Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ et al,

When judges and certain high officials bestow great distinction, upon those that intentionally seek to murder the innocent, given especially to those that openly kill, in face to face, the lives of children, the death of which serves no tactical purpose, THEN that distinction says something about the morality of the people. That would be both in the context of the murderer and those that seek to glorify them.

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts and repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts,

Recalling that all States must cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with their obligations under international law, in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the
financing, planning, preparation or commission of terrorist acts or provides safe havens,

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​

Jerusalem District Commander Yoram Halevi signed an order Thursday forbidding a conference of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party in honor of terrorists.

The conference was to be held in the Issawiya neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem to honor the mothers of shaheeds (martyrs) and those wounded while attacking Israelis.

(full article online)

Fatah 'martyrs' conference broken up in Jerusalem

The morality of the honors given to acts of political violence is based, as a first level or criteria, the focus of direct targetting. That is, did you point the gun directly at unarmed men women and children with the intention of killing them and only them? The example of this is in the action of one of the martyrs just recently honored (PLO Fedayeen) Dalal Mughrabi, who participated in the murder of 25 men and women and 13 children.

No I've heard many a Palestinian justify their action by attempting to compare it to the deaths incurred when Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) intentionally put the innocent in harm's way by attempting to shield themselves behind the innocent to avoid retaliatory military action.

• Is State Terrorism Different Than Terrorism? by Dr Amy Zalman • said:
State terrorism is as controversial a concept as that of terrorism itself. Terrorism is often, though not always, defined in terms of four characteristics:
  1. The threat or use of violence;
  2. A political objective; the desire to change the status quo;
  3. The intention to spread fear by committing spectacular public acts;
  4. The intentional targeting of civilians. It is this last element - targeting innocent civilians - that stands out in efforts to distinguish state terrorism from other forms of state violence. Declaring war and sending the military to fight other militaries is not terrorism, nor is the use of violence to punish criminals who have been convicted of violent crimes.

When the Leadership of the various HoAP factions attempt to lure, attract and attempt to recruit followers using the despicable actions endangering the innocent and by preaching that it is moral to utilize the presence of a civilian or other protected person (men, women, and children) to render certain HoAP military forces immune from Israeli engagements, constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.

This is altogether different that the casualties incurred when the HoAP fail to conduct their hostile operations outside densely innocent populations; or intentionally fail to remove (evacuate) such innocent populations from areas in proximity to the conflict.

Most Respectfully,
[ Fifth column Israeli Christian Arab.....at her best......against Israel....pro taking over the country ]

MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint Arab List) on Saturday held at a press conference at the UN headquarters in New York where she called on the Arabs of Judea and Samaria to join the protest of the residents of the Gaza Strip and to embark on similar “marches” to bring an end to the “occupation,” Ynet reported.

“We have to go out on popular rallies to remind the world of the siege,” she said, then explained why such rallies won’t work, saying: “We need millions of Palestinians to march to Jerusalem. But we can’t do it, because the Israelis would kill them.”

Which sounds hollow on a day when the world has learned about the murder of 150 civilians by the Syrian regime only a few hundred miles from the Israeli border. Zoabi also did not mention the IDF’s case that the majority of the 22 Gazans killed in two consecutive riots in six different spots along the border fence were engaged in violent attacks that used live fire and explosives.

(full article online)

MK Zoabi in NY: ‘Millions of Palestinians Should March on Jerusalem’

Ma'ale Adumim city skyline [Image Source: Flash90]

Reports emerged around 1:15 pm today of an Arab-on-Israeli attack on the edge of Ma'ale Adumim, a city just east of Jerusalem. The Times of Israel report says a Palestinian Arab male was stopped in the course of trying to stab a man at a gas station near Mishur Adumim, the thriving industrial section of the city which provides very well-paid employment for Palestinian Arabs ("I can bring a million people who want to work here, boasted Ahmed Nasser, taking a break from his job..." via Haaretz), making it a prize target for terrorists.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 08-Apr-18: In Ma'ale Adumim's industrial zone, a thwarted Arab-on-Israeli stabbing this afternoon
An accomplice of a Palestinian terrorist who shot dead Raziel Shevach near the West Bank settlement of Havat Gilad earlier this year was charged with attempted murder for his role in the terrorist attack.

Jenin resident Ahmed Kunba was also charged with plotting and carrying out several other security-related offenses along with Ahmad Nassar Jarrar. According to the charge sheet, among the attempted attacks against Israeli civilians or soldiers, the two opened fire at a bus, and unsuccessfully attempted to infiltrate the settlement of Dotan.

(full article online)

Associate in Havat Gilad terror attack charged as accomplice to murder
While preschoolers in civilized countries across the globe are taught tolerance and love for their fellow man, Gaza’s youngest citizens are being raised on Jihad and martyrdom.

Video clips of innocent children chanting anti-Israel slogans and holding fake guns are circling the internet following the recent riots on Gaza’s border with Israel.


(full article online)

WATCH: Gaza Schools Teach Kindergarten Children to be Terrorists
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan,

Yes, 100% agree and appreciate the observation.

While preschoolers in civilized countries across the globe are taught tolerance and love for their fellow man, Gaza’s youngest citizens are being raised on Jihad and martyrdom.
(full article online)

WATCH: Gaza Schools Teach Kindergarten Children to be Terrorists

ψ Breitbart Copyright © 2018 By Deborah Danan | 2 Dec 2015
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has imposed temporary suspensions on some of its Palestinian educators but nevertheless many of them continue to incite to violence, including posting images on social media of Palestinians brandishing blood-soaked knives with epitaphs encouraging the murder of “Zionist and Jewish apes and pigs.”​

ψ The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement | HAMAS | 18 August 1988
Article Fifteen:
It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses).​
Article Seventeen:
The Moslem woman has a role no less important than that of the moslem man in the battle of liberation. She is the maker of men.
That is why you find them giving these attempts constant attention through information campaigns, films, and the school curriculum, using for that purpose their lackeys who are infiltrated through Zionist organizations under various names and shapes, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, espionage groups and others, which are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs.
ψ The Palestinian National Charter: Resolutions of the Palestine National Council July 1-17, 1968
Article 7:
That there is a Palestinian community and that it has material, spiritual, and historical connection with Palestine are indisputable facts. It is a national duty to bring up individual Palestinians in an Arab revolutionary manner. All means of information and education must be adopted in order to acquaint the Palestinian with his country in the most profound manner, both spiritual and material, that is possible. He must be prepared for the armed struggle and ready to sacrifice his wealth and his life in order to win back his homeland and bring about its liberation.​


It took slightly less than a generation for the Hostile Arab Palestinian to establish and implement the policy as a violent pathology designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression. This is a legacy strategy → contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations [S/RES/1624 (2005)].

Directed Violence among the Arab Palestinian has almost reached the level of a contagious disease, especially among geographic areas of radical Islamic behaviors and asymmetric warfare cultures. [See WHO • Youth violence | Fact Sheet | Reviewed September 2016]

This is very applicable to Sixties Fan on the same subject, supra.

Most Respectfully,

The video shows pictures of each of the terrorists who committed the Savoy terror attack posing with weapons, as well as the planner of the attack, arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who the PA has credited with planning attacks in which they claim 125 were murdered.

Text on screen: "Heroes of the Savoy self-sacrificing operation March 5, 1975
Heroic Martyr Abdallah Khalil Abdallah Kleib
Heroic Martyr Ahmed Hamid Ahmed Abu Qamar
Heroic Martyr Khader Ahmed Jarram
Heroic Martyr Muhammad Diya Al-Din Al-Hilwani
Heroic Martyr Musa Al-Abd Abu Thuraya
Heroic fighter Musa Jum'a Hassan
Heroic Martyr Naif Najd Ismail Al-Saghir
Heroic Martyr Omar Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Shafai
The one supervising the operation, Martyr leader Khalil Al-Wazir

May Allah's mercy be upon our pure Martyrs
Long live the memory - the revolution will continue!
Group picture of those who carried out the self-sacrificing Savoy operation"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Nablus District Branch, March 6, 2018]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that PA District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam honors the Savoy murderers with a wreath of flowers on their grave every year.

Fatah also posted text glorifying the attack:

Posted text: "The Savoy self-sacrificing operation is considered the greatest and most wonderful of the quality operations of the Al-Asifa forces, the Fatah Movement's military wing, in which dozens of [Israeli] officers were killed - there is no precise number of those killed, but the number is between 50 to 100 soldiers and officers from the Israeli side, and over 150 soldiers and officers were wounded (sic., 8 civilian hostages and 3 soldiers were murdered, and roughly a dozen were wounded, most of them civilians).
Among those killed was [Israeli] Army Brig. Gen. Uzi Yairi, one of the senior intelligence officers, who led the Verdun Operation (i.e., Israel's Operation Spring of Youth; see note below) in which three [PLO] commanders were killed. The [Savoy] operation was revenge for the murder of commanders Kamal Adwan, Kamal Nasser, and Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar. It should be noted that commander Martyr (Shahid) Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' personally supervised this operation."

(full article online)

Murder of 11 was "greatest and most wonderful quality operation," says Fatah in video and Facebook post - PMW Bulletins
From the US Justice Department last week:

Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Ann Calvaresi Barr, Inspector General for the U.S. Agency for International Development (“USAID”), announced today the filing and settlement of a civil fraud complaint against NORWEGIAN PEOPLE’S AID (“NPA”), a non-profit, non-governmental organization headquartered in Norway, that receives funding from USAID. The settlement resolves claims that NPA violated the False Claims Act (the “FCA”) by providing material support to Iran, Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (“PFLP”), and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (“DFLP”), contrary to federal funding requirements. At all times relevant to the lawsuit, Iran was included on the U.S. Department of State’s list of state sponsors of terrorism (the “State Sponsors of Terrorism List”), and Hamas, PFLP, and DFLP were included on the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control’s specially designated nationals and blocked persons list (the “SDN List”). The State Sponsors of Terrorism List includes countries that have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism, and the SDN List includes individuals and entities that support terrorism or otherwise engage in conduct antithetical to U.S. interests.

(full article online)

Norwegian People's Aid fined $2 million by US for providing aid to terror organizations ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

These are 3 brothers who lived in East Jerusalem and helped the activists who participated in the second intifada make their way into Jerusalem. They were arrested and punt into jail for the rest of their lives. Their brother is alive and is the neighbour of Ibrahim

Translated to normal English, this means that these three brothers helped people enter Jerusalem to murder Jews. That is why they would have life sentences. But they are heroes to the Airbnb hosts and therefore to the stupid and gullible Westerners who pay for the privilege of learning to love murderers.

94 people have given mostly positive reviews to this friendly family that lionizes terrorists..

And by the way - this nice house that Ibrahim's family shares with Westerners for only $24 a night is on land that belonged to Jews and was taken away and given to UNRWA by Jordan. Just one small fact that the Western guests will not learn from their hosts.

(full article online)

Stay in an AirBnB in a "refugee" camp near Bethlehem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What ass would destroy a school?

The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What ass would destroy a school?

What ass would build anything illegally without a permit?
The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What ass would destroy a school?

What ass would build anything illegally without a permit?

Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?
Op-ed in official PA daily:
To avenge the Crusaders’ defeat by Muslims,
the Capitalist West created Israel

Israel is a “colonialist satanic plant”

“This Zionist project is a temporary project”
  • The West created Israel:
- “to get rid of the problem of the Jewish ghetto”

- “to settle accounts with the Arabs... over the defeats [Arab Muslims] inflicted on the Crusaders”

- to serve “global capitalism’s goals and plans to take control of the resources of the Arab nation’s peoples”
  • Israel - “the colonialist satanic plant” - will not survive because the “Zionist project... is a project that rejects life”
(full article online )

To avenge the Crusaders’ defeat by Muslims, the West created Israel - PMW Bulletins
The school was only opened two weeks ago. It was built specifically to be destroyed, at a cost of 41,000 euros. Its dedication was attended by lots of Palestinian officials and at the time they said that the school, built in Area C under Israeli control without permits, was meant to be a challenge to Israeli authorities. The speeches that accompanied the opening emphasized how the school (and another school opened at the same time) was built in "record time" and how the entire school was meant, not as an educational institution, but as a "challenge" to Israel. The very name of the school was "challenge" (Al-Tahadi.)

Wait for the condemnations by complicit Western NGOs that will emphasize Israel's demolition of a school without mentioning that the school was meant to be demolished so that photos of children pretending to study outside can be published.

These students were in a school elsewhere only three weeks ago.

(full article online)

Palestinians cry over Israel destroying school illegally built only two weeks ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What ass would destroy a school?

What ass would build anything illegally without a permit?

Why do the Palestinians have to get permission from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Because a Bedouin "owns" as far as his eyes can see... You car too is his and the water pipe for which the water company "owes" him money,

got it right Abdelhmar o wise sand turban?
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