Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ One wonders if the UK will issue her a student visa now. ]

“The UK is completely occupied and controlled by Israel and it is supporting Israel to kill innocent people who are demonstrating for their rights,” Tamimi said.

Tamimi appears to be applying an anti-Semitic trope that Israel (or Jews) control foreign governments.

She turned further conspiratorial, saying, “The whole world is defeated, we are alone”, before declaring, “but I am pretty sure that the Palestinian people will bring back dignity to the whole world even to the UK who are supporting Israel. The UK brought Zionism to Palestine in the era of the British mandate. We will eventually end this occupation. Their power will not last forever.”

Ahed Tamimi then spoke of Israel’s actions on the Gaza border, falsely accusing Israel of wanting to “kill all Palestinians” – a blood libel.

“They (Israel) have no right to harm any Palestinian and this is another reflection to their terrorism. They want nothing but to kill all Palestinians so they can take all their land. They believe that all Palestinians should be killed, which also shows that they’re racist.”

Be warned, it is very anti-Israel and there are a lot of lies and distortions throughout the below video.

(full article and video online)

Ahed Tamimi says UK is "completely occupied and controlled by Israel" despite wanting to study here
Could Tamimi’s plans to come to the UK be in jeapordy?

The interviewer asked: “And is it true that you may soon be coming to Britain to study international law to make a carrier in human rights?”

Tamimi replied, “I was thinking of studying in the UK, but when I applied for the visa they asked why I was arrested. And whether I’d ever applied for other visas and whether they were refused. And they continued to delay procedures so I probably will not be able to come to the UK.”

“To be honest, the UK will refuse my visa if Israel requests them to do so. So I’ll continue studying in Palestine. ”

The interviewer the replied saying, “The Tory government, its Home Office says the decisions are independent. No possibility that you won’t be defacto banned from being educated here?”

Tamimi replied, “it is not about having hopes, but it is obvious that their decision is not independent. Otherwise, they should have accepted my visa earlier like any other visas.
[ One wonders if the UK will issue her a student visa now. ]

“The UK is completely occupied and controlled by Israel and it is supporting Israel to kill innocent people who are demonstrating for their rights,” Tamimi said.

Tamimi appears to be applying an anti-Semitic trope that Israel (or Jews) control foreign governments.

She turned further conspiratorial, saying, “The whole world is defeated, we are alone”, before declaring, “but I am pretty sure that the Palestinian people will bring back dignity to the whole world even to the UK who are supporting Israel. The UK brought Zionism to Palestine in the era of the British mandate. We will eventually end this occupation. Their power will not last forever.”

Ahed Tamimi then spoke of Israel’s actions on the Gaza border, falsely accusing Israel of wanting to “kill all Palestinians” – a blood libel.

“They (Israel) have no right to harm any Palestinian and this is another reflection to their terrorism. They want nothing but to kill all Palestinians so they can take all their land. They believe that all Palestinians should be killed, which also shows that they’re racist.”

Be warned, it is very anti-Israel and there are a lot of lies and distortions throughout the below video.

(full article and video online)

Ahed Tamimi says UK is "completely occupied and controlled by Israel" despite wanting to study here
Could Tamimi’s plans to come to the UK be in jeapordy?

The interviewer asked: “And is it true that you may soon be coming to Britain to study international law to make a carrier in human rights?”

Tamimi replied, “I was thinking of studying in the UK, but when I applied for the visa they asked why I was arrested. And whether I’d ever applied for other visas and whether they were refused. And they continued to delay procedures so I probably will not be able to come to the UK.”

“To be honest, the UK will refuse my visa if Israel requests them to do so. So I’ll continue studying in Palestine. ”

The interviewer the replied saying, “The Tory government, its Home Office says the decisions are independent. No possibility that you won’t be defacto banned from being educated here?”

Tamimi replied, “it is not about having hopes, but it is obvious that their decision is not independent. Otherwise, they should have accepted my visa earlier like any other visas.
Poor girl. She is an innocent victim of Israel. :(
[ One wonders if the UK will issue her a student visa now. ]

“The UK is completely occupied and controlled by Israel and it is supporting Israel to kill innocent people who are demonstrating for their rights,” Tamimi said.

Tamimi appears to be applying an anti-Semitic trope that Israel (or Jews) control foreign governments.

She turned further conspiratorial, saying, “The whole world is defeated, we are alone”, before declaring, “but I am pretty sure that the Palestinian people will bring back dignity to the whole world even to the UK who are supporting Israel. The UK brought Zionism to Palestine in the era of the British mandate. We will eventually end this occupation. Their power will not last forever.”

Ahed Tamimi then spoke of Israel’s actions on the Gaza border, falsely accusing Israel of wanting to “kill all Palestinians” – a blood libel.

“They (Israel) have no right to harm any Palestinian and this is another reflection to their terrorism. They want nothing but to kill all Palestinians so they can take all their land. They believe that all Palestinians should be killed, which also shows that they’re racist.”

Be warned, it is very anti-Israel and there are a lot of lies and distortions throughout the below video.

(full article and video online)

Ahed Tamimi says UK is "completely occupied and controlled by Israel" despite wanting to study here
Could Tamimi’s plans to come to the UK be in jeapordy?

The interviewer asked: “And is it true that you may soon be coming to Britain to study international law to make a carrier in human rights?”

Tamimi replied, “I was thinking of studying in the UK, but when I applied for the visa they asked why I was arrested. And whether I’d ever applied for other visas and whether they were refused. And they continued to delay procedures so I probably will not be able to come to the UK.”

“To be honest, the UK will refuse my visa if Israel requests them to do so. So I’ll continue studying in Palestine. ”

The interviewer the replied saying, “The Tory government, its Home Office says the decisions are independent. No possibility that you won’t be defacto banned from being educated here?”

Tamimi replied, “it is not about having hopes, but it is obvious that their decision is not independent. Otherwise, they should have accepted my visa earlier like any other visas.

It’s a conspiracy I tell’ ya.
I’m not sure what people don’t understand about Islamic terrorist dictators.

Why Hamas still relies on violent repression to control Gaza

Why Hamas still relies on violent repression to control Gaza

Amnesty International recently released a report, Strangling Necks, detailing war crimes committed by Hamas during the 2014 war with Israel. Unlike previous reports on Hamas’ crimes, this one focuses on crimes committed against Palestinians, including abduction, torture, and extrajudicial killings.

While this behaviour is illegal under both international and Palestinian law and morally outrageous to boot, it is hardly new. Since it took over the Gaza Strip in 2007 after a brief but bloody civil war with its rival Fatah, Hamas has instituted an authoritarian system of rule which shows scant regard for human rights or freedom of expression.

This is a system of intimidation and violent repression that extends well beyond the conflict with Israel and the punishment of “collaborators” and into the complex sphere of Palestinian politics.
It seems to me that it’s racist, maybe even Islamophobic™️ to question the wondrous Islamic terrorist social order.

Gaza: Journalist facing prison term for exposing corruption in Hamas-controlled ministry

Gaza journalist facing prison for exposing corruption

25 February 2019, 14:20 UTC
An investigative journalist who published a report revealing corruption within the ministry of health in Gaza is facing up to six months in jail, said Amnesty International, ahead of her appeal hearing tomorrow.

Hajar Harb, a Palestinian journalist from Gaza, released an investigative report on al-Araby TV on 25 June 2016 highlighting that the ministry, which is run by the Hamas de-facto administration, was profiting by arranging illegal medical transfers out of the Gaza Strip for people who did not need treatment. She has been charged with a series of offences including defamation and the publication of false news.
  • The Palestinian students are being targeted because of their political affiliations and not because of any crime they committed.

  • While the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are busy beating up each other's supporters, "pro-Palestinian" activists on US and Canadian university campuses are busy blaming Israel for Palestinian woes.

  • For these alleged activists -- who are remarkably passive when it comes to truly assisting Palestinians -- their protests seem more about hating Israel than anything else. If they really cared about the Palestinians, they might stop abusing Israel long enough to notice the abuse that the Palestinian "leaders" inflict on the people under them.
(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Targets Students
  • The Palestinian students are being targeted because of their political affiliations and not because of any crime they committed.

  • While the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are busy beating up each other's supporters, "pro-Palestinian" activists on US and Canadian university campuses are busy blaming Israel for Palestinian woes.

  • For these alleged activists -- who are remarkably passive when it comes to truly assisting Palestinians -- their protests seem more about hating Israel than anything else. If they really cared about the Palestinians, they might stop abusing Israel long enough to notice the abuse that the Palestinian "leaders" inflict on the people under them.
(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Targets Students
There is plenty of criticism about Palestine's so called leaders.
  • The Palestinian students are being targeted because of their political affiliations and not because of any crime they committed.

  • While the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are busy beating up each other's supporters, "pro-Palestinian" activists on US and Canadian university campuses are busy blaming Israel for Palestinian woes.

  • For these alleged activists -- who are remarkably passive when it comes to truly assisting Palestinians -- their protests seem more about hating Israel than anything else. If they really cared about the Palestinians, they might stop abusing Israel long enough to notice the abuse that the Palestinian "leaders" inflict on the people under them.
(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Targets Students
There is plenty of criticism about Palestine's so called leaders.

You’re an ineffective politburo mouthpiece.

Palestinian political rivalry takes toll on journalists | Reporters without borders
Yahya Sinwar just got a pay cut.

BERLIN- German police on Wednesday raided offices belonging to Islamic organizations suspected of financing the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which is on the European Union's terrorism blacklist, the interior ministry said.

The ministry said the main targets of the raids were WorldWide Resistance-Help and Ansaar International which are believed to have collected funds for Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, under the guise of humanitarian aid.

German police raid Islamic organizations over suspected Hamas support
Does anyone tell these blustering buffoons that their pointy fingered buffoonery is a laughable joke?

Hamas Gaza Chief Threatens Tel Aviv Amid Truce Talks

Hamas Gaza Chief Threatens Tel Aviv Amid Truce Talks


The Times of Israel reports: Hamas’s chief in Gaza said Saturday that if there is a war, Israel will need to evacuate its civilians from Tel Aviv as well as the border communities, a day after the terror group’s leader said talks to achieve a truce were advancing.
While the islamic terrorist "leadership" in Hamas has an interest in furthering their propaganda, they can hardly view Israeli elections as irrelevant.

The more pragmatic Netanyahu is a benefit to, at the very least, anticipation of a "proportional response" in the face of islamic terrorist attacks from the Iranian sponsored islamic terrorist franchises.

Hamas calls Knesset election outcome ‘irrelevant’

Hamas calls Knesset election outcome ‘irrelevant’

Khalil al-Hayya, a senior official in Gaza-based terror group, says there’s ‘no difference’ between the various Israeli parties, as Netanyahu emerges the winner
I can't imagine anyone would think the current lull in islamic terrorist beatdowns delivered by Israel in response to islamic terrorist attacks is construed as a peace treaty.

It's nothing more than a lull in islamic terrorist beatdowns while the islamic terrorists re-arm.


Hamas: Ceasefire understandings with Israel not a peace agreement

Saleh al-Arouri ‏. (photo credit:" ARAB MEDIA)
The ceasefire understandings, he said, are not a “political agreement or a truce” with Israel. He claimed that Hamas did not face any preconditions for being part of the understandings.

The recent Egyptian-sponsored ceasefire understandings between Israel and Hamas are not a peace or truce agreement, senior Hamas official Saleh Arouri said on Thursday.
[ I have a feeling that the population transfer should happen between Gaza and the PA. Hamas members for Fatah members. That is one way of achieving peace between the two, and each one governs their own little territories and turn them into future States ]

Hamas, which rules Gaza, last week gave a down payment of NIS 1,200 to some 5,000 officials who have not been paid since January.

About 1,700 are administration clerks, 1,000 are security officials, and the rest are family members of terrorists who were killed, injured or incarcerated by Israel.

Hamas announced that it will pay the remaining sum next month.

Abbas has been exerting tremendous pressure on Hamas and the Strip since April 2017 through the partial freezing of the salaries of 60,000 PA officials in Gaza who have been receiving only 70 percent of their pay.

On the other hand, since Hamas’ violent takeover of the Strip in 2007 it has expelled tens of thousands of employees who are not Hamas members from the civil service and replaced them with its own members.

Hamas Begins to Pay PA Officials in Gaza
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