Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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He basically blamed the Jews for the Holocaust and every pogrom they suffered.
Said Jews brought it upon themselves because they're socially misfit. and because of rich Jews.

He closed that banal circus -with a speech about "there're no Jewish people"...while talking about the 'Jewish problem". :cuckoo:

If he had a Swastika sticking out of his bottom You'd still refuse to acknowledge it.
The PFLP terror group issued a statement about how bad things are in Gaza.

Unlike Western reports that automatically blame everything on Israel, this Arabic statement accurately places the blame on the party that is responsible - the Palestinian Authority.

The PFLP is not exactly Zionist. But they see the situation in Gaza and who is responsible - not Israel's "blockade." The PA has been systematically cutting services to Gaza for over a year now and the Western press rarely reports about it, because Arabs are expected to act with callous disregard to other Arab lives.

(full article online)

Gazans know that the PA - not Israel - is responsible for their problems. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Fayez Rashid, writing in Al Watan, supported Abbas' words about Jews as well, saying that they were historical facts supported by Jews like Ilan Pappe. He is no Fatah flunky though - the bulk of his article criticized the rest of Abbas' speech.

The condemnations of Abbas' antisemitism by the UN and Israel were covered extensively in Arabic language media over the past day.

As usual, one needs to look at what they don't say as well as what they do. I did not find a single Arabic-language media source that condemned or even chided Abbas for his absurd and offensive statement about Jews. The tone of the articles is more along the lines of how pro-Jewish the West is by making a big deal over Abbas' words.

This incident is not just an indictment of Abbas' Jew-hatred. The complete lack of condemnation, and the tacit support offered by some, shows that antisemitism is a fundamental part of the Arab worldview.

(full article online)

Arab officials and media defend Abbas' antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On April 26, 2018, Defense for Children International – Palestine’s (DCI-P) International Advocacy Officer Brad Parker spoke in Ottawa. Alongside UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk and leader of the Green Party of Canada Elizabeth May, the event “Rights under Endless Occupation: Israel/Palestine Discussion,” was hosted by the Mennonite Central Committee and the United Church of Canada.

Parker’s presentation repeated the false claims and methodological flaws that are typical of DCI-P’s advocacy and reports (see NGO Monitor’s “No Way to Represent a Child: Defense for Children International – Palestine’s Distortions of the Israeli Justice System”).

At one point, Parker outright lied to the audience. He described a theoretical scenario where he threw a rock at a car as it is driving, thereby breaking its window. Parker stated that he “might” get arrested, and proceeds to ask the audience if he would go to jail. The audience remained largely silent, so Parker answered for them, with “no.”

In contrast to Parker’s statements and his minimization of violence, according to Canada’s Criminal Code (430(2)), “Every one who commits mischief that causes actual danger to life is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life” (emphasis added). Indeed, there are numerous cases in Canada where both minors and adults have thrown stones and been charged with “mischief endangering life,” and therefore faced this maximum sentence.

Here are a few examples:

  • In December 2016, two teens (aged 13 and 14) from Peterborough, Ontario were charged “after rocks thrown from a highway overpass smashed through windshields.” They were charged with 15 counts of “mischief endangering life.”
(full article online)

So you can’t go to jail for throwing stones in Canada, eh?
There is already a good book on Zionism.

Following PMW's report, 14 members of Congress sent a letter to the Secretary of State citing the documentation in PMW's report, and concluding: "... we urge you to immediately suspend all aid payments to the Palestinian Authority." [Washington Free Beacon, May 1, 2018]

PMW's report exposed that the Palestinian Authority budget for 2018 includes payments to terrorists and the families of so-called "Martyrs." PMW's report also included the following statement by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas explicitly rejecting America's demands to stop paying salaries to terrorist prisoners:

From PMW's report p. 2:

Even before the Taylor Force Act (TFA) was signed into law and before the PA demonstrated its rejection through its budget, the PA publicly announced that it rejected the demands of the TFA:

a) PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the PLO Central Council:
"There is something that the Americans are telling us to stop - the salaries of the Martyrs and the Martyrs' families. Of course, we categorically reject this. We will not under any circumstances allow anyone to harm the families of the prisoners, the wounded, and the Martyrs. They are our children and they are our families. They honor us, and we will continue to pay them before the living."
[Official PA TV, Jan. 14, 2018]

(full article online)

14 Members of Congress call to stop aid to PA, citing PMW documentation - PMW Bulletins
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I didn't say anything wrong. I have nothing to apologize for. Honestly, I am mystified about why what I said offended anyone, but, you know, Jews control the media so they made a big deal over this in order to discredit me. However, I know that I'm expected to apologize for something, so I'll just say that I'm sorry you decided to interpret my comments in a way that offends you. (See what I did there?)

Of course I respect Judaism and Christianity, because the Koran says that they are divine religions. However, the place for Christians and Jews in the Muslim world, and in Palestine in particular, is as second class citizens at best.

“I would also like to reiterate our long held condemnation of the Holocaust, as the most heinous crime in history, and express our sympathy with its victims.”

The Holocaust was heinous because it prompted Jews to come to Palestine and the UN to allow Israel to become a state. The Palestinian Arab exodus from Palestine is the real catastrophe (Nakba.) Therefore, the Palestinians are the major victims of the Holocaust and I express sympathy for them.

“Likewise, we condemn anti-Semitism in all its forms, and confirm our commitment to the two-state solution, and to live side by side in peace and security.”

Arabs are Semites, so therefore we are against anti-Semitism. As I said in my speech, Jews aren't Semites - they descend from the Khazars. So anti-Semitism is anti-Arabism, and Jews are the world's biggest anti-Semites.

I have not retracted my statement that Jewish conduct is what brought the Holocaust upon them. I still believe that the people that call themselves Jews today have no historic rights to Israel. I still believe that the Jews who came to Palestine intended to build a colonialist outpost in the Middle East, not the nonsense of "return to Zion." I still believe that there were no massacres of any Jews by Arabs in history. I still maintain that the Arabs who killed scores of Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936 were "revolutionaries" and heroes, not murderers.

I said all of those things in my speech and I have not backed down one iota from any of those points.

But I will allow "Israel" - not a Jewish state, but "Israel" - the right to exist until we are strong enough by any means to defeat them and claim all the land that is rightfully ours.

If anyone can find anything that Abbas ever said that contradicts my explanation of his words, I will be happy to correct it. But everything I wrote in italics here reflects mainstream Palestinian Arab thought - and it is deeply and endemically antisemitic.

(full article online)

No, Abbas didn't apologize. Here's what he said and what he means. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Did you hear that Abbas left the government in 2007?

I didn't think so.
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Did you hear that Abbas left the government in 2007?

I didn't think so.
11 years ago does not matter.

What matters is now

PLO convention affirms Abbas, 83, as unchallenged leader
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Did you hear that Abbas left the government in 2007?

I didn't think so.
11 years ago does not matter.

What matters is now

PLO convention affirms Abbas, 83, as unchallenged leader
They can say what the want but Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and his term in office expired in January of 2009.
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Did you hear that Abbas left the government in 2007?

I didn't think so.
11 years ago does not matter.

What matters is now

PLO convention affirms Abbas, 83, as unchallenged leader
They can say what the want but Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and his term in office expired in January of 2009.
Abbas has news for you.

"I am the President, still " says Abbas

Are you actually going to contradict him?
Who has been the President since 2009?

Gives a hint.
Democracy, Palestinian style:

Mahmoud Abbas heads the PLO Executive Committee. the Executive Committee hand-picks the members of the PLO National Council.. The Council then chooses members of the Executive Committee. The EC then elects the chairman of the committee - Abbas.

The PLO Executive Committee is the government of the "State of Palestine" recognized by the UN.

The Palestinian Authority is politically meaningless, even though Abbas heads that as well. Of course, he was "elected" to that symbolic position back in 2005, and there have been no elections since.

(full article online)

A lesson in Palestinian Arab "democracy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Did you hear that Abbas left the government in 2007?

I didn't think so.
11 years ago does not matter.

What matters is now

PLO convention affirms Abbas, 83, as unchallenged leader
They can say what the want but Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and his term in office expired in January of 2009.
Abbas has news for you.

"I am the President, still " says Abbas

Are you actually going to contradict him?
Who has been the President since 2009?

Gives a hint.
Their constitution has procedures to replace a president. Abbas, with the help of the US and Israel, has blocked that process.
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