Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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So, which event exactly are you speaking of, where according to you there were no IDF soldiers there?
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

I know you have a reading comprehension problem, but do try to keep up.
So, which event exactly are you speaking of, where according to you there were no IDF soldiers there?
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

I know you have a reading comprehension problem, but do try to keep up.
I will keep up when you are clear as to what you are talking about.

All Ahed had to do was mind her own business, let the soldiers do their job and look for those who were throwing stones at cars, etc, and they would have left without an issue.

But being ill-bred by the Tamimi family from Bosnia, she (and now her 12 year old sister) have no other choice but to do what they have been programmed to do, and do it so well.

Ahed, not only delivered curses at the soldiers but assaulted one of them.

She deserves what she is getting .

It is doubtful that it will make her think twice about what her clan is all about, but.....it is not the one and only clan to behave that way, generation after generation of Jew hating indoctrination.

So, which event exactly are you speaking of, where according to you there were no IDF soldiers there?
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

I know you have a reading comprehension problem, but do try to keep up.
I will keep up when you are clear as to what you are talking about.

All Ahed had to do was mind her own business, let the soldiers do their job and look for those who were throwing stones at cars, etc, and they would have left without an issue.

But being ill-bred by the Tamimi family from Bosnia, she (and now her 12 year old sister) have no other choice but to do what they have been programmed to do, and do it so well.

Ahed, not only delivered curses at the soldiers but assaulted one of them.

She deserves what she is getting .

It is doubtful that it will make her think twice about what her clan is all about, but.....it is not the one and only clan to behave that way, generation after generation of Jew hating indoctrination.

let the soldiers do their job
Like steal land and kill people?
So, which event exactly are you speaking of, where according to you there were no IDF soldiers there?
Last Friday she delivered her curses IDF soldiers who had entered the village after reports of stone-throwing.​

I know you have a reading comprehension problem, but do try to keep up.
I will keep up when you are clear as to what you are talking about.

All Ahed had to do was mind her own business, let the soldiers do their job and look for those who were throwing stones at cars, etc, and they would have left without an issue.

But being ill-bred by the Tamimi family from Bosnia, she (and now her 12 year old sister) have no other choice but to do what they have been programmed to do, and do it so well.

Ahed, not only delivered curses at the soldiers but assaulted one of them.

She deserves what she is getting .

It is doubtful that it will make her think twice about what her clan is all about, but.....it is not the one and only clan to behave that way, generation after generation of Jew hating indoctrination.

let the soldiers do their job
Like steal land and kill people?
It would be greatly appreciated if you would stop answering posts like a child.

Work on it.
Here's another gem from the PCPSR poll taken of Palestinians last month.

Q: If reaching a peace agreement that leads to the creation of a Palestinian state side by side with the state of Israel requires allowing Israeli Jews to live in the Palestinian state either as citizens or as residents while enjoying the same rights
and duties enjoyed by Palestinian Christians and Muslims, would by support or oppose that?

62.6% oppose equal rights for Jewish citizens in a Palestinian state, and only 30.6% support.

Even though the question calls them "Israeli Jews," they are obviously no longer Israeli if they are citizens, so this means that Palestinians overwhelmingly oppose equal rights for Jews in their state.

(full article online)

Palestinians oppose equal rights for Jews by a 2-1 margin ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist
responsible for murder of 125 Israelis

  • The Martyr Abu Jihad Camp was held at PA National Security Forces facility
  • PA Ministry of Information: "Abu Jihad, the one of a kind military mind... his heritage will remain... a source of inspiration for our resistance"
  • PA Ministry of Education: Radio broadcasts in all PA schools "were dedicated to talking about the life of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir"
  • Fatah: "Those who outlined their path in blood cannot disappear, We are loyal to your path, O heroes"
  • Fatah: "Let us continue attacking"
  • Fatah: "A people whose leaders are Martyrs will triumph, Allah willing"
(full article online)

Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist responsible for murder of 125 Israelis - PMW Bulletins
The editor of Ma'an, Dr. Nasser al Laham, considered a moderate, independent publication, has gone completely off the rails in his editorial about Israel's 70th birthday.

Just the first paragraph could keep psychiatrists busy for months:

Thousands of statements made by the leaders of the Zionist movements these days can be summed up in one sentence: "Israel will not collapse and the Jews will not flee to Europe again)." In fact, this denial confirms to the world that Israel is still liable to collapse and that its Jews will flee to their hometowns in Europe again eventually.

(full article online)

Mainstream, educated Palestinians still expect Jews to eventually flee ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Several people were injured in the attacks, local sources told the news agency on condition of anonymity due to security concerns.

According to the sources, regime forces were trying to advance from the southern side of the camp, which accommodates some 2,500 families, amid heavy bombardment.

The attacks come after the regime and the Islamic State (ISIS) group failed to reach a deal on evacuating the group’s jihadists from Yarmouk and its vicinity.

In 2016, ISIS seized most of the neighborhood from Al-Qaeda, which had been controlling it until that time.

The Yarmouk "refugee camp" is in fact a sprawling neighborhood at the southern edge of Damascus. Most of the Palestinian Arabs who live there are descendants of Arab refugees from Israel's War of Independence, though few are themselves refugees.

There are thousands of people registered as Palestinian refugees in Israel’s neighboring countries, including Lebanon and Syria. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have limited work options and are refused citizenship.

(full article online)

20 civilians killed in 'Palestinian refugee camp' in Syria
European groups have reportedly recently made a proposal to the terrorists of Hamas who rule Gaza. According to the proposal, Hamas would relinquish the “armed struggle” against Israel for at least five years. In exchange, an institution established by the EU would run and finance Gaza’s humanitarian affairs.

Does this ring any bells?

It should, because it is essentially a rehash of numerous Western failures to appease despotic regimes by rewarding them, instead of punishing their aggression. It did not work with Hitler in 1938 or with the disastrous 2015 deal with the Iranian ayatollah regime. It will not work with Hamas either.

Instead of “Peace in our time”, British Prime Minister Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler paved the way to the Second World War. Obama’s Iran deal filled the Iranian regime’s coffers with billions of dollars for simply postponing its nuclear weapons. It has also emboldened Tehran to step up its imperialist ambitions, as is evident with its aggressive military buildup on Israel’s northern border.

Hamas’ “armed struggle” is a euphemism for Israel’s destruction as it is explicitly stated in Hamas’s genocidal charter. Instead of demanding that Hamas end its aggression against Israel, Europe offers significant financial rewards to Hamas for merely postponing it.

This initiative illustrates once again the vast gulf between Europe’s declared noble goals and its actions that fundamentally undermine any fragile hope of peace between Israel and its neighbors. The same EU that blames Israel for the lack of peace is bankrolling the very enemies of peace who are seeking Israel’s destruction.

(full article online)

The EU and Hamas, Paving the Road to Hell
According to Arab reports picked up by the Jerusalem Post, Amman “began the process of revoking the Jordanian citizenship of about 30 Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials and their families,” including PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Many Senior Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials, including Abbas and his two sons, were given Jordanian citizenship over a decade ago, a Jordanian official disclosed in early 2011 . . .

The report did not disclose any information as to why Jordan decided to begin the process of revoking the Palestinian leaders’ citizenship now.

(full article online)

Jordan Moves to Revoke Mahmoud Abbas's Citizenship | HonestReporting
[ Arab first, Christian second, Palestinian third )

“We must liberate Americans from the Zionist lobby,” she told Fishkoff, in what she said was her first interview with an American Jewish publication. “People are very misinformed. Raising awareness for Americans is very important.”

Zoabi blasted American left-wing, progressive Jews in the interview for not completely giving up their support for Israel.

“Anyone who is not anti-Zionist, who perceives himself as a left-wing Zionist, must recognize their complicity in the tragedy of the Palestinians,” Zoabi said. “You are either anti-Zionist and realize the colonialist dimension of Israel as a Jewish state, or you have to take responsibility for the oppression of the Palestinians.”

Zoabi called for the dissolving Israel and replacing it with either two states – one secular, one Palestinian – or, ideally, one binational secular state with self-determination for both Jews and Palestinians. She said Jews outside Israel had no claim on that land and never did. But “70 years of reality” but Jews inside Israel were a fact on the ground and had rights.

(full article online)

Zoabi: Liberate US Jews from Zionist lobby
Describing the problem of the spread of marijuana nurseries in the Palestinian Authority, the chief of Tulkarem Police, Azzam Jabara, claimed “Israel is the number one cause of the spread of drugs in the Palestinian areas” and that this is done deliberately to destroy the Palestinian future:

“Tulkarem Police Chief Azzam Jabara said that Israel is the main cause of the spread of the [marijuana] nurseries and [its] distribution in Palestinian society...
He explained that the occupation (i.e., PA euphemism for Israel) intentionally does not pursue those who distribute drugs in the Palestinian territories, despite it knowing who they are, and this is while those who distribute them among the Jews are arrested and severe measures are taken against them. He added that this proves that the occupation is the number one cause of the spread of drugs in the Palestinian areas, in order to destroy the young generations and thus destroy the whole society."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 23, 2018]

This allegation is often made by the PA. Palestinian Media Watch reported earlier this year that PA Chairman Abbas said that “Israel is exporting drugs to us in frightening amounts.”

(full article online)

PA police libel: Israel “is the number one cause of the spread of drugs in the Palestinian areas” - PMW Bulletins
Every once in a while there will be a feel-good article about an initiative like Seeds of Peace. But the news story that you will almost never see is how the Palestinians are so dead-set against these programs.

And so is UNRWA!

The best synopsis of the problems that Seeds of Peace and similar programs have in the territories comes buried in the middle of this 2014 Haaretz article on the group:

" The idea of bringing together ordinary Israelis, Palestinians and others from conflict zones in a neutral setting so they can meet and get to know each other across the sectarian divide is such an obviously good idea that few in Israel have dared to challenge its basic assumptions.

Not so on the Palestinian side, where any hint of “normalization” with the Israeli occupier has become a crippling curse. The Seeds of Peace center in Jerusalem was closed at the start of the Second Intifada after Palestinian schools, including those operated by UNRWA, refused to endorse their pupils participating in its activities."

(full article online)

Why doesn't the media report on Palestinians rejecting coexistence programs like Seeds of Peace? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
PA president Abbas' official spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeina, said that any alternative peace plan to the minimum Palestinian demand for Jerusalem, 1967 lines, "right of return" and so forth is doomed to failure and will be rejected outright.

But then he added the mob-style threat that every PLO and PA and Fatah leader always adds, saying that any peace plan that doesn't adhere to the Palestinian demands "will create more tension and instability in the region and the world."

You can almost hear him saying, "We don't want you to get hurt, see?"

Western leaders simply ignore these threats, as if they weren't an admission that Palestinians and their supporters are violent, irrational people who will instigate violence unless they are mollified with every demand fully met. People just waiting for the signal to come out and start a war or a terror spree.

(full article online)

Palestinian Mafia: Abbas' spokesman again threatens the world if they don't get what they demand ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ What the conflict has always been about - retaking Muslim conquered territory ]

Using the term “Palestine Cause” rather than “Palestinian cause” indicates the Arab world now intends focusing on recovering territory lost in the 1967 Six Day War without necessarily creating another Palestinian Arab state.

(full article online)

April's Arab Summit: A surprise for PLO, Jordan and Israel
Every once in a while there will be a feel-good article about an initiative like Seeds of Peace. But the news story that you will almost never see is how the Palestinians are so dead-set against these programs.

And so is UNRWA!

The best synopsis of the problems that Seeds of Peace and similar programs have in the territories comes buried in the middle of this 2014 Haaretz article on the group:

" The idea of bringing together ordinary Israelis, Palestinians and others from conflict zones in a neutral setting so they can meet and get to know each other across the sectarian divide is such an obviously good idea that few in Israel have dared to challenge its basic assumptions.

Not so on the Palestinian side, where any hint of “normalization” with the Israeli occupier has become a crippling curse. The Seeds of Peace center in Jerusalem was closed at the start of the Second Intifada after Palestinian schools, including those operated by UNRWA, refused to endorse their pupils participating in its activities."

(full article online)

Why doesn't the media report on Palestinians rejecting coexistence programs like Seeds of Peace? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An Israeli and a Palestinian can be the best of friends, but the Israeli will go home to his cush settlement and the Palestinian will go home to find his house has been demolished.

So, what is the point?
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