Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In response Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies/Race and Resistance Studies, wrote what would be considered an astounding statement anywhere outside of academia:

" I consider the statement below from President Wong, welcoming Zionists to campus, equating Jewishness with Zionism, and giving Hillel ownership of campus Jewishness, to be a declaration of war against Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians and all those who are committed to an indivisible sense of justice on and off campus....

I am ashamed to be affiliated with SFSU administration and demand the immediate retraction of this racist, Islamophobic and colonialist statement, and the restoration of SFSU social justice mission.

At a time when we are marking 50 years since the 1968 SFSU student strike and the quest to decolonize the curriculum, it is embarrassing to have our campus leadership cater to donor pressures and the Israeli lobby."

The dear academic is saying that the statement "Zionists are welcome on our campus" to be a declaration of war, Islamophobic, racist and colonialist.

Oh, and the only reason anyone would say that a campus can welcome pro-Israel opinions is because they are getting money from the "Israeli lobby" (wink, wink.)

A fun postscript: Leslie Wong addressed Abdulhadi's group in 2015, and described her as a "first-rate scholar, the model of the kind of person that I want around young people." (16:53 of video.) Already at that time the professor had been known to meet with real, honest to goodness terrorists.

That's what universities have become.

(full article online)

SFSU professor says that it is Islamophobic to NOT hate Zionists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An interview with a Palestinian couple, Abu Wajdi and Sara Al-Qassem, who have been married for 75 years, provided a glimpse of Islamic marriage traditions in British Palestine in the 1940s before the establishment of the State of Israel:




Official PA TV host: "Tell us how did you meet your wife?"
Palestinian man Abu Wajdi Al-Qassem: "She is my cousin. She was born abroad and lived [there] with her family. At the time, her father said to everyone: 'When we come to Palestine, this girl is intended for Abu Wajdi Al-Qassem.'"

(PA TV host): "How old was she?"

Palestinian man Abu Wajdi Al-Qassem: "Right when she was born she was given to me in my absence, but when she came she was 12. (Laughing) She was 12. However, in Islam it is permissible to add years to one's age, so the sheikh at the time gave her 5 years, and she became 17."
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Oct. 14, 2017

(full article online)

Child bride of 12 "became 17" to enable marriage, says old Palestinian recalling their wedding - PMW Bulletins
We are united on one issue: we cannot abandon the campuses around the world to the propaganda, lies and spreading of hatred all aimed to delegitimize the very existence of the State of Israel.

(full article online)

Carnival of hatred
Bradley Burston of Haaretz is cheering the idea of Palestinians "returning" to Israel (paywalled):

" Many [IDF] soldiers, in between prayers and calls of duty, silently hoped against hope that ...one day, truly non-violent protest would take the place of interminable, immutable conflict, and drive a wedge into the mechanics of occupation.
I was one of them. And, now that it seems to be happening, this is my confession: I want this to succeed.But the protest isn't against the "occupation." It is against the existence of the Jewish state."

Is Burston that clueless as to the meaning of "194," the UNGA resolution that Palestinians purposefully misread to give them the unlimited right to overrun Israel, or is he malicious?

(full article online)

Israel building barbed wire fence to stop masses of Gazans from walking into Israel March 30 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
When you complain that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement discriminates on the basis of national identity, you are nowadays met with a contemptuous sniff. Proponents of an academic boycott insist that individual Israeli academics are not targets; rather, institutional arrangements with Israeli universities—study abroad programs, for example—are. Similarly, the cultural boycott does not target individual Israeli artists, but artists and artistic groups that enjoy some sort of government sponsorship. Look, dummy, they say, our guidelines are crystal clear! This “is a boycott of Israeli cultural institutions, not Israeli individuals.”

In the case of the academic boycott, this distinction between individuals and institutions is paper-thin. Until fairly recently, the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel had this to say about its commitment to principle: “In principle, since the call is specifically for institutional, not individual boycott, [activities involving Israeli academics] do not violate the boycott. However, all academic exchanges with Israeli academics do have the effect of normalizing Israel and its politics of occupation and apartheid.” Therefore, “academics could consider whether equally valuable contributions might not be made by non-Israeli colleagues; whether an invitation to a Palestinian intellectual might be preferable; whether the exchange is intellectually or pedagogically essential.” In other words, we’re against boycotting individual Israeli academics, but please see what you can do about boycotting Israeli academics.

Comically, the guidelines explain that individual academics are being boycotted because the movement is decentralized, not because BDS advocates should try to avoid exchanges with Israeli academics despite the fact that they literally just said that was the preferred outcome. “It may also be that as a consequence of the boycott Israeli academics are now having a harder time publishing outside the country, participating in formal exchanges, sitting on boards and international committees, and the like,” the guidelines continued.

These guidelines have quietly disappeared, but their disappearance probably has more to do with their foolish revelation of BDS hypocrisy than a change of heart.

How BDS Encourages Boycotts of Israeli Artists and Academicians
Have you ever read a news report about a Palestinian Arab who starved to death? Even one? Of course not, because it never happens. Yet the foreign minister of Sweden is now claiming that the Palestinian Authority must provide salaries to terrorists and their families because otherwise, they will “starve.

(full article online)

Swedish meatballs for Palestinian terrorists
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I (agree and) think that most people would generally agree with you. Nothing in today's character of the Arab Palestinians would lead any "Reasonable Man" to believe that the past history of projected threats and action and the separate acts inchoate, or preparatory, to the furtherance of carrying out the threats; was reduced to the level that would not warrant further occupation and allow to relinquish the security in depth. There is no reason to believe that the unrestrained Arab Palestinians pose any less of a danage today, than they did a half century ago.

Yes, let's take down the fence and allow the birds of peace to fly. And resume suicide bombings of Israeli buses.

I didn't see any photos of anyone actually running! They are all seemingly strolling around the route.

Notice also that the logo of the marathon erases Israel - not that this bothers the EU partners.

(full article online)

"Palestine Marathon" is purely political. (Are there even any runners?) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

And the entire nature and conduct of the conflict and the pursuit of peace under the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations has compounded the matter in an unfavorable set of situations relative to the demands. What were once concessions possible to give in to Arab Palestinians in exchange for peace, have been over taken by events.

Where once it was possible for the talks on the matter of reduced reparations, and restitution (payments made after a war by the vanquished to the victors) and the awards of reconstruction and rehabilitation funding and engineerinprojects, have faded away. Recent experience has shown that "nation building" does not work in that region of the world. It is now the case that, as is Custormary (example Turk-Kurd Issue) in that Region over territorial disputes) consession will not be favorably considered. The Arab Palestinian, having been olitically uncooerative over the last 50 years, may have missed their window of opportunity → and end-up walking away with nothing.

Most Respectfully,


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President Mahmoud Abbas has just commenced the 14th year of his 4 year term, having been elected in 2005. He has accumulated personal wealth estimated well in excess of US$100 million. Recently, via the PA, he purchased a private jet costing approximately US$50million. There seems little doubt that these funds have been diverted from the generous foreign aid of Western countries.

Funding this is madness and arguably the worst possible application of Australia’s foreign aid. The total amount and structure of financial incentives paid to terrorists and martyrs is undeniable and has been published in detail. The PA increased the budget for such payments and refuses to suspend the programs.

The educational material under UNRWA includes content which prepares young Palestinians to become terrorists. Australians would be outraged if any of our taxes are being used for incitement and reward of terrorism.

There is also an important moral imperative. Israeli intelligence last year helped Asio prevent a planned jihadist attack on an aircraft. How in all conscience can we provide resources to those who foment terror against Israel?

(full article online)

Aussie tax slayer | The Spectator
Interestingly, the "side" entrance from Egypt to Gaza, the Saladin gate which bypasses Israeli security checks at Kerem Shalom, was opened yesterday and 147 trucks entered with materials including cement. No fuel trucks went through that entrance, however. It appears that Hamas managed to negotiate this with Egypt, bypassing the PA and avoiding paying PA taxes on imports that come through Rafah (while, presumably, Hamas imposes its own taxes at this crossing.)

(full article online)

Gaza power plant shut down, but Israel isn't to blame, so you won't read about it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The evidence is based on three prisoners who are complaining - one of chest pain and nausea, one of foot pain. The third one is the most interesting:

Riad al-Amour, a 45-year-old resident of Bethlehem who is sentenced to life imprisonment, is considered to be one of the most serious cases in the Israeli occupation prisons. He suffers from many health problems, including:, the removal of part of the intestines, the part of his liver, the replacement of a heart valve, and his heart only works through a pacemaker, which needs to be replaced, which was given two years ago an open heart surgery..Riad al Amour, a murderer, received multiple free surgeries courtesy of the Israeli taxpayer - and now the Palestinian Authority is complaining that he is not being taken care of medically.

Amour also participated in a hunger strike while ill a couple of years ago. But any medical condition is Israel's fault.

(Full article online)

Palestinians claim Israel not treating sick prisoners in Ashkelon ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The resolution made no mention of how Palestinian women’s rights are impacted by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, or their patriarchal society, nor were Palestinian victims of honor killings mentioned.

The resolution that was passed is farcical. Perhaps the funniest part is this:
Urges the international community to continue to give special attention to the promotion and protection of the human rights of Palestinian women and girls and to intensify its measures to improve the difficult conditions being faced by Palestinian women and their families living under Israeli occupation;
By urging the world to give "special attention" to Palestinian women, they are saying that Palestinian women are more important than all the rest of the women in the world.

But only in terms of things that they can try to blame on Israel

(full article online)

UN Women's Rights Commission as hateful as the rest of the UN ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • The real story now is no longer about what the foreign correspondents are reporting related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rather, it is about what they are not reporting.

  • In its report -- which so far appears to have been of less than no interest to both the foreign media and international human rights groups -- the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights states that it has received complaints of torture and mistreatment from 46 Palestinians detained by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas during the month of February 2018 alone.

  • Both Palestinian dictatorships, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, therefore have nothing to worry about; they can go about their business of torturing and illegally detaining their own people. No one is watching.

(full article online)

Palestinians Tortured; Media Silent
[ Apparently not one of the Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians forefathers as they tend to brag about. Who knew? ]

This is not the first time that vandals, apparently Palestinian Arabs, have desecrated places holy to Jews, including Joseph's tomb, the tomb of Yehoshua (Joshua) Ben-Nun, the graves of the sons of the High Priest Aaron and others, with swastikas.

(full article online)

Watch: Caleb's tomb vandalized with swastikas
RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I (agree and) think that most people would generally agree with you. Nothing in today's character of the Arab Palestinians would lead any "Reasonable Man" to believe that the past history of projected threats and action and the separate acts inchoate, or preparatory, to the furtherance of carrying out the threats; was reduced to the level that would not warrant further occupation and allow to relinquish the security in depth. There is no reason to believe that the unrestrained Arab Palestinians pose any less of a danage today, than they did a half century ago.

Yes, let's take down the fence and allow the birds of peace to fly. And resume suicide bombings of Israeli buses.

I didn't see any photos of anyone actually running! They are all seemingly strolling around the route.

Notice also that the logo of the marathon erases Israel - not that this bothers the EU partners.

(full article online)

"Palestine Marathon" is purely political. (Are there even any runners?) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

And the entire nature and conduct of the conflict and the pursuit of peace under the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations has compounded the matter in an unfavorable set of situations relative to the demands. What were once concessions possible to give in to Arab Palestinians in exchange for peace, have been over taken by events.

Where once it was possible for the talks on the matter of reduced reparations, and restitution (payments made after a war by the vanquished to the victors) and the awards of reconstruction and rehabilitation funding and engineerinprojects, have faded away. Recent experience has shown that "nation building" does not work in that region of the world. It is now the case that, as is Custormary (example Turk-Kurd Issue) in that Region over territorial disputes) consession will not be favorably considered. The Arab Palestinian, having been olitically uncooerative over the last 50 years, may have missed their window of opportunity → and end-up walking away with nothing.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinian, having been olitically uncooerative over the last 50 years, may have missed their window of opportunity → and end-up walking away with nothing.
Ahh, but the Palestinian's window of opportunity is just opening.
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