Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Wow. Such a Pom Pom flailer for Islamic terrorists.

Those who can’t, flail their Pom Poms.

Israeli military destroys Gaza tunnel, underground military complex - CNN

Jerusalem (CNN)The Israeli military destroyed a Hamas tunnel in southern Gaza on Sunday morning and struck an underground "military complex" in central Gaza, Israel Defence Forces (IDF) spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said.

According to Conricus, Hamas was trying to reconnect an old tunnel, destroyed in July 2014, to a new section of tunnel in southern Gaza. Conricus added that Israel has been monitoring the digging using new detection technology for the last few weeks.

Curious that Arabs- Moslems are living in mud huts while the Hamas tunnel rats are able to pay for concrete.
But the danger of losing one's job for participating in these protests with rocks and firebombs is definitely something that will dissuade the employees of American and European NGOs. Remember that when I and UN Watch publicized UNRWA workers' pro-terror Facebook postings, UNRWA threatened the jobs of anyone who embarrassed them this way - and the postings have all but ended.

The NGOs employ tens of thousands, which is only a small percentage of the workforce, but part of the article is showing that youths would rather work for these NGOs - with relatively high salaries in a scarce job market - than join terror organizations like Islamic Jihad. In that narrow sense, these NGOs helping to move the anti-Israel protests from the violent to the political, because these NGOs are invariably anti-Israel and nearly their entire output is anti-Israel reports, some of which make it into the mainstream media and official UN and EU reports.

Palestinian Arabs would be far better served with jobs that actually contributed something to their society. NGO jobs do not give the same sense of pride that one gets from manufacturing or computer programming.

But in the medium term, the desire to make money is a huge incentive in how Palestinians act.

Which is the major reason why the PLO pays salaries to terrorists and their families.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit that anti-Trump protests were a bust - but you'll never guess who they blame! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From TOI:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas launched an unprecedentedly scathing attack Monday on US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, calling him a “son of a dog” and a “settler.”

Abbas, addressing the opening of a Palestinian leadership meeting, made the comments hours after Friedman criticized the PA on Twitter for failing to condemn a pair of terror attacks over the weekend.This was not a slip of the tongue. Abbas was counting on the controversy and it using it to shore up his popularity among Palestinians.

The Fatah Facebook page shows a poster of Friedman with the Arabic "son of a dog" and "settler" written on it - as a hashtag.


These were all posted in the middle of the night in Ramallah.
This was clearly a scheduled campaign to make Abbas look like he is strong for standing up to America.

(full article online)

Abbas calling Friedman "son of a dog" was a calculated move to increase his popularity ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
March 19, 2018 / NGO Monitor) That journalists rely uncritically on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), especially in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is well established (read Matti Friedman in The Atlantic). Legal and factual claims by groups that purport to promote human rights are often treated as automatically credible, while their political biases, lack of methodology and even ties to terror organizations are ignored.

Glenn Kessler’s March 14 Washington Post “Fact Checker” column, Does the Palestinian Authority pay $350 million a year to ‘terrorists and their families’?, responding to statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about prisoner payments, suffers from the same overdependence.

(full article online)

‘The Washington Post’ gets its ‘facts’ from terror-linked NGOs
A “Peaceful” March Won’t Happen

Features of the planned activities include a mass Palestinian presence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, erecting tents along the border, and “peaceful” marches of return. The expression “peaceful” is a euphemism for violent disturbances of public order, including attempts to kill Israelis.

The leaders of the committee are authorized to decide for the mob to break through the border fence between Gaza and Israel, and they have hinted at their intention to issue such an order.

At the same time, and in conjunction with the activities connected to the march of return, Palestinian and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are arranging protest activities for the realization of the right to return and a flotilla for breaking the embargo on the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Gaza “March of Return” – The Complete Picture
A “Peaceful” March Won’t Happen

Features of the planned activities include a mass Palestinian presence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, erecting tents along the border, and “peaceful” marches of return. The expression “peaceful” is a euphemism for violent disturbances of public order, including attempts to kill Israelis.

The leaders of the committee are authorized to decide for the mob to break through the border fence between Gaza and Israel, and they have hinted at their intention to issue such an order.

At the same time, and in conjunction with the activities connected to the march of return, Palestinian and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are arranging protest activities for the realization of the right to return and a flotilla for breaking the embargo on the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Gaza “March of Return” – The Complete Picture
Cool. Looks like a well planned event.
A “Peaceful” March Won’t Happen

Features of the planned activities include a mass Palestinian presence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, erecting tents along the border, and “peaceful” marches of return. The expression “peaceful” is a euphemism for violent disturbances of public order, including attempts to kill Israelis.

The leaders of the committee are authorized to decide for the mob to break through the border fence between Gaza and Israel, and they have hinted at their intention to issue such an order.

At the same time, and in conjunction with the activities connected to the march of return, Palestinian and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are arranging protest activities for the realization of the right to return and a flotilla for breaking the embargo on the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Gaza “March of Return” – The Complete Picture
Cool. Looks like a well planned event.
Abdel Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm and former editor in chief of Al Quds Al Arabi, has an editorial where he wonders whether Abbas is all there. The long headline is a synopsis:

Why did President Abbas depart from diplomatic norms and describe the American ambassador as "the son of a dog"? Is it reasonable to raise his anger against America and Hamas at the same time? What is the guilt of two million people in Gaza to pay the price of this anger? Has his health deteriorated?

Atwan, who says that he wishes Abbas had declared a new intifada in his speech instead, adds:

There is a secret that we do not know about the health and psychological state of President Abbas, and we do not rule out that the disease lies behind his emotions. He went through tests at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland, specializing in incurable diseases, during his recent visit to America.

(full article online)

Arabs starting to question Abbas' sanity ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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