Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who are the Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I (agree and) think that most people would generally agree with you. Nothing in today's character of the Arab Palestinians would lead any "Reasonable Man" to believe that the past history of projected threats and action and the separate acts inchoate, or preparatory, to the furtherance of carrying out the threats; was reduced to the level that would not warrant further occupation and allow to relinquish the security in depth. There is no reason to believe that the unrestrained Arab Palestinians pose any less of a danage today, than they did a half century ago.

Yes, let's take down the fence and allow the birds of peace to fly. And resume suicide bombings of Israeli buses.

I didn't see any photos of anyone actually running! They are all seemingly strolling around the route.

Notice also that the logo of the marathon erases Israel - not that this bothers the EU partners.

(full article online)

"Palestine Marathon" is purely political. (Are there even any runners?) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

And the entire nature and conduct of the conflict and the pursuit of peace under the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations has compounded the matter in an unfavorable set of situations relative to the demands. What were once concessions possible to give in to Arab Palestinians in exchange for peace, have been over taken by events.

Where once it was possible for the talks on the matter of reduced reparations, and restitution (payments made after a war by the vanquished to the victors) and the awards of reconstruction and rehabilitation funding and engineerinprojects, have faded away. Recent experience has shown that "nation building" does not work in that region of the world. It is now the case that, as is Custormary (example Turk-Kurd Issue) in that Region over territorial disputes) consession will not be favorably considered. The Arab Palestinian, having been olitically uncooerative over the last 50 years, may have missed their window of opportunity → and end-up walking away with nothing.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinian, having been olitically uncooerative over the last 50 years, may have missed their window of opportunity → and end-up walking away with nothing.
Ahh, but the Palestinian's window of opportunity is just opening.

Typical of the alternate reality you dwell in. The Arabs-Moslems parading around as “Pal’istanians” have none of the coddling from the Arab-islamic world they once had. Israel already has alliances with Egypt and the KSA and grudging acceptance from Lebanon.

Did you miss the part where Egypt has allied with Israel to prevent the Hamas tunnel rats from burrowing across their border?


Be afraid, Tinmore. Be very afraid.

Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israel for first time ever
[ And just in time for Passover ]

Al-Qawasmi, saying that the Palestinians do not want to turn this into a religious conflict, says that Israel is planning to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque "in order to establish the alleged Temple."

These are usually the delusional statements of Hamas or religious clerics. But now the supposedly secular Fatah has officially adopted the lie that Israel is planning to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque.

And the obvious reason it pushes this lie is precisely to incite a religious conflict of (alleged) 1.5 billion Muslims against Israel.

It sounds like incitement to violence to me, but Human Rights Watch hasn't found this to be problematic, and they follow the Middle East very closely, so I must be mistaken.

(full article online)

Abbas' Fatah party says Israel plans to destroy Al Aqsa to build the Third Temple ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas held military exercises over the weekend, which included some test launches of Qassam rockets into the Mediterranean that caused Israel's Iron Dome defense system to mistakenly deploy.

Video and photos of the exercises from Hamas websites shows that Hamas' entire exercise is a series of intended war crimes.

The rockets themselves are aimed at civilian population, which is a war crime.

Hamas held much of the exercise in urban areas, even showing tunnels in residential areas, meaning that they intend to use human shields, which is a war crime.

(full article online)

Hamas military drills shows their entire existence is based on war crimes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But then it struck me that while reporters usually have lots of shots of "heroic" Palestinian youths throwing stones or using slings, you don't often see photos of them hurling these firebombs.

Which is funny - because they do it all the time.

Shin Bet counted 216 firebomb attacks in December, 121 in February.
It sure seems like the photojournalists want to give the impression that these "youths" aren't doing anything that could be deadly. The meme of the defiant Palestinian youth would be tarnished if he was shown with explosives.

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Why don't we hear about the hundreds of firebombs? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The long-term objective of the event is, in fact, to kill and maim Israelis and damage their property. Hamas and other factions are hoping this will lead to mass waves of violent protest and self-initiated suicide terrorist acts in the West Bank and among Israel’s Arab citizens. Ideally, from the perspective of the Palestinian organizations, it will yield a full-scale intifada.

Even in the best of times, one cannot predict what will happen. The questions of why and how to rebel are studied closely by status quo powers, by rebels and terrorists, and of course by many academics. After a hundred years of study, the triggers of sustained mass waves of violence remain largely a mystery. They do not fit into the neat formulas that characterize the exact sciences.

Israel wants to maintain the status quo in which people go about their lives peacefully. The Palestinian terrorist organizations want to change the status quo. Gaza, after eleven years of Hamas rule, is meant to become another Ghouta, another bloody Baghdad, or even another full-fledged failed Palestinian state.

This project is fraught with difficulty because the Palestinians are divided, even more so after the attempted assassination of Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah in Gaza. So divided are they that the major actors – the PA and Fatah on the one hand and Hamas and Islamic Jihad on the other – can’t even agree on the date on which the fence-storming should take place.

Fatah supporters want it to be held on May 14, the date in 1948 on which Ben-Gurion declared the state of Israel and five Arab states invaded it. The Palestinians have appropriated that date for commemoration of the Nakba – the failure of the Palestinians to destroy the state of Israel – and the plight of the refugees, though the exit of Palestinian refugees had little to do with that particular date. Hamas wants to stage the event on March 30, on which many Israeli Arabs commemorate Land Day.

There is a good chance that marches will take place on both dates, and Israel and the Palestinians are preparing assiduously. The Israeli army will do everything it can to thwart the protestors in ways that avoid bloodshed. The Palestinian organizations, from the PLO and the PA downward, want blood to be shed.

Hopefully, Israeli intentions will prevail.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Way of War: The March of Return in Gaza
7.47% of the PA's operational budget is for salaries to terrorist prisoners, released terrorists, and payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded

- The PA has 2 budget categories rewarding terror; together they equal 44% of anticipated foreign aid

- New in 2018 Budget: For the first time since 2014, the PA is directly paying the Commission of Prisoners, which pays the salaries to terrorist prisoners; as a result, the PA now fits Israel's criteria to be declared a terror organization
  • Total PA 2018 operational budget: 16.559 billion shekels ($4.76 billion)
  • Salaries to terrorist prisoners: 550 million shekels ($158 million)
  • Payments to families of "Martyrs" and wounded: 687 million shekels ($197 million)
  • Total expenditure in budget categories rewarding terror = 1.237 billion shekels ($355 million)
  • For comparison: PA Ministry of Health which serves the entire population of 5 million has a budget of 1.787 billion shekels, a mere 44% more than 1.237 billion shekels serving the recipients in the two budget categories rewarding terror

(full article online)

PMW Exclusive: PA publishes new budget; continues to defy US and Europe by rewarding terror - PMW Bulletins

It’s a shame about all the blood that may be spilled. It’s an irresponsible move by a terror organization that has no scruples about using the residents of Gaza as a “human shield” during a time of war, as it did during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, and wants to use them now as cannon fodder against the IDF on the border.

Hamas is trying to adopt a new strategy of using civilians to fight against Israel. It calls it a “non-violent popular struggle,” similar to Mahmoud Abbas’ strategy in the West Bank, which he refers to as “popular, peaceful resistance.”

Both of these strategies are bound to fail, and they have no bearing on a solution for the problems of the Palestinian people.

(full article online)

The Palestinian “Return March” – A Futile Publicity Stunt
"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
Post a report about Palestinian Christians that is not from a source connected to Israel.
"Before the Palestinian Authority took control of these territories, about 85% of the population [of Bethlehem] were Christian citizens, and now they are less than 10% because the Palestinians prevent them from applying their faith and [performing] their customs and their prayers..." Dr. Herrera told Arutz Sheva near Bethlehem. "Therefore, they fled from here."

He pointed to nearby Beit Jala, which has a predominantly Christian population. "You see Beit Jala. I used to come there and to buy from Christians oil and eggs and we lived in peace with them. And now we cannot go there because they will kill me just for the fact I am a Jew."

"No Jew can live there. We speak about 'Apartheid' in Israel, but there is a law in the Palestinian Authority, that if you are a Jew you cannot be a citizen there. You cannot live there. And the Christians are oppressed there.

He said the Palestinian Authority (PA) accuses Israel of committing the very crimes the PA itself commits. "Saeb Erekat, who belongs to the Fatah committee, said that we oppress the Christians in Israel. We are the only country in which the Christians live in peace and they can have their faith and practice it in all the Middle East."

(full article online)

'Christians flee PA oppression'
Post a report about Palestinian Christians that is not from a source connected to Israel.

So, you do not care about the truth and are going to do absolutely nothing to help those Christians.

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