Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The instructions that were published Tuesday explain that the IDF is photographing the demonstrators and—using face recognition technology—is able to identify the terrorists embedded in the crowd and to which group they belong. Therefore, everyone was called on to come dressed in similar garb, in the colors of the Palestinian flag, to cover their faces, to bring along many containers of water, and to pocket many onions as an antidote to tear gas.

The organizers goal is to store no less than 10,000 tires around the six confrontation points along the fence, and on an order from the organizers, to ignite them simultaneously.

Here’s a question: what prevents the IDF from setting those tires on fire Thursday?

(full article online)

Friday Will Be ‘Burnt Tires Day’ Along Gaza’s Border
[ Muhammad would be proud of these Muslims ]

  • Fatah: “We are sowing our land from the veins, from the arteries, and from blood, and from the inner heart we will build our state and will not relinquish”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A bloodied Palestinian flag lying on the ground is reason to rejoice according to Abbas’ Fatah Movement’s Bethlehem branch, which posted the photo above with text glorifying the spilling of “the blood of the Martyrs”:

Posted text: “How wonderful and mighty you are, O flag of Palestine, when you are soaked in the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids)”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, March 31, 2018]

An image of a man in an Arab headdress leaning over barbed wire and planting a flower with bleeding hands was also posted by Fatah. Accompanying text emphasized that it is with “blood” that Palestinians are “sowing the land”:

(full article online)

Palestinian flag is wonderful "soaked in the blood of the Martyrs," says Abbas’ Fatah - PMW Bulletins
“They were left by Arab terrorists next to the security fence along the Gaza border last Friday,” the IDF said in a statement.

“The discovery of firebombs is more proof [the Hamas-driven riots] on Friday were a cover for terrorist acts and under their protection the terrorists endeavored to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers” the IDF added.

(full article online)

Bag Filled with Ready-made Firebombs Found at Gaza Security Fence
Trouble is, the shot is of actress Katherine Heigl who played a doctor on TV in the hit show Grey’s Anatomy from 2005-2010.

The clumsy ruse did not last long and was quickly spotted on Twitter:
(vide online)

Very quickly the Palestinian Information Service backed away from its initial claim, and published the following grovelling apology:

(vide online)

There is no word yet if the doctors seen below will be in the next group of arrivals expected by the Palestinian Information Center in the troubled Gaza Strip.

American actor, director and writer Alan Alda in the driving seat of a jeep, surrounded by Loretta Swit and other cast members of the hit television show M.A.S.H, in costume as members of a US Army medical corp. (Keystone/Getty Images)

(full article online)

Actress Katherine Heigl 'Welcomed' to Gaza by Palestinians Applauding Her as a 'Doctor'
Salman did not explicitly say that the Jewish people have the right to live in their own land, but that Israelis do.

Still, the comment was enough to really upset Palestinians.

In an editorial, Ma'an's editor Nasser Al-Laham can't even mention Crown Prince Salman's name, only calling him an "Arab leader," but he writes, "The Jews are not a people and they are not a nation. "

He is quite adamant about this, and later on he says why he believes that: "If we say that the Jews are a people, then there is no place for the Palestinian people on the land of Palestine."

In other words, the Palestinian position is that they must deny Jewish peoplehood in order for them to claim to be a people themselves, since people are attached to a land.

Meaning that the antisemitic position that there is no such thing as a Jewish people is an essential part of the belief in Palestinianism. The propaganda of a Palestinian people - a people wholly invented in the past century - is inherently antisemitic.

This is not the first time that Palestinians have made this position clear. In the Palestine Papers, this point is also made:

(full article online)

The antisemitism that underlies Palestinianism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Salman did not explicitly say that the Jewish people have the right to live in their own land, but that Israelis do.

Still, the comment was enough to really upset Palestinians.

In an editorial, Ma'an's editor Nasser Al-Laham can't even mention Crown Prince Salman's name, only calling him an "Arab leader," but he writes, "The Jews are not a people and they are not a nation. "

He is quite adamant about this, and later on he says why he believes that: "If we say that the Jews are a people, then there is no place for the Palestinian people on the land of Palestine."

In other words, the Palestinian position is that they must deny Jewish peoplehood in order for them to claim to be a people themselves, since people are attached to a land.

Meaning that the antisemitic position that there is no such thing as a Jewish people is an essential part of the belief in Palestinianism. The propaganda of a Palestinian people - a people wholly invented in the past century - is inherently antisemitic.

This is not the first time that Palestinians have made this position clear. In the Palestine Papers, this point is also made:

(full article online)

The antisemitism that underlies Palestinianism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yep. If they admit that the Jewish people are a people and fully deserving of the same human rights as any other peoples is then they'd have to share. And they don't want to share. Or don't think they should have to share. But on some level they recognize that "I don't want to share" isn't really a good legal or moral argument. So they go around it by claiming Jewishness doesn't really exist.
The document refers to the 19 victims of the events – and it is correct as of April 4, 2018.

Before the data is presented, and for the sake of readers’ convenience, I would like to point out that of the 19 killed there are:

  • 7 operatives from Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 operative of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Saraya al-Quds
  • 2 activists of Katayef al-Maqawama al-Wataniya al-Filastina – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1 operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah’s Shahid Nakhl al-‘Amudi faction
  • 1 Hamas security forces operative (armed)
  • 1 military activist of the Fatah movement
  • 1 affiliate of Shada al-Aqsa – the Shahid unit of Nabil Mas’ud – an Iranian-oriented faction
  • 1 Hamas-affiliated operative with an orientation to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 Fatah activist – it has not been proven that he is a military activist
  • 3 without any significant organizational affiliation
Total of 15 persons with actual military identification. Another 4 whose connection to military activity has not been proven.

The entire Gaza Strip has fewer than 70,000 military operatives, including from all the various organizations. Gaza has a population of 2 million today. That is, the percentage of military activists out of the total population is lower than 3.5%.

Thus, the dry facts show that although the share of military activists in the population is only 3.5%, in practice, 80% of those killed are military activists. That is 23 times the rate of their percentage in the population. This high rate among those killed is even more amazing given the fact that they were dressed in civilian clothes and could not be identified in advance as military activists.

(full article online)

Exposed: More Palestinian 'Victims' Identified as Terror Org Members | HonestReportingpalestinian-victims-identified-as-terror-org-members/
Felesteen interviews some of those injured by "occupation snipers" during the riots on the Gaza border.

Somehow, they are all military aged men.

Ibrahim Al-Bahtaiti, 18, shot in the leg.

Mohammed Siam, 24, shot in the leg.

Raed Saad, 21, shot in the foot.

Even though we see photos of women and children at the riots, somehow they aren't being shot.

Hamas announced that they will pay $3000 to the families of those killed, $500 to those severely injured and $200 to those moderately injured.

You can be sure that they are only paying people who are already Hamas members or sympathizers.

(full article online)

Amazingly, all the injured from Gaza seem to be military aged men - and Hamas is paying them ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
B'Tselem apparently wants thousands of Gazans to die invading Israel.

B'Tselem issued a call for IDF soldiers not to open fire against Gazans even
if they are tearing down the fence to invade Israel.

I am not going to speculate at what stage B'Tselem would consider thousands
of Gazans invading Israel to be "life-threatening" and thus justifying
opening fire.

Suffice it to say that under such circumstances we would ultimately reach
the stage that even the folks at B'Tselem would find themselves conceding
that conditions justified opening fire.

But here's the point: the number of casualties that would result from
following B'Tselem's advice is many magnitudes greater than the number of
Gazan casualties that may result from the IDF's current policy.

It is a grotesque morality to advocate a policy that, if implemented,
promises to lead to the deaths of many thousands of Gazans.

IMRA - Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Weekly Commentary: B'Tselem Apparently Wants Thousands of Gazans To Die Invading Israel
Another version of a peace solution that keeps on being discussed in some especially optimistic quarters is the so-called binational state - both Israelis and Arabs living together in a single political entity in the midst of sharing, co-operation and just getting along together. Palestinian Arab opinion doesn't like that very much either. In answer to the question ("Do you support or reject the creation of a binational state for both Arabs and Jews as a final solution for the Palestinian cause?") they practically shout their rejection:

So given the lack of appeal of the major peace concepts that have dominated discussions for many years, how do the Palestinian Arabs now feel about violence as a way forward?

In answer to the question "Do you support or reject the rise of an armed intifada in the Palestinian territories?", they said last month

There's much more opposition in the West Bank, it seems, to an armed intifada against the Israelis than there is among Gazans. But even in Gaza, the rejection number is larger than the support - though not by much.

Asked whether the current circumstances - political, security and economic - make them feel compelled (their word) to "emigrate abroad" (with no indication of to where), they responded

Gazans are more than twice as inclined as West Bankers to feel compelled to emigrate. Coupled with how low their support for the Islamists who rule every element of their lives is, a picture of a deeply disconnected population emerges.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 04-Apr-18: Here's (one view of) what the Palestinian Arabs want

[Gazans Emigrating????
But isn't it an "Open Concentration Camp" ??]

Who Knew ?
According to reports, Hamas has already begun making payments.

So much for planning a “peaceful” protest.

What you won’t see though are any of the Hamas leaders putting themselves or their family members on the front line to be shot. They don’t need the $500, they’re millionaires and billionaires.

(full article online)

Hamas Paying Gazans to Get Shot by IDF
Jerusalem District Commander Yoram Halevi signed an order Thursday forbidding a conference of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party in honor of terrorists.

The conference was to be held in the Issawiya neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem to honor the mothers of shaheeds (martyrs) and those wounded while attacking Israelis.

(full article online)

Fatah 'martyrs' conference broken up in Jerusalem
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