Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Every once in a while there will be a feel-good article about an initiative like Seeds of Peace. But the news story that you will almost never see is how the Palestinians are so dead-set against these programs.

And so is UNRWA!

The best synopsis of the problems that Seeds of Peace and similar programs have in the territories comes buried in the middle of this 2014 Haaretz article on the group:

" The idea of bringing together ordinary Israelis, Palestinians and others from conflict zones in a neutral setting so they can meet and get to know each other across the sectarian divide is such an obviously good idea that few in Israel have dared to challenge its basic assumptions.

Not so on the Palestinian side, where any hint of “normalization” with the Israeli occupier has become a crippling curse. The Seeds of Peace center in Jerusalem was closed at the start of the Second Intifada after Palestinian schools, including those operated by UNRWA, refused to endorse their pupils participating in its activities."

(full article online)

Why doesn't the media report on Palestinians rejecting coexistence programs like Seeds of Peace? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An Israeli and a Palestinian can be the best of friends, but the Israeli will go home to his cush settlement and the Palestinian will go home to find his house has been demolished.

So, what is the point?

Those quaint witticisms are so cute. Did you steal them fom YouTube?
Every once in a while there will be a feel-good article about an initiative like Seeds of Peace. But the news story that you will almost never see is how the Palestinians are so dead-set against these programs.

And so is UNRWA!

The best synopsis of the problems that Seeds of Peace and similar programs have in the territories comes buried in the middle of this 2014 Haaretz article on the group:

" The idea of bringing together ordinary Israelis, Palestinians and others from conflict zones in a neutral setting so they can meet and get to know each other across the sectarian divide is such an obviously good idea that few in Israel have dared to challenge its basic assumptions.

Not so on the Palestinian side, where any hint of “normalization” with the Israeli occupier has become a crippling curse. The Seeds of Peace center in Jerusalem was closed at the start of the Second Intifada after Palestinian schools, including those operated by UNRWA, refused to endorse their pupils participating in its activities."

(full article online)

Why doesn't the media report on Palestinians rejecting coexistence programs like Seeds of Peace? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An Israeli and a Palestinian can be the best of friends, but the Israeli will go home to his cush settlement and the Palestinian will go home to find his house has been demolished.

So, what is the point?

Or the Jew can find himself raped and expelled from his town as the payment for "protection" wans't enough to hold that "friendship".

I'm saying as a member of a family that held business almost continuously for the last 100 years with one Arab family, and this is something we both agree upon.

The friendship You're talking about only exists during and because both cultures value guest honor as a highest form of virtue. Once we're outside the walls of each others' house we know what are the forms of each culture.

This sums up the whole of the conflict - who's the guest and who's the house owner.

Simple, true and devastating. Middle East.
P F Tinmore

The point is that going back to the same conditions that harbored the civil war is not a solution in anyway.
Hippy visions are only good for the west, if at all.
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It is worth remembering that the entire reason the UN and many nations recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians is because of Oslo, especially the letter than Yasir Arafat wrote recognizing Israel and repudiating terror.

If the PLO decides to nullify its recognition of Israel, then shouldn't it be kicked out of the UN?

The answer is, obviously it won't, because the second Intifada that the PLO wholeheartedly supported didn't even cause the slightest ripple in the world's support for the terror

(full article online)

PLO "Palestinian National Council" to meet tomorrow, might call to sever ties with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The silence of the PA leadership regarding the tragic fate of their so-called Palestinian brethren in Syria is because they feel no brethren-ship. After all, as they say of themselves, they are from Egypt, Syria or Saudi Arabia. There is no such thing as a Palestinian.

Therefore, why should they care about what happens to unrelated people in another Arab country? Let the Egyptian leadership worry about the Palestinians who are really Egyptian; let the Saudi Arabian leadership worry about the Palestinians who are really Saudis. And the Palestinians who are really Syrian? Caught in their own civil war. Oh well.

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Here is why the PA does not care about Palestinians killed in Syria - Israel Diaries
Abu Jihad, responsible for killing 125 was:

"A soul that still dwells in our hearts" "a battleship," "great" "unique commander" "fearless," "provided an example of heroism and loyalty" "sacrificed"

His attacks were:

"Acts of heroism" "prominent operations" "self-sacrificing operations" "shattered the occupation's mentality" "a school for struggle"


"This great man should not leave our minds or the consciousness of these great generations" "We draw confidence, a spirit of sacrifice, and a desire to continue the struggle from this magnificent anniversary"

"His path and history will remain in our hearts forever"

And the Student union at Al-Quds Open University held:

"The Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' Tournament"

(full article online)

Endless superlatives to honor a Palestinian killer, in official PA and Fatah media - PMW Bulletins

It is worth remembering that the entire reason the UN and many nations recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians is because of Oslo, especially the letter than Yasir Arafat wrote recognizing Israel and repudiating terror.

If the PLO decides to nullify its recognition of Israel, then shouldn't it be kicked out of the UN?

The answer is, obviously it won't, because the second Intifada that the PLO wholeheartedly supported didn't even cause the slightest ripple in the world's support for the terror

(full article online)

PLO "Palestinian National Council" to meet tomorrow, might call to sever ties with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

To my knowledge no member state has ever been expelled from the UN. Here have been instances of suspension.

So it seems unlikely.
According to Channel 10, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman tells American Jewish leaders the Palestinians must accept the peace offers presented to them or “be quiet and stop complaining.”

The Palestinian leadership, over the past four decades, has “squandered opportunities again and again” to reach a peace deal, he is quoted as saying.

(full article online)

TV: Saudi crown prince blasts Abbas, says Palestinians must stop ‘complaining’
The Bundestag resolution “decidedly rejected” the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and said that whoever wants to live in Germany, “even if only temporarily,” must recognize Israel’s right to exist — likely a reference to suspected imported anti-Semitism by more than a million refugees from Muslim countries who entered Germany in 2015.

“Israel’s right to exist and security are for us non-negotiable,” the resolution read, reiterating Merkel’s statement, made in 2008 in the Knesset, that Israel’s security is part of Germany’s “raison d’etre.”

(full article online)

The antisemitic Palestinian Authority narrative that Zionism was a European scheme to get rid of the Jews, because Jews were damaging European society, was repeated last week by a senior advisor of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Mahmoud Al-Habbash charged that after WWII Europe supported the establishment of Israel because they "wanted to get rid of the presence of the Jews of Europe."

Al-Habbash, one of the most important religious figures in the PA, repeated the PA narrative that the European animosity toward the Jews was because the Jews "had a monopoly over the economy and capital" - a particularly absurd accusation following WWII, and the destruction of most of European Jewry in the Nazi concentration camps.

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Abbas' Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs:
"After World War II ended, the colonialist states wanted to get rid of the presence of the Jews of Europe, who had a monopoly over the economy and capital. Therefore, they supported these claims and helped them establish their state on the land of Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people, who are still suffering from this crime."

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 24, 2018]

(full article online)

Europe's desire to get rid of remaining Jews after WWII made it support Zionism, says Abbas advisor - PMW Bulletins
UNRWA has expressed shock at the destruction and human cost of the ongoing battle.

The regime had warned armed fighters in the camp that it would assault them this month. ISIS claimed many of its men had left, leaving HTS and other extremist factions behind to face the assault.

On April 19, the Syrian regime, and some allied Palestinian militia began to shell the Yarmouk neighborhood.

Once home to 160,000 people, it has been gutted and reduced to rubble over the last years as it was under siege.

Many of the Palestinians who once lived there have fled, but estimates noted that thousands still remained.

(full article online)

Syrian regime bombing Palestinian camp to root out ISIS
[ Lest the world forget, what the Arabs of Palestine Mandate were doing during WWII
Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood ]

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said that the Holocaust was not caused by anti-Semitsm, but by the “social behavior” of the Jews, including money-lending.

In a long and rambling at speech in Ramallah at a rare session of the Palestinian National Council, Abbas touched on a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during what he called a “history lesson,” as he sought to prove the 3,000 year-old Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is false.

(full article online)

Abbas says Jews’ behavior, not anti-Semitism, caused the Holocaust
The arrests came after Israel Police and Shin Bet became aware of the plan to open fire on IDF service personnel at a bus stop outside Oranit, an Israeli community close to Rosh Ha'ayin. A town of about 9,000 residents, it straddles the 1948 ceasefire line - the so-called Kav Hayarok or Green Line. It's located about 30 kilometers (say, 20 miles) from Israel's business center, Tel Aviv.

It emerged from the interrogation, as well, that
Atun and Amira traveled to Turkey last year to visit Hamas figures Mahmoud Atun and Musa Azari [sic], who were exiled under the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange, and received thousands of dollars to help fund the attack.The name "Musa Azari" might be a mistake. We suspect it should have been Musa al-Akari about whom we posted this

In a conversation with Ynet, the terrorist's 16-year-old son, Hamza, said he looked up to his father's acts. "I'm proud of my father. I'm not sad that he died a martyr." The police agreed for the family to bury al-Akari at midnight in the presence of up to 35 people... The terrorist's brother is Musa al-Akari, a prisoner released in the Shalit deal and deported to Turkey. He was a member of the Hamas cell that murdered border police officer Nissim Toledano in 1992. Al-Akari, 38, a father of five from the Shuafat refugee camp, arrived at the Light Rail station in the afternoon and ran over anyone who crossed his path. He was shot to death by a border police team that was on site after he exited the vehicle and attempted to attack passersby. Hamas has taken responsibility for the attack. [Ynet. November 5, 2014]
The Atun brothers of Sur Baher have a long and deep history of terrorist activity.
  1. In addition to Izz al-Din Atun indicted today, there are
  2. Munir Marwat Atun and his brother the well-named Jihad Atun who were both arrested for being members of another terrorist/shooter cell seven years ago ["Shin Bet Nabbed Five Members of Hamas-linked Terror Cell in Jerusalem", Haaretz, April 8, 2011].
  3. A fourth brother, Mahmoud Atun was serving a life sentence in 2011 for murdering three Israelis, including (as noted above) Border Police Sgt.-Maj. Nissim Toledano, 29, in December 1992. After being incomprehensibly freed by Israel in the catastrophic Shalit Deal of October 2011, he's now one of the Hamas king-pins who freely orchestrate murderous attacks on Israelis from their Turkish safe haven.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 01-May-18: Again, Shalit Deal 'graduates' are behind a major but thwarted Arab-on-Israeli terror attack
[ The question remains.....why doesn't the PA build its own electricity infrastructure .....billions given gone to waste ]

“This anchor agreement not only constitutes an unprecedented financial achievement; it also constitutes an important milestone in regulating electricity commercial relations between the Israeli and Palestinian electric companies.”

Energy and Infrastructure Minister Yuval Steinitz called the settlement a “breakthrough, both in the measures for payment of the Palestinian debt to IEC and Israel, and in arranging future relations to prevent more debts from emerging in the future. With the signing of the agreement, we will be able to make progress with the Palestinians in developing a modern electrical grid according to the model of the sub-station we inaugurated in Jenin.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Settles Electricity Debt with Israel, Signs New Power Deal
PA officials told Al-Hayat that Abbas plans to ask the PNC to freeze its recognition of Israel and suspend the agreements signed with the Jewish State until it recognizes the state of Palestine.

A member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Dr. Ahmad Majdalani, said that “the PLO will take a decision to stop the financing of the coup” in Gaza, explaining: “We will take the decisions that we had to take 11 years ago when the coup took place.”

“The time has come for the Palestinian Authority to stop funding the Hamas rule, because this is the only way to end the division,” he said.

(full article online)

Report: PA to Freeze Recognition of Israel, Dry Up Hamas
Germany’s foreign minister Wednesday condemned a speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in which he claimed that the Holocaust was the result of Jews’ own “social behavior” rather than anti-Semitism.

Heiku Maas tweeted that Germany was responsible for “one of the worst crimes in history, and, “therefore, we must respond resolutely to any anti-Semitic expression,” he said, linking to an article about Abbas’s Monday night speech.

Abbas, who has faced accusations of anti-Semitism in the past, suggested in an address to a meeting of the Palestinian National Council on Monday night that Jews’ relations with banking had led to hostility against them. The speech has sparked outrage in Israel.

The incendiary content of Abbas’s Monday speech, which was reported by The Times of Israel late that night, was not included in the official Palestinian news agency’s English press release about his address or in most initial international coverage of his speech.

In an unusual move, the European Union also condemned Abbas for “unacceptable remarks” he made in the speech.

“The speech Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivered on 30 April contained unacceptable remarks concerning the origins of the Holocaust and Israel’s legitimacy,” a spokesman for the EU’s diplomatic service said in a statement.

“Such rhetoric will only play into the hands of those who do not want a two-state solution, which President Abbas has repeatedly advocated.”

The EU stressed the importance of Holocaust education in minimizing hatred, and rejected any forms of anti-Semitism.

“The Holocaust and World War Two have defined Europe’s modern history like no other event. Holocaust education remains central to building up resilience against all forms of hatred in our societies,” the statement read. “Anti-Semitism is not only a threat for Jews but a fundamental menace to our open and liberal societies. The European Union remains committed to combat any form of anti-Semitism and any attempt to condone, justify or grossly trivialize the Holocaust.”

The condemnation was unusual, as a few months ago the same body refused to comment on a controversial speech by Abbas, saying it wouldn’t respond to speeches.

The United Nations envoy to the region also condemned Abbas, saying that he “chose to use his speech at the opening of the Palestinian National Council to repeat some of the most contemptuous anti-Semitic slurs.”

(full article online)

Germany slams Abbas for ‘anti-Semitic’ remarks; EU, UN call speech unacceptable
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