Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?

A curious demand from someone who posts lies and propaganda which cannot be proven...if no one has taken the academic patience to correct your historical ignorance I pity you...there was never a nation/state of Israel...it was a kingdom and today's Jews have zero connection to it...
Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???



Indeed you are, a concomitant of posting toxic lies and Zionist propaganda I should think...go back to school
Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.
The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301


It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?

A curious demand from someone who posts lies and propaganda which cannot be proven...if no one has taken the academic patience to correct your historical ignorance I pity you...there was never a nation/state of Israel...it was a kingdom and today's Jews have zero connection to it...
Come on !!!!

There is historical evidence of Jewish constant presence on their ancient land.

Are you to tell me that there are no Crusaders, Ottoman, British, American, German, documents, books, records of any kind where a Nation, Country, Caliphate of Palestine is mentioned?
No King, Monarch, Caliph, head of that Nation, State, Caliphate, Country can be found?

Not even in the 19th Century?
How about just before WWI?
Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

Once yet again you are consciously lost in semantics...Palestine was a 'Colonial-Protectorate under Ottoman and subsequent British colonial authorities---neither of these authorities imposed demographic shifts to the majority Arab population...you cannot erase the history of Palestine...bear in mind that there is no record of a 'nation' of Israel because nations did not exist...HELLLLOOOOOOO
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?

A curious demand from someone who posts lies and propaganda which cannot be proven...if no one has taken the academic patience to correct your historical ignorance I pity you...there was never a nation/state of Israel...it was a kingdom and today's Jews have zero connection to it...
Come on !!!!

There is historical evidence of Jewish constant presence on their ancient land.

Are you to tell me that there are no Crusaders, Ottoman, British, American, German, documents, books, records of any kind where a Nation, Country, Caliphate of Palestine is mentioned?
No King, Monarch, Caliph, head of that Nation, State, Caliphate, Country can be found?

Not even in the 19th Century?
How about just before WWI?

No actually there isn't...after Palestine was completely 'Arabized' by the late 7th century the ancient Jewish tribes had immigrated toward Persia...in the 16th century a trickle of ARABIZED Jews settled in East Jerusalem, against a vast majority Arab population...
are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

Once yet again you are consciously lost in semantics...Palestine was a 'Colonial-Protectorate under Ottoman and subsequent British colonial authorities---neither of these authorities imposed demographic shifts to the majority Arab population...you cannot erase the history of Palestine...bear in mind that there is no record of a 'nation' of Israel because nations did not exist...HELLLLOOOOOOO
That is not what I wrote, professor.

You mentioned the Nation of Israel/Judea in the 7th Century BCE

As you yourself put it, A Nation of Israel did exist. Even if it split into two and the Greeks and Romans dealt with the Nation of Judea, that Nation is still the same one, with Kings, infrastructure, culture, trading, etc, etc.

I will ask again, where are the historical documents, any at all, which will show that there was a NATION called Palestine which had dealings with all other Nations up until WWI ?

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?

A curious demand from someone who posts lies and propaganda which cannot be proven...if no one has taken the academic patience to correct your historical ignorance I pity you...there was never a nation/state of Israel...it was a kingdom and today's Jews have zero connection to it...
Come on !!!!

There is historical evidence of Jewish constant presence on their ancient land.

Are you to tell me that there are no Crusaders, Ottoman, British, American, German, documents, books, records of any kind where a Nation, Country, Caliphate of Palestine is mentioned?
No King, Monarch, Caliph, head of that Nation, State, Caliphate, Country can be found?

Not even in the 19th Century?
How about just before WWI?

No actually there isn't...after Palestine was completely 'Arabized' by the late 7th century the ancient Jewish tribes had immigrated toward Persia...in the 16th century a trickle of ARABIZED Jews settled in East Jerusalem, against a vast majority Arab population...
What is your source?
And why do you hide your sources?

Arabized, does not mean losing one's identity. They did not become Muslims and began to follow Islam, therefore wiping out all Judaism from the land.

Sources, professor.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?

A curious demand from someone who posts lies and propaganda which cannot be proven...if no one has taken the academic patience to correct your historical ignorance I pity you...there was never a nation/state of Israel...it was a kingdom and today's Jews have zero connection to it...
Come on !!!!

There is historical evidence of Jewish constant presence on their ancient land.

Are you to tell me that there are no Crusaders, Ottoman, British, American, German, documents, books, records of any kind where a Nation, Country, Caliphate of Palestine is mentioned?
No King, Monarch, Caliph, head of that Nation, State, Caliphate, Country can be found?

Not even in the 19th Century?
How about just before WWI?

No actually there isn't...after Palestine was completely 'Arabized' by the late 7th century the ancient Jewish tribes had immigrated toward Persia...in the 16th century a trickle of ARABIZED Jews settled in East Jerusalem, against a vast majority Arab population...
What is your source?
And why do you hide your sources?

Arabized, does not mean losing one's identity. They did not become Muslims and began to follow Islam, therefore wiping out all Judaism from the land.

Sources, professor.

I already posted a source low-brow...thus far I've exposed all of your mindless lies...to recap: eastern European Jews had zero claim to Palestine...alert me when this immutable fact registers F-student
The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

Once yet again you are consciously lost in semantics...Palestine was a 'Colonial-Protectorate under Ottoman and subsequent British colonial authorities---neither of these authorities imposed demographic shifts to the majority Arab population...you cannot erase the history of Palestine...bear in mind that there is no record of a 'nation' of Israel because nations did not exist...HELLLLOOOOOOO
That is not what I wrote, professor.

You mentioned the Nation of Israel/Judea in the 7th Century BCE

As you yourself put it, A Nation of Israel did exist. Even if it split into two and the Greeks and Romans dealt with the Nation of Judea, that Nation is still the same one, with Kings, infrastructure, culture, trading, etc, etc.

I will ask again, where are the historical documents, any at all, which will show that there was a NATION called Palestine which had dealings with all other Nations up until WWI ?

Wow you are truly dense aren't you? I've already stated repeatedly that one cannot apply 'nation/state' criteria to a Colonial-Protectorate...this is really becoming a bore...your primary problem is that you cannot successfully lie Palestinian history away...bye bye F-student
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

Once yet again you are consciously lost in semantics...Palestine was a 'Colonial-Protectorate under Ottoman and subsequent British colonial authorities---neither of these authorities imposed demographic shifts to the majority Arab population...you cannot erase the history of Palestine...bear in mind that there is no record of a 'nation' of Israel because nations did not exist...HELLLLOOOOOOO
That is not what I wrote, professor.

You mentioned the Nation of Israel/Judea in the 7th Century BCE

As you yourself put it, A Nation of Israel did exist. Even if it split into two and the Greeks and Romans dealt with the Nation of Judea, that Nation is still the same one, with Kings, infrastructure, culture, trading, etc, etc.

I will ask again, where are the historical documents, any at all, which will show that there was a NATION called Palestine which had dealings with all other Nations up until WWI ?

Wow you are truly dense aren't you? I've already stated repeatedly that one cannot apply 'nation/state' criteria to a Colonial-Protectorate...this is really becoming a bore...your primary problem is that you cannot successfully lie Palestinian history away...bye bye F-student
But, but .....professor, your link led to a site with maps. Where is the page where it shows that the Jews had moved to Persia in the 7th century or either BCE or CE?

How could all the Jews be gone from their homeland and only returned in the 16th century, and Arabized, if the Crusaders found many of them on the land in the 10th Century living amongst the Muslims, especially in Jerusalem at that time?

Is that what is written in the link you gave, because it was not a direct link to what you were saying, professor, and I do not know those people to want to click on anything, know what I mean?

Where did those Jews come from ?
And whether they spoke Arabic or any other language, were they still not Jews, who continued to follow Judaism?


Could you change my grade, please?

Maybe to a G - Weez?

Hello, Professor.......!!!!!!
Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
That is where the problem is, professor.

YOU did not mention BCE or CE to differentiate which 7th Century you were speaking of.

Either way, you are wrong. There were other Monarchies after that.
Look it up.

Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

It’s always underwhelming when you screech about your alleged sources being “widely available”. Oddly, on those rare occassions when you do provide a source, that source links to one or more of the most notoriously silly blogs on the web. Do you really consider a Flat Earth Society groupie as a reputable source?
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Most critically, Benoliel and Perry fail to account for a major international instrument of the era bearing on the status of Palestine, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne." It was in this treaty that Turkey gave up its territories in the Arab world following its defeat in World War I. The Treaty of Lausanne, to which the World War I allies were party, more than once refers to Turkey's Arab territories (Iraq, Syria, and Palestine), all of which became Class A mandates as "states" that were "detached" from Turkey. The Treaty of Lausanne thus reflected an assumption that the Class A mandate territories, including Palestine, were "states." Under the League Covenant, the independence of these states was "provisionally recognized," and they were to be made independent in due course. The Class A mandates were states temporarily under the administration of an outside state.

RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301


It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Most critically, Benoliel and Perry fail to account for a major international instrument of the era bearing on the status of Palestine, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne." It was in this treaty that Turkey gave up its territories in the Arab world following its defeat in World War I. The Treaty of Lausanne, to which the World War I allies were party, more than once refers to Turkey's Arab territories (Iraq, Syria, and Palestine), all of which became Class A mandates as "states" that were "detached" from Turkey. The Treaty of Lausanne thus reflected an assumption that the Class A mandate territories, including Palestine, were "states." Under the League Covenant, the independence of these states was "provisionally recognized," and they were to be made independent in due course. The Class A mandates were states temporarily under the administration of an outside state.

Dear Tinmore,


Before WWI

Before the Mandates came to be.

Thank you.
Actually NO I am not wrong low-brow...the information I am referring to is widely available...just as the documented and rich history of Palestine is easily explored...to mount a proposition that Palestine never existed is the motivation of a rank fool...surely you meet the qualification...

Palestine as a region is different from a Palestine where there was a Nation, there were Kings, etc, there was a government, infrastructure, history of dealings with other Nations.

Once yet again you are consciously lost in semantics...Palestine was a 'Colonial-Protectorate under Ottoman and subsequent British colonial authorities---neither of these authorities imposed demographic shifts to the majority Arab population...you cannot erase the history of Palestine...bear in mind that there is no record of a 'nation' of Israel because nations did not exist...HELLLLOOOOOOO
That is not what I wrote, professor.

You mentioned the Nation of Israel/Judea in the 7th Century BCE

As you yourself put it, A Nation of Israel did exist. Even if it split into two and the Greeks and Romans dealt with the Nation of Judea, that Nation is still the same one, with Kings, infrastructure, culture, trading, etc, etc.

I will ask again, where are the historical documents, any at all, which will show that there was a NATION called Palestine which had dealings with all other Nations up until WWI ?

Wow you are truly dense aren't you? I've already stated repeatedly that one cannot apply 'nation/state' criteria to a Colonial-Protectorate...this is really becoming a bore...your primary problem is that you cannot successfully lie Palestinian history away...bye bye F-student
But, but .....professor, your link led to a site with maps. Where is the page where it shows that the Jews had moved to Persia in the 7th century or either BCE or CE?

How could all the Jews be gone from their homeland and only returned in the 16th century, and Arabized, if the Crusaders found many of them on the land in the 10th Century living amongst the Muslims, especially in Jerusalem at that time?

Is that what is written in the link you gave, because it was not a direct link to what you were saying, professor, and I do not know those people to want to click on anything, know what I mean?

Where did those Jews come from ?
And whether they spoke Arabic or any other language, were they still not Jews, who continued to follow Judaism?


Could you change my grade, please?

Maybe to a G - Weez?

Hello, Professor.......!!!!!!

ROTFLMAO...now I am expected to fill in the critical history for someone entirely devoted to altering it? Face the fact that you spout scripted lies the invalidity of which you can scarcely comprehend...for perhaps the four-dozenth time: you argument is with the public statements of intent by leading pre-state Zionists...
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Most critically, Benoliel and Perry fail to account for a major international instrument of the era bearing on the status of Palestine, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne." It was in this treaty that Turkey gave up its territories in the Arab world following its defeat in World War I. The Treaty of Lausanne, to which the World War I allies were party, more than once refers to Turkey's Arab territories (Iraq, Syria, and Palestine), all of which became Class A mandates as "states" that were "detached" from Turkey. The Treaty of Lausanne thus reflected an assumption that the Class A mandate territories, including Palestine, were "states." Under the League Covenant, the independence of these states was "provisionally recognized," and they were to be made independent in due course. The Class A mandates were states temporarily under the administration of an outside state.

Dear Tinmore,


Before WWI

Before the Mandates came to be.

Thank you.
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301


It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Most critically, Benoliel and Perry fail to account for a major international instrument of the era bearing on the status of Palestine, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne." It was in this treaty that Turkey gave up its territories in the Arab world following its defeat in World War I. The Treaty of Lausanne, to which the World War I allies were party, more than once refers to Turkey's Arab territories (Iraq, Syria, and Palestine), all of which became Class A mandates as "states" that were "detached" from Turkey. The Treaty of Lausanne thus reflected an assumption that the Class A mandate territories, including Palestine, were "states." Under the League Covenant, the independence of these states was "provisionally recognized," and they were to be made independent in due course. The Class A mandates were states temporarily under the administration of an outside state.


Here we go with another occurrence of The Tinmore Vortex
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Most critically, Benoliel and Perry fail to account for a major international instrument of the era bearing on the status of Palestine, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne." It was in this treaty that Turkey gave up its territories in the Arab world following its defeat in World War I. The Treaty of Lausanne, to which the World War I allies were party, more than once refers to Turkey's Arab territories (Iraq, Syria, and Palestine), all of which became Class A mandates as "states" that were "detached" from Turkey. The Treaty of Lausanne thus reflected an assumption that the Class A mandate territories, including Palestine, were "states." Under the League Covenant, the independence of these states was "provisionally recognized," and they were to be made independent in due course. The Class A mandates were states temporarily under the administration of an outside state.


Here we go with another occurrence of The Tinmore Vortex

As previously observed, why indeed does someone of your obvious intellectual disadvantages post comments here? Invariably the sum of your posts are nothing more than awkwardly sarcastic jabs or simple-minded attack positions...you cannot appear to conduct anything which might approach an academic exchange, refute any post that you dispute or essentially satisfy anything but your own idiotic impulse to demonstrate how dumb you are...
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