Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In 119 characters, she dismissed ample empirical evidence and credible testimony of Hamas intimidation as an ā€œIsraeli narrative,ā€ now also adhered to by the FPA, and instead gave us the Palestinian narrative as news.

In other words, the real nonsense comes across as the reporterā€™s voice, and the accurate assessment comes across as Israeli narrative nonsense.

So consistently did the media pass on this narrative that Hamas actually based its war strategy on their cooperation. As Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh gloated in 2014, Palestinian sources ā€œconstituted the river from which the global media quenched its thirst for information about what was happening.ā€

Okay. Under the gun, journalists say what the bullies want them to say. But what about the rest of the time? What about when theyā€™re not in Gaza, but in Washington or New York or London? Donā€™t they then give us reliable information? Donā€™t they then behave like real journalists? Apparently not.

(full article online)

Middle east pack journalism: Everybody agrees
However, in early January, Israelā€™s Military Police launched an investigation into Abu Thurayaā€™s death, the conclusions of which were reported yesterday in the Israeli media. According to Ynet, the probe concluded that the double amputee was not killed by Israeli soldiers, and that sniper fire was halted at least an hour before Palestinians say Ibrahim Abu Thuraya was shot. (The investigation also found Abu Thuraya bid farewell to his family as a ā€˜shahidā€™ the night before his death, which raises other serious questions about what exactly occurred that day.)

Moreover, IDF officials have noted an increased use, by Hamas, of disabled Palestinians, including people in wheelchairs, at such protests, often positioned in the centers of friction for the sole purpose of scoring public relations victories if theyā€™re injured.

Thus far, no British media outlet has reported on the Military Police findings, and we will continue to monitor such sites to see if the Military Policeā€™s conclusions are even noted in subsequent articles about the incident.

Of course, the broader take-away is the mediaā€™s perplexing credulity in the face of unsubstantiated claims of a proscribed terror group, and the failure of professional journalists to seriously examine the incident or ask the most intuitive probing questions of both Gaza officials and eye witnesses.

(full article online)

Will media report on investigationā€™s conclusion that Ibrahim Abu Thuraya was NOT killed by IDF snipers?
OK, let's look at Article 81 of the Fourth Geneva Convention:

Art. 81. Parties to the conflict who intern protected persons shall be bound to provide free of charge for their maintenance, and to grant them also the medical attention required by their state of health.

No deduction from the allowances, salaries or credits due to the internees shall be made for the repayment of these costs.

The Detaining Power shall provide for the support of those dependent on the internees, if such dependents are without adequate means of support or are unable to earn a living.

This is not about prisoners. It is about people who are internment camps for whatever (security) reason the occupying power decides to place them there. The Conventions make this clear, as it talks about entire families should be kept together in internment. it distinguishes between internment and imprisonment, which is what happens after conviction for crimes.

Beyond that, the Palestinians are obviously not paying the prisoners and their families a normal social security expense, but an additional salary based purely on their status as terrorists, on a sliding scale based on how heinous their acts were.

(full article online)

Erekat ludicrously claims paying terrorists is mandatory under international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ When the truth comes out of Palestinian Muslim Arabs. "All of Palestine, which includes ALL of Israel. Nothing more, nothing less ]

The military said protesters were burning tires and throwing rocks at the soldiers on the other side of the security fence.

Israeli officials repeatedly warned Palestinians not to approach the security fence during the protests through social media, leaflets dropped from airplanes and statements to news outlets.

Hamas leaders had said in the past few days that the protests would be ā€œpeacefulā€ and ā€œnon-violent.ā€ However, they also warned that Palestinians will not sit idly by if Israel used force to disperse the protesters.

A statement issued by Hamas, a terror group that seeks to destroy Israel, on Thursday called on Palestinians ā€œto effectively take part in the Great March of Return and remain peaceful to achieve the objective of this event.ā€

Khalil al Haya, a senior Hamas official, said that the Palestinians were not afraid of Israelā€™s threats to stop the demonstrators from approaching the border.

The Palestinians are determined to return to their lands and homeland, Haya said, during a tour of tents set up by the protesters near the border with Israel. The Palestinians refer to the tents as the ā€œTents of Return.ā€

ā€œOur people will not be intimidated by the Israeli threats,ā€ he said. ā€œWe have waited for too long to return to the lands from which our grandparents were expelled 70 years ago.ā€

(full article online)

Hamas leader: Protests mark the beginning of our return to ā€˜all of Palestineā€™
Update 2:00 PM: IDF estimates 17,000 Gazans have gathered by the border fence in 5 staging areas.

5 Gazans have been killed and 150 have been wounded after approaching the fence to damage it. At least one was trying to plant a bomb along the fence.

2:57 PM: Hamas sent a 7-year-old girl to rush the fence. IDF forces identified the child coming at them and made sure she got back safely to her parents.

Arab media reports 7 dead Gazans.

3:13 PM 20,000 Gazans are along the fence. A few hundred have been wounded during violent demonstrations.

(full article online)

Hundreds Injured, 7 Dead as Thousands Demonstrate in Six Locations by Gaza Border Fence
[ When Muslims say they are going to do a Peaceful Protest, this is what them mean ]

The Israel Defense Forces said it targeted three sites belonging to Hamas with tanks and from the air. There were no immediate reports of injuries from the attack, which came as the death toll in clashes along the border rose to 12, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry.

The reprisal attack came after troops were shot at by two Gazans approaching the security fence. No Israeli troops were hurt in the exchange, the IDF said.

Gazan sources said at least 12 people were killed and over 1,000 more injured in the fighting. The army said protesters hurled firebombs and stones at troops and burned tires. Many of the injuries came from rubber bullets and tear gas inhalation, though the IDF used live ammunition as well.

The shooting attack, which came as the darkness fell Friday, came shortly after an army official said troops would remain deployed along the border amid fears of persistent attacks.

(full article online)

Israel hits Hamas sites with tanks, jets after Gazans fire on troops
The Lebanese Armed Forces dispersed dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators that had converged toward Israelā€™s northern border Friday in solidarity with the March of Return protest taking place en masse in the Gaza Strip.

Carrying Palestinian flags, the protesters had been heading toward the border fence near the Israeli town of Avivim. Lebanese soldiers managed to disperse them near the village of Maroun al Ras, some two kilometers before they reached the fence, Israelā€™s Channel 10 reported.

(full article online)

Lebanese army disperses Palestinian solidarity protest near Israel border
[ This is Islam. This are the Arabs. These are the Palestinians . The end result.....what they could not achieve in 1948. Death to all Jews and the destruction of Israel ]

In Jabaliya, tens of thousands had gathered close to the border when Sinwar arrived. Sinwar doesnā€™t give many speeches and, in recent weeks, hadnā€™t even been seen much in public. But on Friday, he was outspoken, warning Israel that ā€œThe March of Return will continueā€¦ until we remove this transient border,ā€ that it marked ā€œa new phase in the Palestinian national struggle on the road to liberation.ā€ And rather than go hungry, he declared, the people of the Gaza Strip will ā€œeat the livers of those besiegingā€ them.

Abbas also initiated an emergency debate at the UN Security Council, where hypocrisy prevailed, needless to say. Civilians are being massacred in Syria by the day, and the international community insistently looks the other way. In this respect, nobody outscores Turkeyā€™s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Even as his forces are carrying out ethnic cleansing in the northern Syria Kurdish area of Afrin, Erdogan was demanding an investigation into IDF violence on the Gaza border.

(full article online)

Hamas ā€˜successā€™ on Friday presages more protests, more deaths, in more places
The Israeli military said Saturday that if violence drags on along the Gaza border, Israel will expand its reaction to strike the terrorists behind it.

IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said the military has thus far restricted its response to those trying to breach its border, but if attacks continue it will go after terrorists ā€œin other places, too.ā€

(full article online)

Israel says it will expand response if Gaza clashes go on
Just in case anybody forgot, Israel unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip to the pre-1967 lines in 2005. It uprooted thousands of Israeli settlers from their homes. It dismantled all military infrastructure in the Strip. It has no physical presence there. It makes no territorial claims there.

Just in case anybody forgot, Hamas, an Islamist terrorist organization that avowedly seeks the destruction of Israel, seized power in Gaza in 2007 in a violent takeover from the forces of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Just in case anybody forgot, Hamas has cynically and relentlessly exploited Gazans ā€” a large proportion of whom have supported it in elections ā€” by storing its rockets near or even inside mosques and schools, firing rockets from residential areas, and digging tunnels from beneath homes and civilian institutions. It has subverted all materials that can be utilized for the manufacture of weaponry, necessitating a stringent Israeli security blockade whose main victims are ordinary Gazans.

So, finally, just in case anybody forget the context for Fridayā€™s latest escalation of violence, they need only listen to Hamasā€™s Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar setting out the ultimate goal. As he put it in an address to Gazans at the border on Friday, ā€œThe March of Return will continueā€¦ until we remove this transient border.ā€ The protests ā€œmark the beginning of a new phase in the Palestinian national struggle on the road to liberation and ā€˜returnā€™ā€¦ Our people canā€™t give up one inch of the land of Palestine.ā€

(full article online)

Just in case anybody forgot what Hamasā€™s ā€˜March of Returnā€™ is really all about
Just in case anybody forgot, Israel unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip to the pre-1967 lines in 2005. It uprooted thousands of Israeli settlers from their homes. It dismantled all military infrastructure in the Strip. It has no physical presence there. It makes no territorial claims there.

Just in case anybody forgot, Hamas, an Islamist terrorist organization that avowedly seeks the destruction of Israel, seized power in Gaza in 2007 in a violent takeover from the forces of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Just in case anybody forgot, Hamas has cynically and relentlessly exploited Gazans ā€” a large proportion of whom have supported it in elections ā€” by storing its rockets near or even inside mosques and schools, firing rockets from residential areas, and digging tunnels from beneath homes and civilian institutions. It has subverted all materials that can be utilized for the manufacture of weaponry, necessitating a stringent Israeli security blockade whose main victims are ordinary Gazans.

So, finally, just in case anybody forget the context for Fridayā€™s latest escalation of violence, they need only listen to Hamasā€™s Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar setting out the ultimate goal. As he put it in an address to Gazans at the border on Friday, ā€œThe March of Return will continueā€¦ until we remove this transient border.ā€ The protests ā€œmark the beginning of a new phase in the Palestinian national struggle on the road to liberation and ā€˜returnā€™ā€¦ Our people canā€™t give up one inch of the land of Palestine.ā€

(full article online)

Just in case anybody forgot what Hamasā€™s ā€˜March of Returnā€™ is really all about

ā€œThe March of Return will continue....ā€

ā€œ....will continue without the participation of the Hamas leadershipā€.

Very convenient for the Hamas spokesbeards and leadership to make pronouncements from the safety of their luxury condos.

The expendable minions will mindlessly obey.
[ As Hamas said it, it was to be a peaceful demonstration. But on the day of the demonstration, Hamas leaders were there inciting and giving the people their blessing to destroy the fence.
Any other country would have shot most of the people coming to the fence, just ask Turkey ]

Army publishes list of names, positions of men shot dead during violence at the security fence; Hamas acknowledges that five of them were gunmen from its military wing

Fatalities from the March 30 violence on the Israel-Gaza border identified by the IDF as members of terror groups. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Israeli military on Saturday night identified 10 of the 16 people reported killed during violent protests along the Gaza security fence as members of Palestinian terrorist groups, and published a list of their names and positions in the organizations.

(full article online)

IDF: At least 10 of the 16 killed at Gaza border were members of terror groups
[ Oh, No!!!! Say it isn't so..... sniff ]

The Palestinians on Saturday expressed outrage and disappointment over the UN Security Councilā€™s failure to issue a resolution condemning Israel for the deaths and injuries during Fridayā€™s mass protests along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

The Palestinian Authority blamed the US and Britain for obstructing the Palestinian and Arab effort to persuade the Security Council to issue a resolution blasting Israel for the 16 Palestinian fatalities.

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Palestinians rage at US, UK after failed bid to condemn Israel at UN
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