Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The theme of last Friday's Hamas-organized Gaza border riots was "Together to face normalization."

Other Palestinian terror groups are also deathly afraid of the idea that Israel will establish relations with Arab nations. At a rally yesterday, Islamic Jihad leader Khader Habib condemned the policy of Arab normalization with Israel, which he said was "a crime committed against the Palestinian cause and the entire Arab nation at the expense of the Palestinian cities, its villages and its permanent rights."

He said the "Israeli" entity was planted in the middle of the Arab nation as a malicious growth, and that the Palestinian people are targeted through the crime of normalization.

He warned Arab leaders that "the crime of normalization will not protect their thrones" and that "normalization will only bring them shame."

"Normalization is a betrayal of Allah and the Prophet and the nation of Islam and the Palestinian people and the prisoners of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

Leaders of the DFLP, PFLP, Hamas and Nasser Salah-al Din Brigades also spoke out against normalization with Israel.

(full article online)

The biggest opponents of "normalization" happen to be terrorists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ It is ALL of the Mandate for Palestine....from the Jews .....or nothing ]

As Israel, the PA and the international community await the publication of the American peace plan, it is clear, based on PA leader Mahmoud Abbas' behavior in previous peace talks, that nothing the United States can offer will be enough for the PA leader.

PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat who was present at the negotiations between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Abbas in 2008, recently told PA TV how generous Olmert's offer was on all final status issues. In fact, Olmert literally accepted all of the PA's publicly expressed demands, and even offered Abbas more than the full area of the West Bank and Gaza, and yet Abbas still rejected the offer.

Erekat explained that the area of the West Bank and Gaza Strip before they came under Israeli control in 1967was 6,235 sq. km. Olmert offered Abbas even more land than that, a total of 6,260 sq. km. At the negotiations, Erekat encouraged Abbas to accept the offer, saying that he could tell Palestinians: "I got more than the 1967 territories." And still Abbas rejected the offer.

(full article online)

Olmert offered Abbas more than 100% of West Bank, says PA leader - PMW Bulletins
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The term “Nakba,” originally coined to describe the magnitude of the self-inflicted Palestinian and Arab defeat in the 1948 war, has been become in recent decades a synonym for Palestinian victimhood, with failed aggressors transformed into hapless victims and vice versa. Israel should do its utmost to uproot this false image by exposing its patently false historical basis.

Nowadays, the failed Palestinian Arab attempt to destroy the state of Israel at birth, and the attendant flight of some 600,000 Palestinian Arabs, has come to be known internationally as the “Nakba,” the catastrophe, with its accompanying false implication of hapless victimhood.

This, ironically, was the opposite of the original meaning of the term, when it was first applied to the Arab-Israeli conflict by the Syrian historian Constantin Zureiq. In his 1948 pamphlet The Meaning of the Disaster (Ma’na al-Nakba), Zureiq attributed the Palestinian/Arab flight to the stillborn pan-Arab assault on the nascent Jewish state rather than to a premeditated Zionist design to disinherit the Palestinian Arabs:

When the battle broke out, our public diplomacy began to speak of our imaginary victories, to put the Arab public to sleep and talk of the ability to overcome and win easily – until the Nakba happened…We must admit our mistakes…and recognize the extent of our responsibility for the disaster that is our lot.

Zureiq subscribed to this critical view for decades. In a later book, The Meaning of the Catastrophe Anew (Ma‘na al-Nakbah Mujaddadan) published after the June 1967 war, he defined that latest defeat as a “Nakba” rather than a “Naksa” (or setback), as it came to be known in Arab discourse, since – just as in 1948 – it was a self-inflicted disaster emanating from the Arab world’s failure to confront Zionism.

At that time, the term “Nakba” was glaringly absent from Arab and/or Palestinian discourse. Its first mention – in George Antonius’s influential 1938 book The Arab Awakening – had nothing to do with the (as yet nonexistent) Arab-Israeli conflict but rather with the post-WWI creation of the modern Middle East (“The year 1920 has an evil name in Arab annals: it is referred to as the Year of the Catastrophe or, in Arabic, Aam al-Nakba”).

Similarly, in his 1956 book Facts on the Question of Palestine (Haqa’iq an Qadiyat Falastin), Hajj Amin Husseini, the leader of the Palestinian Arabs from the early 1920s to 1948, used the term “al-Karitha” to describe the Palestinian Arab collapse and dispersal. According to Palestinian academic Anaheed Al-Hardan of the American University of Beirut, this reflected Husseini’s desire to avoid the term “Nakba,” which was widely associated at the time with a self-inflicted Palestinian Arab disaster – either through land sales to Zionists, failure to put up a fight, or the issuing of instructions to the people to leave.

(full article online)

The False “Nakba” Narrative
With victimhood being the most prominent component of Palestinian identity, and with the world increasingly condemning Antisemitism, the Palestinian Authority has decided to embrace Antisemitism as a new category of Palestinian victimhood. The PA Foreign Ministry has announced that since Palestinians are "Semites," any policies that harm Palestinians are expressions of Antisemitism. Since the PA sees Zionism as victimizing Palestinians - "Zionism is hostile to Palestine" - they conclude that Zionism inherently is Antisemitism. Moreover, American policy critical of the Palestinian Authority, is likewise Antisemitism.

This creative new Palestinian victimhood category announced by the PA comes in response to the American position expressed recently by Secretary of State Pompeo: "Let me go on record: Anti-Zionism IS Antisemitism."
According to the PA's new announcement, anti-Zionism cannot be Antisemitism because Zionism itself, by hurting Palestinians, is Antisemitism.

The following is an excerpt from the article in the official PA daily:
"The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs... said that... American Secretary of State [Mike] Pompeo has voiced a series of false positions... Pompeo has allowed himself to remove the Palestinians and the Arabs from the Semitic race by stating that 'Anti-Zionism or objection to Israel's existence as the homeland of the Jewish people, is a type of Antisemitism that is escalating (see note below -Ed.).'
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that hostility towards the Palestinian people is Antisemitism, and that the ugly, recurring, and deliberate Antisemitism that [US President] Trump's administration is committing against Semitic Palestine is also Antisemitism. In addition, the American administration has no right to ignore the fact that Semitism is not exclusive to the original Jews, but also includes the Arab Palestinians, and therefore any manifestation of hostility towards Palestinians is an explicit manifestation of Antisemitism. Moreover, since Zionism is hostile to Palestine, its people, and the establishment of a national homeland for the Palestinian people on the land of its homeland, this makes Zionism itself antisemitic."

(full article online)

PA: Zionism = Antisemitism - PMW Bulletins
The reason cell phones are banned is obvious. Terrorists can plan new attacks from prison. They can recruit new members of terror groups. They can speak via teleconference at terrorist gatherings and incite more hate and violence. Indeed, Israel has evidence of 14 recent attacks planned via illegal prison cell phones.

Instead of telling the prisoners to drop dead from their hunger strike, Israeli prison officials negotiated with them. And they came up with a solution that seems to address all the issues: Israel agreed to install public telephones in the prison wards where the Arab terrorists are kept, and to allow prisoners to make regular calls to first degree relatives that Israeli officials can listen in on.

Israel no longer has a security issue and Arab prisoners are happy they can speak to their families, which makes prisons a safer place for guards as well. This is a win-win situation.

But that is not how Palestinian media is looking at this.

Today is Palestinian Prisoners Day and Palestinian media is saying that the compromise was a "qualitative victory"for them. (Suddenly the fears of the supposed radiation from the cell phone jammers, which presumably will remain in place, have dissipated.)

Palestinian Arabs simply cannot think in terms of cooperation and compromise with Israel. They can only frame this incident as a victory for them - and a loss for Israel.

This is only a minor example of how the entire conflict has gone. For the Palestinian Arabs, perception is more important than reality (a corollary of the honor/shame culture they inhabit) and therefore they cannot accept anything but what can be framed as total victory - and, just as importantly, a total loss for the Jews.

From Israel's perspective, making a concession is evidence of how strong and secure it feels. From the Arab perspective, Israeli concessions is evidence of their weakness in the face of Arab power and resolve. The two attitudes are not compatible except in minor situations like this one where the actual facts can be papered over.

(full article online)

Israel looks for win-win solutions. Palestinians only want zero-sum wins. Another reason the world cannot understand the Middle East. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, when Saffi left his home for the treatment he was blocked by Hamas. He was taken by ambulance on Wednesday morning for treatment in Ramallah. When he arrived at the Erez Crossing into Israel he was notified by Hamas, which controls the Gazan side of the border, that he could not pass and would be treated at Shifa hospital in the Strip. However, Shifa is not equipped to treat him properly.

It is of significance to note that family members of the Hamas leadership regularly receive treatment in Israel.

(full article online)

The eternally aggrieved, always comical Islamic terrorists in their man-burqas ski masks are still holding a grudge, something about the Israeli neighborhood watch program that implemented; see--something, do-something.



Hamas threatens Israel 20 years after killing of terror group's founder

Hamas members (photo credit: REUTERS)
"Oh Bush, oh Sharon, we will be victorious," a Hamas member said in the video. "Tomorrow, G-d willing, you will learn that."
In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, one of the cofounders of Hamas, terrorist groups in Gaza released a video threatening Israel.

"Oh Bush, oh Sharon, we will be victorious," a Hamas member said in the video. "Tomorrow, Allah willing, you will learn that."

Allah ain’t so willing.

Gazans have been complaining about the intersection outside the Maghazi camp for nearly twenty years.

Known locally as the "junction of death," the area has been the scene of many traffic accidents.

Generally, when there are problems of this type, Palestinians know almost subconsciously that they cannot make a big stink about it because the media must be dedicated to bashing Israel and any discussions of internal problems (with the exception of Fatah and Hamas bashing each other) must be muted. Some local Facebook groups or the like are the only way to find out about these sorts of issues; even murders are barely reported.

It is Palestinian omertà, and it is barely reported on.

But after two decades of complaints, these Gazans have had enough and decided to go to the media to pressure the Gaza government - Hamas - to do something.

A traffic light costs $75,000. Hamas spends millions on tunnels, rockets and other weapons - all at the expense of ordinary Gazans.

(full article online)

Hamas has money for rockets and tunnels - but not traffic lights ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Top IDF General: Hezbollah Still Plans to Invade Parts of Northern Israel in Future War.
Hezbollah has not abandoned its plans to invade parts of northern Israel during a future conflict, a top IDF office said in interview excerpts published on Thursday.

“We, of course, will not let that happen,” outgoing GOC Northern Command Maj. Gen. Yoel Strick told the Hebrew news site Ynet.

Strick — who is finishing up a two-year stint as the head of the Northern Command — said he had “no doubt” the IDF would win any potential war in the north.

According to Strick, the IDF has been “most effective” in pushing the Iranians back from the border with Israel in southern Syria in recent years.

Strick also expressed a “high degree of confidence” that the threat posed by Hezbollah-built tunnels under the Israel-Lebanon border was eliminated during Operation Northern Shield this past winter.

He added, “Can they [the tunnels] be developed again? I hope not.”

Top IDF General: Hezbollah Still Plans to Invade Parts of Northern Israel in Future War
Those poor, entitled Hamas’istanians are complaining that the UN is not acting fast enough to get their Qatari welfare money.

Hamas calls on UN to speed up delivery of Qatari cash aid

Hamas calls on UN to speed up delivery of Qatari cash aid

Terror group blames bureaucracy at world body for holdup, says some understandings reached with Israel are ‘going well’
19 April 2019, 10:57 pm 0

It seems to me that the UN needs to change.

Maybe the UN needs to be re-titled as the “Islamic Terrorist Savings and Loan Bank”. They could issue debit cards so those those poor, entitled Islamic terrorists arent kept waiting for their welfare fraud payments.
The celebration on an “anniversary”, of sorts. A year of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel and the Islamic terrorists have achieved nothing.

Despite setbacks, Hamas' grip on Gaza has never been tighter

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GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Over the weekend, Gaza's Hamas rulers marked a year of bloody, weekly protests that have failed to break the Israeli blockade. Rocket attacks brought a wave of Israeli airstrikes and unprecedented protests broke out against the Islamic militants' increasingly unpopular rule.
The psychopaths who collectively go by the name “Arab-Pal’istanians” have a new hero as a role model for aspiring Death Cultists.

PMW op-ed: From An Unknown Teenager To A Palestinian Symbol – In Just Two Weeks (Jpost) - PMW Bulletins

From An Unknown Teenager To A Palestinian Symbol -
In Just Two Weeks

Because on that day, he stabbed and murdered Israeli soldier Gal Keidan, and shot and murdered Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, a father of 12. And then, two days later during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers, he was killed and died as a "Martyr."

This could have been the end of his story, but it wasn't. Within just two weeks after he committed the murders, PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah had already turned murderer Omar Abu Laila into the newest symbol and role model for Palestinians.

How nice that dead Omar is a symbol of religious indoctrination that manifests itself as a mental disorder. However, dead Omar is just another dead Arab, sacrificed at the Altar of failure and incompetence which largely defines the Arab-Moslem world.
Poor Mahmoud. He is forced to grovel before Arab-Moslem nations, begging for welfare money now that the Great Satan has cut off the welfare dollars he was accustomed to spending on himself and his Islamic terrorist franchise.

I suspect Mahmoud will have to eventually come to grips with the realization that Arab-Moslem nations have largely lost interest in the forever black hole of welfare fraud that is one or the other of the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza or the West Bank.

Mahmoud may want to consider converting to Shia’ism and get touchy-feely with the Iranian Mullocrats like their competition in Gaza.

Abbas: Trump mocking us, Netanyahu sends aid money to Hamas

Speaking at a summit of Arab foreign ministers in Egyptian capital of Cairo, Abbas highlighted the lack of funds to the PA due to US cuts, and asked for a financial safety net that the Arab states have long pledged but never delivered. The 83-year-old added that security cooperation between PA security forces and the CIA continues despite the lack of any diplomatic relations between the Palestinian officials and the Trump administration.
Gazan Comedian Ali Nassman Mocks Qatari Money Transfer to Hamas: Oh Qatar, Send Us Dollars, Diesel

[ Arabs, let the PA sink or swim on its own. It may teach it to not buy private jets while there are more important things to be paid for. All money which goes down the drain. I mean.....into Abbas's pocket.....I mean.... ]

The Arab League on Sunday pledged $100 million per month to the Palestinian Authority to make up for funds withheld by Israel because of payments made to the families of Palestinian attackers and prisoners.

Arab League pledges $100 million a month to budget-stricken Palestinians
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