Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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When Husam Zomlot gave his speech at J-Street, he described every single thing that Palestinians will never accept.

Most of these were things that any Israeli government, from right to left, would insist on in any peace deal.

The audience was also remarkably willing to believe the most absurd lies. "We vow that once peace prevails, once the State of Palestine is created, with East Jerusalem as its capital, we will not only recognize the Jewish connection to Jerusalem, we will celebrate it."

Recognizing the Jewish connection to Jerusalem shouldn't be dependent on a peace deal - it is a fact. A promise to recognize a fact doesn't show flexibility - it proves that the negotiator is a liar from the start.

(full article online)

Watch J-Street audience cheer Palestinian intransigence (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is a further component to this macabre equation that is essential to its success – the support of the West. To succeed, the strategy of Palestinian terrorists depends on a compliant press that will publish hagiographic renderings of "resistance" and "heroism," a sympathetic civil society of nongovernmental organizations and activist churches that will run campaigns based on the Palestinian narrative of victimhood, and a hollow United Nations to issue reflexive condemnations and carry out politicized fact-finding missions and inquiries that never fail to accuse Israel and excuse the Palestinians.

This latest escalation has followed the same pattern. Hamas, which exercises absolute rule in Gaza, orchestrated a confrontation with Israel that once again has "no plausible strategic goal" beyond achieving crucial "propaganda victories."

(full article online)

As the Palestinians continue to insist on no compromise in their demand for a state, let's look at what progress has been seen in the world since 2000, when they rejected the chance for statehood at Camp David.

Palestinians reject statehood offer at Camp David (2000)
Playstation 2 (2000)
USB Flash Drive (2000)

Palestinians reject statehood offer at Taba (2001)
iPod (2001)
Wikipedia (2001)
Skype (2003)
YouTube (2005)
Facebook (open to the public in 2006)
Twitter (2006)
iPhone (2007)

Palestinians reject Obama framework for peace (2014)
Xbox One (2014)
Playstation 4 (2014)
Windows 10 (2015)
Oculus Rift (2016)
iPhone X (2017)
Tesla Model 3 (2017)

The world moves on. But Palestinians stay exactly the same - adding demands, rejecting peace, rejecting a state.

In 2050, this list will be longer, and Palestinian Arabs will be exactly where they were in 2000. Despite billions of dollars invested in them from governments and NGOs, they haven't progressed.

Because they don't want to create a state. If they did, they would have done it, and had years to build it.

(full article online)

The world moves on - but Palestinian Arab leaders want their people to remain in limbo forever ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The motion passed Wednesday in the form of amendments to two general reports on EU budgets. The first amendment demands that the European Commission ensure that EU funds “are spent in line with Unesco-derived standards of peace and tolerance in education.”

In the second amendment, the European Parliament also “insists that teaching and training programmes [to the PA] that are financed from Union funds such as PEGASE should reflect common values such as freedom, tolerance and non- discrimination within education.”

(full article online)

EU resolves to nix intolerant content in Palestinian textbooks
A video of the assault, filmed by one of the Israeli victims, went viral on social media and sparked widespread revulsion amid fears of a resurgence of anti-Semitic violence, including from Muslim migrants.

Police said that a 19-year-old suspect they had already identified from the footage and witness statements had presented himself with a lawyer and would face a judge to be held on assault charges.

The Bild daily identified him a Palestinian Arab from Syria named Knaan S. who was registered at a refugee home in Brandenburg state outside Berlin but was most recently living "out of a suitcase" in the capital.

The video shows the attacker, one of a group of three men, shouting "yahudi", Jew in Arabic, and lashing out at his victim with a belt.

In a twist to the story, the author of the video tape, a 21-year-old student called Adam, said Wednesday that he is an Israeli Arab.

He told broadcaster Deutsche Welle that he wore the Jewish kippa gifted to him by a friend to see whether it was safe to do so on the streets of his upmarket Berlin neighborhood.

(full article online)

German police arrest suspect in anti-Semitic belt attack
Speaking about the planned opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem next month, he said that "the insistence of the administration of American President Donald Trump to continue to violate international law and international legitimacy in such a blatant form is a threat to the security, peace and stability of the Middle East and the world."

The PLO claims that opening an Israeli embassy anywhere in Jerusalem is a violation of international law, based on UNSC resolution 478, that calls upon "Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City."

This would include, of course, any diplomatic missions meant for Palestinians, and several nations maintain such missions including Belgium, France, Turkey the UK and the US itself. All without a peep of protest from Erekat.

Erekat's claim that the US Embassy move threatens world peace is, as always, a threat itself. The US has the right to place its embassies wherever it wants, and it reasserted that right at the time of UNSC 478. There is obviously nothing violent about moving an embassy.

Erekat is saying that Arabs will respond to the US move with violence - and that it what threatens world peace.

Erekat is telling the world that Arabs have no self control and cannot help themselves but to respond to a diplomatic move by starting World War III.

(full article online)

Saeb Erekat says that the US is a threat to world peace - by opening up an embassy ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
While Palestinian Arab extremism is currently being driven from Gaza, and along with it the bulk of media attention from the Arab world and more broadly, the envious Fatah factionists of the Palestinian Authority are not far behind. And constantly on the look for opportunities to grab some of the limelight.

Mahmoud Abbas, who in addition to regaling in the title of president of the Palestinian Authority heads Fatah, features in a Times of Israel news report that shines some light - or perhaps it's more appropriate to say darkness - on how the moderate strain of Palestinianism views the cold-blooded murder of Israeli civilians.

The report describes the gala welcome-home reception bestowed on Rajaei Haddad. He recently completed serving a 20-year sentence in an Israel prison for murder. Naturally, he's hailed in their circles (literally) as “a leader, a hero, and a fighter.”

Palestinian Authority TV showed footage of the meeting between Abbas and Haddad, who spent two decades in prison for his role in the November 1997 murder of yeshiva student Gabriel Hirschberg הי"ד in Jerusalem's Old City of Jerusalem.

Here's how the terrorist murder was reported in the New York Times

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 20-Apr-18:"Moderate" Palestinian Arab president-for-life rolls out red carpet for a murdering "Fatah knight"
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.

Somebody has to control the Islamist beast.

3 Palestinian terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza with knives and grenades. IDF arrested them.

Lives were saved today thanks to the IDF!

At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
Stupid person who cannot think for himself.
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
Stupid person who cannot think for himself.
Thank you Mr. Israeli Talking Points.
At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer's field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: "In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks," the complaint states.

"Tamimi's criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved."

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

"We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret," the organization's request stated. "This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

"The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner."

(full article online)

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed
Maybe those IDF goontards should get out of Palestine. But alas, they are too fucking stupid to understand that they are not wanted there.
The IDF is NOT in "Palestine".

They are in Judea and Samaria which is rightfully known as the ancient homeland of the Jewish People.

Your ignorance and foul writing is not going to change that one bit.
Pffft. Stupid Israeli talking points.
Stupid person who cannot think for himself.
Thank you Mr. Israeli Talking Points.

Happy to help, Mr. Angry Koran Thumper.
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