Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The former employee told me that when she got in trouble for her completely accurate post about Tamimi, she told her supervisor that many GIZ employees post horrible things about Israel all the time. Her country director replied it's a security issue...saying anything pro-Israel could upset the Jordanians and therefore puts all GIZ employees at risk.

However, the security of the employee who was vilified for a pro-Israel post was not a concern. She was the one called to the carpet for her actions. Her original comments were in a private Facebook group, a Jordanian reported it publicly, putting her in danger. Instead of showing concern for her, GIZ complained about her post in a private group!

But virulently anti-Israel posts? That's just fine! (Even though they also violate GIZ guidelines, where they are told not to say anything political on social media.)

She also told me that these are not isolated cases, and not only on social media. "You have people on the level of regional director for MENA, who have not only 1 but 3 public Facebook accounts with their picture and reference to GIZ, that are entirely dedicated to spreading anti Israel hate," she says. She emphasized that they say these things in person as well. And it is reflected in their policies, in who they choose to partner with and fund, and who knows how many other decisions.

(full article online)

German gov't allows employees to post anti-Israel memes - but fires one who defends Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ On Islamic Holidays, the Muslims attack Israel and Jews. On Jewish Holidays, Muslims attack Israel and Jews ]

On Thursday, Ambassador Danon penned a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the UN Security Council regarding the perils of the planned demonstrations.

ā€œI write to inform you of a dangerous effort by Palestinian leaders to create conflict by orchestrating a series of mass confrontations, specifically on the security fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, to occur between March 30 and May 15,ā€ wrote Danon.

ā€œWhile the Palestinians are attempting to present these demonstrations as acts of ā€˜peaceful resistance,ā€™ Hamas has invested approximately 10 million USD into this confrontation campaign and will pay Gazans to participate.ā€

Danon added that ā€œHamasā€™ provocative actions to ignite violence serve only to distract the world from the terror organization's disastrous hegemony that has resulted in a deteriorating situation in Gazaā€¦ Simultaneously, the Palestinian Authority continues to suspend payments for electricity and salaries in Gaza and has threatened additional sanctions. Israel, on the other hand, continues to provide electrical power, water and the entry of goods into Gaza in coordination with international parties, and accommodates Gazans seeking to enter Israel for medical treatment.ā€

ā€œIn light of the Palestiniansā€™ organized planned provocation for the coming weeks, I reiterate Israelā€™s right to defend its sovereignty and protect its citizensā€¦ Israel condemns the Palestinian leadershipā€™s dangerous attempt to inflame tensions and instigate violence and expects all United Nations personnel to refrain from planning, supporting or participating in these activities,ā€ Danon concluded.

(full article online)

Danon warns UN over Gaza protests
[ This is what Hamas chooses to give money to the Palestinian Arabs
And Gaza which has water issues..... ]

Water facilities are being installed and medical teams deployed to allow people to stay for long periods.

Organizers say tens of thousands of people would attend Fridayā€™s protest, although it was not clear how the estimate was reached.

Senior Hamas figure Salah Bardawil says that while protesters might breach the border, they were not planning to do so.

Hamas officials say they will monitor the area beyond the camp sites to prevent protesters going too close to the frontier, at least during the initial days of the protest.

(full article online)

Gazans start pitching tents on Israelā€™s border ahead of mass protest
Hamas has failed because it is caught between two irreconcilable principles: establishing a modern, functioning state that provides for its citizens while at the same time maintaining a perpetual state of war against the Jewish State. Neither the PLOā€™s nationalist ideology nor Hamasā€™s religious nationalism have served the interests of the Palestinian people. Only emirates based on local clans can operate legitimately in the Palestinian-controlled territories.

(full article online)

Hamas Is an Abysmal Failure
Examples of Antisemitism at Christ at the Checkpoint conferences:

  • ā€œIf God wanted the Jews to have the land (the land that belongs to my family) over my peopleā€™s dead bodies, destroyed homes and uprooted olive trees, I didnā€™t want that God anymore! I was confused between my Christianity and my feelings of patriotismā€“until Christ at the Checkpoint conference came to life.ā€ ( ā€œA young Palestinian Christianā€™s voice,ā€ 2016)
    ā€œJewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ā€˜God is on my side,ā€™ā€¦ā€¦. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.ā€ (David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, 2016)
  • ā€œThe promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.ā€ (Rev Stephen Sizer, 2010)
  • ā€œIā€™m sure if we were to do a DNA test between David, who was a Bethlehemite, and Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and Mitri, born just across the street from where Jesus was born, Iā€™m sure the DNA will show that there is a trace. While, if you put King David, Jesus and Netanyahu, you will get nothing, because Netanyahu comes from an East European tribe who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.ā€ (Mitri Raheb, 2010)
  • ā€œJesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestineā€¦ Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.ā€ (Naim Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, 2010)
(full article online)

Christ at the Checkpoint
OK, so?

Don't You think antisemitism must be confronted?
Sure, but not that fake stuff that Israel is always pimping.

Let me understand, it's fake because was merely presented by Israel or because the report was nonfactual?

There's a clear self contradiction and double standards in what was quoted.
Throwing genetics in the mix to deny rights to Jews, leaves no doubt about the nature of such rhetorics.
Israel and its toadies around the world try to conflate criticism of Israeli state policies with antisemitism. Of course these are unrelated. Israel uses antisemitism as a ploy to shut people up who criticize Israel. This is fake antisemitism.
There wasn't any policy mentioned.
It was merely theology mixed with blood purity ideas to deny Jews their rights.
Of course the "ploy" rhetoric is in itself an old antisemitic libel. Badly masked I must say.

Listening to You Israel is to blame for Arab or Christian millenia-old antisemitism.

Will You even acknowledge it as a problem, or is it just automatic denial?
Israel and its toadies around the world try to conflate criticism of Israeli state policies with antisemitism. Of course these are unrelated. Israel uses antisemitism as a ploy to shut people up who criticize Israel. This is fake antisemitism.

Oh please. These are examples of valid criticism of Israeli state policies?

Jewish extremism is alive and well in two ways, [] through Jewish religion and Jewish nationalism. First, Judaism is not unique in the idea that ā€˜God is on my side,ā€™ā€¦ā€¦. Israeli Zionism is an iteration of extremist ideology that blends human exclusivism with divine approval.ā€

The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are therefore now fulfilled only through those who follow Jesus Christ since they alone are designated the true children of Abraham and Sarah. Jews who reject Jesus Christ are outside the covenant of grace and are to be regarded as children of Hagar.ā€

ā€œJesus was a Palestinian who lived in Palestineā€¦ Jesus was a Palestinian who was born under occupation. Jesus lived under occupation. Everything he taught, everything he said was done under occupation, exactly the way we live today.ā€

Calling Judaism and Jewish nationalism extremism is NOT a valid criticism of an Israeli state policy. Comparing the Roman occupation of Judea (home of the Jewish people) to the return of the Jewish people and claiming the Jewish people to be occupiers is NOT a valid criticism of an Israeli state policy. Claiming that rejection of JC negates Jewish rights to the Jewish homeland is NOT a valid criticism of an Israeli state policy.

Antisemitism pure and simple.
P F Tinmore inability to respond about antisemitism, other than exclusively using it to blame Jews themselves - suggests nothing but antisemitism.

And You don't even try to hide it.

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


So you retreat to your usual whining. Typical.

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?
What do you think the US Congress/Senate saw in order to pass those laws?

Thin air?

Next time you speak to Abbas, say Shalom for us.

Although all he will say is "Death to the Jews" :)
And how happy he is for the life of luxury afforded to him since the Oslo Accords.
His own Plane.

Now, THAT is luxury.
No he didn't. That is a lie.

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?
What do you think the US Congress/Senate saw in order to pass those laws?

Thin air?

Next time you speak to Abbas, say Shalom for us.

Although all he will say is "Death to the Jews" :)
And how happy he is for the life of luxury afforded to him since the Oslo Accords.
His own Plane.

Now, THAT is luxury.
What do you think the US Congress/Senate saw in order to pass those laws?
AIPAC money.
Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?
What do you think the US Congress/Senate saw in order to pass those laws?

Thin air?

Next time you speak to Abbas, say Shalom for us.

Although all he will say is "Death to the Jews" :)
And how happy he is for the life of luxury afforded to him since the Oslo Accords.
His own Plane.

Now, THAT is luxury.
What do you think the US Congress/Senate saw in order to pass those laws?
AIPAC money.

Shirley, you must be retreating to your usual conspiracy theories.

TV7 Israel News

1) The Palestinian Authority has decided to return to direct-financing of security prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails for terror related offences, as well as families of Palestinian assailants that have been killed during acts of terror against Israelis.
So you quote an Israeli propaganda rag.


What did he say then?

Had nothing huh?
Won't be able to refute that either :

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