot help believing that Jews have no right to defend themselves ON their OWN land, their own homeland.

Lets count the way one can believe in anything you have read and have taken to heart:

1) The Earth is FLAT

2) Dinosaurs and Humans roamed the Earth at the same time

3) Zionists are not Jews, they are converted Jews from Khazar

Houston, we have a problem.
The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism.

Arabs in Yemen, Berbers in North Africa and other Semitic tribes converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages, that are known historical facts. BTW, most Mizrahi sef-identified as Arabs.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia
Berber Jews - Wikipedia

Speaking a language, the Arabic language, does not make one an Arab, any more than speaking English makes one an indigenous English person.

If a Jew self-identifies as an Arab, how can you deny him this right?
[Partners for peace. Or so they say]

Statements by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah about the Balfour Declaration and Britain:
  • "The greatest political crime in the history of mankind" [PA Ministry of Information]
  • "The crime of the century" [Official PA daily]
  • "The most inhuman terrorist crime... creating a Zionist illegal state" [The Fatah Movement]
  • "The most horrible crime in the history of mankind" [Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi]
  • "Despicable crime" [Official PA daily, Khaled Jamil Mismar, member of the Palestinian National Council]
  • "The greatest crime in the history of mankind and a political, legal, and moral sin" [PA Ministry of Information]
  • "The greatest crime of the era... the slaughter of the basic moral and human values" [Official PA daily]
  • "The level of the greatest war crimes that have been committed." [Abbas Zaki, Fatah Central Committee member]
  • "The dark promise" [PA Ministry of Information]
  • "The black Balfour Promise" [Official PA daily]
  • "The oppressive promise" [Abbas Zaki, Fatah Movement Central Committee member]
  • "The wretched promise" [The Fatah Movement]
  • anti%20Balfour%20Cartoon.jpg
    "The first organized state-terror is the terror of the British crown through the Balfour Promise" [Official PA daily editorial]
  • "Britain bequeathed all of the means of oppression and violence against our people to the Zionist colonialism"
    [Issa Karake, Director PLO Commission of Prisoners Affairs]
  • "The ceremony [celebrating the Balfour Declaration]... turns Britain into an enemy of the principles of justice and humanity."
    [PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Zakariya Al-Agha]
  • "This [British] pride in the establishment of the racist entity on our land... is the definition of disgrace.'"
    [Secretary-General of Abbas' Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim]
  • "A promise from those who do not own to those who are not entitled" [Numerous PA leaders and the Fatah Movement]

(full article online)

The Balfour Declaration: "The greatest crime in the history of mankind" - PMW Bulletins
The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism.

Arabs in Yemen, Berbers in North Africa and other Semitic tribes converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages, that are known historical facts. BTW, most Mizrahi sef-identified as Arabs.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia
Berber Jews - Wikipedia

Speaking a language, the Arabic language, does not make one an Arab, any more than speaking English makes one an indigenous English person.

If a Jew self-identifies as an Arab, how can you deny him this right?

Oh, jeez, look.....All you did what repeat what I did say.

"The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism."

And sorry, really sorry, but Mizrahi Jews are not only NOT Arabs, but do not identify as Arabs. If any Arab did enter the Nation and converted, then yes, that Arab (s) may call themselves Jews of Arab ethnicity.

Any more than Ashkenazi or Sepharadic Jews identify as "Europeans".

How do I know?
The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism.

Arabs in Yemen, Berbers in North Africa and other Semitic tribes converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages, that are known historical facts. BTW, most Mizrahi sef-identified as Arabs.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia
Berber Jews - Wikipedia

Speaking a language, the Arabic language, does not make one an Arab, any more than speaking English makes one an indigenous English person.

If a Jew self-identifies as an Arab, how can you deny him this right?

Jews identified as Arabs? Except for different languages, religions, heritages, histories, cultures and origins.
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The only way there would be "Arab Jews" is if ethnically Arab people converted to Judaism.

Arabs in Yemen, Berbers in North Africa and other Semitic tribes converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages, that are known historical facts. BTW, most Mizrahi sef-identified as Arabs.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia
Berber Jews - Wikipedia

Speaking a language, the Arabic language, does not make one an Arab, any more than speaking English makes one an indigenous English person.

If a Jew self-identifies as an Arab, how can you deny him this right?

BTW, “Semitic” applies to languages, not to “tribes” Now you know
You wouldn’t know it from consuming American media, for whom any mention of the Jewish state as anything but an aggressor is an inconvenience, but the sort of ramming attack we’ve witnessed yesterday afternoon in lower Manhattan was first used against Israelis by Palestinian terrorists.

The very first such attack, according to most available records, occurred on Feburary 18, 1987, when an IDF force was patrolling the Askar refugee camp, just east of Nablus. At around 9:30 a.m., as the soldiers were approaching a school, a Mercedes driven by a Palestinian named Samir Ibrahim Harisha took a sharp turn, plowing into the group. One soldier, Nir Bitan, was tossed in the air and sustained a severe injury. He lay unconscious in his hospital bed for more than a year before succumbing. Another soldier was wounded in the attack.

Less than two years later, on November 30, 1989, Avigdor Dahari, a father of six who operated a food stand just outside of the Gaza Strip, was closing up shop for a day. A hungry soldier approached him and asked for a quick sandwich, and Dahari was glad to abide. As he was preparing the food, however, a car driven by a Palestinian terrorist came careening down the road, hitting Dahari in the head and killing him on the spot.

(full article online)

A Short history of Ramming Attacks
UNRWA does indeed condemn Hamas activity underneath UNRWA schools.

Yet UNRWA says nothing about Hamas activity inside the UNRWA schools.

Hamas, defined as a terror group by the US, the UN, the EU, the UK, Canada and Australia, has won successive elections since 1999, to lead both the UNRWA workers union and the UNRWA teachers union.

Hamas influences generations of descendants of the 1948 war to engage in the 'right of return' through jihad - holy war - to take back Arab villages that existed before 1948.

New school books used by UNRWA teach that the Jewish presence in Palestine is “temporary.”

Since 2016, the name "Israel" has disappeared in all UNRWA texts, replaced by the expression "Zionist occupation."

(full article online)

What goes ono under the surface of UNRWA schools is not the problem
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