Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Here's an idea for those who really, really care about helping Palestinians: Drastically cut UNRWA services to Jordan.

About 40% of UNRWA's "Palestine refugees" live in Jordan, over 2 million people. The vast majority of them have been Jordanian citizens for nearly 70 years!

For 70 years, the world has funded a housing, medical and educational system for millions of Jordanian citizens that is completely separate and parallel to the existing Jordanian system. They are not refugees by any conceivable definition. The only reason that they are treated differently from any other Jordanian is because some of their ancestors happened to live a few miles away in 1947.

There is no moral, legal or historic reason why these Jordanian citizens need to have their housing, education and medical needs filled by the UN instead of the country that they are citizens of. Nowhere else in the world are people who are full citizens of the country they live in given unending "refugee" aid.

Hundreds of thousands of Jordanian citizens live in camps. Why?

(full article online)

Why is the EU (or anyone) funding @UNRWA in Jordan? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UN Security Council Resolution 1701 to end the 2006 Lebanon war calls for "full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of July 27, 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state."

Yesterday, EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini sort of admitted that this has never happened as she said in a speech:

(full article online)

EU notices that UNSC1701 resolution is still not implemented 12 years later ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"The Minister called upon UNRWA to "remove from their registration lists every Palestinian who is outside the Lebanese territory or has obtained the nationality of another country, in order to alleviate the organization’s financial burdens, on the one hand, and contribute to reducing the number of refugees in Lebanon, on the other hand, without tampering with the right of return, which is sacred.

“If we approach the situation the way the international community is approaching it on the subject of displaced Syrians, we would then call upon the international community itself to organize a campaign of voluntary return of Palestinian refugees, since all the elements for a safe and dignified return are available in the Palestinian case. Double-standard policies are no longer accepted. We must return to the humane conscience to solve the problem of UNRWA and Palestinian refugees."He is not calling for Palestinians in Lebanon to become citizens of the PA, but for the international community to pressure Israel to accept them."

Because, you know, we must punish the Jews who have introduced Islamic terror and Christian persecution to the world.

(full article online)

At EU conference, Lebanese minister calls for voluntary "return" for Palestinians to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinian groups in the West Bank and Gaza called for Friday to be a “day of rage” to mark 100 days since US President Donald Trump announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, a coalition consisting of various groups, called on Palestinians to confront IDF soldiers and settlers immediately after the Friday prayers.

It would be the latest in a series of weekly demonstrations, many of them violent, which have taken place since the December 6 announcement and subsequent moves for the US to move its embassy to the city. Many of the protests shrunk in size after the first few weeks.

(full article online)

One killed, 4 said hurt in suspected car-ramming terror attack in West Bank
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I agree. BUT, this is just one blade to the Double Edged Sword. For most people in the world, this means nothing more than ✪⇒ "Business as Usual within the Arab Palestinian Regime (such that it is).

  • If and when Hamas is ever removed from power in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) will most likely seize control of the coastal enclave, where nearly two million Palestinians live.

  • PIJ's new "political document" exposes the Palestinian terror group's plan for "real peace" in the Middle East. This "real peace," according to the jihadi group, can be achieved by eliminating Israel after "liberating Palestine, from the river to the sea, and after the original owners of the land return to their homes."

  • This genocidal "peace" plan appears to be shared by other Palestinian terror groups, such as Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and even certain parts of Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah faction.

    (full article online)

    The New Palestinian Jihad to Obliterate Israel

This is a difference without a distinction.

Practically speaking:​

■ Most all flavors of Palestinian, opposes the existence of Israel.
■ Some oppose it violently, and continue the struggle to dissolve the Jewish National Home.
■ Some have come to believe that there will always be an Israel, so they want to settle for the best outcome.
■ Some have resigned themselves to the fact that the feud will continue at least until the hardliners melt away (which may be never since the Palestinians have become the beneficiaries of generational hatred training.​

But → The PLO Charter and The HAMAS Covenant are, for many Palestinians, the definitive political instruction on the hereditary plan from the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) made in 6 February 1948 (before Israel was declared):

"The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations,
before God and history,
that they will never submit or yield to any power
going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only
way to establish partition is first to wipe them
out — man, woman and child."

As long as the Arab Palestinians fight among themselves

Most Respectfully,

Front page of official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, featuring 'Abbas-Haddad meeting (Source: Al-Haya.ps, March 15, 2018)

It should be noted that this is not the first time that 'Abbas has met with released prisoners. He has also met with terrorists who have themselves carried out attacks, and with families of "martyrs" killed in carrying out such

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority President 'Abbas Meets With Released Prisoner Who Was Accomplice In Murder Of Israeli
[ Someone found out where the US and EU money is going..... ]

With the US announcing cuts in aid money to the Palestinians, one might think the Palestinian Authority would try to cut expenses, but an invoice from a hotel stay by top Palestinian officials this month indicates the exact opposite.

The document, obtained by The Jerusalem Post, shows that PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki and General Intelligence Service chief Majed Faraj, as well as two lower-level officials, stayed at the five-star Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, racking up a $14,250.20 bill, including room service and minibar purchases such as $42 on champagne, and a $4 Snickers bar.

The entire bill was covered by the PLO Delegation to the US.

The luxury hotel stay came not long after President Donald Trump said the US will no longer send aid money to Ramallah until the Palestinian leadership negotiates with Israel, and after the State Department cut $110 million of aid money to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. The US is UNRWA’s largest donor. On Thursday, a dozen countries pledged a total of $100m. to UNRWA.

Among Faraj’s expenses was a $900 “miscellaneous charges” fee, plus several room service meals, including a $140.09 breakfast, and a late-night room service snack costing $91.31. He also raided the minibar, spending $32 on snacks in one day, including $8 each for some cashews and cookies, and racked up $120 in laundry charges.

(full article online)

PA officials living large at 5-star hotel: $14,250 bill, incl. champagne
A single phrase in an article on the thousands of NGOs in the territories, written for the Islamic Jihad mouthpiece Palestine Today, is pretty telling:

While Hamas in Gaza was closing down any institution with the titles "coexistence and peace" or forcing others to make a "detailed disclosure" of its financial accounts,...I'd love to hear what the Hamas apologists throughout the years who have bent over backwards to pretend that the group was actually interested in peace have to say about this!

Hamas closed any NGO in Gaza with the words "peace" or "coexistence" in its name ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Why so many Arabs are attacking Jews in the name of Palestine/Allah ]

This screen shot from a video clip taken at the scene and uploaded to theHebrew-language rotter.com site shows the attack vehicle, a relatively newSUV with severe damage from striking multiple human beings,killing some of them

"Meanwhile, Shin Bet released a statement Saturday evening saying that while the terrorist initially insisted the attack was merely an accident, he confessed under interrogation to having acted under nationalistic motives. Kabha's brother remains in custody and the degree of his potential involvement in the attack is still being investigated. Shin Bet added that no other persons involved in the attack or aware of Kabha's intentions were known at present, meaning he was a "lone wolf" terrorist acting without the guidance of a terror group.

"Under the Palestinian Authority's Martyrs Fund (in dozens of our posts we refer to it as the PA Rewards for Terror scheme) rules, this renders him qualified to start receiving reward payments. These send a signal to Palestinian Arab society that what the attacker did is precisely the kind of action that the PA leadership needs, wants, encourages and finances.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 16-Mar-18 [UPDATED]: An Arab-on-Israeli vehicle ramming in the Samarian hills Friday afternoon; tragic results

[ No other group of people around the world kill to be financially rewarded, or their families taken care of ]
n 2010, I reported on an actually useful UNRWA program to build houses out of bricks made with local materials. This way, houses (apparently only single story) could be built without worries about importing materials that Israel restricts because they could also be used for terror tunnels.

Now there are reports that a new commercial market is being built in Gaza out of the same kinds of materials. It is due to open in a few months.

These sorts of stories of good news from Gaza don't get mentioned in the media - because they show that Gazans can be their own agents of change, and that story contradicts the meme of Israel - and only Israel - being responsible for Gaza misery. The PA, Egypt, Hamas, and Gazans cannot be considered to have any responsibility for their own well-being.

(more photos and video online)

A new market in Gaza made out of mud bricks ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Since October 30, Israel has destroyed four border-crossing tunnels that entered Israeli territory from Gaza, three of them belonging to Hamas and the fourth to the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group. In addition, several tunnels located inside the coastal enclave have also been targeted using a newly developed system that allows Israel to hit them from the air.

Army officials have said that they expect to find and destroy more tunnels as construction of the barrier continues.

Sunday’s border-crossing tunnel was first discovered by the Israel Defense Forces in July 2014 and was partially destroyed during the war, Conricus told reporters.

However, since the 2014 campaign, known in Israel as Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has been trying to reconnect what remained of the tunnel to a new passage being dug in southern Gaza, he said.

(full article online)

Hamas dismisses IDF-bombed tunnel as ‘old’ and ‘unused’
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