Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
Post a report about Palestinian Christians that is not from a source connected to Israel.

So, you do not care about the truth and are going to do absolutely nothing to help those Christians.

Nice dodge.
"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
Post a report about Palestinian Christians that is not from a source connected to Israel.

So, you do not care about the truth and are going to do absolutely nothing to help those Christians.

Nice dodge.
Thanks. As long as you refuse to use your brain and go find the facts for yourself, you will be getting the facts from those who are there and know what is going on.
"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
Post a report about Palestinian Christians that is not from a source connected to Israel.

So, you do not care about the truth and are going to do absolutely nothing to help those Christians.

Nice dodge.
Thanks. As long as you refuse to use your brain and go find the facts for yourself, you will be getting the facts from those who are there and know what is going on.
You have nothing, huh?
[ For the Lazy bum who is too lazy to look things up on "non Israeli" sources, but always plays at being on a winning streak. It has been posted before but lazy one has to play the "winning!!! " game ]

The Jesuit magazine America recently reported that Arab Christians are fleeing in droves from Bethlehem, the hallowed city of Jesus Christ’s birth. In 1990, Christians made up a majority of the city’s residents; today they make up only about 15%. “With thousands more fleeing the city every year,” reports America’s correspondent Jeremy Zipple, “you can’t help but wonder, will there be any Christians left here…in the not too distant future?”

Why are Palestinian Christians Fleeing? - Providence
[ For the Lazy bum who is too lazy to look things up on "non Israeli" sources, but always plays at being on a winning streak. It has been posted before but lazy one has to play the "winning!!! " game ]

The Jesuit magazine America recently reported that Arab Christians are fleeing in droves from Bethlehem, the hallowed city of Jesus Christ’s birth. In 1990, Christians made up a majority of the city’s residents; today they make up only about 15%. “With thousands more fleeing the city every year,” reports America’s correspondent Jeremy Zipple, “you can’t help but wonder, will there be any Christians left here…in the not too distant future?”

Why are Palestinian Christians Fleeing? - Providence
Author: Robert Nicholson

Robert Nicholson is Founder and Executive Director of The Philos Project. He holds a BA in Hebrew Studies from Binghamton University, and both a JD and MA in Middle Eastern history from Syracuse University. A former U.S. Marine and a 2012-13 Tikvah Fellow, Robert founded The Philos Project in 2014. His advocacy focuses on spreading the vision of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Middle East based on freedom and rule of law. Robert serves on the Board of Directors of Passages, and is a publisher of Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. His written work has appeared in First Things, The Federalist, The Jerusalem Post, The Hill, and The American Interest, among others. Follow Robert on Twitter: @rwnicholson_
  • War & Statesmanship
    Paying special attention to the grand strategy of the United States and Israel, fellowship courses and projects explore both the ethical questions and practical dilemmas that confront statesmen and generals in a world of new technologies and new threats.
The Tikvah Fellowship - The Tikvah Fund

Source not connected to Israel?

Try again.
[ For the Lazy bum who is too lazy to look things up on "non Israeli" sources, but always plays at being on a winning streak. It has been posted before but lazy one has to play the "winning!!! " game ]

The Jesuit magazine America recently reported that Arab Christians are fleeing in droves from Bethlehem, the hallowed city of Jesus Christ’s birth. In 1990, Christians made up a majority of the city’s residents; today they make up only about 15%. “With thousands more fleeing the city every year,” reports America’s correspondent Jeremy Zipple, “you can’t help but wonder, will there be any Christians left here…in the not too distant future?”

Why are Palestinian Christians Fleeing? - Providence
Author: Robert Nicholson

Robert Nicholson is Founder and Executive Director of The Philos Project. He holds a BA in Hebrew Studies from Binghamton University, and both a JD and MA in Middle Eastern history from Syracuse University. A former U.S. Marine and a 2012-13 Tikvah Fellow, Robert founded The Philos Project in 2014. His advocacy focuses on spreading the vision of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Middle East based on freedom and rule of law. Robert serves on the Board of Directors of Passages, and is a publisher of Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. His written work has appeared in First Things, The Federalist, The Jerusalem Post, The Hill, and The American Interest, among others. Follow Robert on Twitter: @rwnicholson_
  • War & Statesmanship
    Paying special attention to the grand strategy of the United States and Israel, fellowship courses and projects explore both the ethical questions and practical dilemmas that confront statesmen and generals in a world of new technologies and new threats.
The Tikvah Fellowship - The Tikvah Fund

Source not connected to Israel?

Try again.
I know you are being a dunce on purpose.
Either that or you live in a cave so deep that no news ever comes to you or is acceptable. "The Skye Is Falling".

The information is factual.

Before Oslo, Bethlehem was 85% Christian Arabs.
Post Oslo signing, Bethlehem became 15 % Christian Arabs.

Deny it all you want, you do not live in Bethlehem, and you know absolutely nothing as to what happens over there.

You are not going to change those facts no matter who you attempt to discredit.

Go on with your WINNING !!!!!!!!
[ For the Lazy bum who is too lazy to look things up on "non Israeli" sources, but always plays at being on a winning streak. It has been posted before but lazy one has to play the "winning!!! " game ]

The Jesuit magazine America recently reported that Arab Christians are fleeing in droves from Bethlehem, the hallowed city of Jesus Christ’s birth. In 1990, Christians made up a majority of the city’s residents; today they make up only about 15%. “With thousands more fleeing the city every year,” reports America’s correspondent Jeremy Zipple, “you can’t help but wonder, will there be any Christians left here…in the not too distant future?”

Why are Palestinian Christians Fleeing? - Providence
Author: Robert Nicholson

Robert Nicholson is Founder and Executive Director of The Philos Project. He holds a BA in Hebrew Studies from Binghamton University, and both a JD and MA in Middle Eastern history from Syracuse University. A former U.S. Marine and a 2012-13 Tikvah Fellow, Robert founded The Philos Project in 2014. His advocacy focuses on spreading the vision of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Middle East based on freedom and rule of law. Robert serves on the Board of Directors of Passages, and is a publisher of Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy. His written work has appeared in First Things, The Federalist, The Jerusalem Post, The Hill, and The American Interest, among others. Follow Robert on Twitter: @rwnicholson_
  • War & Statesmanship
    Paying special attention to the grand strategy of the United States and Israel, fellowship courses and projects explore both the ethical questions and practical dilemmas that confront statesmen and generals in a world of new technologies and new threats.
The Tikvah Fellowship - The Tikvah Fund

Source not connected to Israel?

Try again.
I know you are being a dunce on purpose.
Either that or you live in a cave so deep that no news ever comes to you or is acceptable. "The Skye Is Falling".

The information is factual.

Before Oslo, Bethlehem was 85% Christian Arabs.
Post Oslo signing, Bethlehem became 15 % Christian Arabs.

Deny it all you want, you do not live in Bethlehem, and you know absolutely nothing as to what happens over there.

You are not going to change those facts no matter who you attempt to discredit.

Go on with your WINNING !!!!!!!!
Many of my Messianic Jewish friends in Israel are actively involved with reconciliation movements with their Arab Christian brothers — in the Land and beyond — yet they do not participate in Christ at the Checkpoint. Why? It is because they see no genuine attempt to reconcile and understand but only to bash and criticize Israel and to reject God’s eternal promises to the Jewish people.

One of your recent Facebook posts reads:

If the creation of the state of Israel is a sign of God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people, then what kind of sign is it to the Palestinian people? When the state of Israel was created, around 700,000 Palestinians became refugees and more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages were completely destroyed. How am I supposed to understand that? Furthermore, this year marks 50 years of the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. So am I supposed to believe that the state that is oppressing me and my people is in covenant with God today?

Why not mention that 800,000 Jews were expelled from surrounding Arab and Muslim lands and largely absorbed by the fledgling state of Israel, which was fighting for its very life? (And this, just a few years after the Holocaust.) Why not mention all the Jewish attempts to get the local Arabs not to flee but rather remain as neighbors and co-workers?

Why not mention the refusal of the Arab leadership to accept a two-state solution in the 1930s and then in 1947? Why not mention that, rather than accept the partitioning of the land, the Arab leadership declared that the Jews would be driven into the sea, urging the local Arab populace to flee their homes until the expected victory came?

Why not mention Resolution 1547 of Arab League (in 1959), stating that none of the league nations would allow Palestinians to become citizens? Why not mention the widespread mistreatment of Palestinian refugees to this day in surrounding Arab and Muslim lands? (Why, for that matter, are there sill Palestinian refugee camps in countries like Syria and Lebanon?)

(full article online)

An Open Appeal to the Leaders of Christ at the Checkpoint | The Stream
Many of my Messianic Jewish friends in Israel are actively involved with reconciliation movements with their Arab Christian brothers — in the Land and beyond — yet they do not participate in Christ at the Checkpoint. Why? It is because they see no genuine attempt to reconcile and understand but only to bash and criticize Israel and to reject God’s eternal promises to the Jewish people.

One of your recent Facebook posts reads:

If the creation of the state of Israel is a sign of God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people, then what kind of sign is it to the Palestinian people? When the state of Israel was created, around 700,000 Palestinians became refugees and more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages were completely destroyed. How am I supposed to understand that? Furthermore, this year marks 50 years of the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. So am I supposed to believe that the state that is oppressing me and my people is in covenant with God today?

Why not mention that 800,000 Jews were expelled from surrounding Arab and Muslim lands and largely absorbed by the fledgling state of Israel, which was fighting for its very life? (And this, just a few years after the Holocaust.) Why not mention all the Jewish attempts to get the local Arabs not to flee but rather remain as neighbors and co-workers?

Why not mention the refusal of the Arab leadership to accept a two-state solution in the 1930s and then in 1947? Why not mention that, rather than accept the partitioning of the land, the Arab leadership declared that the Jews would be driven into the sea, urging the local Arab populace to flee their homes until the expected victory came?

Why not mention Resolution 1547 of Arab League (in 1959), stating that none of the league nations would allow Palestinians to become citizens? Why not mention the widespread mistreatment of Palestinian refugees to this day in surrounding Arab and Muslim lands? (Why, for that matter, are there sill Palestinian refugee camps in countries like Syria and Lebanon?)

(full article online)

An Open Appeal to the Leaders of Christ at the Checkpoint | The Stream
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
Nevertheless, the language of the manifesto clearly paints the Palestinians as victims and Israel as the aggressor. “There are real injustices taking place in the Palestinian territories and the suffering of the Palestinian people can no longer be ignored,” the manifesto states.

Additionally, Sami Awad, a Palestinian Christian and executive director of the Holy Land Trust, has made several controversial statements about Israel, according to NGO Monitor. In 2007, despite the Holy Land Trust’s stated commitment to non-violence, Awad said that non-violent demonstrations are “not a substitute for the armed struggle.”

Conference participants will also be able to attend several field trips organized by the Holy Land Trust that are intended to “give the participants a better understanding on how the conflict affects the daily lives of Palestinians.”

These trips include visits to the “segregation wall” in Bethlehem, a tour of Hebron that includes a visit to “Israeli settler strongholds,” a visit to a local Palestinian family “living under siege,” and a trip to “East Jerusalem” that explores the controversial neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

“CATC does not promote peace and reconciliation, despite their claims,” Santis said. “Speakers at past conferences have made bigoted statements against Jews and Judaism, spouting replacement theology and even a racial theory of Jewish origins.”

“Taxpayers should not be enabling such an inflammatory program,” he said.

(full article online)

NGO Monitor: U.S., U.K., Netherlands fund anti-Israel ‘Christ at the Checkpoint’ conference
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?

Don't You think antisemitism must be confronted?
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?

Don't You think antisemitism must be confronted?
Sure, but not that fake stuff that Israel is always pimping.
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?

Don't You think antisemitism must be confronted?
Sure, but not that fake stuff that Israel is always pimping.

Let me understand, it's fake because was merely presented by Israel or because the report was nonfactual?

There's a clear self contradiction and double standards in what was quoted.
Throwing genetics in the mix to deny rights to Jews, leaves no doubt about the nature of such rhetorics.
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • “If God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my people’s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didn’t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotism–until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.” ( “A young Palestinian Christian’s voice,” 2016)
    “Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ‘God is on my side,’……. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.” (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • “The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.” (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • “I’m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, I’m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.” (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • “Jesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestine… Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.” (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?

Don't You think antisemitism must be confronted?
Sure, but not that fake stuff that Israel is always pimping.

Let me understand, it's fake because was merely presented by Israel or because the report was nonfactual?

There's a clear self contradiction and double standards in what was quoted.
Throwing genetics in the mix to deny rights to Jews, leaves no doubt about the nature of such rhetorics.
Israel and its toadies around the world try to conflate criticism of Israeli state policies with antisemitism. Of course these are unrelated. Israel uses antisemitism as a ploy to shut people up who criticize Israel. This is fake antisemitism.
Sadly, such murders did not dampen the Jewish left’s campaign for an Israeli surrender of Gaza. On the contrary, their campaign intensified. Only instead of the old slogans about “coexistence,” the left adopted a new mantra: separation. The Israeli presence in Gaza would mean endless casualties, they argued. Israel should withdraw for its own good.

All the Arabs in Gaza wanted was to be rid of Israelis, the left insisted; if Israel withdrew, there would be peace. After all, they argued, why should Gaza’s Arabs be interested in conquering Sderot, Beersheva or Ashkelon? That wouldn’t make any sense. Many weary Israelis accepted that logic, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He withdrew Israel’s forces from every inch of Gaza. He bulldozed every Jewish town in the area.

Lo and behold, peace did not reign. Instead, thousands of rockets from Gaza rained down on Israel. Palestinian terrorists went on trying to infiltrate Israel in order to slaughter Jews in Sderot, Beersheva and Ashkelon. And the international news media continues to downplay Palestinian violence.

Those three little terrorists who crossed into Israel from Gaza this week were nothing to worry about, according to the media and the left. But everything that has happened regarding Gaza throughout the past 30 years proves that reality is exactly the opposite of what they tell us.

(full article online)

‘Three little terrorists’ represent all that’s gone wrong in 30 years
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