Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
Stupid person who cannot think for himself.
Thank you Mr. Israeli Talking Points.

Happy to help, Mr. Angry Koran Thumper.
You are full of shit.

I have never even seen a Koran.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
Stupid person who cannot think for himself.
Thank you Mr. Israeli Talking Points.

Happy to help, Mr. Angry Koran Thumper.
You are full of shit.

I have never even seen a Koran.

Thank you, Mr. Angry Koran Thumper.
In his March 30/31 castigation of Israel, Geraldo revisited a familiar role. Among previous such Geraldo propaganda bursts are these: In 2012, he fawned over West Bank Palestinian Hanan Ashrawi in a "Geraldo at Large" Fox News Channel special, "Israel Caught in the Crossfire," filmed in Israel and the Palestinian territories, that aired July 8, 2012 (10 PM Eastern). The hour-long documentary – with Geraldo reporting mainly from Israel and his brother Craig reporting from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – dealt with several issues including the chances for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs leading to a "two-state solution." Describing Ashrawi as “a friend I have known for decades,” Geraldo indulged her anti-Israel disinformation. This long-time Geraldo friend has been a long-time anti-Israel propagandist and continues as such.

Ashrawi has discredited herself a number of times – for example, as the only known professing Christian in the otherwise Muslim leadership of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Ashrawi gave a press conference in 1991 in which she replied to a question in self-righteous indignation, “I find your reference to 'Judea and Samaria' a statement of extreme bias, and rather offensive. I am a Palestinian Christian, and I know what Christianity is. I am a descendant of the first Christians in the world, and Jesus Christ was born in my country, in my land. Bethlehem is a Palestinian town. So I will not accept this one-upmanship on Christianity. Nobody has the monopoly." (Washington Post, “The Practiced Palestinian,” Caryle Murphy, Nov. 4, 1991)

But if Ashrawi is in fact a "descendant of the first Christians in the world," as she describes herself, she would be a descendant of ancient Israeli Jews not the descendant of Arabs as she is presumably. Furthermore, although Ashrawi denies the existence of Judea and Samaria, Israel's names for the West Bank, the names are mentioned in the Christian New Testament in well known passages Matt. 2:1 and Acts 1:8 in the context of land resided in by Israeli Jews (this was perhaps a thousand years before the establishment of the first Arab communities in the Holy Land which happened well after conquering Muslim Arab armies had swept across the continent from the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century C.E.). Evidently, Ashrawi is either ignorant or deceitful about all this. This is Geraldo's long-time friend whose influence is likely to have led to his misperception of the conflict with the Palestinians.

Interestingly, Geraldo is not the only highly visible American newsman who was likely to have been influenced by Ashrawi to mislead viewers about Israel. Former ABC News anchor Peter Jennings, when he was head of the ABC bureau in Beirut, Lebanon in the 1970s, had a serious relationship with Ashrawi in Beirut where she was a graduate student in literature at the American University. This relationship was reported by U.S. News & World Report in 1991, Washington Post of Sept. 17, 2001 and Daily Mail (London) of Sept. 20, 2001. Jennings frequently misreported and fabricated information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict beginning in the 1970s and continuing through his career as an anchor for ABC's World News Tonight.

In March 26, 2010, Geraldo launched verbal assaults on Israel in an appearance on Fox and Friends in which he accused an allegedly anti-peace, obstructionist Israel of focusing on the Iranian threat in order to divert attention from its own supposed intransigence. His tirade also included the baseless allegation that Israel is responsible for American difficulties vis-a-vis the entire Middle East and the Muslim world.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Fox News Channel Airs Geraldo Rivera’s Anti-Israel Disinformation
A Hamas terrorist was killed on Sunday when a tunnel collapsed on him in central Gaza.

According to the International Middle East Media Center, the incident took place near Deir al-Balah.

The terrorist, a member of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades, was identified as Tha’er Nayef az-Zare’ey, 30.

(full article online)

Hamas terrorist killed in Gaza tunnel collapse
A recent survey from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research shows that a vast majority of Palestinian Arabs say that the Palestinian Authority is corrupt.

Answering the question "Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions of the Palestinian Authority? " 78% said "yes."

But it goes beyond financial or similar corruption. The people are frightened of their own government, as in all autocracies.

In answer to the question "In your view, can people in the West Bank today criticize the authority
without fear?" an astonishing 65.% of those living under that authority answered "no."

If the PA is corrupt and citizens are afraid to say anything against it out loud, then what kind of a state would it become?

(full article online)

Two thirds of West Bank Palestinians are afraid to criticize Abbas' government ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
How your country has dealt with Ahlam Tamimi illustrates the point dramatically. There’s no need for us to tell you that among Jordanians, she’s a celebrity, a figure of huge admiration who has appeared often in your media and has a high public profile. For instance she shared a public platform with several Jordanian lawmakers and a former Jordanian prime minister just a few weeks ago [“05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin“].

But this is an open letter, so we will explain to our readers that Tamimi is an admitted agent of Hamas, the first female to be recruited by the Islamist terrorists and – in terms of lives extinguished and grief inflicted – one of their most productive. She boasts explicitly and often of the killings she masterminded and executed at the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. She takes credit for choosing a site where significant numbers of children could be blown to pieces. Jewish children, of course; she makes clear that for her the conflict and the homicides are all about religion.

(full article online)

Extradite Tamimi: An open letter to Jordan’s media minister
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.
Nice duck.

I think we have a robot in our threads.
[ If any Jewish person did anything like that during the 1300 years of Muslim and Christian occupation of the Land of Israel, they would have been killed, slowly, or right away. ]

As is customary in her family, Janna stands very close to the soldiers, enjoying the freedom to curse young men who would not dare touch her because IDF soldiers don’t hit 12-year-old children, even the crazy ones.

(full article online)

Janna Tamimi, 12, Replacing Imprisoned Cousin Ahed in Cursing, Harrassing IDF Soldiers
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.

Indeed, you found a need to use your usual slogans as a retreat to your safe zone because you’re unable to address the facts presented.
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

Who were they throwing stones at if the IDF (Israeli Doofus Force) was not there?

It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.

Indeed, you found a need to use your usual slogans as a retreat to your safe zone because you’re unable to address the facts presented.
What facts? Like the Palestinians throwing stones at nobody?
It doesn't matter who they were throwing stones at. This was just another staged photo-op that Pallywood Studios would hope to use. They do have a desire to placate the rabid Jooooooo hatreds that sustains folks like you.
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.

Indeed, you found a need to use your usual slogans as a retreat to your safe zone because you’re unable to address the facts presented.
What facts? Like the Palestinians throwing stones at nobody?
Me thinks you might need some new glasses :)
Nice duck.

I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.

Indeed, you found a need to use your usual slogans as a retreat to your safe zone because you’re unable to address the facts presented.
What facts? Like the Palestinians throwing stones at nobody?
Me thinks you might need some new glasses :)
You didn't read my post.
I need only present you with the facts and you’re forced to retreat to all the same slogans and cliches you litter every thread with.

You certainly are predictable.
Indeed, every time you duck I say nice duck.

Indeed, you found a need to use your usual slogans as a retreat to your safe zone because you’re unable to address the facts presented.
What facts? Like the Palestinians throwing stones at nobody?
Me thinks you might need some new glasses :)
You didn't read my post.
So, which event exactly are you speaking of, where according to you there were no IDF soldiers there?

Were there Israeli cars passing by?
Were there Israeli civilians walking by?

They were not sitting at some pond and throwing pebbles, stones or rocks into it, now were they?
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