Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.
Indeed, and they became Palestinian citizens with the rest of the people living there.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.

Palestine never existed as a Nation/Country.
The Romans called the region where Judea and Samaria existed
SYRIA Palestinia. There were no Syrian Palestinians at any time.
No one, not one inhabitant, not one invader ever called the people living on the land Syrian Palestinians .

Not the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, or the British.
Not the Americans, the Germans, the Italians, or anyone else who visited the region.

Israel did exist and had citizens to its Nation.
They were not called Palestinians.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.
The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Your befuddlement regarding the above has been addressed repeatedly. Why are you still befuddled?
Deflections do not address anything.
The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.
Indeed, and they became Palestinian citizens with the rest of the people living there.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.

Palestine never existed as a Nation/Country.
The Romans called the region where Judea and Samaria existed
SYRIA Palestinia. There were no Syrian Palestinians at any time.
No one, not one inhabitant, not one invader ever called the people living on the land Syrian Palestinians .

Not the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, or the British.
Not the Americans, the Germans, the Italians, or anyone else who visited the region.

Israel did exist and had citizens to its Nation.
They were not called Palestinians.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.
The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Your befuddlement regarding the above has been addressed repeatedly. Why are you still befuddled?
Deflections do not address anything.

So why are you deflecting? You know your befuddlement has been addressed yet you continually cut and paste a single sentence knowing full well you’re promoting a lie.

Why so dishonest when your dishonesty has been exposed many time before?
While, as noted above, the Guardian headline did aptly call it a tunnel FROM Gaza, rather than leaving the reader to think that perhaps the tunnel destroyed was IN Gaza, their subhead seems to question whether or not the land underneath Israel in fact belongs to Israel when they wrote that Israel “called” the tunnel constructed under it a ‘violation of Israeli sovereignty’ and put this phrase in inverted commas as shown here.

I am not sure if any news media aside from Times of Israel (TOI) made it clear that the tunnel demolition was carried out on the Israeli side of the border. TOI leaves no room for doubt:

The Israeli operation was certainly justified. The demolition of the terror attack tunnel was carried out inside Israeli territory — showing clearly that the tunnel was an act of aggression by the Islamic Jihad terror organization, which dug into Israel with the goal of carrying out a terror attack at some point.

The Palestinian deaths and injuries occurred because the resultant cave-in stretched the length of the tunnel, hurting those who were in the tunnel on the Gaza side of the border. Reuters made no hint of this here.

(full article online)

Reuters’ Biased Neutrality: Israel Made Them Do It - Israel Diaries
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore,, et al,

There is a good reason for that.

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Although the name "PALESTINE" (or its variants) has been around a very long time, it has never been associated with a "self-governing institution."

If you define "Palestinians" as a culture and a people, that is fine - all well and good. That is like saying "Bedouins." But as you know, you can be a "Bedouin" and not be in a "self-governing" nation state of "Bedu." Up and until 1988 the "Palestinians" had a NO single voice for the culture or the people. And the "State of Palestine" (such that it is) did not become a potential "self-governing institution" until December 2012 (A/RES/67/19). And even that determination is questionable.​

"Palestine," a name not further defined, is not geographically defined. However, the "Palestine you are alluding to is the "Palestine" as determined by the Allied Powers; --- or --- the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as "Palestine." (See the Order in Council 1922)

Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between latitude 30° N. and 33° N., Longitude 34° 30 E. and 35° 30' E. (See as an example: Report to the Administration of Palestine 1936)

In the post-War (WWI - The Great War) Political Conditions and Environment, the Allied Powers, which had effective control anyway, did not see the need for anything further, until such time that a self-governing institution was released from the Mandate. Similarly, the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement (1919) made it pretty clear (Article I) that "The Arab State and Palestine in all their relations and undertakings shall be controlled by the most cordial goodwill and understanding and to this end Arab and Jewish duly accredited agents shall be established and maintained in their respective territories." There was no misunderstanding as to the allocation of territory. Things (politically and confrontationally) were never meant to get out of hand in the way they have today. The leaders of the day (whether ally or opponent) demonstrated a level of quality and personal refinement — displaying good taste, wisdom and subtlety rather than crudeness, stupidity and vulgarity that we see today. In the perception of of the Israeli and the Arab Palestinians

While opponents today might argue over the territorial boundaries, in the era of the Balfour Declaration, there was no need to nick-pick every word and sentence. They understood one another - and - the intentions and aspirations of each.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.
Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.
Indeed, and they became Palestinian citizens with the rest of the people living there.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.

Palestine never existed as a Nation/Country.
The Romans called the region where Judea and Samaria existed
SYRIA Palestinia. There were no Syrian Palestinians at any time.
No one, not one inhabitant, not one invader ever called the people living on the land Syrian Palestinians .

Not the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, or the British.
Not the Americans, the Germans, the Italians, or anyone else who visited the region.

Israel did exist and had citizens to its Nation.
They were not called Palestinians.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.
The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
This is PAPER written by an Arab Muslim or Christian.
It is not the legal documents from the Mandates.
You have shown this PAPER once before.

The purpose of the name Palestine was only for the Mandate, with the Jewish People free to chose their own name for their country once it was approved by the UN.

As late as 1947 the Arabs were still referring to themselves as part of Greater Syria, with no intention of calling themselves Palestinians, as imposed on them and the Jews by the British.

Good God your bristling, smug ignorance seems to have no limits...A 'Jewish nation' was not 'approved by the UN' you mindless propaganda-parrot: The UN sponsored a non-binding recommendation for partition which could not be implemented unless all involved parties agreed to its design...to the extent that this ( proposal ) granted 56% of Palestinian territory to a Jewish minority who legally owned less than 5% of the land the Arab States and India voted it down, therein setting the stage for a scrupulously planned Zionist terror-offensive and ethnic-cleansing campaign...Palestinians never referred to themselves as part of 'greater Syrian' or 'Jordanians' or any of the spate of puerile lies you scavengers spout here...
Mandatory Palestine's citizenship and the various means of obtaining it was defined in an Order in Council of 24 July 1925.[4] Turkish subjects habitually resident in Palestine (excluding Transjordan) on the first day of August 1925 automatically became citizens unless they opted to reject it.[4] Many other classes of people were able to apply for citizenship, which would be granted at the discretion of the High Commissioner.[4] An ordinance allowing the High Commissioner to issue passports to Mandatory Palestine's citizens was promulgated soon afterwards.[5]

(full article online)

Mandatory Palestine passport - Wikipedia

LOL...hate to break this to you but Wikipedia is not an academically valid source...
So, define what rights DO exist, in your opinion.

Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.
Indeed, and they became Palestinian citizens with the rest of the people living there.
One cannot become a citizen of a country or Nation which does not exist.

Palestine never existed as a Nation/Country.
The Romans called the region where Judea and Samaria existed
SYRIA Palestinia. There were no Syrian Palestinians at any time.
No one, not one inhabitant, not one invader ever called the people living on the land Syrian Palestinians .

Not the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, or the British.
Not the Americans, the Germans, the Italians, or anyone else who visited the region.

Israel did exist and had citizens to its Nation.
They were not called Palestinians.

Pardon, but this central pillar of Zionist propaganda is cobwebbed and completely dead...Historic Palestine was a Colonial-Protectorate for most of its history, this semantic qualification made its majority population no less Arabic, and their 13 century residency right no less valid...Israel never existed as a 'nation' because that dispensation did not exist 3000 years ago fool...try actual education instead of spoon-fed Zionist lies...
I'm still waiting for that proof you spoke of...could it be that you are full of shit Shusha? Show me an absentee land claim which spans centuries okay?

I can not give you "proof" that will satisfy you until you provide your criteria for the rights of a people. Why won't you answer a simple question?

You are claiming, as did Tinmore, that the rights to a place are based on presence in the land (ie that "absentee's no longer have claims). So. By your claim, ethnic cleansing leads to rights to the territory.

I ask again -- did you want to go with that?
You are claiming, as did Tinmore, that the rights to a place are based on presence in the land (ie that "absentee's no longer have claims).
I haven't seen any proof that those Jews from Europe were ethnically cleansed from Palestine thousands of years ago.
History is not your forte, either :)

Wrong again zipper-head...I majored in history and have most likely forgotten more of the relevant details than a mindless propaganda parrot like you is ever likely to acquire...

Look, you are just doing yet another variation on the same old trope which has been the cause of the conflict since day one. Its the same tired canard that every anti-Israel/anti-Zionist/anti-semitic troll uses.

Indigenous peoples have rights to their homelands but the Jewish people of today have no connection to the Jewish people who have lived in that homeland for thousands of years.


The Jewish people once lived on that land, but they were successfully removed from that land (ethnically cleansed) and therefore no longer have rights to it.

The former is just a silly, stupid, false argument. The latter is a tragic support for invasion, colonialism and conquest.

Try to focus your propaganda-saturated brain for several seconds of clarity---if that is at all possible: you wrongly claimed that Jews have rights to Palestinian land...I demanded that you put up proof of this claim and you have yet to satisfy that demand because we both know its horseshit!!! You dodge the question and scatter out in futile circles of lies, distortions and standardized Zionist propaganda...Eastern European Jews have zero claim to one square foot of Palestinian territory...
I've got a better idea---you claimed that Jews have rights to the lands of Palestine...we both know that no such rights exist,

So, define what rights DO exist, in your opinion.

Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
I've got a better idea---you claimed that Jews have rights to the lands of Palestine...we both know that no such rights exist,

So, define what rights DO exist, in your opinion.

Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

OK, but there has never been a treaty or agreement to alter Palestine's international borders.

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.

Once more for the determined F-student: Palestine was correctly a Colonial-Protectorate for most of its history, that semantic qualification made its vast majority population no less Arabic and their 13 century residency rights no less valid...you cannot extinguish the history of historic Palestine through the mock prism of Zionist historical revision...there was never a nation called Israel, and when pre-state Zionist leaders conspired to seize and occupy this territory what name do you imagine they employed---that's right PALESTINE...your argument is with them dumbo
So, define what rights DO exist, in your opinion.

Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???
RE: > Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

See USMB Posting #8301

Which is why Israel has borders with Jordan and with Egypt in the place that they are.
None of them have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

It was the Allied Powers that set the borders and boundaries to begin with. The designer which can make a thing can alter and change a thing.

Who had the voice that could countermand the decisions made by the "Allied Powers" that dismantled the Ottoman Empire?

What is the authority of your voice that can insist that the "Allied Powers" had no authority?​

The "Allied Powers" of the Great War, who defeated the Ottoman Empire and the Army of the Turkish Republic, where the very same powers that accepted:

ARTICLE 16 Treaty of Lausanne

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.​

The Allied Powers had all the authority they needed through battlefield victories and treaty negotiations to set the future of the territories.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but the territory was ceded to the state of Palestine (not the Mandate) where the Palestinians became the citizens. The Palestinians were the sovereigns of the territory.

There was NO State of Palestine, not Kingdom of Palestine, No Caliphate of Palestine, there was no Nation of Palestine, there was no Country of Palestine.

There was a region sometimes called Palestine where the only Nation
which ever existed on it for over a thousand years, was the Jewish Nation called Israel or Judah/Judea.

The territory was ceded to the Jews to recreate their Nation ON the land where their ancient Nation had been.

The British CHOSE the name Palestine for the Mandate for the Mandate for the same reason the Romans had done it. To insult the Jews.

The British government continued to show how much they cared for a creation of a State for the Jews when they began to expel Jews from Gaza, did not put down the riots, did not arrest Al-Husseini, came up with the White Paper, and began to restrict immigration of Jews to their own ancient homeland.

There was never a State, Nation, Country, Caliphate, Empire, Monarchy, etc named Palestine.

Not even today.
Of course you have no proof for all that horseshit, do you?
Do you have proof of any of those I mentioned above?
Capital, currency, Caliph, Kings, Emperors, etc, etc
Documents and historians mentioning any of the above?
Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???

The destruction of the kingdom of Israel had a deep impact on the kingdom of Judah. A stream of refugees from Israel flooded into the kingdom, boosting its population. In the 7th century, Jerusalem expanded dramatically. However, Judah was now the only Israelite kingdom left, surrounded entirely by pagan peoples. Perhaps because of this, the rulers of Judah tended to emphasise the worship of Yahweh as a central part of their political programme. A state-sponsored religious reform movement culminated in the reign of king Josiah (reigned 641-609 BCE), which centred the religious life of Judah much more firmly on the Temple in Jerusalem, and called for a greater degree of obedience from the people to the faith’s teachings.

World History Timeline The FREE atlas of world history › Encyclopedia
Tenure invariably defines residency rights...let's crawl out on a limb and theorize that 13 consecutive centuries of residency trumps 70 years of criminal occupation...still waiting for that proof of Jews' rights to Palestine...you must have misplaced it...LOL

Define for us what specific group had 13 consecutive centuries of residency.

The Jewish people have nearly four thousand years of consecutive, continuous residency.

Wrong yet again: the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century...from that time on up to the mid-20th century the vast majority of residents were Arab/Palestinians and no onslaught of Jewish lies and historical revision can alter that truth...

To :

"the last of the ancient Jewish kingdoms fragmented and vanished in the late period of the 7th century."

Which historian wrote that?

are you honestly this ignorant???


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