Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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From the Palestine Info Center:


Forming a human shield, young Palestinian protesters protect young girl against Israeli snipers targeting peaceful protesters in besieged Gaza.

Here's an example where the caption is Pallywood.

Given that every fatality during the violent riots at the Gaza border was a military-age male, the idea that these men are protecting the woman is quite far fetched. On the contrary - if anything, they are using the woman to shield themselves!

The other photos in the series show that there is no danger anyway, as the group passes by other people having what appears to be a picnic who have no fear of Israeli snipers whatsoever.

(full article online)

Who is the human shield for whom? Pallywood strikes again ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To understand what is behind the current marches and riots in Gaza, “for the Right of Return by force of arms,” look no further than UNRWA operations in Gaza," says David Bedein, Director of the Israel Resource News Agency and Center for Near East Policy Research, who has investigated and exposed the duplicity of UN-funded UNRWA for decades.

"80% of Gazans live in UNRWA refugee facilities, constantly brainwashed by the UNRWA premise and promise of the 'right' to return to Arab villages which existed before 1948, although almost none of them ever lived there nor did their forebears," Bedein explains.

"UNRWA has been facilitating this so-called ‘return' march on the Gaza border for nearly a decade. The scope of our investigations of UNRWA in Gaza(1) show that:

(full article online)

The UNRWA uprising. Stage one
Reporting on an event honoring Palestinian mothers "of Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded," the official Palestinian Authority daily mentioned in particular the mother of 5 terrorists, among them 2 murderers. Although the paper listed the number of life sentences each is serving, it failed to mention that they are imprisoned for murder of 8 people as well as numerous other terror attacks (see descriptions below):

"Um Yusuf is the mother of Martyr Abd Al-Mun'im, and the mother of four prisoners serving life sentences: Nasser, serving 7 life sentences and an additional 50 years; Nasr, serving 5 life sentences; Sharif, serving 4 life sentences; and Muhammad, serving 2 life sentences and an additional 30 years."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2018]

This is not the first time the PA has honored this mother of 5 terrorists (also known as Um Hmeid) as a model for Palestinian mothers. In 2011, the PA chose her to launch the PA's statehood campaign with the UN.

(full article online)

Murderers of Israelis are "sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom that have lit the skies of Palestine," says PLO official - PMW Bulletins

A small Arab child tries to sneak up on a policeman from behind
Once again we see Arab children being taught to act our their hatred on the Temple Mount.

In the last video, we saw a proud mother teaching her children to shoot policemen. In today’s Temple Mount video, the child tries to approach the policeman from behind to stab him with a knife, and then runs away when the policeman turns around and sees him.

(full article and video online)

Teaching to Stab on the Temple Mount

This is appalling. In so many different ways.

The glorification of the use of violence. The training and use of children as combatants. The indoctrination of the next generation.

How does Israel and the sane world address this problem?

A small Arab child tries to sneak up on a policeman from behind
Once again we see Arab children being taught to act our their hatred on the Temple Mount.

In the last video, we saw a proud mother teaching her children to shoot policemen. In today’s Temple Mount video, the child tries to approach the policeman from behind to stab him with a knife, and then runs away when the policeman turns around and sees him.

(full article and video online)

Teaching to Stab on the Temple Mount

This is appalling. In so many different ways.

The glorification of the use of violence. The training and use of children as combatants. The indoctrination of the next generation.

How does Israel and the sane world address this problem?
Putting an end to UNWRA, may be the first step.
Maybe putting an end to the UN itself, which has only become an anti Jewish machine.
Putting an end to the idea that Israel did not win the wars, and put an end to Hamas and the PLO/PA for good.

The Oslo accords was dead on arrival. Was is the point of keeping up appearances and allowing the PA to continue to exist?
Israel seems to think that it will diminish attacks because of security issues Abbas is worried about.

Put an end to the non respected accord, at least by the Arab side,
expel any and all Arab tribes which do not wish to live in peace with Israel.

Annex Judea and Samaria once and for all. They are Jewish lands, the most ancient of Jewish lands.

None of this may ever happen.

Or any of it could happen in the next 20 to 30 years, once all original Arab refugees are gone. There is no excuse for keeping UNWRA in existence. The original refugee organization should be the only one to take care of any and all refugees.

Ending the disgusting education, at least in those places, will do them a lot of good. Unfortunately that kind of education remains in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and most other Muslim countries.

For Gaza I have been recently thinking, as the Copt Christians are persecuted in Egypt, that it would be a nice idea to have a transfer of population. Fantasy world, I know.

The Muslim Arabs move back to Egypt, as that is where most came from - also from Arabia, and the Copts would get Gaza and create their own country there. One which would be friendly to Israel and live in peace with it. Israel would help it develop, as it has helped the Gaza people as best as it can.

Those who are being persecuted out of their indigenous lands in Egypt, could find peace - if possible - and a place where they would not be attacked and killed and forced to move, as they are now.

Well, if only this idea could get to the UN, or to those who would see the point of having it done.

Of course Hamas and others would need to be eliminated, and all Arabs agree to become loyal citizens of Egypt.

And that......is the hard part, as the muslim brotherhood is still around and kicking. Not to speak of ISIS.

How to do away with these ideologies of Jihad and not caring about the lives of other Arabs, is the hardest part.

A small Arab child tries to sneak up on a policeman from behind
Once again we see Arab children being taught to act our their hatred on the Temple Mount.

In the last video, we saw a proud mother teaching her children to shoot policemen. In today’s Temple Mount video, the child tries to approach the policeman from behind to stab him with a knife, and then runs away when the policeman turns around and sees him.

(full article and video online)

Teaching to Stab on the Temple Mount

This is appalling. In so many different ways.

The glorification of the use of violence. The training and use of children as combatants. The indoctrination of the next generation.

How does Israel and the sane world address this problem?
Putting an end to UNWRA, may be the first step.
Maybe putting an end to the UN itself, which has only become an anti Jewish machine.
Putting an end to the idea that Israel did not win the wars, and put an end to Hamas and the PLO/PA for good.

The Oslo accords was dead on arrival. Was is the point of keeping up appearances and allowing the PA to continue to exist?
Israel seems to think that it will diminish attacks because of security issues Abbas is worried about.

Put an end to the non respected accord, at least by the Arab side,
expel any and all Arab tribes which do not wish to live in peace with Israel.

Annex Judea and Samaria once and for all. They are Jewish lands, the most ancient of Jewish lands.

None of this may ever happen.

Or any of it could happen in the next 20 to 30 years, once all original Arab refugees are gone. There is no excuse for keeping UNWRA in existence. The original refugee organization should be the only one to take care of any and all refugees.

Ending the disgusting education, at least in those places, will do them a lot of good. Unfortunately that kind of education remains in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and most other Muslim countries.

For Gaza I have been recently thinking, as the Copt Christians are persecuted in Egypt, that it would be a nice idea to have a transfer of population. Fantasy world, I know.

The Muslim Arabs move back to Egypt, as that is where most came from - also from Arabia, and the Copts would get Gaza and create their own country there. One which would be friendly to Israel and live in peace with it. Israel would help it develop, as it has helped the Gaza people as best as it can.

Those who are being persecuted out of their indigenous lands in Egypt, could find peace - if possible - and a place where they would not be attacked and killed and forced to move, as they are now.

Well, if only this idea could get to the UN, or to those who would see the point of having it done.

Of course Hamas and others would need to be eliminated, and all Arabs agree to become loyal citizens of Egypt.

And that......is the hard part, as the muslim brotherhood is still around and kicking. Not to speak of ISIS.

How to do away with these ideologies of Jihad and not caring about the lives of other Arabs, is the hardest part.

I entirely agree with you about UNRWA. It has to go. I suspect, as well, that the UN has to be dissolved or at least radically transformed in order to achieve some sort of objectivity.

I also agree wholeheartedly that the ideologies of Jihad (the violent kind and especially the distaste for Jews) is the both the key to solving the problem and the hardest thing to change.

I know many people believe that population transfers are heinous (and oddly those same people don't seem to think teaching children to stab people is heinous), but I have to admit a part of me wonders if it is the only solution. There are plenty of examples of peaceful solutions to civil wars because the people went their separate ways. (And isn't that the point of a two-state solution? To allow people to go their separate ways?)

The concern with moving vast numbers of people with these ideologies is the spread of the very same. And the lack of influence of mitigating ideologies.

A small Arab child tries to sneak up on a policeman from behind
Once again we see Arab children being taught to act our their hatred on the Temple Mount.

In the last video, we saw a proud mother teaching her children to shoot policemen. In today’s Temple Mount video, the child tries to approach the policeman from behind to stab him with a knife, and then runs away when the policeman turns around and sees him.

(full article and video online)

Teaching to Stab on the Temple Mount

This is appalling. In so many different ways.

The glorification of the use of violence. The training and use of children as combatants. The indoctrination of the next generation.

How does Israel and the sane world address this problem?
Putting an end to UNWRA, may be the first step.
Maybe putting an end to the UN itself, which has only become an anti Jewish machine.
Putting an end to the idea that Israel did not win the wars, and put an end to Hamas and the PLO/PA for good.

The Oslo accords was dead on arrival. Was is the point of keeping up appearances and allowing the PA to continue to exist?
Israel seems to think that it will diminish attacks because of security issues Abbas is worried about.

Put an end to the non respected accord, at least by the Arab side,
expel any and all Arab tribes which do not wish to live in peace with Israel.

Annex Judea and Samaria once and for all. They are Jewish lands, the most ancient of Jewish lands.

None of this may ever happen.

Or any of it could happen in the next 20 to 30 years, once all original Arab refugees are gone. There is no excuse for keeping UNWRA in existence. The original refugee organization should be the only one to take care of any and all refugees.

Ending the disgusting education, at least in those places, will do them a lot of good. Unfortunately that kind of education remains in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and most other Muslim countries.

For Gaza I have been recently thinking, as the Copt Christians are persecuted in Egypt, that it would be a nice idea to have a transfer of population. Fantasy world, I know.

The Muslim Arabs move back to Egypt, as that is where most came from - also from Arabia, and the Copts would get Gaza and create their own country there. One which would be friendly to Israel and live in peace with it. Israel would help it develop, as it has helped the Gaza people as best as it can.

Those who are being persecuted out of their indigenous lands in Egypt, could find peace - if possible - and a place where they would not be attacked and killed and forced to move, as they are now.

Well, if only this idea could get to the UN, or to those who would see the point of having it done.

Of course Hamas and others would need to be eliminated, and all Arabs agree to become loyal citizens of Egypt.

And that......is the hard part, as the muslim brotherhood is still around and kicking. Not to speak of ISIS.

How to do away with these ideologies of Jihad and not caring about the lives of other Arabs, is the hardest part.

I entirely agree with you about UNRWA. It has to go. I suspect, as well, that the UN has to be dissolved or at least radically transformed in order to achieve some sort of objectivity.

I also agree wholeheartedly that the ideologies of Jihad (the violent kind and especially the distaste for Jews) is the both the key to solving the problem and the hardest thing to change.

I know many people believe that population transfers are heinous (and oddly those same people don't seem to think teaching children to stab people is heinous), but I have to admit a part of me wonders if it is the only solution. There are plenty of examples of peaceful solutions to civil wars because the people went their separate ways. (And isn't that the point of a two-state solution? To allow people to go their separate ways?)

The concern with moving vast numbers of people with these ideologies is the spread of the very same. And the lack of influence of mitigating ideologies.
If this actually was a civil war, I might agree.

It is, and always has been, Islam being supreme to Judaism, having replaced Judaism in the eyes of the one god.

Which is why it will not go away.

The Hamas and PLO/Fatah charters are very clear about the land of Israel being part of Islam, and them wanting it back.

The reason Egypt and Jordan signed a peace treaty and now live in semi-peace with Israel is because both were suffering economically.

That was then. Now, we have so many countries just giving money to Gaza and the PA which makes it impossible for the leaders to not want to get more of it while faking at wanting peace, as with Arafat and Abbas, or not fake it at all that they want to destroy Israel and take the "Muslim land" back, as with Hamas, ISIS, and all others firing rockets at Israel.

You are correct that the ideology will not go away. It is Islam's ideology. It is an ideology of conquest and making everyone convert to Islam or kill them, as it has been done again and again.

But....the Copts could end up being like the Kurds. Their own autonomous people, turning Gaza into a beautiful place where tourism can flourish, where antiquities can be respected, and they can learn to defend themselves - as the Kurds do - from ISIS, or any other Arab/Muslim attacks, with the help of Israel.

Be it in Egypt or in the Sinai, the Copts are being threatened and forced to leave their homes.

Sinai's Coptic Christians flee spate of gruesome suspected ISIS murders

They cannot get weapons or any other form of defense to protect themselves. So, I think, if it could ever come to be, it would be their own State, regardless of many of them not being sympathetic to Israel right now. Which probably stems from their Christian beliefs about ZIonism or Jews, or anything else. But it could change if they had a relation with Israel where they get to see what so many Christians who live in Israel see for themselves.

It would save a lot of Copts lives. They would not have to be run out of their homes or killed in Egypt or the Sinai anymore.

Just some ideas.
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