Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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During the Passover weekend, some 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza approached the border with Israel and carried out a variety of violent activities in what they call the “Land Day Protests” or the “March of Return.”

We’ve seen quite a bit of mishandled coverage, so here are the main myths and facts so you can better understand the situation and also speak up when you see inaccurate or biased media.

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Myths and Facts: Gaza's Deadly "Protests" | HonestReporting
[ Gaza surprised Israel with "something new" ???? ]

Former Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal says the terror group has more in store for Israel in upcoming confrontations on the Gaza border.

“We will not give up the right of return. Gaza surprised Israel with something new, and we have more surprises,” he says from Turkey.

In Gaza City, current Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh says he’s proud of the “children of Palestine” who participated in Friday’s events.

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Former Hamas head says group has more ‘surprises’ for Israel
[ Keep the people unemployed and desperate and then use them to attack Israel. Nice plan. But what will be Israel's move. That, they do not know. Are they prepared? ]

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on Sunday warned that the unemployed of Gaza would continue to clash with Israeli forces following the riots at the Israel-Gaza borderfence Friday.

"The unemployed who do not have work in Gaza have found work at your borders - to burn your equipment and shoot you from a distance," Sinwar said during a visit to one of the tent camps of the "March of Return" campaign Sunday.

"We came here to say that Hamas is not sitting in palaces or tunnels, we came to say that we are with you. Today we begin a march that will continue and will not stop until we open the borders at the right time," Sinwar told the demonstrators. "We are here to remind you that there is no peace with the enemy and that no experience or plan will make us decide to make peace with him."

Senior Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh also warned that "our people cannot tolerate the continued siege of Gaza. On Friday we stopped at the border but next time we do not know where the border will be."

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Hamas: Gaza unemployed will 'snipe at Israel from a distance'
Ma’an story – the pictures, incidentally, were lifted without attribution from the Facebook page of the Temple Organizations’ Headquarters.

“Dozens of settlers stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Jewish Passover holiday with the protection of Israeli police.

“The head of public relations and media in the Islamic Endowments Department (Waqf), Firas al-Dibs, said that more than 200 settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque through the Mughrabi Gate, which has been under occupation since the occupation of Jerusalem.

(Incidentally, the Temple Organizations’ Headquarters Facebook page only boasted 100 visitors – which the pictures support.)

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Arab Media: Dozens of Settlers Stormed Al Aqsa Mosque
“The curriculum exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts of violence in a more extensive and sophisticated manner,” IMPACT-se wrote. “The discourse is couched in terms of nationalist and religious martyrdom, across science, literature, history and religious education textbooks.”

“With a comprehensive and oft-stated justification for defensive (obligatory) jihad, the curriculum’s focus appears to have expanded from demonization of Israel to providing a rationale for war,” it continued.

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Britain gives £20m to Palestinian schools teaching jihad, martyrdom — report
“The State of Kuwait, with full knowledge that our permanent mission, Israel and Jews everywhere were observing the first night of Passover, hijacked the consultations, forced an open session and invited the Palestinian delegation to present remarks that they had been advised to prepare well in advance. Israel was not given the same advance notice and was barred from taking part in the deliberations due to the observance of our religious holiday,” wrote Ambassador Danon. “I would like to remind the Council that exploiting procedural rules so that one side can make its case while the other cannot is antithetical to the spirit of the United Nations and is a direct affront to the fundamental principles of honest deliberation.”

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Israeli envoy lodges complaint over UN security council meeting on Pesach
#BREAKING: Palestinian Ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, just LIED at the United Nation's face about the Hamas #GreatReturnMarch.

RETWEET THIS NOW! pic.twitter.com/sdw5Or1ljL

— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) March 30, 2018

Friday Sermon at Gaza "Return March": Our Blessed Land Is Being Trampled by the Accursed Descendants of Apes and Pigs pic.twitter.com/m5xiCQBpNP

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) April 1, 2018

Gaza Tribal Dignitary on Hamas TV: We Shall Liberate Our Land with Martyrs, Women and Children, Take Down the Border with the Fingernails of Our Children pic.twitter.com/r9AlJ4TpVH

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) April 1, 2018
This idea is nothing original. Over 50 years ago, Naj Aloush, a Palestinian intellectual and Fatah member, came up with this idea: One morning, he wrote, a million Palestinian refugees would gather on the borders of Israel and then march forward, "into the occupied land."

The calculation is simple. Israel has enough military might to repel any military threat to its borders and sovereignty. But it won't dare slaughter civilians en masse – women and children who are trying to "return to their homes in Haifa, Acre and Ashkelon." And if, heaven forbid, it did, it would be immediately condemned by the international community and accused of harming innocent civilians and of crimes against humanity.

The exact same reasoning guided the Hamas leadership in the meticulous planning that went into organizing the March of Return along the Gaza border fence. About 250 buses brought some 30,000 people to the border area. Some are relatives of Hamas operatives and public officials. Not everyone participated willingly. Some were forced.

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"Hamas sent a 7-year-old girl from Gaza to the Israeli border. IDF soldiers returned her to her family. Hamas apparently isn't familiar with the famous hadith that tells of a 14-year-old boy whom the Prophet Muhammad forbade from fighting in war because of his age. There is no greater shame than using children for war, and every Muslim with a heart and a mind who knows the hadith rejects that. Recruiting children is a disgrace," Mordechai and Adraee wrote.

Adraee also tweeted, "The terrorist organization Hamas ignores the rights of women and children and sends them to the fence to achieve the group's terrorist goals while evading responsibility for their lives and welfare."

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The phrase “Peace Process” served as an ingenious linguistic sedative, lulling the international community into the dream of a peaceful PA. The harsh reality is that the objective of the PA has never been peace, but the gradual, staged elimination of the State of Israel. The PA has been consistently teaching their children that Jews and Israelis are odious, detestable creatures, and their final elimination would be of huge benefit to the Palestinian people, the Arab world and all of humanity.

The Palestinian National Covenant was adopted on May 28, 1963, in which most of the 33 articles invoke an “armed struggle” until “the Zionist entity is totally wiped out and Palestine is liberated.”

Note that this happened four years before the 1967 Six-Day War, so it had nothing to do with the disputed territories that followed that war, and everything to do with the 1948 War of Independence and the sheer existence of Israel.

In April 1996, amid the euphoria of the signing of the Oslo Accords and under much political pressure from the Clinton administration, the Palestinian National Council had a well-publicized vote to discuss whether to “revoke the covenant.” Despite the fanfare, they voted simply to extend the period of time to decide on what to do.

PA spokesperson Marwan Kanfani emerged from the meeting, saying: “This is not an amendment. It is a license to start a new, to found a new resolution, a new charter. This is really a vote to form a committee to look into it.”

The committee never was formed; the members never appointed; no meetings were subsequently announced.

Yet the international media was ablaze with headlines of how the PA had renounced the charter. Peter Jennings, the anchor of “World News Tonight” began his broadcast with: “They said it couldn’t be done. The PA has revoked its charter calling for the destruction of Israel.”

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The End of the Era of Palestinian Deception
Myth: These events are spontaneous and grass-roots based.
Fact: Israel’s Minister of Defense says the Hamas terror organization has invested $15 million dollars to organize this violence. Though Hamas has not confirmed the figure, it is well established that Hamas generally spends huge sums on promoting violence.

  • Funds have been used to: bus thousands of civilians into an area that Hamas has turned into a combat zone, to attempt a variety of terror attacks, and to attempt border incursions under the cover of the riots that they, themselves, have organized.
  • The investment of $15m dollars in this kind of violence should be measured against Gaza’s need for basic infrastructure, electricity, medical facilities and more. Every journalist should be asking the question: how does Hamas have so much money available for violence, but so little available for the basic needs of the people living under its rule?
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Myths and Facts: Gaza's Deadly "Protests" | HonestReporting
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