Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The writer for Boston Herald puts forth a rather thorough shredding of apologists for Arab-Moslem terrorism.

It really is mind boggling that the planet continues to drench murderous psychopaths with welfare dollars handed out by a dedicated UN welfare agency. The UN doesn't maintain a welfare agency for ISIS psychopaths so I struggle to see why they maintain one for the "Pal'istanian" version of murderous islamic terrorist psychopaths.

Blame for suffering in Gaza belongs to Hamas

Blame for suffering in Gaza belongs to Hamas

  • Jeff Robbins
  • PUBLISHED: April 2, 2019 at 1:34 am | UPDATED: April 2, 2019 at 8:59 am
  • Categories:Op-Ed, Opinion

“Don’t confuse me with the facts” is the very line that long has been brought to mind by those who, irrevocably predisposed to buying Palestinian claims about Israel hook, line and sinker, regard it as poor sportsmanship when those facts are pointed out by others who do not choose to inhabit an alternative universe. Thus, for example, the fact that there is no independent Palestinian state flourishing next to Israel is because that arrangement was rejected by Palestinian leaders — before Israel was created, when it was created and after it was created. It is an arrangement that Palestinian leaders render impossible or actively stiff-arm to this day. This is one of those facts which, for some, has never seemed to matter.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, Hollie, et al,

The Arab Palestinian of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (AP WB+GS) have not had a single voice of Leadership singe the time of Yasser Arafat. So today, it doesn't surprise me that there is no coherent and recognizable policy being communicated. It often appears that the various significant factions go their own way.

As they say in Infidel’istan: “you get what you pay for”

You may not get anything for what you paid.

HAMAS "policies" (not the Charter or Covenant) as an example, have never really been made clear. At one moment they claim they are not in charge of activities along the border. And on the other hand, they claim to hold governmental authority and maintain peace and good order. Both HAMAS and FATAH seem to jump back and forth between holding a policy based on the image of heroic fighters, as Resistance Movement as the last line of defense against a foreign occupying power --- and in the next moment, portraying themselves as victims and down-trodden on a none existanceplatform for the establishment of Peace. Shifting back and forth like one of those toy rings that one might find in cereal boxes.

According to Mahmoud Abbas, the PA believes in "peace" and "security for everyone," and has joined the "war on terror in the world, terror in all its forms."
But according to his deputy, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, a terrorist murderer who just a week earlier killed 2 Israelis makes the PA "proud" and is a role model for "all young Palestinians."

We believe in peace but admire murderers of Israelis - PA hypocrisy and duplicity exposed - PMW Bulletins

Mahmoud Abbas is an especially crafty chamaeleon. He can change right before your eyes. Abbas operates in his own best interest; collateral damage be damned.

Most Respectfully,
Another of the Arab-Moslems psychopaths who are seen as heroes by like-minded Arab-Moslem psychopaths.

From memri:
Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas terrorist sentenced to 16 life sentences for her involvement in the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem, was interviewed by Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) on March 28, 2019. Tamimi explained that her 2011 release from Israeli prison with her husband as part of the Shalit prisoner exchange was the beginning of a new life, but that her life is a bit shaken by the fact that she is still wanted by American authorities. Tamimi said that being in Jordan gives her strength because Jordan does not have an extradition agreement with the U.S. and has refused to extradite her
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It’s as though these psychopaths come off an Arab-Moslem psychopath assembly line.

In a March 30, 2019 episode of Russia Today's program, Going Underground, that commemorated one year of the Great Return Marches in Gaza, Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi said that the UK is completely controlled and occupied by Israel. She criticized the UK for having brought Zionism to Palestine, and she said that the Palestinians will return dignity to the whole world, including the UK. Tamimi said that Israel wants only to kill Palestinians and take their land, and that Zionism uses to cover of the Jewish religion to do whatever it wants. Tamimi also said that the Palestinian people will continue to struggle until Palestine and the Golan Heights are free.
Another lull in the islamic terrorist attacks, to pick up again after Hamas gets their welfare check from Iran to rearm.

Report: Hamas, Islamic Jihad order end to Gaza border attacks

Report: Hamas, Islamic Jihad order end to Gaza border attacks
Haniyeh says 'no reason' why Hamas cannot discuss prisoner swap, likely involving fallen IDF soldiers, captive civilians; Hamas boss hints that Egypt-mediated talks with Israel progressing well
Elior Levy|Published: 04.03.19 , 15:07
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All Hamas and Islamic Jihad men were also ordered to end their nightly disturbances along the Gaza border fence, the report said, as well as the use of explosives during riots along the border. The new directives are in line with the understandings being reached with Israel under Egyptian mediation.
Those Egyptians - they're so islamophobic.

Sources: Egypt security arrested Fatah leader

Sources: Egypt security arrested Fatah leader

April 4, 2019 at 9:46 am | Published in: Africa, Egypt, Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

Palestinian Fatah supporters take part in a rally in Gaza City on 11 November 2017 [Yasser Qudih/Apaimages]

April 4, 2019 at 9:46 am

Egyptian authorities have been holding Fatah’s senior leader, Zaki Al-Sakani, for several days, Arabi21 reported yesterday.

Quoting a well-informed source close to the Palestinian embassy in Cairo, the agency said that Al-Sakani had been arrested by Egyptian security.

Al-Sakani, known as Abu Rashad, was released from Hamas’ prisons in the occupied Gaza Strip in October 2016, he had been held as a result of his alleged involvement in the bombing a Qassam Brigades-affiliated vehicle in the enclave.

Gee whiz. It's difficult to imagine that something like an islamic terrorist bombing here or there should cause such a kerfuffle.
I'm curious to know if I can get this islamic terrorist reality show on pay per view.

Hamas terrorists attack Fatah terrorists in Gaza

Hamas terrorists attack Fatah terrorists in Gaza

Fatah terrorists attacked by Hamas terrorists during a demonstration in support of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Dalit Halevi, 24/02/19 04:48


Fatah terrorists in the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by Hamas, held a demonstration in support of Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the legitimacy of his regime.

Atef Abu Saif, spokesman for the Fatah movement, said that the demonstrations were also intended to express opposition to Israel's policies and to the "plots" aimed at eliminating the Palestinian issue, a reference to the US peace initiative which has come to be known as the “Deal of the Century”.

Abu Saif condemned the Hamas movement for the forcible suppression of the demonstrators in the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza and for the arrest of Fatah activists.

The official PA news agency Wafa reported that Hamas activists attacked the participants in the demonstration organized by Fatah with batons and arrested several of them.
I sure hope the angry tribes can resolve their differences in classic islamic terrorist fashion by gee-had'en each other.


Fatah raises Hamas ire after calling for new PA government in West Bank


“Fatah’s call for forming a new government consisting of PLO factions will solidify the split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip,” said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum.

Hamas said on Monday that attempts by its rivals in Fatah to form a new Palestinian Authority government will deepen the crisis between the two parties and deal a severe blow to efforts to end divisions among the Palestinians.

On Sunday, the Fatah Central Council recommended that PA President Mahmoud Abbas form a government consisting of representatives of various PLO factions and independent figures. The government will replace the one headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, deputy chairman of Fatah, said his faction has formed a special committee to negotiate with various Palestinian groups about the formation of a new government.

Hamdallah’s Ramallah-based cabinet is called the Palestinian National Consensus Government because it was established following understandings reached between Fatah and Hamas in 2014.
Jew hatred to Palestinians and tolerance to foreign audience - Abbas' contradictory messages

The PA on the Western Wall and the Temple Mount -
belongs to Muslims only, Jews have no rights to them

Abbas to visiting American students:

"We are honestly not against the Jews. No. The Jews, the Christians, the Muslims - for us they are equal... The holy sites will remain open to the three [monotheistic] religions at all times, and no one can prevent anyone- Christian, Jew, Muslim - from going and performing his religious rituals."

Abbas to Palestinians:

"The Al-Aqsa [Mosque compound, includes the Temple Mount] is ours... and they [Jews] have no right to defile it with their filthy feet."

"We have to prevent them, in any way whatsoever, from entering the Sanctuary (i.e., the Temple Mount)... They have no right to enter it. They have no right to defile it. We must prevent them. Let us stand before them with chests bared to protect our holy places."

(full article online)

Jew hatred to Palestinians and tolerance to foreign audience - Abbas’ contradictory messages - PMW Bulletins
Interesting article in the Houston Chronicle. It nicely shines the harsh light of indifference by so much of the leftist media when it comes to islamic terrorists abusing Arabs-Moslems.

Hamas’ oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]
on March 21, 2019

Hamas' oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]

The people of the Gaza Strip are protesting again, and soldiers are shooting again, and civilians are being victimized again. Only this time you may have missed the story, because these protests barely rated a buried paragraph in most Western news accounts.

That’s odd: Some media outlets are prepared to devote months of journalistic effort to trace the trajectory of a single bullet that accidentally kills a Palestinian — provided the bullet is Israeli.

The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war. Since then, no genuine elections have been held, and no dissent brooked.
Islamic terrorists in the competing mini-caliphates of Sinwar’istan and Abbas’istan are still fighting the civil war that has been simmering (and sometimes bursts into a shootingvwar), since 2007.

It’s just more of the Crips vs. the Bloods except that these psychopathic teenagers have Korans.

Ban on Hamas’ student bloc stirs angry reactions

Read more: Ban on Hamas’ student bloc stirs angry reactions

Public protests were staged March 14-15 in the Gaza Strip against the dire living conditions and harsh conduct of the Hamas-affiliated security forces against the protesters. Meanwhile, reactions to these incidents in the West Bank appeared in the form of media statements or measures on the ground.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas described Hamas as a “dark movement that will end up in the trash can of history.” This came during a phone conversation between Abbas and Fatah spokesman Atef Abu Seif who was injured March 19 during the events in Gaza. The video of the conversation was posted on Facebook
Interesting article in the Houston Chronicle. It nicely shines the harsh light of indifference by so much of the leftist media when it comes to islamic terrorists abusing Arabs-Moslems.

Hamas’ oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]
on March 21, 2019

Hamas' oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]

The people of the Gaza Strip are protesting again, and soldiers are shooting again, and civilians are being victimized again. Only this time you may have missed the story, because these protests barely rated a buried paragraph in most Western news accounts.

That’s odd: Some media outlets are prepared to devote months of journalistic effort to trace the trajectory of a single bullet that accidentally kills a Palestinian — provided the bullet is Israeli.

The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war. Since then, no genuine elections have been held, and no dissent brooked.
The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war.
Hamas was the elected government in office.
Director-General of Al-Nasr Grinders Na'im Nasr: The Palestinian spices have become number one in the world. If we prepare a Palestinian mix today... named maqluba spice - there is no maqluba spice elsewhere...

Official PA TV reporter: "The occupation has attempted to steal even this-"

Na'im Nasr: "True." Official PA TV reporter: "-which is our national dish, or spices, hyssop, or even wheat."

Official PA TV, Made in Palestine, Feb. 2, 2019

Interesting article in the Houston Chronicle. It nicely shines the harsh light of indifference by so much of the leftist media when it comes to islamic terrorists abusing Arabs-Moslems.

Hamas’ oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]
on March 21, 2019

Hamas' oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]

The people of the Gaza Strip are protesting again, and soldiers are shooting again, and civilians are being victimized again. Only this time you may have missed the story, because these protests barely rated a buried paragraph in most Western news accounts.

That’s odd: Some media outlets are prepared to devote months of journalistic effort to trace the trajectory of a single bullet that accidentally kills a Palestinian — provided the bullet is Israeli.

The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war. Since then, no genuine elections have been held, and no dissent brooked.
The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war.
Hamas was the elected government in office.

And how fitting that Arabs-Moslems “elected” their own oppressors.
Interesting article in the Houston Chronicle. It nicely shines the harsh light of indifference by so much of the leftist media when it comes to islamic terrorists abusing Arabs-Moslems.

Hamas’ oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]
on March 21, 2019

Hamas' oppression apparently unimportant [Opinion]

The people of the Gaza Strip are protesting again, and soldiers are shooting again, and civilians are being victimized again. Only this time you may have missed the story, because these protests barely rated a buried paragraph in most Western news accounts.

That’s odd: Some media outlets are prepared to devote months of journalistic effort to trace the trajectory of a single bullet that accidentally kills a Palestinian — provided the bullet is Israeli.

The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war. Since then, no genuine elections have been held, and no dissent brooked.
The difference this time is that the shots are being fired by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, when it usurped power from its rivals in the Fatah movement in a quick and dirty civil war.
Hamas was the elected government in office.

Then they became the usual islamic fascist dictators for life.
The islamc terrorist huggers at HRW have made a remarkable discovery; islamic terrorists aren't always the champions of sweetness and light.

HRW: Palestinian authorities committed abuses, torture

HRW: Palestinian authorities committed abuses, torture

Palestinian governments, accused of systematic human rights violations, reject HRW report as 'biased' and 'inaccurate'.

by Ali Younes
23 Oct 2018 GMT+3
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has condemned the "systematic arbitrary arrests and torture" carried out by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the occupied West Bank and Hamas in Gaza.

In a report published on Tuesday, the international rights group demanded the Palestinian governments hold those responsible to account and also called on donors to the Palestinian authorities to suspend aid to the agencies implicated in abuses until action is taken.

I think it's only fair that islamic terrorists receive a terse email from HRW "condemning in the strongest terms......"
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