Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What ass would destroy a school?

What ass would build anything illegally without a permit?

Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

It is not Palestinian land. Never was. And it is on Jewish Land, according to the Oslo Accord, the one you also do not give a darn about.

And the Indigenous Jews have every right to destroy anything built without permits, be it by Arabs or Jews.

More Jewish illegal construction is destroyed than Arab.

Go cry some camel tears.
Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because that is the rule of law throughout the world. Private ownership of land does NOT mean you can do anything you want on that land. Building permits are the norm in most (all?) developed countries. One must follow the laws of the sovereign, or if you prefer, the one with legal jurisdiction.
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Federal Republic of Germany, through the German Development Bank (KfW), announced the completion of the reconstruction of 155 houses for 158 families in Gaza through an 18-month house reconstruction project that cost 5 million euros.

The homes are...beautiful. Some are as large as 150 square meters.

(vide photos online)

Do victims of any other wars in the world get homes rebuilt by the international community that look like these?

(full article online)

New Gaza houses are.....gorgeous ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because that is the rule of law throughout the world. Private ownership of land does NOT mean you can do anything you want on that land. Building permits are the norm in most (all?) developed countries. One must follow the laws of the sovereign, or if you prefer, the one with legal jurisdiction.
OK, but it is SOP in Israel to deny permits to Palestinians. Discrimination is not allowed almost everywhere.
Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because that is the rule of law throughout the world. Private ownership of land does NOT mean you can do anything you want on that land. Building permits are the norm in most (all?) developed countries. One must follow the laws of the sovereign, or if you prefer, the one with legal jurisdiction.
OK, but it is SOP in Israel to deny permits to Palestinians. Discrimination is not allowed almost everywhere.
Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because that is the rule of law throughout the world. Private ownership of land does NOT mean you can do anything you want on that land. Building permits are the norm in most (all?) developed countries. One must follow the laws of the sovereign, or if you prefer, the one with legal jurisdiction.
OK, but it is SOP in Israel to deny permits to Palestinians. Discrimination is not allowed almost everywhere.

Oddly enough it is a point we agree on. I think that Israel should provide building permits, infrastructure and all sorts of goodies to the Palestinians in the territory she intends to keep under a peace agreement. And/or let them receive services and building permits from Palestinian governments instead in land she does not intend to keep.

But in doing so she is effectively annexing and ceding land unilaterally. I don't have a problem with that. Do you?
Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because that is the rule of law throughout the world. Private ownership of land does NOT mean you can do anything you want on that land. Building permits are the norm in most (all?) developed countries. One must follow the laws of the sovereign, or if you prefer, the one with legal jurisdiction.
OK, but it is SOP in Israel to deny permits to Palestinians. Discrimination is not allowed almost everywhere.

There is no doubt that the Palestinian economy was harmed by the first intifada and the second intifada, but that is hardly the fault of Israel. Of course, the Israeli economy also suffered greatly as a result of the Palestinian turn to violence.

Halper's other claims are just as false as his agricultural claims. For example, his allegation that there are "no homes for the young generation," because Israel has "demolished 12,000 Palestinian homes and refuses to issue permits to build new ones," is utter nonsense. First of all, since the Oslo process more than 95% of Palestinians live under Palestinian civil rule, thus they go to get building permits from the Palestinian Authority, not from Israel. Second, under Israeli rule Palestinians did get building permits, but with or without permits, Palestinian towns expanded tremendously.

To cite two examples of such growth, just south of Ariel is the West Bank Palestinian town of Salfit. According to a 1986 book written by an Israeli professor of geography, Salfit's growth in this period was unmistakably large: "The total built-up area which was added to the town since 1972 has about doubled. It is now roughly equivalent to that of Ariel (as of mid-1985)." According to the same source, Kifl Harith, another Palestinian town "is growing in all directions." (David Grossman, Jewish and Arab Settlements in the Tulkarm Sub-district, West Bank Data Base Project, Jerusalem, 1986, p25)

The same author, in an academic text published just before the Oslo process commenced, concluded that "The lack of planning in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has resulted in uncontrolled expansion of Arab villages and in irregular urban sprawl." (Rural Process-Pattern Relationships, 1992, Praeger).

If, as Halper claims, Palestinians are not allowed to build and expand, how can there be "uncontrolled expansion" and "irregular urban sprawl"?

Even Palestinian officials contradict Halper's claims, and admit that Palestinians can build, both with and without permits. For example, Khalil Tufakji, the leading Palestinian building and demography expert, and obviously no friend of Israel, stated on CNN that:

(full article online)

CAMERA: The Professor's Truth Demolition
There is no doubt that the Palestinian economy was harmed by the first intifada and the second intifada, but that is hardly the fault of Israel. Of course, the Israeli economy also suffered greatly as a result of the Palestinian turn to violence.

Halper's other claims are just as false as his agricultural claims. For example, his allegation that there are "no homes for the young generation," because Israel has "demolished 12,000 Palestinian homes and refuses to issue permits to build new ones," is utter nonsense. First of all, since the Oslo process more than 95% of Palestinians live under Palestinian civil rule, thus they go to get building permits from the Palestinian Authority, not from Israel. Second, under Israeli rule Palestinians did get building permits, but with or without permits, Palestinian towns expanded tremendously.

To cite two examples of such growth, just south of Ariel is the West Bank Palestinian town of Salfit. According to a 1986 book written by an Israeli professor of geography, Salfit's growth in this period was unmistakably large: "The total built-up area which was added to the town since 1972 has about doubled. It is now roughly equivalent to that of Ariel (as of mid-1985)." According to the same source, Kifl Harith, another Palestinian town "is growing in all directions." (David Grossman, Jewish and Arab Settlements in the Tulkarm Sub-district, West Bank Data Base Project, Jerusalem, 1986, p25)

The same author, in an academic text published just before the Oslo process commenced, concluded that "The lack of planning in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has resulted in uncontrolled expansion of Arab villages and in irregular urban sprawl." (Rural Process-Pattern Relationships, 1992, Praeger).

If, as Halper claims, Palestinians are not allowed to build and expand, how can there be "uncontrolled expansion" and "irregular urban sprawl"?

Even Palestinian officials contradict Halper's claims, and admit that Palestinians can build, both with and without permits. For example, Khalil Tufakji, the leading Palestinian building and demography expert, and obviously no friend of Israel, stated on CNN that:

(full article online)

CAMERA: The Professor's Truth Demolition
First of all, since the Oslo process more than 95% of Palestinians live under Palestinian civil rule, thus they go to get building permits from the Palestinian Authority, not from Israel.
That is Israel's plan to move Palestinians out of area C and into the walled off bantustans.
There is no doubt that the Palestinian economy was harmed by the first intifada and the second intifada, but that is hardly the fault of Israel. Of course, the Israeli economy also suffered greatly as a result of the Palestinian turn to violence.

Halper's other claims are just as false as his agricultural claims. For example, his allegation that there are "no homes for the young generation," because Israel has "demolished 12,000 Palestinian homes and refuses to issue permits to build new ones," is utter nonsense. First of all, since the Oslo process more than 95% of Palestinians live under Palestinian civil rule, thus they go to get building permits from the Palestinian Authority, not from Israel. Second, under Israeli rule Palestinians did get building permits, but with or without permits, Palestinian towns expanded tremendously.

To cite two examples of such growth, just south of Ariel is the West Bank Palestinian town of Salfit. According to a 1986 book written by an Israeli professor of geography, Salfit's growth in this period was unmistakably large: "The total built-up area which was added to the town since 1972 has about doubled. It is now roughly equivalent to that of Ariel (as of mid-1985)." According to the same source, Kifl Harith, another Palestinian town "is growing in all directions." (David Grossman, Jewish and Arab Settlements in the Tulkarm Sub-district, West Bank Data Base Project, Jerusalem, 1986, p25)

The same author, in an academic text published just before the Oslo process commenced, concluded that "The lack of planning in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has resulted in uncontrolled expansion of Arab villages and in irregular urban sprawl." (Rural Process-Pattern Relationships, 1992, Praeger).

If, as Halper claims, Palestinians are not allowed to build and expand, how can there be "uncontrolled expansion" and "irregular urban sprawl"?

Even Palestinian officials contradict Halper's claims, and admit that Palestinians can build, both with and without permits. For example, Khalil Tufakji, the leading Palestinian building and demography expert, and obviously no friend of Israel, stated on CNN that:

(full article online)

CAMERA: The Professor's Truth Demolition
First of all, since the Oslo process more than 95% of Palestinians live under Palestinian civil rule, thus they go to get building permits from the Palestinian Authority, not from Israel.
That is Israel's plan to move Palestinians out of area C and into the walled off bantustans.
Says the protector of those who made sure that there would be no Jews in :

Gaza 1920

TranJordan 1925

Hebron 1929

Judea /Samaria/ Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem 1948

So, you are thinking seriously of sending all of those Arabs to South Africa? Into South African bantustans?

Not sure how they would like that idea. :(
All of the evidence of Hamas' supposed flexibility and willingness to compromise comes from quotes by Hamas to Westerners (including the author) and from other academic papers which have the same flaws. Not once does the author of this paper look at thousands of primary Hamas sources and speeches in Arabic that clearly support the idea that it has always been a terror group hell-bent on destroying Israel and ridding the Middle East of all Jews in any political positions. The words "rocket" or "tunnel" or "bombs" or "attacks" do not appear once in this paper in relation to Hamas.

Because the point of this and so many other academic papers isn't to uncover the truth but to hide it behind a wall of polysyllabic nonsense.

The irony is that the exact same complaint that this quasi-academic has against how the world looks at Hamas so one-dimensionally applies to how her fellow academics that she quotes, like Judith Butler and Jasbir Puar, look at Israel. The very idea of "pinkwashing" is a liberal-approved method of avoiding any complexity in discussing Zionism as anything other than a wholly-evil political movement and Israel as anything other than an oppressive regime. How can Israel be liberal if it is evil? It must be hiding its evil by pretending to be liberal. Complexity and nuance when dealing with a terror group disappears when talking about a modern, liberal, law-based, democratic state.

(full article online)

Idiot academic blames Europe for not embracing Hamas ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

PA Holocaust abuse

PA Holocaust abuse: PA TV misrepresented a photo of concentration camp victims as Arabs, and wrote Jews burned Arabs in ovens

PA TV lie #1: PA TV distorted a photo of victims murdered in a concentration camp. PA erased the images of corpses in striped concentration camp uniforms; erased images of the American soldiers who had liberated the camp; erased images of the concentration camp buildings; and presented photo of the remaining dead bodies as Arab victims of Jews in 1948.

PA TV lie #2: PA TV claimed that the Jewish fighters burned Arabs in ovens in 1948:
"And they [the Jews] burned the women and children in the village's oven"

PA TV lie #3: Photo of victims of massacre in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp by Christian Lebanese was likewise presented as Arab victims of Jews in 1948

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Just days before Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day, Palestinian Authority Holocaust abuse and exploitation has reached a new low. PA TV misappropriated a photo showing hundreds of dead bodies at the Nazi concentration camp at Nordhausen, originally a subcamp of Buchenwald, presenting them as Arabs killed by Jews on April 9, 1948 in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.


(full article online)

PA Holocaust abuse: Photo of concentration camp victims misrepresented as Arab victims of Jews - PMW Bulletins
“I am honored and grateful to God that he chose to let this Palestinian blood run through my veins.”

That April 1 tweet by Arab-American activist Linda Sarsour caught my eye. At first, noting the date of her tweet, I thought that Sarsour might just be kidding around. But no, it was no April Fool’s Day joke. It was just another attempt by Sarsour to make fools out of the American public.

It’s the mass Arab violence at the Gaza border that set Sarsour off on this latest tirade. “Thinking of my Palestinian sisters and others and sending them gratitude for their sacrifices,” she declared in her tweet, vicariously enjoying the thrill of watching other Arabs throw firebombs at Jews, while she tweets from her comfortable home in Brooklyn. Sarsour wrote that she is “honored” to have all that “Palestinian blood” in her veins, because it is “a blood of a courageous, determined and resilient people.”
In the 1500s, the Ottoman Turks conquered El-Bireh. So if that’s when the Sarsours first moved in, Linda would have “Turkish blood.” The British, of course, followed the Turks. Then later came the Jordanians—they occupied El-Bireh from 1948 to 1967. That occupation was a blatant violation of international law, but neither the United Nations nor anybody else ever protested. After all, if it’s not Israel, an “occupier” isn’t worth denouncing.

So, what have we learned about Linda Sarsour’s blood? Well, she might be the descendant of Crusaders, Egyptians, Iraqis, Turks, or Jordanians. But her blood sure isn’t “Palestinian.” Not just because those peoples do not have unique blood types, but because the very concept of a separate “Palestinian” people has no historical basis.

Until recently, the Arab residents of El-Bireh never called themselves “Palestinians.” The very name of their town comes from European Christian invaders, not from any indigenous “Palestinian” source. The Arabs in El-Bireh have the same language, religion, culture, and history as the Arabs in Syria and Jordan.

Obviously there are minor, local differences in the Middle East based on factors such as geography and tribes. People who live in mountains are not absolutely identical to those who live in valleys. People who are descended from one tribe have some customs that are different from those of rival tribes, just as there are minor differences between Southerners and New Englanders in the United States. But such trivial differences do not make them separate nations.

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s “Palestinian blood”
Numerous expressions of Nazi sympathies by Palestinian leadership have been documented and exposed over the years, with the admiration of Adolf Hitler being a key part of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a watchdog which monitors Palestinian media and incitement and has a massive file on the subject, noted that some expressions of sympathy are blatant, while others are more subliminal.

For instance, senior Fatah official Tawfik Tirawi previously stated in a TV interview that “Hitler was not morally corrupt. He was daring.” Tirawi’s approach even offended the Palestinian interviewer who chose to quickly change the topic.

(full article online)

‘Hitler was Daring’: How the Palestinians Revere the Nazis
The Palestinian Authority does not provide the Gaza Strip directly with either water or electricity. It does, however, pay Israel to provide electricity to Gaza. It has been widely reported that due to the conflict between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, the PA cut off its electricity payments to Israel, and Israel has, as a result, cut back on the amount of electricity it provides the Gaza Strip.

As The Los Angeles Times itself reported in February, Hamas-PA discord has resulted in cuts in electricity: "In June, as a punitive measure against Hamas, the Palestinian Authority stopped paying Israel to supply Gaza with electricity, causing the drastic reduction in power." (See here for the corrections that CAMERA prompted on this Times story.)
For good reason though, Ann Simmons' February story does not note punitive measures affecting the flow of water into Gaza. While the Gaza Strip suffers from a severe water shortage, this is not due to any decrease in the amount of water flowing into Gaza, but rather due to a polluted aquifer and the energy shortfalls required to treat the water from subterranean Gaza, along with inadequate infrastructure.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Will Los Angeles Times Substantiate Dubious Charge About Reduced Water Flow Into Gaza?
Gazans demonstrated today in support of the regime that gasses its own people.

A group of people in Gaza City denounced the US-led raids on Syria on Friday night, calling them "continued violations by the US administration on the sovereignty of the Arab countries."

They said that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of evil and terrorism practiced by the US, Britain and France.

Flags from Syria, Iran and Hezbollah were waved.

Hamas does not allow demonstrations that go against its own positions.

(full article online)

Gazans hold demonstration in support of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ahead of the commissioners visit to the Beddawi camp, UNRWA decided to polish the facade of its camp. The Palestinian news site Al-Quds News reports that UNRWA had told the inhabitants of the camp:

1. That they had to remove from schools UNRWA flags carrying ”slogans” against the official UNRWA policies.

2. Visible maps of the Palestinian one state solution in which Israel is erased and replaced by an Arab Palestine had to be removed also.

The removal of one such in the Kawkab-Battouf School for Girls caused a lot of angry feelings among the Palestinian Arabs. Terror organizations like Hamas complained and spoke in Palestinian media of the humiliation among those who had to remove the maps, claiming that the decision violates the so called right of refugees to their identity.

The EU commissioner came, gave some speeches and left.

As soon as the commissioner had left the UNRWA camp, the mighty EU felt it had to comment on the removal of the map in the Kawkab-Battouf School claiming the removal of the map was not a request by the EU.

One day after the visit of the commissioner, the maps that erase Israel and replace it with an Arab fictional Palestine were up again.On a wall in the Kawkab-Battouf School, Palestinian activists filmed an artist painting a map in the shape of Israel including Judea and Samaria, all in the colors of the Palestinian flag. Next to it someone had written ”I am Palestine, not neutral” referring to UNRWA’s official neutrality policy of which the map is a violation.

According to the terror organization PFLP, UNRWA staff participated in the video filmed event which was posted on Facebook. The video clip shows the map being drawn on a wall in the schoolyard inside the UNRWA school in the presence of small girls chanting ”with our blood, with our soul we will liberate you oh Palestine”. They also chanted the very famous terror slogan ”millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem”.

(full article online)

UNRWA, the EU and the map
  • Refuting a fundamental PA public claim that Palestinian terrorist prisoners are internationally recognized "Prisoners of War," former PA Minister of Prisoners admits in court, during cross-examination by the head of PMW's legal division, that 'fewer than five' meet international criteria to be defined as POWs
  • Although the PA glorifies terrorists on a daily basis, PA "Prisoners Day" is a special occasion to honor terrorists and murderers of Israelis
  • PA law states that no peace can ever be reached with Israel without the release of all the terrorist prisoners

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PMW exclusive: Former PA Minister of Prisoners admits: Fewer than 5 Palestinian prisoners are POWs - PMW Bulletins
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